protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["loggedIn"] == "true" && Session["userType"] == "user" && Session["status"] == "normal") { currUser = fetchUserObject(Session["userID"].ToString()); nameLabel.Text = "Hello " + currUser.getName(); // Check if page refresh was due to a successful action if (Session["success"] == "giveRating") { general_dialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully rated the user"; general_dialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } else if (Session["success"] == "msgSent") { general_dialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully sent a message"; general_dialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } else if (Session["success"] == "tourEdited") { general_dialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully edited the tour"; general_dialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } else if (Session["success"] == "tourCreated") { general_dialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully created the tour"; general_dialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } else if (Session["success"] == "editProfile") { general_dialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully edited your profile"; general_dialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } SqlConnection conn = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["vetoTours"].ToString()); conn.Open(); // Pull Tour Guides Created Tours currUser.getCreatedTours(createdToursView); conn.Close(); // Fetch available Tours List <tour> availableTours = new List <tour>(); availableTours = fetchTours(); if (Session["filterType"] == "Price" && Session["criteria"] == "Ascending") { availableTours.Sort((x, y) => x.getPrice().CompareTo(y.getPrice())); } else if (Session["filterType"] == "Price" && Session["criteria"] == "Descending") { availableTours.Sort((x, y) => - 1 * x.getPrice().CompareTo(y.getPrice())); } else if (Session["filterType"] == "Rating" && Session["criteria"] == "Ascending") { availableTours.Sort((x, y) => x.fetchTourGuideRating().CompareTo(y.fetchTourGuideRating())); } else if (Session["filterType"] == "Rating" && Session["criteria"] == "Descending") { availableTours.Sort((x, y) => - 1 * x.fetchTourGuideRating().CompareTo(y.fetchTourGuideRating())); } var _bind = from a in availableTours select new { Tour_ID = a.getTourID(), Created_By = a.getUserID(), Rating = a.fetchTourGuideRating(), Tour_Name = a.getTourName(), Tour_Capacity = a.getCapacity(), Tour_Location = a.getLocation(), Tour_Description = a.getTourDescription(), Start_Date = a.getStartDate(), End_Date = a.getEndDate(), Price = a.getPrice(), Status = a.getStatus() }; availableToursView.DataSource = _bind; availableToursView.DataBind(); // Pull all booked tours that have yet to start currUser.getUpcomingBookings(bookedToursView); // Pull booking history where the events have ended currUser.getBookingHistory(bookingHistoryView); // Pull User Profile Information currUser.getProfileDetails(myProfileView); // Fetch user Inbox List <chat> allMessages = new List <chat>(); allMessages = fetchMessages(); pmInbox.InnerHtml = ""; foreach (chat msg in allMessages) { pmInbox.InnerHtml += ("Sender: " + msg.getSender() + "<br/>" + "Time Sent:" + msg.getDateTime().ToString() + "<br/> Subject: " + msg.getSubject() + "<br/>" + "Message: " + "<br />" + "<textarea rows=\"4\" cols=\"50\" readonly>" + msg.getMessage() + "</textarea>" + "<br/> <hr> <br/>"); } } else if (Session["loggedIn"] == "true" && Session["userType"] == "user" && Session["status"] == "suspended") { } else if (Session["loggedIn"] == "true" && Session["userType"] == "admin") { currAdmin = fetchAdminObject(Session["userID"].ToString()); if (Session["success"] == "adminEditUser") { adminDialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully edited the user"; adminDialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } if (Session["success"] == "adminCreateUser") { adminDialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully created the user"; adminDialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } if (Session["success"] == "adminSuspendUser") { adminDialog.InnerHtml = "You have successfully suspended the user"; adminDialog.Visible = true; Session["success"] = ""; } // Fetch all currently registered users List <user> allUsers = new List <user>(); allUsers = fetchUsers(); var _bind = from a in allUsers select new { User_ID = a.getUserID(), Name = a.getName(), Email = a.getEmail(), Phone_Number = a.getPhoneNumber(), Personal_Description = a.getPersonalDescription(), status = a.getStatus() }; foreach (GridViewRow row in this.editUserView.Rows) { row.Style["color"] = "White"; row.Style[" background-color"] = "Black"; break; } editUserView.DataSource = _bind; editUserView.DataBind(); } }