public void UpdateEditControl() { if (Controls.Count == 1) { var u = Controls[0]; u.ID = ID + "_control"; _gp = (GenericProperty)u; _gp.PropertyType = PropertyType; _gp.DataTypeDefinitions = _dtds; _gp.Tabs = _tabs; _gp.TabId = _tabId; _gp.FullId = _fullId; } }
public void UpdateEditControl() { if (this.Controls.Count == 1) { System.Web.UI.Control u = this.Controls[0]; u.ID = this.ID + "_control"; _gp = (GenericProperty)u; _gp.PropertyType = _pt; _gp.DataTypeDefinitions = _dtds; _gp.Tabs = _tabs; _gp.TabId = _tabId; _gp.FullId = _fullId; } }
public void UpdateEditControl() { if (this.Controls.Count == 1) { System.Web.UI.Control u = this.Controls[0]; u.ID = this.ID + "_control"; _gp = (GenericProperty) u; _gp.PropertyType = _pt; _gp.DataTypeDefinitions = _dtds; _gp.Tabs = _tabs; _gp.TabId = _tabId; _gp.FullId = _fullId; } }
private bool DoesPropertyTypeAliasExist(GenericProperty gpData) { bool hasAlias = _contentType.getPropertyType(Casing.SafeAliasWithForcingCheck(gpData.Alias.Trim())) != null; ContentType ct = _contentType; while (ct.MasterContentType > 0) { ct = new ContentType(ct.MasterContentType); hasAlias = ct.getPropertyType(Casing.SafeAliasWithForcingCheck(gpData.Alias.Trim())) != null; } return !hasAlias; }
private void saveProperties(ref SaveClickEventArgs e) { this.CreateChildControls(); GenericProperties.GenericProperty gpData = gp.GenricPropertyControl; if (gpData.Name.Trim() != "" && gpData.Alias.Trim() != "") { if (doesPropertyTypeAliasExist(gpData)) { string[] info = { gpData.Name, gpData.Type.ToString() }; cms.businesslogic.propertytype.PropertyType pt = cType.AddPropertyType(cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(gpData.Type), Casing.SafeAliasWithForcingCheck(gpData.Alias.Trim()), gpData.Name); pt.Mandatory = gpData.Mandatory; pt.ValidationRegExp = gpData.Validation; pt.Description = gpData.Description; if (gpData.Tab != 0) { cType.SetTabOnPropertyType(pt, gpData.Tab); } gpData.Clear(); } else { e.Message = ui.Text("contentTypeDublicatePropertyType"); e.IconType = umbraco.BasePages.BasePage.speechBubbleIcon.warning; } } foreach (GenericProperties.GenericPropertyWrapper gpw in _genericProperties) { cms.businesslogic.propertytype.PropertyType pt = gpw.PropertyType; pt.Alias = gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Alias; pt.Name = gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Name; pt.Description = gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Description; pt.ValidationRegExp = gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Validation; pt.Mandatory = gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Mandatory; pt.DataTypeDefinition = cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetDataTypeDefinition(gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Type); if (gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Tab == 0) { cType.removePropertyTypeFromTab(pt); } else { cType.SetTabOnPropertyType(pt, gpw.GenricPropertyControl.Tab); } pt.Save(); } // Sort order foreach (HtmlInputHidden propSorter in _sortLists) { if (propSorter.Value.Trim() != "") { string tabId = propSorter.ID; // remove leading "propSort_" and trailing "_Content" tabId = tabId.Substring(9, tabId.Length - 9 - 8); // calc the position of the prop SO i.e. after "t_<tabId>Contents[]=" int propSOPosition = "t_".Length + tabId.Length + "Contents[]=".Length + 1; string[] tempSO = propSorter.Value.Split("&".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < tempSO.Length; i++) { string propSO = tempSO[i].Substring(propSOPosition); int currentSortOrder = int.Parse(propSO); cms.businesslogic.propertytype.PropertyType.GetPropertyType(currentSortOrder).SortOrder = i; } } } }