        public static T[] GetOneDimArray <T>(ucar.ma2.Array theArray)
            if (typeof(string) != typeof(T))
                var shape = theArray.getShape();
                var size  = shape[1];

                char[]        temp     = theArray.get1DJavaArray(typeof(char)) as char[];
                List <char>   charList = new List <char>();
                List <string> strList  = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                    if (temp[i] == '\0')
                        if (charList.Count > 0)
                            strList.Add(new string(charList.ToArray()));
                        if (charList.Count == size)
                            strList.Add(new string(charList.ToArray()));
                return(strList.ToArray() as T[]);
        // Method: ReadCellFile
        /// <summary>
        ///     Method that reads a cell file that is in-line to be aggregated, verifying
        ///     that the file is valid, and can indeed be aggregated with the other files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asaNC"></param>
        /// <param name="fileToRead"></param>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void sendASANetCDF2AGOL(string fileToRead, string libPath)

            DataSource source = new DataSource();
            ASANetCdf  asaNC  = new ASANetCdf();

            string varName;
            int    dimSize;
            double timeOffset = 0;

            NetcdfFile currentFile = new NetcdfFile(fileToRead);

            Iterator dimensions = currentFile.getDimensionIterator();
            Iterator variables  = currentFile.getVariableIterator();
            Iterator attributes = currentFile.getGlobalAttributeIterator();

            ucar.nc2.Attribute[] atts = new ucar.nc2.Attribute[1];
            Dimension            dim;

            timeName = source.TimeVariableName;
            lonName  = source.LonVariableName;
            latName  = source.LatVariableName;
            uName    = source.UVariableName;
            vName    = source.VVariableName;

            scalar = source.Scalar;

            scaleFactor = source.ScaleFactor;
            //this.waterOrWind = Convert.ToInt32(source.DataType.ToUpper().StartsWith("W"));

            while (dimensions.hasNext())
                dim = (Dimension)dimensions.next();

                varName = dim.getName();
                dimSize = dim.getLength();

                if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    timeDimSize = dimSize;
                else if (varName.Equals(lonName))
                    lonDimSize = dimSize;
                else if (varName.Equals(latName))
                    latDimSize = dimSize;
                else if (varName.Equals("ncell") || varName.Equals("ncells"))
                    ncellDimSize = dimSize;

            Variable var;
            int      numVars = 0;

            while (variables.hasNext())
                var     = (Variable)variables.next();
                varName = var.getName();

                if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    numVars += 1;
                else if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    numVars += 1;
                else if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    numVars += 1;
                else if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    numVars += 1;
                else if (varName.Equals(timeName))
                    numVars += 1;

            Variable varTime = currentFile.findVariable(timeName);

            ucar.ma2.Array timeArray = varTime.read();
            Index          timeIndex = timeArray.getIndex();

            double t1 = (double)timeArray.getDouble(timeIndex.set(0));
            double t2 = (double)timeArray.getDouble(timeIndex.set(timeDimSize - 1));

            ucar.nc2.Attribute tUnits = varTime.findAttribute("units");
            timeUnits = tUnits.getStringValue();

            int      idx        = timeUnits.IndexOf("since");
            string   timeString = timeUnits.Substring(idx + 6);
            DateTime date0      = DateTime.Parse(timeString);

            timeOrigin = date0;
            DateTime oldOrigin = timeOrigin;

            DateTime date1 = date0;
            DateTime date2 = date0;

            TimeSpan tSpan;
            TimeSpan tSpan2;

            if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("DAYS"))
                tSpan  = TimeSpan.FromDays(t1);
                tSpan2 = TimeSpan.FromDays(t2);
            else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("HOURS"))
                tSpan  = TimeSpan.FromHours(t1);
                tSpan2 = TimeSpan.FromHours(t2);
            else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("MINUTES"))
                tSpan  = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(t1);
                tSpan2 = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(t2);
            else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("SECONDS"))
                tSpan  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(t1);
                tSpan2 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(t2);
                tSpan  = TimeSpan.FromHours(t1);
                tSpan2 = TimeSpan.FromHours(t2);

            date1 = date1.Add(tSpan);
            date2 = date2.Add(tSpan2);

            if (endDate > startDate)
                // Time window is on
                if (startTimeMin < 0)
                    tSpan        = startDate - date0;
                    startTimeMin = (int)tSpan.TotalHours;
                    tSpan        = endDate - date0;
                    endTimeMin   = (int)tSpan.TotalHours;

                if (date1 > endDate || date2 < startDate)
                    timeOrigin = oldOrigin;
                    error      = "CellFileAggregator.GetDimsAndVars - Invalid dates!";
                    //return false;

            if (curTimeUnit.Length > 0)
                if (!timeUnits.Equals(curTimeUnit))
                    error = "CellFileAggregator.GetDimsAndVars - Time Units conflict!" +

                    timeOrigin = oldOrigin;
                    //return false;

            if (timeUnitG.Length > 0)
                if (!timeUnits.Equals(timeUnitG))
                    tSpan = date0 - firstFileDate;

                    if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("DAYS"))
                        timeOffset = (double)tSpan.TotalDays;
                    else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("HOURS"))
                        timeOffset = (double)tSpan.TotalHours;
                    else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("MINUTES"))
                        timeOffset = (double)tSpan.TotalMinutes;
                    else if (timeUnits.ToUpper().Contains("SECONDS"))
                        timeOffset = (double)tSpan.TotalSeconds;
                        timeOffset = (double)tSpan.TotalMinutes;

            int numFiles = fileList.Count;

            if (numFiles == 0)
                lat = new List <float>();
                lon = new List <float>();

                timeUnitG     = timeUnits;
                firstFileDate = date0;

                tStart  = new double[1];
                tEnd    = new double[1];
                tDurHr  = new double[1];
                nTsteps = new int[1];

                // Read the various variables
                Variable       varLat    = currentFile.findVariable(latName);
                ucar.ma2.Array latVals   = varLat.read();
                Index          latIndex  = latVals.getIndex();
                int[]          shapeLats = latVals.getShape();

                Variable       varLon    = currentFile.findVariable(lonName);
                ucar.ma2.Array lonVals   = varLon.read();
                Index          lonIndex  = lonVals.getIndex();
                int[]          shapeLons = lonVals.getShape();

                nCells       = 0;
                areaWindowOn = false;

                if (aoiEast != aoiWest && aoiNorth != aoiSouth)
                    areaWindowOn = true;

                for (int c = 0; c < ncellDimSize; c++)
                    double xLon = lonVals.getDouble(lonIndex.set(c));
                    double yLat = latVals.getDouble(latIndex.set(c));

                    if (areaWindowOn)
                        if (xLon < aoiWest || xLon > aoiEast || yLat < aoiSouth ||
                            yLat > aoiNorth || double.IsNaN(xLon) || double.IsNaN(yLat))
                            nCells += 1;

                    else if (!double.IsNaN(xLon) && !double.IsNaN(yLat))
                        nCells += 1;


                if (nCells <= 0)
                    error = "CellFileAggregator.GetDimsAndVars: No data in the given AOI!";

                    timeOrigin = oldOrigin;
                    //return false;
                // This is not the first file, therefore we have must less processing to handle
                //util_.ResizeDouble(ref tStart, numFiles + 1);
                //util_.ResizeDouble(ref tEnd, numFiles + 1);
                //util_.ResizeDouble(ref tDurHr, numFiles + 1);
                //util_.ResizeInt(ref nTsteps, numFiles + 1);

            tStart[numFiles]  = (double)timeArray.getDouble(timeIndex.set(0)) + timeOffset;
            tEnd[numFiles]    = (double)timeArray.getDouble(timeIndex.set(timeDimSize - 1)) + timeOffset;
            tDurHr[numFiles]  = tEnd[numFiles] - tStart[numFiles];
            nTsteps[numFiles] = timeDimSize;

            tStart0 = Math.Min(tStart0, tStart[numFiles]);
            tEnd0   = Math.Max(tEnd0, tEnd[numFiles]);

            //return true;