void Awake() { Transform = transform; if (null != FlagBaseSingleMesh) { FlagBaseMaterial = FlagBaseSingleMesh.material; } if (uLink.Network.isServer) { BadSpawnPoints = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SpawnPointBadGuys>(true); GoodSpawnPoints = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <SpawnPointGoodGuys>(true); Temp.Add(E_Team.Bad, 0); Temp.Add(E_Team.Good, 0); } NetworkView = networkView; NetworkView.stateSynchronization = uLink.NetworkStateSynchronization.Reliable; NetworkView.observed = this; Center = transform.position; BaseHeight = (null != Flag) ? Flag.localPosition.z : 1.0f; Reset(); }
// Token: 0x06002115 RID: 8469 RVA: 0x0007A0B4 File Offset: 0x000782B4 public static global::NetEntityID.Kind Of(GameObject entity, out global::NetEntityID entID, out MonoBehaviour view) { if (!entity) { entID = global::NetEntityID.unassigned; view = null; return(global::NetEntityID.Kind.Missing); } uLink.NetworkView component = entity.GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); if (component) { entID = new global::NetEntityID(component.viewID); view = component; return(global::NetEntityID.Kind.Net); } global::NGCView component2 = entity.GetComponent <global::NGCView>(); if (component2) { entID = new global::NetEntityID(component2); view = component2; return(global::NetEntityID.Kind.NGC); } entID = global::NetEntityID.unassigned; view = null; return(global::NetEntityID.Kind.Missing); }
protected void MineDetected(NetworkViewID mineID, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { uLink.NetworkView view = uLink.NetworkView.Find(mineID); if (view == null) { return; } Mine mine = view.GetComponent <Mine>(); if (mine == null) { return; } #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (Owner.IsServer) { ServerAnticheat.ReportMineDetected(Owner.NetworkView.owner, mine, info); } #endif if (!mine.IsDetected) { mine.SetDetected(true); } // Debug.Log ("MineDetected(), Owner=" + Owner.name + ", mine=" + mine.name); }
public void CreatePool() { if (prefab._manualViewID != 0) { Debug.LogError("Prefab viewID must be set to Allocated or Unassigned", prefab); return; } parent = new GameObject(name + "-Pool").transform; for (int i = 0; i < minSize; i++) { uLink.NetworkView instance = (uLink.NetworkView)Instantiate(prefab); #if UNITY_4_0 instance.gameObject.SetActive(false); #else instance.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); #endif instance.transform.parent = parent; pool.Push(instance); } uLink.NetworkInstantiator.Add(prefab.name, Creator, Destroyer); }
public static Kind Of(GameObject entity, out NetEntityID entID, out UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour view) { if (entity == null) { entID = unassigned; view = null; return(Kind.Missing); } uLink.NetworkView component = entity.GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); if (component != null) { entID = new NetEntityID(component.viewID); view = component; return(Kind.Net); } NGCView view3 = entity.GetComponent <NGCView>(); if (view3 != null) { entID = new NetEntityID(view3); view = view3; return(Kind.NGC); } entID = unassigned; view = null; return(Kind.Missing); }
public void Local_HealthChange(float amount, uLink.NetworkViewID attackerID, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { GameObject gameObject; object[] objArray; bool flag; if (attackerID != uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned) { uLink.NetworkView networkView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(attackerID); uLink.NetworkView networkView1 = networkView; if (!networkView) { gameObject = null; objArray = new object[] { amount, gameObject }; flag = InterpTimedEvent.Queue(this, "DMG", ref info, objArray); return; } gameObject = networkView1.gameObject; objArray = new object[] { amount, gameObject }; flag = InterpTimedEvent.Queue(this, "DMG", ref info, objArray); return; } gameObject = null; objArray = new object[] { amount, gameObject }; flag = InterpTimedEvent.Queue(this, "DMG", ref info, objArray); }
private void Awake() { _netView = GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); _actionEvent = new Dictionary <EPacketType, Action <uLink.BitStream, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo> >(); OnPEAwake(); }
public NetworkInstantiatePool(GameObject prefab, int size, ActivateDelegate activate, PrefabInitDelegate prefabInitDelegate) { Prefab = prefab.GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); if (null != prefabInitDelegate) { prefabInitDelegate(prefab); } MaxSize = size; if (Prefab._manualViewID != 0) { Debug.LogError("Prefab viewID must be set to Allocated or Unassigned", Prefab); return; } Parent = new GameObject("_" + Prefab.name + "-Pool").transform; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(Parent); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { uLink.NetworkView instance = (uLink.NetworkView)Object.Instantiate(Prefab); instance.transform.parent = Parent; instance.gameObject.SetActive(false); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(instance.gameObject); Pool.Push(instance); } Activate = activate; uLink.NetworkInstantiator.Add(Prefab.name, Creator, Destroyer); }
public void CreatePool() { if (prefab._manualViewID != 0) { Debug.LogError("Prefab viewID must be set to Allocated or Unassigned", prefab); return; } // we need to make sure the NetworkView knows the root gameobject in the prefab, of which it belongs to. prefab.prefabRoot = prefab.transform.root.gameObject; parent = new GameObject(name + "-Pool").transform; for (int i = 0; i < minSize; i++) { uLink.NetworkView instance = (uLink.NetworkView)Instantiate(prefab); // will trigger callback message "Awake" and "OnEnable" (networkView.viewID == unassigned). SetActive(instance, false); // will trigger callback message "OnDisable" (networkView.viewID == unassigned). instance.transform.parent = parent; pool.Push(instance); } uLink.NetworkInstantiator.Add(prefab.name, Creator, Destroyer); }
/* * private uLink.NetworkView PreInstantiator(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, uLink.BitStream stream) * { * if (Pool.Count > 0) * { * uLink.NetworkView instance = Pool.Pop(); * instance.transform.position = position; * instance.transform.rotation = rotation; * //instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); * * //Debug.Log("PreInstantiator " + instance.name); * * return instance; * } * else * { * uLink.NetworkView instance = (uLink.NetworkView)Object.Instantiate(Prefab); * instance.transform.parent = Parent; * instance.transform.position = position; * instance.transform.rotation = rotation; * * //Debug.Log("PreInstantiator " + instance.name); * * return instance; * } * } * * private void PostInstantiator(uLink.NetworkView instance, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) * { * instance.BroadcastMessage("uLink_OnNetworkInstantiate", info, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); * * if(Activate != null) * Activate(instance.gameObject); * * Active.Add(instance); * } */ uLink.NetworkView Creator(string prefabName, uLink.NetworkInstantiateArgs args, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { uLink.NetworkView instance = null; if (Pool.Count > 0) { instance = Pool.Pop(); args.SetupNetworkView(instance); //Debug.Log("Creator " + instance.name); } else { instance = uLink.NetworkInstantiatorUtility.Instantiate(Prefab, args); //Debug.Log("Creator " + instance.name); } uLink.NetworkInstantiatorUtility.BroadcastOnNetworkInstantiate(instance, info); if (Activate != null) { Activate(instance.gameObject); } Active.Add(instance); return(instance); }
protected void AgentDetected(NetworkViewID senderID, NetworkViewID agentID, bool detected, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { uLink.NetworkView agentView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(agentID); if (!agentView) { return; } uLink.NetworkView senderView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(senderID); if (!senderView) { return; } AgentHuman agent = agentView.GetComponent <AgentHuman>(); AgentHuman sender = senderView.GetComponent <AgentHuman>(); #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (Owner.IsServer) { ServerAnticheat.ReportAgentDetected(Owner.NetworkView.owner, agent, sender, info); } #endif if (sender && sender.IsAlive && agent && agent.IsAlive && sender.IsFriend(agent) == false) { agent.BlackBoard.IsDetected = detected; // Debug.Log ("AgentDetected(), detected=" + detected + ", Owner=" + Owner.name + ", sender=" + sender.name + ", agent=" + agent.name); } }
public static NetEntityID.Kind Of(GameObject entity, out NetEntityID entID, out UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour view) { if (!entity) { entID = NetEntityID.unassigned; view = null; return(NetEntityID.Kind.Missing); } uLink.NetworkView component = entity.GetComponent <uLink.NetworkView>(); if (component) { entID = new NetEntityID(component.viewID); view = component; return(NetEntityID.Kind.Net); } NGCView nGCView = entity.GetComponent <NGCView>(); if (nGCView) { entID = new NetEntityID(nGCView); view = nGCView; return(NetEntityID.Kind.NGC | NetEntityID.Kind.Net); } entID = NetEntityID.unassigned; view = null; return(NetEntityID.Kind.Missing); }
// Token: 0x060020EF RID: 8431 RVA: 0x00079A50 File Offset: 0x00077C50 public NetEntityID(uLink.NetworkView view) { this = default(global::NetEntityID); if (view) { this._viewID = view.viewID; } }
private static void SetActive(uLink.NetworkView instance, bool value) { #if UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_3_4 || UNITY_3_3 || UNITY_3_2 || UNITY_3_1 || UNITY_3_0 || UNITY_2_6 instance.prefabRoot.SetActiveRecursively(value); // Unity 3.x or older #else instance.prefabRoot.SetActive(value); // Unity 4.x or later #endif }
private void Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView instance) { SetActive(instance, false); // will trigger callback message "OnDisable" (networkView.viewID != unassigned). instance.transform.parent = parent; pool.Push(instance); }
public NetEntityID(uLink.NetworkView view) { this = new NetEntityID(); if (view) { this._viewID = view.viewID; } }
protected void uLink_OnNetworkInstantiate(uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { mainNetworkView = info.networkView; // override the instance's NetworkInsantiator Destroyer delegate. oldDestroyer = mainNetworkView.instantiator.destroyer; mainNetworkView.instantiator.destroyer = OverrideDestroyer; }
private void Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView instance) { #if UNITY_4_0 instance.gameObject.SetActive(false); #else instance.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(false); #endif pool.Push(instance); }
protected void Melee(E_MeleeType meleeType, uLink.NetworkViewID viewID, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (Owner.BlackBoard.DontUpdate) { return; } uLink.NetworkView view = uLink.NetworkView.Find(viewID); if (null == view) { // target was just destroyed return; } Agent targetAgent = view.GetComponent <Agent>(); if (targetAgent == null) { return; // wtf ? } #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (Owner.IsServer) { if (!ServerAnticheat.ReportAndValidateMelee(Owner.NetworkView.owner, Owner, targetAgent, info)) { // Ignore the action when it is not valid. This may happen even in a regular/fair game when // an attacking playerexperiences a lag. return; } } #endif AgentActionMelee a = AgentActionFactory.Create(AgentActionFactory.E_Type.Melee) as AgentActionMelee; a.Target = targetAgent; a.MeleeType = meleeType; Owner.BlackBoard.ActionAdd(a); if (a.IsFailed()) { return; // wtf ? } if (Owner.IsServer) { //send to proxies Owner.NetworkView.RPC("Melee", uLink.RPCMode.OthersExceptOwner, meleeType, viewID); //knockdown target immediatly, its player, we dont have time wait .... Vector3 direction = (a.Target.Position - Owner.Position).normalized; a.Target.KnockDown(Owner, meleeType, direction); } //Debug.Log(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + " " + "Melee " + a.MeleeType + " " + a.Target.name); }
protected void Client_OnKilledBy(uLink.NetworkViewID attackerViewID, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { uLink.NetworkView networkView = uLink.NetworkView.Find(attackerViewID); if (networkView) { Character component = networkView.GetComponent <Character>(); this.Client_OnKilledShared(component, component, ref info); } else { this.Client_OnKilledShared(false, null, ref info); } }
private void OverrideDestroyer(uLink.NetworkView instance) { if (autoDestroyAfterMessage) { instance.BroadcastMessage(broadcastMessage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); Destroy(); } else { // if we're relying on the message receiver for cleanup, then make sure there is one. instance.BroadcastMessage(broadcastMessage, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); } }
private void uLink_OnNetworkInstantiate(uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { ushort num; ushort num2; uLink.NetworkView networkView = info.networkView; this.groupID = (int)info.networkView.group; this.center = CullGrid.Flat(networkView.position); this.size = networkView.position.y; this.extent = this.size / 2f; CullGrid.CellFromGroupID(this.groupID, out num, out num2); base.name = string.Format("GRID-CELL:{0:00000}-[{1},{2}]", this.groupID, num, num2); this.y_mc = HeightCast(this.center); this.y_xy = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_XY = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y + this.extent)); this.y_Xy = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_xY = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y + this.extent)); this.y_xc = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y)); this.y_Xc = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y)); this.y_my = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_mY = HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x, this.center.y + this.extent)); base.transform.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mc, this.center.y); float[] values = new float[] { this.y_xy, this.y_XY, this.y_Xy, this.y_xY, this.y_xc, this.y_Xc, this.y_my, this.y_mY, this.y_mc }; float num3 = Mathf.Min(values); float[] singleArray2 = new float[] { this.y_xy, this.y_XY, this.y_Xy, this.y_xY, this.y_xc, this.y_Xc, this.y_my, this.y_mY, this.y_mc }; float y = Mathf.Max(singleArray2) - num3; this.bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(this.center.x, num3 + (y * 0.5f), this.center.y), new Vector3(this.size, y, this.size)); Transform transform = base.transform; this.t_xy = transform.FindChild("BL"); this.t_XY = transform.FindChild("FR"); this.t_Xy = transform.FindChild("BR"); this.t_xY = transform.FindChild("FL"); this.t_xc = transform.FindChild("ML"); this.t_Xc = transform.FindChild("MR"); this.t_my = transform.FindChild("BC"); this.t_mY = transform.FindChild("FC"); this.t_mc = transform.FindChild("MC"); this.t_xy.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xy, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_XY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_XY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_Xy.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_Xy, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_xY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_xc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xc, this.center.y); this.t_Xc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_Xc, this.center.y); this.t_my.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_my, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_mY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_mc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mc, this.center.y); transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().localBounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(0f, this.y_mc - (num3 + (y * 0.5f)), 0f), new Vector3(this.size, y, this.size)); }
private static uLink.NetworkView FindByManualViewID(int manualID, uLink.NetworkView exclude) { var all = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(uLink.NetworkView)) as uLink.NetworkView[]; foreach (var nv in all) { if (nv != exclude && nv._manualViewID == manualID && EditorUtility.GetPrefabType(nv) != PrefabType.Prefab) { return(nv); } } return(null); }
private void uLink_OnNetworkInstantiate(uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { ushort num; ushort num1; uLink.NetworkView networkView = info.networkView; this.groupID = info.networkView.@group; this.center = CullGrid.Flat(networkView.position); this.size = networkView.position.y; this.extent = this.size / 2f; CullGrid.CellFromGroupID(this.groupID, out num, out num1); base.name = string.Format("GRID-CELL:{0:00000}-[{1},{2}]", this.groupID, num, num1); this.y_mc = CullCell.HeightCast(this.center); this.y_xy = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_XY = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y + this.extent)); this.y_Xy = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_xY = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y + this.extent)); this.y_xc = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x - this.extent, this.center.y)); this.y_Xc = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x + this.extent, this.center.y)); this.y_my = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x, this.center.y - this.extent)); this.y_mY = CullCell.HeightCast(new Vector2(this.center.x, this.center.y + this.extent)); base.transform.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mc, this.center.y); float single = Mathf.Min(new float[] { this.y_xy, this.y_XY, this.y_Xy, this.y_xY, this.y_xc, this.y_Xc, this.y_my, this.y_mY, this.y_mc }); float single1 = Mathf.Max(new float[] { this.y_xy, this.y_XY, this.y_Xy, this.y_xY, this.y_xc, this.y_Xc, this.y_my, this.y_mY, this.y_mc }) - single; this.bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(this.center.x, single + single1 * 0.5f, this.center.y), new Vector3(this.size, single1, this.size)); Transform bound = base.transform; this.t_xy = bound.FindChild("BL"); this.t_XY = bound.FindChild("FR"); this.t_Xy = bound.FindChild("BR"); this.t_xY = bound.FindChild("FL"); this.t_xc = bound.FindChild("ML"); this.t_Xc = bound.FindChild("MR"); this.t_my = bound.FindChild("BC"); this.t_mY = bound.FindChild("FC"); this.t_mc = bound.FindChild("MC"); this.t_xy.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xy, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_XY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_XY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_Xy.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_Xy, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_xY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_xc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x - this.extent, this.y_xc, this.center.y); this.t_Xc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x + this.extent, this.y_Xc, this.center.y); this.t_my.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_my, this.center.y - this.extent); this.t_mY.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mY, this.center.y + this.extent); this.t_mc.position = new Vector3(this.center.x, this.y_mc, this.center.y); bound.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().localBounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(0f, this.y_mc - (single + single1 * 0.5f), 0f), new Vector3(this.size, single1, this.size)); }
void Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView instance) { // Debug.Log(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + "Destroyer " + instance.name); instance.SendMessage("Deactivate", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); instance.gameObject.SetActive(false); Active.Remove(instance); if (MaxSize == Pool.Count) { Object.Destroy(instance.gameObject); return; } Pool.Push(instance); }
private void Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView instance) { Profiler.BeginSample("Destroy: " + networkView.ToPrefabString()); if (autoDestroyAfterMessage) { instance.BroadcastMessage(broadcastMessage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); Destroy(networkView.gameObject); } else { // if we're relying on the message receiver for cleanup, then make sure there is one. instance.BroadcastMessage(broadcastMessage, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
private uLink.NetworkView PreInstantiator(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { if (pool.Count > 0) { uLink.NetworkView instance = pool.Pop(); instance.transform.position = position; instance.transform.rotation = rotation; instance.gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(true); return(instance); } else { uLink.NetworkView instance = (uLink.NetworkView)Instantiate(prefab); instance.transform.parent = parent; instance.transform.position = position; instance.transform.rotation = rotation; return(instance); } }
protected void _Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView networkView) { NetInstance instance = _currentNetInstance; try { NetInstance component = networkView.GetComponent <NetInstance>(); _currentNetInstance = component; if (component != null) { component.zzz___onpredestroy(); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(networkView.gameObject); } finally { _currentNetInstance = instance; } }
protected void Death(NetworkViewID attackerNVId, Vector3 pos, Vector3 impuls, short damage, short bodyPart) { #if !DEADZONE_CLIENT if (Owner.IsServer) { ServerAnticheat.ReportPotentialCheatAttempt("Death", "should never be called on the server side", Owner.NetworkView.owner); return; } #endif if (Owner.BlackBoard.DontUpdate) { return; } uLink.NetworkView View = (attackerNVId != uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned) ? uLink.NetworkView.Find(attackerNVId) : null; Owner.Die(View ? View.GetComponent <AgentHuman>() : null, pos, impuls, damage, (E_BodyPart)bodyPart); }
protected void _Destroyer(uLink.NetworkView networkView) { NetInstance netInstance = NetMainPrefab._currentNetInstance; try { NetInstance component = networkView.GetComponent <NetInstance>(); NetMainPrefab._currentNetInstance = component; if (component) { component.zzz___onpredestroy(); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(networkView.gameObject); } finally { NetMainPrefab._currentNetInstance = netInstance; } }
private CustomInstantiationArgs(NetMainPrefab netMain, UnityEngine.Object customInstantiator, IDMain prefab, ref NetworkInstantiateArgs args, bool server, bool checkCustomInstantitorArgument) { this.netMain = netMain; this.prefab = prefab; this.prefabNetworkView = prefab.networkView; this.args = args; this.server = server; if (!checkCustomInstantitorArgument || !customInstantiator) { this.hasCustomInstantiator = CustomInstantiationArgs.CheckNetworkViewCustomInstantiator(this.prefabNetworkView, this.prefab, out this.customInstantiate); } else { this.customInstantiate = customInstantiator as IPrefabCustomInstantiate; if (this.customInstantiate != null) { this.hasCustomInstantiator = true; } else { this.hasCustomInstantiator = CustomInstantiationArgs.CheckNetworkViewCustomInstantiator(this.prefabNetworkView, this.prefab, out this.customInstantiate); } } }
internal void PrepareInstantiate(Facepunch.NetworkView view, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { PlayerClient playerClient; this.__controllerCreateMessageInfo = info; this.__networkViewForControllable = view; if (this.classFlagsRootControllable || this.classFlagsStandaloneVessel) { this.__controllerDriverViewID = uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned; if (this.classFlagsStandaloneVessel) { return; } } else if (this.classFlagsDependantVessel || this.classFlagsFreeVessel) { if (!PlayerClient.Find(view.owner, out playerClient)) { this.__controllerDriverViewID = uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned; } else { this.__controllerDriverViewID = playerClient.topControllable.networkViewID; } if (this.classFlagsFreeVessel) { return; } if (this.__controllerDriverViewID == uLink.NetworkViewID.unassigned) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("NOT RIGHT"); return; } } this.FreshInitializeController(); }
private void OCO_FOUND(uLink.NetworkViewID viewID, ref uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { this.SetIdle(false); this.__networkViewForControllable = base.networkView; this.__controllerDriverViewID = viewID; this.__controllerCreateMessageInfo = info; this.FreshInitializeController(); }