         * Ensures that all nodes in a trajectory have a different location. If two nodes are found in the same position, first's x coordinate
         * is incremented by 1 px. This is important as nodes with equal position makes the trajectory algorithm to crash.
         * @param scene
        private static void fixNodesWithSameLocation(Scene scene)
            Trajectory trajectory = scene.getTrajectory();

            if (trajectory != null)
                // Iterate through nodes.
                for (int i = 0; i < trajectory.getNodes().Count; i++)
                    Trajectory.Node node1 = trajectory.getNodes()[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < trajectory.getNodes().Count; j++)
                        Trajectory.Node node2 = trajectory.getNodes()[j];
                        if (i != j && node1.getX() == node2.getX() && node1.getY() == node2.getY())
                            node1.setValues(node1.getX() + 1, node1.getY(), node1.getScale());
                            j = 0;
        /** If a trajectory has only one node, the player is not displayed. To fix that situation, the node is duplicated with a slightly different location.
         * Both old and new nodes are linked through a side.
         * @param scene
        public static void fixSingleNode(Scene scene)
            Trajectory trajectory = scene.getTrajectory();

            if (trajectory != null)
                if (trajectory.getNodes().Count == 1)
                    Trajectory.Node node1 = trajectory.getNodes()[0];
                    trajectory.addNode(node1.getID() + "Dupl", node1.getX() + 1, node1.getY(), node1.getScale());
                    trajectory.addSide(node1.getID(), node1.getID() + "Dupl", 1);