 private void encryptBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (((!showKeyChbx.Checked &&
           (keyTxb.Text != "" &&
            reenterTxb.Text != "") &&
           (keyTxb.Text == reenterTxb.Text)) ||
          (showKeyChbx.Checked && keyTxb.Text != "")) &&
         plainTextRtb.Text != "")
         if (typeCb.SelectedIndex == 0)
             cipherTextRtb.Text = Columnar.Encrypt(plainTextRtb.Text,
                                                   paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false);
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "Cipher type: columnar cipher \n";
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "padding: " + (paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false) + "\n";
         else if (typeCb.SelectedIndex == 1)
             cipherTextRtb.Text = DoubleTransposition.Encrypt(plainTextRtb.Text,
                                                              paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false);
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "Cipher type: double cipher \n";
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "padding: " + (paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false) + "\n";
         else if (typeCb.SelectedIndex == 2)
             cipherTextRtb.Text = Myszkowski.Encrypt(plainTextRtb.Text,
                                                     paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false);
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "Cipher type: myszowski cipher \n";
             logDisplayRtb.Text += "padding: " + (paddingCb.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false) + "\n";
     else if ((!showKeyChbx.Checked &&
               (keyTxb.Text == "" ||
                reenterTxb.Text == "")) &&
              plainTextRtb.Text != "")
         if (keyTxb.Text == "")
             toolTip.Show("enter a key first", this,
                          keyTxb.Location.X, keyTxb.Location.Y, 2000);
             toolTip.Show("reenter the key first", this,
                          reenterTxb.Location.X, reenterTxb.Location.Y, 2000);
     else if (((!showKeyChbx.Checked &&
                (keyTxb.Text != "" &&
                 reenterTxb.Text != "") &&
                (keyTxb.Text == reenterTxb.Text)) ||
               (showKeyChbx.Checked && keyTxb.Text != "")) &&
              plainTextRtb.Text == "")
         toolTip.Show("no plain text to encrpt!\n provide a text", this,
                      plainTextRtb.Location.X, plainTextRtb.Location.Y, 2000);
     else if ((!showKeyChbx.Checked &&
               (keyTxb.Text != "" &&
                reenterTxb.Text != "") &&
               (keyTxb.Text != reenterTxb.Text)))
         toolTip.Show("reentered key not the same\n check your key", this,
                      reenterTxb.Location.X, reenterTxb.Location.Y, 2000);
     else if (showKeyChbx.Checked && keyTxb.Text == "")
         toolTip.Show("enter a key first", this,
                      keyTxb.Location.X, keyTxb.Location.Y, 2000);