public static void ConvertTiledToJSON(List <string> changedFiles) { // TODO: use TileMapUtil string tiledExe = TravrsalSettingsManager.Get("tiledPath", SDKUtil.TILED_PATH_DEFAULT); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tiledExe)) { return; } foreach (string file in changedFiles) { // leave old name intact and simply add .json string targetName = file + ".json"; if (file.EndsWith(TileMapUtil.WORLD_EXTENSION)) { FileUtil.ReplaceFile(file, targetName); } else { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = tiledExe; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "--export-map JSON --embed-tilesets --resolve-types-and-properties \"" + file + "\" \"" + targetName + "\""; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); } } }
private static void ConvertTileMaps() { foreach (string extension in new[] { TileMapUtil.MAP_EXTENSION, TileMapUtil.WORLD_EXTENSION }) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "*." + extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories); TileMapUtil.ConvertTileMaps(files.ToList(), TravrsalSettingsManager.Get("tiledPath", SDKUtil.TILED_PATH_DEFAULT)); } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
static void Update() { if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastRefresh > SETTINGS_REFRESH) { lastRefresh = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; timeInterval = TravrsalSettingsManager.Get("periodicEditorRefresh", SDKUtil.PERIODIC_REFRESH_DEFAULT); } if (timeInterval > 0 && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastUpdate > timeInterval) { lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
private IEnumerator CreateDocumentation() { documentationInProgress = true; string converterPath = TravrsalSettingsManager.Get("tiledPath", SDKUtil.TILED_PATH_DEFAULT); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterPath)) { converterPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(converterPath) + "/tmxrasterizer.exe"; } foreach (string dir in GetWorldPaths()) { string worldName = Path.GetFileName(dir); string docuPath = GetDocuPath(worldName); try { if (Directory.Exists(docuPath)) { Directory.Delete(docuPath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(docuPath); } catch { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", $"Could not access documentation directory ({docuPath}). Most likely it is open somewhere in an explorer.", "OK"); continue; } string root = GetWorldsRoot() + $"/{worldName}/"; // fill HTML template string id = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("WorldDocu")[0]; string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(id); DirectoryUtil.Copy(Application.dataPath + "/../" + path, docuPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); string html = File.ReadAllText(docuPath + "index.html"); html = html.Replace("{WorldName}", worldName); html = html.Replace("{WorldKey}", worldName); html = html.Replace("{AppVersion}", Application.version); // FIXME: points to wrong version html = html.Replace("{Date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); foreach (string folder in new[] { "Data", "Images", "Logic", "Materials", "Pieces", "Sceneries", "Audio/Effects", "Audio/Music" }) { HashSet <string> doneAlready = new HashSet <string>(); string[] assets = new string[0]; string objects = ""; int objCount = 0; string variableName = Path.GetFileName(folder); switch (folder) { case "Data": variableName = "Zones"; break; } if (Directory.Exists($"{root}{folder}")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(docuPath + folder); assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("*", new[] { $"{root}{folder}" }); foreach (string asset in assets) { string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset); if (doneAlready.Contains(assetPath)) { continue; } doneAlready.Add(assetPath); if (assetPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".md")) { continue; } string imageLink = "NoPreview.png"; bool withExtension = true; bool generatePreview = false; Type type = null; switch (folder) { case "Data": if (!assetPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".tmx")) { continue; } imageLink = folder + "/" + Path.GetFileName(assetPath) + ".png"; TileMapUtil.TileMapToImage(assetPath, docuPath + imageLink, converterPath); withExtension = false; break; case "Images": generatePreview = true; type = typeof(Texture2D); break; case "Materials": if (!assetPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".mat")) { continue; } withExtension = false; generatePreview = true; type = typeof(Material); break; case "Pieces": if (!assetPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".prefab")) { continue; } withExtension = false; generatePreview = true; break; case "Sceneries": if (!assetPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".prefab")) { continue; } withExtension = false; generatePreview = true; break; case "Audio/Music": case "Audio/Effects": generatePreview = true; type = typeof(AudioClip); break; } objCount++; if (generatePreview) { GameObject prefab = null; UnityEngine.Object obj; if (type != null) { obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, type); } else { prefab = PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents(assetPath); obj = prefab; } if (obj != null) { Texture2D icon = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(obj); while (icon == null && AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreview(obj.GetInstanceID())) { Repaint(); yield return(new EditorWaitForSeconds(0.05f)); icon = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(obj); } if (prefab != null) { PrefabUtility.UnloadPrefabContents(prefab); } // still will not return something for all assets if (icon == null || !icon.isReadable) { continue; } byte[] bytes = icon.EncodeToPNG(); if (bytes == null) { continue; } File.WriteAllBytes(docuPath + folder + "/" + Path.GetFileName(assetPath) + ".png", bytes); } else { // most likely a directory continue; } } objects += "<div class=\"media mb-1\">"; string imageName = folder + "/" + Path.GetFileName(assetPath) + ".png"; string accessKey = assetPath.Substring((root + folder).Length + 1); if (!withExtension) { accessKey = accessKey.Substring(0, accessKey.LastIndexOf('.')); } if (generatePreview) { imageLink = File.Exists(docuPath + imageName) ? imageName : "MissingPreview.png"; } objects += "<img src=\"" + imageLink + "\" class=\"mr-3\" width=\"128\">"; objects += "<div class=\"media-body\">/" + worldName + "/" + accessKey; objects += "</div></div>"; } objects += "</table>"; } html = html.Replace($"{{{variableName}List}}", objects); html = html.Replace($"{{{variableName}Count}}", objCount.ToString()); } // copy data contents and world descriptor DirectoryUtil.Copy(root + "/Data", docuPath + "/Data"); FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(root + "/World.json", docuPath + "/World.json"); // remove all meta files foreach (string fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(docuPath, "*.meta", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(fileName); } File.WriteAllText(docuPath + "index.html", html); // create zip if (File.Exists(GetDocuArchivePath(worldName))) { File.Delete(GetDocuArchivePath(worldName)); } ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(docuPath, GetDocuArchivePath(worldName), CompressionLevel.Fastest, false); } documentationInProgress = false; }
protected string GetAPIToken() { return(TravrsalSettingsManager.Get("apiKey", "")); }