// задаем статус. возвращает последнюю активность private void SetClientStatus(int user_id, int status) { // bool usrHaveActivity; string[] latestActivity = {}; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand("SELECT pk, latest_activity_date, latest_activity_time FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = " + user_id, resCon.nNpgConn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); int i; try { while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { latestActivity[i] = dr[i] + ""; } } usrHaveActivity = true; } catch { usrHaveActivity = false; } string insertStatus = ""; if (usrHaveActivity == false) { string insertActivity = "INSERT INTO user_status (user_id, status_id, modify_) VALUES (" + user_id + ", " + status + ", '" + DateTime.Now + "'" + ")"; } else { string insertActivity = "UPDATE user_status SET " + " user_id = " + user_id + ", status_id = " + status + ", modify_ = " + DateTime.Now + " WHERE user_id = " + user_id; } //richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(insertStatus, resCon.nNpgConn); resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); }
private void SetLatestActivity(int user_id) { // string[] latestActivity = { }; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); string insertActivity = "UPDATE user_activity SET " + " user_id = " + user_id + ", latest_activity_date = " + DateTime.Now + ", latest_activity_time = " + DateTime.Now + " WHERE user_id = " + user_id; //richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(insertActivity, resCon.nNpgConn); resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); }
// текущий статус клиента private int CurrentStatus(int user_id) { // int i, status = 500; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand("SELECT status_id FROM user_status WHERE user_id = " + user_id, resCon.nNpgConn); try { NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { status = (int)dr[i]; } } } finally { resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); } return status; }
private string[] GetLatestActivity(int user_id) { // string[] latestActivity = { }; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand("SELECT pk, latest_activity_date, latest_activity_time FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = " + user_id, resCon.nNpgConn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); int i; try { while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { latestActivity[i] = dr[i] + ""; } } } catch { SetLatestActivity(user_id); } //richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); return latestActivity; }
public Npg Connect() { Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection NpgConn = null; Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand NpgCmd = null; String DbServer = ""; String UserName = "******"; String UserPass = "******"; String DbName = "postgres"; NpgConn = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection("Server=" + DbServer + ";User Id=" + UserName + ";Password="******";Database=" + DbName + ";Encoding=UNICODE;"); NpgConn.Open(); Npg allNpg = new Npg { nNpgConn = NpgConn, nNpgCmd = NpgCmd }; return allNpg; }
// добавляем пользователя private void AddCustomerSystemInfo() { System.Diagnostics.Process process; process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess(); PerformanceCounterCategory[] category = PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories(); // takts and counts int core = (Int32)System.Environment.ProcessorCount; RegistryKey frecKey = Registry.LocalMachine; frecKey = frecKey.OpenSubKey( @"HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0", false); string Takt = frecKey.GetValue("~MHz").ToString(); richTextBox1.Text += "processor count: " + core + "\ntakt's :" + Takt; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); string insertStr = "INSERT INTO customers_system_info (" + "user_id, process_name, process_id, paged_memory_size, none_paged_memory_size, peak_paged_memory_size, peak_virtual_memory_size, process_private_memory_size, all_private_memory_size, peak_working_set, responding, description, create_, takts, processor_count) VALUES (" + "1" + ", '" + process.ProcessName + "'" + ", " + process.Id + ", " + process.PagedMemorySize + ", " + process.NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 + ", " + process.PeakPagedMemorySize + ", " + process.PeakVirtualMemorySize + ", " + process.PrivateMemorySize + ", " + process.PrivateMemorySize64 + ", " + process.PeakWorkingSet + ", '" + process.Responding + "'" + ", 'test' ," + "'" + DateTime.Now + "'" + ", '" + Takt + "'" + ", '" + core + "'" + ")"; richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(insertStr, resCon.nNpgConn); int rowsaffected; try { rowsaffected = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("\n\nIt was added {0} lines in table customers_system_info\n\n", rowsaffected); } finally { //NpgConn.Close(); } //----------------------------------------- f**k resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * FROM customers_system_info", resCon.nNpgConn); int i; try { NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { richTextBox1.Text += "\t" + dr.GetName(i) + " : " + dr[i] + "\n"; //richTextBox1.Text += "\n\ndr is: " + dr[i] + " \n"; } richTextBox1.Text += "-------------------------------------\n"; } } finally { resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); } }
// завершаем текушую сессию. private void ChangeSession(int status) { /* * statuses: * 1 - disabled; * 4 - waiting task; */ // Получение имени компьютера. String host = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(); // Получение ip-адреса. System.Net.IPAddress ip = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(host).AddressList[0]; //richTextBox1.Text += ip.ToString(); Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(("SELECT pk, user_id, user_name, create_ FROM users WHERE user_id = '" + ip + "' AND user_name = '" + host + "' ;"), resCon.nNpgConn); NpgsqlDataReader pk = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); string statusStr = ""; if (status == 1) { statusStr = "\n\n session is over.\n\n"; } else if (status == 4) { statusStr = "\n\n\t\t* " + DateTime.Now + " | session started \n"; } pk.Read(); /// important to work!! string insertStr = "INSERT INTO user_status (user_id, status_id, modify_) VALUES (" + pk[0] + ", " + status + ", '" + DateTime.Now + "'" + ")"; richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(insertStr, resCon.nNpgConn); resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i; Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand("SELECT name, surname, addr, tel FROM data", resCon.nNpgConn); try { NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { richTextBox1.Text += "{" + i + "} : " + dr[i] + "\n"; //richTextBox1.Text += "\n\ndr is: " + dr[i] + " \n"; } richTextBox1.Text += "-------------------------------------\n"; } } finally { resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); } }
private void Authorization() { // Получение имени компьютера. String host = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(); // Получение ip-адреса. System.Net.IPAddress ip = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(host).AddressList[0]; //richTextBox1.Text += ip.ToString(); // авторизация пользователя. проверка, существует ли пользователь в системе. если нет - добавить. Npg resCon; Npg connect = new Npg(); resCon = connect.Connect(); resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(("SELECT pk, user_id, user_name, create_ FROM users WHERE user_id = '" + ip + "' AND user_name = '" + host + "' ;"), resCon.nNpgConn); int i; try { NpgsqlDataReader dr = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { richTextBox1.Text += "" + dr.GetName(i) + " : " + dr[i] + "\n"; //richTextBox1.Text += "\n\ndr is: " + dr[i] + " \n"; } richTextBox1.Text += "\n\nuser is exist\n\n"; } } catch { string insertStr = "INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_name, create_) VALUES (" + "'" + ip + "', '" + host + "', '" + DateTime.Now + "'" + ")"; richTextBox1.Text += insertStr; resCon.nNpgCmd = new Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand(insertStr, resCon.nNpgConn); int rowsaffected; try { rowsaffected = resCon.nNpgCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); richTextBox1.Text += string.Format(insertStr + "\n\n user was added\n{0}\n", rowsaffected); } finally { resCon.nNpgConn.Close(); } } }