//Dictionary<string, string> cmdList_generated { get; set; } //Dictionary<string, string> objList_generated { get; set; } //Constructor public DataRead_WordLists(string name) { cmds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); cmdList_single = new Dictionary <string, string>(); cmdList_constant = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //cmdList_generated = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //cmdList_single_LoadList = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //objList_generated = new Dictionary<string, string>(); cmdKeys = new CmdKeys(); fileName = name; fileData = ReadDataFile.Load_DataFile(FilePaths.Cmds_Single, fileName).ToList(); #region - DEBUG - Test print some variables /* * Console.WriteLine("DEBUG----------- :" + fileName); * Console.WriteLine("DEBUG----------- :" + FilePaths.Cmds_Single); * foreach (string line in fileData) * { * Console.WriteLine(line); * } * Console.WriteLine("DEBUG---cmdList_single_LoadList :" + cmdList_single_LoadList.Count); * Console.WriteLine("DEBUG---cmdList_single :" + cmdList_single_LoadList.Count); */ #endregion }
public void ProcessCommand(Dictionary <string, string> CmdList, string filePath, string fileName) { List <string> fileDataList = new List <string>(ReadDataFile.Load_DataFile(filePath, fileName)); string value = ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(cmdKeys.cmdName, fileDataList); int[] brackest = ReadDataFile.FindUniqueBrackets(cmdKeys.cmdSynonymList_Start, cmdKeys.cmdSynonymList_End, fileDataList); List <string> keys = ReadDataFile.Read_WordLists(brackest[0], brackest[1], fileDataList); AddSafe(CmdList, value, value); foreach (string synonym in keys) { #region Test Prints //Console.WriteLine(value + ", " + synonym); //AddSafe(CmdList, TextUtils.StemWord.Stem(synonym).Value, value); //string StemValue = TextUtils.StemWord.Stem("looking").Value; #endregion AddSafe(CmdList, synonym, value); } #region - DEBUG - Test print some variables /*foreach (string line in fileDataList) * { * Console.WriteLine(line); * } * Console.WriteLine(value); * foreach (int brack in brackest) * { * Console.WriteLine(brack); * }*/ #endregion }
private void ProcessData() { area.SetName(ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(areaKeys.areaName, fileData)); area.SetLook_Description(ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(areaKeys.areaLook_Description, fileData)); area.SetCinimatic(ReadDataFile.BetweenUniqueBrackets(areaKeys.areaCinamatic_Start, areaKeys.areaCinamatic_End)); ProcessAllItems(); ProcessAllExits(); }
//Between Brackets, Read RAW lines into a List<string> public static List <string> BetweenUniqueBrackets(string start, string end) { List <string> data = new List <string>(); int[] brackets = ReadDataFile.FindUniqueBrackets(start, end, fileData); data = ReadDataFile.Read_Cinamatic(brackets[0], brackets[1], fileData); return(data); }
public DataRead_Items(string name) { item = new Items(); itemKeys = new ItemKeys(); fileName = name; fileData = ReadDataFile.Load_DataFile(FilePaths.Items, fileName); ProcessData(); }
//Constructor public DataRead_Area(string name) { area = new Area(); areaKeys = new AreaKeys(); //exitKeys = new ExitKeys(); fileName = name; fileData = ReadDataFile.Load_DataFile(FilePaths.Areas, fileName).ToList(); ProcessData(); }
private void ProcessData() { //Console.WriteLine("Processing : " + fileName); item.name = ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(itemKeys.itemName, fileData); item.PickedupAllowed = ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(itemKeys.itemCanBePickedip, fileData).Equals("true"); //reads a text string "true" or "false". if that is "equal to true" it returns "bool true", otherwise return "bool false" item.description_Default = ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(itemKeys.DescriptionDefault, fileData); item.getItem_Failed = ReadDataFile.Read_RawSingleLine(itemKeys.itemGetFailed, fileData); }
private void ProcessAllItems() { BracketCounts brackets = new BracketCounts(); brackets = ReadDataFile.Read_BracketCount(areaKeys.itemsStart, areaKeys.itemsEnd, fileData); for (int i = brackets.start[0] + 1; i < brackets.end[0]; i++) { DataRead_Items BuildItem = new DataRead_Items(fileData[i]); area.AddItem(BuildItem.GetItem()); } }
public Dictionary <string, string> ProcessAll_SingleCommands() { cmdKeys.cmdName = "//--Single_Word_Command:"; BracketCounts brackets = new BracketCounts(); brackets = ReadDataFile.Read_BracketCount(cmdKeys.cmdList_Start, cmdKeys.cmdList_End, fileData); for (int i = brackets.start[0] + 1; i < brackets.end[0]; i++) { //Console.WriteLine("DEBUGGING ---- : " + fileData[i]); ProcessCommand(cmdList_single, FilePaths.Cmds_Single, fileData[i]); } return(cmdList_single); }
private void ProcessAllExits() { BracketCounts brackets = new BracketCounts(); brackets = ReadDataFile.Read_BracketCount(areaKeys.exitStart, areaKeys.exitEnd, fileData); int exitAmount = brackets.bracketCount; List <int> bracketIndex_Start = brackets.start as List <int>; List <int> bracketIndex_End = brackets.end as List <int>; for (int i = 0; i < exitAmount; i++) { DataRead_Exits BuildExits = new DataRead_Exits(); area.AddExit(BuildExits.ProcessExits(bracketIndex_Start[i], bracketIndex_End[i], fileData)); } }
public Dictionary <string, string> ProcessAll_ConstantCommands() { // set file stuff cmds = new Dictionary <string, string>(); cmdKeys.cmdName = "//--Base:"; fileData = ReadDataFile.Load_DataFile(FilePaths.Cmds_Constant, fileName).ToList(); BracketCounts brackets = new BracketCounts(); brackets = ReadDataFile.Read_BracketCount(cmdKeys.cmdList_Start, cmdKeys.cmdList_End, fileData); for (int i = brackets.start[0] + 1; i < brackets.end[0]; i++) { //Console.WriteLine("DEBUGGING ---- : " + fileData[i]); ProcessCommand(cmds, FilePaths.Cmds_Constant, fileData[i]); } return(cmds); }
public Exit ProcessExits(int start, int end, List <string> fileData) { Exit exit = new Exit(); start = start + 1; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { exit.name = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.name, fileData, start, end); exit.direction = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.direction, fileData, start, end); exit.avaliable = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.avaliable, fileData, start, end).Equals("true"); exit.open = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.isOpen, fileData, start, end).Equals("true"); exit.look_at_exit = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.lookAtExit, fileData, start, end); exit.move_Through_exit = ReadDataFile.ReadData_LinesInsideBrackets(exitKeys.MoveThroughExit, fileData, start, end); } return(exit); }