private void addCinema__Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLData.command = new SqlCommand( "SELECT 1 FROM userCinemaList WHERE cinema_id=(SELECT cinema_id FROM cinemaList WHERE cinema_name = N'" + selectCinema__ComboBox.Items[selectCinema__ComboBox.SelectedIndex] + "')" + " AND user_id = " + UserData.Id, SQLData.connection); SQLData.reader = SQLData.command.ExecuteReader(); // выполнить запрос на считывание if (SQLData.reader.HasRows) { SQLData.reader.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Добавлять один и тот же фильм запрещено."); return; } SQLData.reader.Close(); SQLData.command = new SqlCommand( "INSERT INTO userCinemaList (user_id, cinema_id, status, user_description) VALUES (" + UserData.Id + "," + "(SELECT cinema_id FROM cinemaList WHERE cinema_name = N'" + selectCinema__ComboBox.Items[selectCinema__ComboBox.SelectedIndex] + "'), " + (selectCinemaStatus__ComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1) + "," + "N'" + inputCinemaDescription__TextBox.Text + "')", SQLData.connection); SQLData.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // выполнить команду urf.InitializeCinemaList(); this.Hide(); }
private void editCinema__Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SQLData.command = new SqlCommand( "UPDATE userCinemaList SET " + "cinema_id = (SELECT cinema_id FROM cinemaList WHERE cinema_name = N'" + selectCinema__ComboBox.Text + "'), " + "user_description = N'" + inputCinemaDescription__TextBox.Text + "', " + "status=" + (selectCinemaStatus__ComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1) + " WHERE user_id = " + UserData.Id + " AND cinema_id = (SELECT cinema_id FROM cinemaList WHERE cinema_name = N'" + Utils.selected_cinema_name + "')" , SQLData.connection); SQLData.command.ExecuteNonQuery(); urf.InitializeCinemaList(); this.Hide(); }