public void BorrowBook()
     {   //show a loading message
         using (IServiceClientProxy proxy = new IServiceClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion11()))
             //execute the borrow request
             int bookId = LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.Book.ID;
             int userId = LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.User.ID;
             Borrow borrowRequest = new Borrow() { bookID = bookId, userID = userId };
             BorrowResponse response = proxy.Borrow(borrowRequest);
             //show positive a message if the result is valid otherwise a negative message
             //and return in the welcome page
             state = InnerState.WELCOME;
             string msg = (response.BorrowResult.StartDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) ? BORROW_FAILED_MSG : OPERATION_COMPLETED_MSG;
             View.ShowMessageWithButton(msg, () => { View.ShowWelcomePage(); });
     //show a message and then returns in the login page
     catch (Exception) { View.ShowMessageWithButton(ERROR_MSG, () => { this.Logout(); }); }
        public void RecognizeBarcode(Bitmap bitmap)
            if (state != InnerState.BORROWING && state != InnerState.RETURNING) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The user is in an invalid state!"); }

            if (bitmap == null)
                //invalid request, show in the welcome page

                short port = 0;
                //show a loading message
                //call the web service to send the picture
                using (IServiceClientProxy proxy = new IServiceClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion11()))
                    SendBarcodeImage sendImageRequest = new SendBarcodeImage();
                    SendBarcodeImageResponse response = proxy.SendBarcodeImage(sendImageRequest);
                    port = response.SendBarcodeImageResult;

                    //send the image
                    string code = SendImage(port, GHI.Utilities.Bitmaps.ConvertToFile(bitmap));
                    if (code == null)
                        //the bar code was not recognized
                        //show the camera page
                        View.ShowMessageWithButton(CODE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_MSG, () => { View.ShowCamera(); });

                    //get book info
                    GetBookInformationsResponse bookInfoResponse = proxy.GetBookInformations(new GetBookInformations() { barcode = code });
                    if (bookInfoResponse.GetBookInformationsResult.ISBN == null)
                        //the book is not in the WS database
                        View.ShowMessageWithButton(INVALID_BARCODE_MSG, () => { View.ShowCamera(); });

                    LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.Book = bookInfoResponse.GetBookInformationsResult;
                    if (state == InnerState.BORROWING)
                        //show the book information
                    else if (state == InnerState.RETURNING)
                        //call the ws in order to get the loan information
                        GetLoanState loanStateRequest = new GetLoanState();
                        loanStateRequest.bookID = bookInfoResponse.GetBookInformationsResult.ID;
                        loanStateRequest.userID = LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.User.ID;
                        loanStateRequest.returned = false;
                        GetLoanStateResponse loanStateResponse = proxy.GetLoanState(loanStateRequest);
                        if (loanStateResponse.GetLoanStateResult.LoanStateCompositeType.Length == 0)
                            //the book was not borrowed by the user
                            View.ShowMessageWithButton(INVALID_BARCODE_MSG, () => { View.ShowWelcomePage(); });
                            //show the book information
                            LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.StartDate = loanStateResponse.GetLoanStateResult.LoanStateCompositeType[0].LoanStartDate;
                            LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.DueDate = loanStateResponse.GetLoanStateResult.LoanStateCompositeType[0].LoanExpirationDate;
            catch (Exception)
            { //show a message and then returns in the login page
                state = InnerState.INITIAL;
                View.ShowMessageWithButton(ERROR_MSG, () => { this.Logout(); });
        public void Login(string id)
            if (state != InnerState.INITIAL) throw new InvalidOperationException("The user is already logged in!");
            IServiceClientProxy proxy = null;
                //using (IServiceClientProxy proxy = new IServiceClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion11()))
                 proxy = new IServiceClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion11());

                //login request to the WS
                LogIn loginRequest = new LogIn() { card_number = id };
                LogInResponse response = proxy.LogIn(loginRequest);
                if (response.LogInResult.FirstName == null)
                    //show a message and return in the login page
                    Action action = () => { View.ShowLoginPage(); };
                    View.ShowMessageWithButton(UNREGISTERED_USER_MSG, action);
                //set the the logged user and show the welcome page
                LibraryModelSingleton.Instance.User = response.LogInResult;
                state = InnerState.WELCOME;
            catch (Exception)
                //show a message and then returns in the login page
                state = InnerState.INITIAL;
                View.ShowMessageWithButton(ERROR_MSG, () => { View.ShowLoginPage(); });
             //  if (proxy != null) { proxy.Dispose(); }