//true if new game, false if loaded static bool StartMenu(List <Game> Games) { Graphics.Title(1); Menu StartMenu = new Menu(12, true); bool exit = false; bool output = true; while (!exit) { StartMenu.Erase(); switch (StartMenu.Read(new string[] { "Nueva partida", "Cargar Partida", "Salón de la Fama", "Conectar BDD local", "Salir" }, "Hola!", 18)) { case 0: exit = true; output = true; break; case 1: exit = SavedGames.LoadMenu(Games); output = false; break; case 2: Boxy noMsn = new Boxy(12, 0, true, "Esta función se encuentra en desarrollo"); Console.ReadKey(); noMsn.Erase(); break; case 3: Boxy NameBoxy = new Boxy("Introduce la dirección de la BDD (ejemplo 'THIS-PC\\SQLEXPRESS'", 2, 0, 5, true); string url = Console.ReadLine(); SavedGames.Connect(url); try { Games = SavedGames.GetAll(); SuccesfulConnection = true; Boxy dBError = new Boxy(22, 13, 0, true, "Conectado a la base de datos con éxito!"); Console.ReadKey(); dBError.Erase(); } catch { Boxy dBError = new Boxy(22, 13, 0, true, "No se ha podido conectar con la base de datos. Las funciones de carga y de guardado no estarán disponibles"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); dBError.Erase(); } NameBoxy.Erase(); break; case 4: Console.Clear(); Boxy thanks = new Boxy(12, 0, true, "Gracias por jugar :')"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); break; } } Console.Clear(); return(output); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //while (1 < 2) //{ // Console.WriteLine(FantasyGen.Fantastic()); // Console.ReadKey(); //} //Connection to database //INSERT HERE YOUR DATABASE PATH SavedGames.Connect("THIS-PC\\SQLEXPRESS"); Console.SetWindowSize(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight); //Preset string msg = null; //Game Bucle while (1 < 2) { //First of all - Loading savedgames list List <Game> Games = new List <Game>(); try { Games = SavedGames.GetAll(); SuccesfulConnection = true; } catch { Boxy dBError = new Boxy(22, 13, 0, true, "No se ha podido conectar con la base de datos. Las funciones de carga y de guardado no estarán disponibles"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } //StartMenu - false load, true new Player if (StartMenu(Games)) { Inventory = new Inventory(); Gea = new World(); //Creating new player Player.NewPlayer(); } //Once the player is created or loaded, we refresh the statics Mob = new Mob(Gea.corruption); PlayerStatus = new PlayerStatus(15, 3); gameover = false; //Gameplay while (!gameover) { //Pre-turn PlayerStatus.Refresh(); //Setting world corruption if (!loot) { if (Random.Next(1, 4) == 4) { Gea.corruption++; } } else { loot = false; if (Random.Next(1, 4) <= 3) { Gea.corruption++; } } //Setting starting turn msg switch (lastAct) { case "born": msg = "Amanece un hermoso día."; break; case "fight": msg = "Menuda carnicería!"; break; case "camp": msg = "Amanece un hermoso día."; break; case "dialogue": msg = "Menudo combate dialéctico!"; break; case "runaway": msg = "Por los pelos!"; break; } //Turn Itself if (!Journey.Direction(msg)) { gameover = true; } else { if (Encounter()) { Combat(); } Gea.months += Random.Next(1, 4); } //End of turn checkout while (Gea.months >= 12) { Gea.months -= 12; Gea.age++; Player.Age++; } } if (Player.Hp[0] <= 0) { Console.Clear(); Graphics.Death(5); SavedGames.DeleteCurrentGame(); Console.ReadKey(); } Console.Clear(); } }