        public static async Task logHistoryEventAsync(string code, string attribute, string referenceID, string adminID, string customerID, string providerID)
            HistoryEvent newEvent = new HistoryEvent()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Code = code,
                Attribute = attribute,
                ReferenceID = referenceID,
                AdminID = adminID,
                CustomerID = customerID,
                ProviderID = providerID

            stranddContext context = new stranddContext();
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public IncidentInfo(Incident baseIncident)
            //Create UserInfo Object based upon Passed in ProviderUserID [Call to DB Made in Constructor]
            AccountInfo lookupUser = new AccountInfo(baseIncident.ProviderUserID);

            //Create VehicleInfo Object based upon Passed in VehicleGUID [Call to DB Made in Constructor]
            VehicleInfo lookupVehicle = new VehicleInfo(baseIncident.VehicleGUID);

            stranddContext context = new stranddContext();

            IncidentCosting lookupIncidentCosting = context.IncidentCostings
                                                    .Where(u => u.IncidentGUID == baseIncident.Id)
                                                    .Where(v => v.Type == "CUSTOMER")

            //Payment Information
            List <Payment> lookupPaymentList = context.Payments
                                               .Where(u => u.IncidentGUID == baseIncident.Id)
                                               .ToList <Payment>();

            string paymentMethodString = null;

            if (lookupPaymentList.Count != 0)
                if (lookupPaymentList.Count > 1)
                    paymentMethodString = "Multiple Payments [" + lookupPaymentList.Count.ToString() + "]";
                    paymentMethodString = lookupPaymentList[0].PaymentPlatform;

            decimal sumPaymentTotal = lookupPaymentList.Sum(a => a.Amount);

            //Confirmed Admin Information
            HistoryEvent lookupAdminEvent = context.HistoryLog
                                            .Where(u => u.ReferenceID == baseIncident.Id)
                                            .OrderByDescending(d => d.CreatedAt)
                                            .Where(v => v.Code == "INCIDENT_STATUS_ADMIN")
                                            .Where(x => x.Attribute == "CONFIRMED" || x.Attribute == "OPERATOR-ASSIGNED")

            AccountInfo lookupAdmin;

            if (lookupAdminEvent != null)
                lookupAdmin = new AccountInfo(lookupAdminEvent.AdminID);
                lookupAdmin = new AccountInfo(null);

            this.IncidentGUID          = baseIncident.Id;
            this.IncidentUserInfo      = lookupUser;
            this.IncidentVehicleInfo   = lookupVehicle;
            this.ConfirmedAdminAccount = lookupAdmin;
            this.JobCode             = baseIncident.JobCode;
            this.LocationObj         = (baseIncident.LocationObj != null) ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IncidentLocation>(baseIncident.LocationObj) : null;
            this.ConcertoCaseID      = baseIncident.ConcertoCaseID;
            this.StatusCode          = baseIncident.StatusCode;
            this.Rating              = baseIncident.Rating;
            this.ServiceFee          = baseIncident.ServiceFee;
            this.CoordinateX         = baseIncident.CoordinateX;
            this.CoordinateY         = baseIncident.CoordinateY;
            this.ProviderArrivalTime = baseIncident.ProviderArrivalTime;
            this.CreatedAt           = baseIncident.CreatedAt;
            this.UpdatedAt           = baseIncident.UpdatedAt;
            this.CustomerComments    = baseIncident.CustomerComments;
            this.StaffNotes          = baseIncident.StaffNotes;
            this.PaymentAmount       = sumPaymentTotal;     //(lookupPayment != null) ? lookupPayment.Amount : 0;
            this.PaymentMethod       = paymentMethodString; //(lookupPayment != null) ? lookupPayment.PaymentPlatform : null;
            this.AdditionalDetails   = baseIncident.AdditionalDetails;

            //retrive data IncidentCostings
            this.ServiceType               = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.ServiceType   : null;
            this.ServiceKilometers         = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.ServiceKilometers : 0;
            this.CalculatedBaseServiceCost = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.CalculatedBaseServiceCost : 0;
            this.ParkingCosts              = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.ParkingCosts : 0;
            this.TollCosts           = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.TollCosts : 0;
            this.OtherCosts          = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.OtherCosts : 0;
            this.OffsetDiscount      = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.OffsetDiscount : 0;
            this.CalculatedSubtotal  = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.CalculatedSubtotal : 0;
            this.TaxZoneRate         = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.TaxZoneRate : 0;
            this.CalculatedTaxes     = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.CalculatedTaxes : 0;
            this.CalculatedTotalCost = (lookupIncidentCosting != null) ? lookupIncidentCosting.CalculatedTotalCost : 0;