 public Laser( Alien owner, Texture2D texture, Vector2 position,
     Vector2 launch_speed, float radius, int power )
     : base(owner.m_world, texture, radius: radius,
     texture_name: TNames.laser)
     m_buffered_linear_velocity = launch_speed;
     m_buffered_position = position;
     m_power = power;
     m_owner = owner;
     m_age = 0;
        // Constructor
        // Creates a new AlienController with the given parameters
        public AlienController( GameWorld world, Alien alien, AIType type,
            Ninja target, float patrol_speed = ALIEN_PATROL_SPEED, float max_range = TUTORIAL_MAX_RANGE,
            float attack_dist = TUTORIAL_ATTACK_RANGE, float chase_dist = TUTORIAL_MAX_CHASE )
            : base(ControllerType.AlienController)
            m_world = world;
            m_self = alien;
            m_type = type;
            m_self.m_ai_type = m_type;

            if ( patrol_speed == 0 ) {
                m_self.m_move_step = ALIEN_PATROL_SPEED;

            if ( max_range == 0 ) {
                m_self.m_range = TUTORIAL_MAX_RANGE;

            if ( attack_dist == 0 ) {
                m_self.m_attack_dist = TUTORIAL_ATTACK_RANGE;

            if ( chase_dist == 0 ) {
                m_self.m_chase_dist = TUTORIAL_MAX_CHASE;


            m_start_rotation = alien.m_rotation;

            if ( alien is TwinNova ) {
                /*m_ai_move_step = m_self.m_move_step *= 0.75f;
                m_ai_range = m_self.m_range *= 1.5f;
                m_ai_attack_dist= m_self.m_attack_dist *= 0.75f;
                m_ai_chase_dist = m_self.m_chase_dist *= 1.5f; */
                m_type = AIType.BOSS;
            m_ai_move_step = m_self.m_move_step;
            m_ai_range = m_self.m_range;
            m_ai_attack_dist = m_self.m_attack_dist;
            m_ai_chase_dist = m_self.m_chase_dist;

            //keep in line with the multiplier from before
            m_ai_move_step *= 0.67f;

            m_target = target;
            m_state = State.SPAWNING;
            m_origin = m_self.m_buffered_position.Value;
 public Laser( Alien owner, Texture2D texture, Vector2 position,
     Vector2 launch_speed, int power, float rotation = 0.0f,
     float scale = 1.0f, float slowdown = 0.7f )
     : base(owner.m_world, texture,
     texture_name: TNames.laser, density: 0.0001f)
     m_buffered_linear_velocity = launch_speed;
     m_buffered_position = position;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_height = scale * m_texture.Width / GameWorld.SCALE;
     m_width = scale * m_texture.Height / GameWorld.SCALE;
     m_rotation = rotation;
     m_power = power;
     m_owner = owner;
     m_age = 0;
     m_slowdown = slowdown;
     m_tint = new Color( 200, 0, 150 - 150 * m_slowdown );
        // Methods
        public override void spawn_alien()
            if ( !m_disabled )
                Vector2 offset = new Vector2( (float)Math.Sin( m_rotation ), -(float)Math.Cos( m_rotation ) ) * 11;
                Alien alien = new Alien( m_world, TestWorld.easy_alien_texture, m_body.Position + offset, .5f,
                                              Alien.AlienType.MEDIUM, patrol_speed: 0.025f, ai: AlienController.AIType.CHASER );

                alien.m_destroy_threshold = m_destroy_threshold;
                alien.m_kill_under_speed = m_kill_under_speed / 1.5f;
                alien.m_alien_color = m_alien_color;
                alien.m_chase_dist = m_chase_dist;
                alien.m_range = m_range;

                m_world.add_queued_object( alien );
                spawn.Add( alien );

                m_cooldown = max_cool;
        public virtual void spawn_alien()
            if ( !m_disabled )
                if ( m_body.Mass < 0.5 )
                    m_body.Mass = 0.8f;
                Alien alien = new Alien( m_world, TestWorld.easy_alien_texture, m_body.Position, .5f,
                                        chase_dist: m_chase_dist, patrol_speed: 0.05f, ai: AlienController.AIType.CHASER );
                alien.m_range = m_range;
                alien.m_move_step = m_move_step;

                alien.m_destroy_threshold = m_destroy_threshold / 1.5f;
                alien.m_kill_under_speed = m_kill_under_speed;
                alien.m_alien_color = m_alien_color;

                alien.m_mass = m_body.Mass;

                //alien.m_alien_color = m_alien_color;
                //alien.m_alien_color_alpha_change = 140;

                m_world.add_queued_object( alien );
                spawn.Add( alien );

                m_cooldown = max_cool;
 public void addAlien()
     Alien adding = new Alien( screen.m_current_world, TestWorld.easy_alien_texture, getMouse(), .5f, alien.AlienType.EASY );
     screen.m_current_world.add_queued_object( adding );