public Command(Hex3D sh, Hex3D th, Action a, ShipType s) { start = new Tuple<int, int, int>(sh.hexgrid.index, sh.x, sh.y); target = new Tuple<int, int, int>(th.hexgrid.index, th.x, th.y); action = a; shiptype = s; //if (shiptype.IsSubclassOf(Ship) }
//For moves-before-bording only public QueuedCommand(Ship s, Hex3D h, int offset) { agent = s; targetHex = h; order = Command.Action.Move; shiptype = null; priority = 50 + offset; }
public Planet(String n, Hex3D loc) { this.SetHex(loc); = n; loc.defaultcolor = Color.Black; buildQueue = new List<Unit>(); buildTimes = new List<int>(); //loc.passable = false; }
public QueuedCommand(Command C, Galaxy g, int offset) { agent = (Unit)g.GetHex(C.start).GetGameObject(); try { targetHex = g.GetHex(; } catch (NullReferenceException) { targetHex = null; } order = C.action; shiptype = C.shiptype; priority = 10*(int)order+offset; }
public Sun(Hex3D h) { color = defaultcolor; SetHex(h); h.passable = false; h.defaultcolor = Color.Black; foreach (Hex3D n in h.getNeighbors()) { n.passable = false; n.defaultcolor = Color.Black; } }
private List<Hex3D> Pathfinder(Hex3D s, Hex3D d) { Console.WriteLine(s.ToString() + ", " + d.ToString()); //Assume d is occupable. if (s == d) { List<Hex3D> ret = new List<Hex3D>(); ret.Add(d); return ret; } List<Hex3D> path = new List<Hex3D>(); HashSet<Hex3D> HexFrontier = new HashSet<Hex3D>(); HashSet<Hex3D> ExploredHexes = new HashSet<Hex3D>(); HashSet<Hex3D> OldHexFrontier = new HashSet<Hex3D>(); ExploredHexes.Add(d); OldHexFrontier.Add(d); d.distance = 0; while (true) { foreach (Hex3D h1 in OldHexFrontier) { //Console.WriteLine("h1 is " + h1.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("h1 dist is " + h1.distance); foreach(Hex3D h2 in h1.getNeighbors()) { //Console.WriteLine("h2 is " + h2.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("h2 dist is " + h2.distance); if (h2 == s) { Console.WriteLine("Victory!\n"+h2.distance + " vs. " + h1.distance); } if ((h2.distance < 0 || h2.distance > h1.distance + 1) && (h2.GetGameObject() == null || s == h2)) { h2.distance = h1.distance+1; h2.prev = h1; HexFrontier.Add(h2); ExploredHexes.Add(h2); } } } if (HexFrontier.Contains(s)) break; if (HexFrontier.Count == 0) { foreach (Hex3D h in ExploredHexes) { h.distance = -1; h.prev = null; } return null; } OldHexFrontier = HexFrontier; HexFrontier = new HashSet<Hex3D>(); } path.Add(s); Hex3D cursor = s; while (cursor != d) { cursor = cursor.prev; path.Add(cursor); } if (d.GetGameObject() != null) { path.Remove(d); } foreach (Hex3D h in ExploredHexes) { h.distance = -1; h.prev = null; } return path; }
public Asteroid(Hex3D loc) { this.SetHex(loc); loc.defaultcolor = Color.Black; //loc.passable = false; }
public GameScreen(bool h, String ipstring, int numclients, Map m) { host = h; selectedhex = nullhex; if (m == null) { if (h) { map = new Map(2, 0, "test galaxy", (long)CommonRNG.rand.NextDouble()); } //else { map = new Map(2, numclients, "test galaxy", (long)1); } } else { map = m; } driver = new SlaveDriver(this); //dont use until middleman created if (host) { middleman = new Host(map, driver, numclients, this); //((Host)middleman).SendMap(); } else middleman = new Client(ipstring, driver, this); //test for failure here map = driver.GetMap(); if (map == null) { MenuManager.screen = new TitleScreen(MenuManager.batch, MenuManager.font); return; } Player temp = map.GetInstancePlayer(); int num = map.players.IndexOf(temp); map.players[num] = map.players[0]; map.players[0] = temp; if (!host) map.SetPlayer(numclients); galaxy = map.galaxy; player = map.GetInstancePlayer(); space = map.GetHomeSystem(); int x = Game1.device.Viewport.Width; int y = Game1.device.Viewport.Height; galaxybutton = new IconButton(new Rectangle(40, y-40, 120, 40), "GalaxyButton.png", "SystemButton.png", GalaxyClick); components.Add(galaxybutton); shipmenu = new CommandMenu(new Rectangle(x-200, y-200, 200, 200),this); shipmenu.AddShipStuff(); components.Add(shipmenu); planetmenu = new CommandMenu(new Rectangle(x-200, y-200, 200, 200),this); components.Add(planetmenu); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(0, 0, "StarCruiserButton.png", StarCruiser.creator); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(2, 0, "FighterButton.png", FighterShip.creator); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(0, 1, "MinerButton.png", MiningShip.creator); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(1, 0, "ColonistButton.png", ColonyShip.creator); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(1, 1, "TransportButton.png", Transport.creator); planetmenu.AddShipCommand(1, 2, "TelescopeButton.png", Telescope.creator); planetmenu.AddNewCommand(0, 2, "ShieldButton.png", UpgradeClick); waitingmessage = new TextLine(new Rectangle(0, 20, 400, 20), "Waiting for other players."); //planetmenu.showbackround = false; //shipmenu.showbackround = false; statusmenu = new StatusMenu(new Rectangle(0, y - 150, 300, 150)); statusmenu.visible = false; telescopemenu = new TelescopeMenu(new Rectangle(0, y - 150, 300, 150), player); telescopemenu.visible = false; topmenu = new TopMenu(new Rectangle(0, 0, x, 40), this); components.Add(topmenu); }
public void UpdateSolar() { selectedhex.color = selectedcolor; ((SolarSystem3D)space).sun.color = ((SolarSystem3D)space).sun.defaultcolor; ////////mouse stuff//////// if (oldmousehex != null && !oldmousehex.Equals(selectedhex)) oldmousehex.color = oldmousehex.defaultcolor; mousehex = ((SolarSystem3D)space).GetMouseOverHex(); if ((mousestate.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (oldmousestate.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) && !shipmenu.Contains(mousestate.X, mousestate.Y) && !planetmenu.Contains(mousestate.X, mousestate.Y) && !galaxybutton.Contains(mousestate.X, mousestate.Y) && mousehex != null) { //selecting a hex if (clickedaction == Command.Action.None) { selectedhex = mousehex; } //selecting a target of a action if (clickedaction != Command.Action.None && !waiting) { Console.WriteLine("a command"); if (selectedhex.GetGameObject() is Ship && clickedaction == Command.Action.Move) { if (!((Ship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).GetReachable().Contains(mousehex)) { return; } ((Ship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).SetGhost(mousehex); } if (selectedhex.GetGameObject() is Warship && clickedaction == Command.Action.Fire) { if (!((Warship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).GetShootable().Contains(mousehex)) { return; } //((Ship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).SetGhost(mousehex); } if (selectedhex.GetGameObject() is Warship && clickedaction == Command.Action.Colonize) { if (!((Warship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).GetReachable().Contains(mousehex)) { return; } //((Ship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).SetGhost(mousehex); } if (selectedhex.GetGameObject() is Ship && clickedaction == Command.Action.Jump) { if (!((SolarSystem3D)(space)).GetWarpable().Contains(mousehex)) {} else if (!selectedhex.GetGameObject().hex.hexgrid.neighbors.Contains((SolarSystem3D)(space))) {} else { ((Ship)(selectedhex.GetGameObject())).SetGhost(mousehex); } Boolean vis = true; int thresh = 0; foreach (Hex3D h1 in ((SolarSystem3D)space).getHexes()) { if (!h1.visible) { vis = false; break; } thresh ++; if (thresh >= 10) { break; } } if (!vis) { space = galaxy; Console.WriteLine("BUMP"); } } middleman.AddCommand(new Command(selectedhex, mousehex, clickedaction)); clickedaction = Command.Action.None; selectedhex = nullhex; } } /////stuff to do if a ship is selected///// GameObject selectedobject = selectedhex.GetGameObject(); if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Unit) { statusmenu.Update((Unit)selectedobject); statusmenu.Show(); } else { statusmenu.Hide(); } if (selectedhex.GetGameObject() is Ship && clickedaction == Command.Action.Jump) { foreach (Hex3D h in ((SolarSystem3D)space).GetWarpable()) { h.color = Color.Blue; } } if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Ship && ((Ship)selectedobject).getAffiliation().Equals(player)) { shipmenu.Show(); } else { shipmenu.Hide(); } if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Warship) { foreach (Hex3D h in ((Warship)selectedobject).GetShootable()) { h.color = Color.Red; } } if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Ship) { Ship tmpShip = (Ship)selectedobject; if (oldShip != null && oldShip != tmpShip) { tmpShip.shiptype.PlaySelectSound(); } oldShip = tmpShip; foreach (Hex3D h in ((Ship)selectedobject).GetReachable()) { h.color = movecolor; } } ////VERY REDUNDANT, handles cases where range is smaller than speed if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Warship && ((Warship)selectedobject).GetRange() < ((Warship)selectedobject).getSpeed()) { foreach (Hex3D h in ((Warship)selectedobject).GetShootable()) { h.color = Color.Red; } } //planetmenu if (selectedobject != null && selectedobject is Planet && ((Planet)selectedobject).getAffiliation() != null && ((Planet)selectedobject).getAffiliation().Equals(player)) { planetmenu.Show(); } else { planetmenu.Hide(); } //Color the mousedover hex if (mousehex != null && !mousehex.Equals(selectedhex) && !shipmenu.Contains(mousestate.X, mousestate.Y)) { mousehex.color = mousecolor; } telescopemenu.Hide(); }
//void BuildClick(Object o, EventArgs e) { clickedaction = Command.Action.Build; } public void Update() { if (middleman.DriverReady()) { middleman.DriverReset(); driver.Execute(); waiting = false; } mousestate = Mouse.GetState(); keystate = Keyboard.GetState(); if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape)) { MenuManager.ClickTitle(this, EventArgs.Empty); middleman.Close(); } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.R) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.R)) { Save(); } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && oldkeystate.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space)) { waiting = true; middleman.EndTurn(); } //////camera controls//// if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { offset.X = offset.X + scrollspeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { offset.X = offset.X - scrollspeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { offset.Y = offset.Y + scrollspeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { offset.Y = offset.Y - scrollspeed; } //if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { xr += rotatespeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { yr += rotatespeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { zr += rotatespeed; } //if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { xr -= rotatespeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { yr -= rotatespeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { zr -= rotatespeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q)) { height += zoomspeed; } if (keystate.IsKeyDown(Keys.E)) { height -= zoomspeed; } if (yr > 0) { yr = 0; } if (yr < (-Math.PI / (float)2)) { yr = (float)(-Math.PI / (float)2); } space.Update(); //just resets the color of hexes if (space is SolarSystem3D) UpdateSolar(); if (space is Galaxy) UpdateGalaxy(); //update the 2d stuff foreach (MenuComponent c in components) { c.Update(mousestate, oldmousestate); } oldmousestate = mousestate; oldmousehex = mousehex; oldkeystate = keystate; }
private void Shootable(HashSet<Hex3D> hexes, Hex3D h, int r) { if (r <= 0) return; foreach (Hex3D n in h.getNeighbors()) { hexes.Add(n); Shootable(hexes, n, r - 1); } }
public void SetHex(Hex3D h) { hex = h; h.AddObject(this); }
//public readonly Type shiptype; public Command(Hex3D sh, Hex3D th, Action a) { if( sh != null) start = new Tuple<int,int,int>(sh.hexgrid.index,sh.x,sh.y); if (th != null) target = new Tuple<int, int, int>(th.hexgrid.index, th.x, th.y); action = a; }
List<Hex3D> reachable(Hex3D startHex, int r) { startHex.distance = r; List<Hex3D> hexes = new List<Hex3D>(); if (r <= 0) { return hexes; } foreach (Hex3D h in startHex.getNeighbors()) { //if (!h.passable) continue; int dist = h.distance; if (dist == -1 || dist < r - 1) { hexes.Add(h); hexes.AddRange(reachable(h, r - 1)); } } return hexes; }
public void SetGhost(Hex3D target) { //Console.WriteLine("setting ghost"); double x = target.getCenter().X - hex.getCenter().X; double y = hex.getCenter().Y - target.getCenter().Y; targetangle = Math.Atan(x / y); //Console.WriteLine(" x " + x); //Console.WriteLine(" y " + y); if (y < 0) targetangle = targetangle + Math.PI; //Console.WriteLine("angle -> " + targetangle); if (ghosthex != null) ghosthex.SetGhostObject(null); ghosthex = target; target.SetGhostObject(this); if (this.hex.hexgrid == ghosthex.hexgrid) { //Console.WriteLine("creating new linemodel"); line = new LineModel(getCenter(), ghosthex.getCenter()); } }
public void move(Hex3D target) { hex.RemoveObject(); //oldposition = hex.getCenter(); //percenttraveled = 0; if (ghosthex != null) ghosthex.ClearGhostObject(); line = null; targetpositions.Enqueue(target.getCenter()); double x = target.getCenter().X - hex.getCenter().X; double y = hex.getCenter().Y - target.getCenter().Y; double newangle = Math.Atan(x / y); //Console.WriteLine(" x " + x); //Console.WriteLine(" y " + y); if (y < 0) newangle = newangle + Math.PI; //Console.WriteLine("angle -> " + newangle); targetangles.Enqueue(newangle); SetHex(target); }