        /// <summary>
        /// Writes an DBObject into log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myObjectUUID">The UUID of the Object</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeManager">The corresponding type manager</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">The type attribute</param>
        public static void ShowDBObject(ObjectUUID myObjectUUID, DBTypeManager myTypeManager, TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBObjectCache myObjectCache)
            var currentDBObject = myObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager), myObjectUUID);

            if (currentDBObject.Failed())
                throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes all paths included in the HashSet. Every object is represented via a given attribute.
        /// example path between fry and morbo (attribute is "Name") 
        /// output:
        /// Fry -> Leela -> Lrrr -> Morbo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myPaths">An HashSet which contains Lists of UUIDs</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeManager">The type manager to load the DBObjects</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">The Type Attribute</param>
        /// <param name="myAttribute">The Attribute which shall be used for output.</param>
        public static void ShowDBObjects(HashSet<List<ObjectUUID>> myPaths, DBTypeManager myTypeManager, TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, String myAttribute, DBObjectCache myObjectCache)
            var attributeUUID = myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager).GetTypeSpecificAttributeByName(myAttribute).UUID;

            foreach (var path in myPaths)

                var pathString = new StringBuilder();
                Exceptional<DBObjectStream> currentDBObject;

                foreach (var _ObjectUUID in path)
                    //load from DB
                    currentDBObject = myObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager), _ObjectUUID);
                    if (currentDBObject.Failed())
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                    pathString.Append(currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(attributeUUID) + " -> ");

                pathString.Remove(0, pathString.Length);

 private bool IsValidDBObjectStreamForBinExpr(DBObjectStream DBObjectStream, TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBTypeManager myDBTypeManager)
     if (DBObjectStream.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBTypeManager)) || myTypeAttribute.IsBackwardEdge)
         return true;
         return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// generate a output result for setting on a attribute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mySettingName">the name of the setting</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeNode">typenode</param>
        /// <param name="mySessionToken"></param>
        private Exceptional<List<Vertex>> GenerateAttrResult(TypeAttribute myAttribute, DBContext myDBContext)
            List<Vertex> resultingObjects = new List<Vertex>();

            var settings = myDBContext.DBSettingsManager.GetAllSettings(myDBContext, TypesSettingScope.ATTRIBUTE, myAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), myAttribute);
            foreach (var setting in settings)
                resultingObjects.Add(GenerateResult(setting.Value, myDBContext.DBTypeManager));

            return new Exceptional<List<Vertex>>(resultingObjects);
        /// <summary>
        /// generate a output result for setting on a attribute
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mySettingName">the name of the setting</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeNode">typenode</param>
        /// <param name="mySessionToken"></param>
        private Exceptional<Vertex> GenerateAttrResult(string mySettingName, TypeAttribute myAttribute, DBContext myDBContext)
            var setting = myDBContext.DBSettingsManager.GetSetting(mySettingName, myDBContext, TypesSettingScope.ATTRIBUTE, myAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), myAttribute);
            if (setting.Failed())
                return new Exceptional<Vertex>(setting);

            return new Exceptional<Vertex>(GenerateResult(setting.Value, myDBContext.DBTypeManager));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new edge from the current DBObject to the destination defined by <paramref name="myObjectReference"/>.
        /// Do not forget to call Flush() after doing all changes!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myEdgeAttribute">The edge attribute</param>
        /// <param name="myObjectReference">The destination DBObjectUUID</param>
        /// <param name="myEdgeParams">Optional parameters like weight, etc.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BulkInsertDBO AddEdge(TypeAttribute myEdgeAttribute, IEnumerable<ObjectUUID> myObjectReferences, params ADBBaseObject[] myEdgeParams)
            #region Currently only ListRefernceEdgeType is implemented

            if (myEdgeAttribute.KindOfType != KindsOfType.SetOfReferences)
                throw new GraphDBException(new Error_InvalidEdgeType(typeof(ASetOfReferencesEdgeType), typeof(ASingleReferenceEdgeType)));


            if (!_DBObjectStream.HasAttribute(myEdgeAttribute.UUID, myEdgeAttribute.GetRelatedType(_DBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                _DBObjectStream.AddAttribute(myEdgeAttribute.UUID, myEdgeAttribute.EdgeType.GetNewInstance());

            if (myEdgeAttribute.KindOfType == KindsOfType.SetOfReferences)
                (_DBObjectStream.GetAttribute(myEdgeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).AddRange(myObjectReferences, myEdgeAttribute.DBTypeUUID,  myEdgeParams);

            EdgesCount += (UInt64)myObjectReferences.Count();

            return this;
        //private static Logger //_Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sucht im Graphen nach Knoten "myEnd" ausgehend vom Knoten "myStart", bis zur max. Tiefe "myMaxDepth".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">Kante über die gesucht werden soll</param>
        /// <param name="myDBContext"></param>
        /// <param name="myStart">Startknoten</param>
        /// <param name="myEnd">gesuchter Knoten</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxDepth">max. Tiefe</param>
        /// <returns>true wenn gesuchter Knoten min. 1 mal gefunden, false sonst</returns>
        public bool Find(TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBContext myDBContext, DBObjectStream myStart, DBObjectStream myEnd, byte myMaxDepth)
            #region data
            //queue for BFS
            Queue<ObjectUUID> queue = new Queue<ObjectUUID>();

            //Dictionary to store visited TreeNodes
            BigHashSet<ObjectUUID> visitedNodes = new BigHashSet<ObjectUUID>();

            //current depth
            byte depth = 1;

            //first node in path tree, the start of the select
            ObjectUUID root = myStart.ObjectUUID;

            //target node, the target of the select
            ObjectUUID target = myEnd.ObjectUUID;

            //dummy node to check in which level the BFS is
            ObjectUUID dummy = null;

            //enqueue first node to start the BFS

            //add root to visitedNodes

            //holds the actual DBObject
            Exceptional<DBObjectStream> currentDBObject;
            #endregion data

            #region BFS

            #region validate root
            //check if root has edge
            var dbo = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), root);
            if (dbo.Failed())
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (!dbo.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                return false;
            #endregion validate root

            //if there is more than one object in the queue and the actual depth is less than MaxDepth
            while ((queue.Count > 1) && (depth <= myMaxDepth))
                //get the first Object of the queue
                ObjectUUID nodeOfQueue = queue.Dequeue();

                #region check if nodeOfQueue is a dummy
                //if nodeOfQueue is a dummy, this level is completely worked off
                if (nodeOfQueue == null)


                #endregion check if current is a dummy

                //load DBObject
                currentDBObject = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), nodeOfQueue);
                if (currentDBObject.Failed())
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (currentDBObject.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                    #region EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType
                    if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType)
                        //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDs = (currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        ObjectUUID currentNode;

                        foreach (ObjectUUID obj in objectUUIDs)
                            #region obj is target
                            //if the child is the target
                            if (target.Equals(obj))
                                return true;
                            #endregion obj is target
                            #region never seen before
                            else if (!visitedNodes.Contains(obj))
                                //create new node and set nodeOfQueue as parent
                                currentNode = new ObjectUUID(obj.ToString());

                                //mark the node as visited

                                //put created node in queue
                            #endregion never seen before
                    #endregion EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType
                    #region EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
                    else if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType)
                        //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDs = (currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASingleReferenceEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        ObjectUUID objectUUID = objectUUIDs.First<ObjectUUID>();
                        ObjectUUID currentNode;

                        #region obj is target
                        //if the child is the target
                        if (target.Equals(objectUUID))
                            return true;
                        #endregion obj is target
                        #region never seen before
                        else if (!visitedNodes.Contains(objectUUID))
                            //create new node and set nodeOfQueue as parent
                            currentNode = new ObjectUUID(objectUUID.ToString());

                            //mark the node as visited

                            //put created node in queue
                        #endregion never seen before
                    #endregion EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            #endregion BFS

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches shortest, all shortest or all paths starting from "myStart" to "myEnd".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">The Attribute representing the edge to follow (p.e. "Friends")</param>
        /// <param name="myTypeManager">The TypeManager for the Node type</param>
        /// <param name="myDBObjectCache">The Object Cache for faster object lookup</param>
        /// <param name="myStart">The start node</param>
        /// <param name="myEnd">The end node</param>
        /// <param name="shortestOnly">true, if only shortest path shall be found</param>
        /// <param name="findAll">if true and shortestOnly is true, all shortest paths will be found. if true, and shortest only is false, all paths will be searched</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxDepth">The maximum depth to search</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxPathLength">The maximum path length which shall be analyzed</param>
        /// <returns>A HashSet which contains all found paths. Every path is represented by a List of ObjectUUIDs</returns>
        public HashSet<List<ObjectUUID>> Find(TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBTypeManager myTypeManager, DBObjectCache myDBObjectCache, DBObjectStream myStart, DBObjectStream myEnd, bool shortestOnly, bool findAll, byte myMaxDepth, byte myMaxPathLength)
            #region data

            //queue for BFS
            Queue<Node> queue = new Queue<Node>();

            //Dictionary to store visited TreeNodes
            BigDictionary<ObjectUUID, Node> visitedNodes = new BigDictionary<ObjectUUID, Node>();

            //current depth
            byte depth = 0;

            //first node in path tree, the start of the select
            Node root = new Node(myStart.ObjectUUID);

            //root changed in Dictionary because of BidirectionalBFS
            HashSet<ObjectUUID> rootFriends = new HashSet<ObjectUUID>();

            //target node, the target of the select
            Node target = new Node(myEnd.ObjectUUID);

            //holds the key of the backwardedge
            EdgeKey edgeKey = new EdgeKey(myTypeAttribute);

            //dummy node to check in which level the BFS is
            Node dummy = new Node();

            //if the maxDepth is greater then maxPathLength, then set maxDepth to maxPathLength
            if (myMaxDepth > myMaxPathLength)
                myMaxDepth = myMaxPathLength;

            //enqueue first node to start the BFS

            //add root to visitedNodes
            visitedNodes.Add(root.Key, root);

            //holds the actual DBObject
            Exceptional<DBObjectStream> currentDBObject;


            #region BFS

            //Log start
            ////_Logger.Info("Starting BFS..");

            //check if root node has edge and target has backwardedge
            var dbObject = myDBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager), root.Key);
            if (dbObject.Failed())
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (!dbObject.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager)))
                ////_Logger.Info("Abort search! Start object has no edge!");
                //Console.WriteLine("No paths found!");
                return null;

            var be = myDBObjectCache.LoadDBBackwardEdgeStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager), target.Key);
            if (be.Failed())
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (!be.Value.ContainsBackwardEdge(edgeKey))
                ////_Logger.Info("Abort search! End object has no backwardedge!");
                //Console.WriteLine("No paths found!");
                return null;

            //if there is more than one object in the queue and the actual depth is less than MaxDepth
            while ((queue.Count > 0) && (depth <= myMaxDepth))
                //get the first Object of the queue
                Node current = queue.Dequeue();

                if (current.Key == null)

                //load DBObject
                currentDBObject = myDBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager), current.Key);
                if (currentDBObject.Failed())
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (currentDBObject.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myTypeManager)))
                    if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType)
                        //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDs = (currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        Node currentNode;

                        foreach(ObjectUUID dbo in objectUUIDs)
                            //only for debug
                            //var currentNodeObject = myTypeManager.LoadDBObject(myTypeAttribute.RelatedGraphType, dbo);

                            //create a new node and set current = parent, currentNode = child
                            currentNode = new Node(dbo, current);

                            //if the child is the target
                            if (currentNode.Key.Equals(myEnd.ObjectUUID))
                                //node points on the target

                                //if shortestOnly == true we are finished here
                                    if (findAll)
                                        //continue searching the current depth if there are any other shortest paths
                                        myMaxDepth = Convert.ToByte(depth);
                                        myMaxPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depth + 2);
                                        ////_Logger.Info("found shortest path.");
                                        //got the shortest, finished
                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, myMaxPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                //been there before
                                if (visitedNodes.ContainsKey(currentNode.Key))
                                    //if currentNode.Key isn't root set parent
                                    if (!rootFriends.Contains(currentNode.Key))
                                        //node has more then one parent

                                //never seen before
                                //mark the node as visited
                                visitedNodes.Add(currentNode.Key, currentNode);
                                //and look what comes on the next level of depth

                                //some logging
                                if (queue.Count % 10000 == 0)
                                    ////_Logger.Info(queue.Count + " elements enqueued..");
                    else if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                //if a new depth is reached
                if (queue.First() == dummy)
                    //enqueue the dummy at the end of to mark the next depth
                    //one step deeper in the dungen
                    ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon.. current level: " + depth);


            ////_Logger.Info("finished building path-graph.. starting analyzer");
            //analyze paths
            return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, myMaxPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
        /// <summary>
        /// Sucht im Graphen nach Knoten "myEnd" ausgehend von der Knotenmenge "myEdge", bis zur max. Tiefe "myMaxDepth".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">Kante über die gesucht werden soll</param>
        /// <param name="myDBContext"></param>
        /// <param name="myStart">Startknoten</param>
        /// <param name="myEnd">gesuchter Knoten</param>
        /// <param name="myEdge">Menge an Knoten, ausgehend vom Startknoten welche mittels einer Funktion eingeschränkt wurde</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxDepth">max. Tiefe</param>
        /// <returns>true wenn gesuchter Knoten min. 1 mal gefunden, false sonst</returns>
        public bool Find(TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBContext myDBContext, DBObjectStream myStart, DBObjectStream myEnd, IReferenceEdge myEdge, byte myMaxDepth)
            #region data
            //queue for BFS
            Queue<ObjectUUID> queue = new Queue<ObjectUUID>();

            //Dictionary to store visited TreeNodes
            BigHashSet<ObjectUUID> visitedNodes = new BigHashSet<ObjectUUID>();

            //current depth
            byte depth = 2;

            //first node in path tree, the start of the select
            ObjectUUID root = myStart.ObjectUUID;

            //constrainted set of nodes, of start node
            HashSet<ObjectUUID> rootFriends = new HashSet<ObjectUUID>();

            //target node, the target of the select
            ObjectUUID target = myEnd.ObjectUUID;

            //dummy node to check in which level the BFS is
            ObjectUUID dummy = null;

            //add root to visitedNodes

            //holds the actual DBObject
            Exceptional<DBObjectStream> currentDBObject;
            #endregion data

            #region validate root
            //check if root has edge
            var dbo = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), root);
            if (dbo.Failed())
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (!dbo.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                return false;
            #endregion validate root

            #region get friends of startElement and check if they are the target and valid
            //instead of inserting only the startObject, we are using the startObject and the friends of the startObject (which could be restricted)
            var firstUUIDs = myEdge.GetAllReferenceIDs();

            for (int i = 0; i < firstUUIDs.Count(); i++)
                var element = firstUUIDs.ElementAt(i);

                if (element != null)
                    //create a new node and set root = parent
                    var currentNode = element;

                    #region check if the child is the target
                    //start and target are conntected directly
                    if (currentNode.Equals(myEnd.ObjectUUID))
                        //add node (which coud be the target) to startFriends (if start and target are directly connected, the target in the rootFriends list is needed)

                        return true;
                    #endregion check if the child is the target

                    //check if element has edge
                    var dbobject = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentNode);
                    if (dbobject.Failed())

                    if (!dbobject.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))

                    //enqueue node to start from left side

                    //add node to visitedNodes

                    //add node to startFriends
            #endregion get friends of startElement and check if they are the target and valid

            //enqueue dummy

            #region BFS

            //if there is more than one object in the queue and the actual depth is less than MaxDepth
            while ((queue.Count > 1) && (depth <= myMaxDepth))
                //get the first Object of the queue
                ObjectUUID nodeOfQueue = queue.Dequeue();

                #region check if nodeOfQueue is a dummy
                //if nodeOfQueue is a dummy, this level is completely worked off
                if (nodeOfQueue == null)


                #endregion check if current is a dummy

                //load DBObject
                currentDBObject = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), nodeOfQueue);
                if (currentDBObject.Failed())
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (currentDBObject.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                    #region EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType
                    if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType)
                        //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDs = (currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        ObjectUUID currentNode;

                        foreach (ObjectUUID obj in objectUUIDs)
                            #region obj is target
                            //if the child is the target
                            if (target.Equals(obj))
                                return true;
                            #endregion obj is target
                            #region never seen before
                            else if (!visitedNodes.Contains(obj))
                                //create new node and set nodeOfQueue as parent
                                currentNode = new ObjectUUID(obj.ToString());

                                //mark the node as visited

                                //put created node in queue
                            #endregion never seen before
                    #endregion EdgeType is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType
                    #region EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
                    else if (myTypeAttribute.EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType)
                        //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDs = (currentDBObject.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASingleReferenceEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        ObjectUUID objectUUID = objectUUIDs.First<ObjectUUID>();
                        ObjectUUID currentNode;

                        #region obj is target
                        //if the child is the target
                        if (target.Equals(objectUUID))
                            return true;
                        #endregion obj is target
                        #region never seen before
                        else if (!visitedNodes.Contains(objectUUID))
                            //create new node and set nodeOfQueue as parent
                            currentNode = new ObjectUUID(objectUUID.ToString());

                            //mark the node as visited

                            //put created node in queue
                        #endregion never seen before
                    #endregion EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

            #endregion BFS

            return false;
        //private static Logger //_Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
        /// <summary>
        /// Please look at the class documentation for detailed description how this algorithm works.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTypeAttribute">The Attribute representing the edge to follow (p.e. "Friends")</param>
        /// <param name="myDBContext">The DBContext holds the TypeManager and the ObjectCache</param>
        /// <param name="myStart">The start node</param>
        /// <param name="myEnd">The end node</param>
        /// <param name="shortestOnly">true, if only shortest path shall be found</param>
        /// <param name="findAll">if true and shortestOnly is true, all shortest paths will be found. if true, and shortest only is false, all paths will be searched</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxDepth">The maximum depth to search</param>
        /// <param name="myMaxPathLength">The maximum path length which shall be analyzed</param>
        /// <returns>A HashSet which contains all found paths. Every path is represented by a List of ObjectUUIDs</returns>m>
        public HashSet<List<ObjectUUID>> Find(TypeAttribute myTypeAttribute, DBContext myDBContext, DBObjectStream myStart, IReferenceEdge myEdge, DBObjectStream myEnd, bool shortestOnly, bool findAll, byte myMaxDepth, byte myMaxPathLength)
            #region declarations
            //queue for BFS
            var queueLeft  = new Queue<Node>();
            var queueRight = new Queue<Node>();

            //Dictionary to store visited TreeNodes
            var visitedNodesLeft  = new BigDictionary<ObjectUUID, Node>();
            var visitedNodesRight = new BigDictionary<ObjectUUID, Node>();

            //set current depth left
            byte depthLeft = 2;
            //set current depth right
            byte depthRight = 1;

            //maximum depth
            byte maxDepthLeft = 0;
            byte maxDepthRight = 0;

            #region initialize maxDepths
            //if the maxDepth is greater then maxPathLength, then set maxDepth to maxPathLength
            if (myMaxDepth > myMaxPathLength)
                myMaxDepth = myMaxPathLength;

            //set depth for left side
            maxDepthLeft = Convert.ToByte(myMaxDepth / 2 + 1);

            //if myMaxDepth is 1 maxDepthRight keeps 0, just one side is searching
            if (myMaxDepth > 1)
                //both sides have the same depth
                maxDepthRight = maxDepthLeft;

            //if myMaxDepth is even, one side has to search in a greater depth
            if ((myMaxDepth % 2) == 0)
                maxDepthRight = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft - 1);

            //shortest path length
            byte shortestPathLength = 0;

            //target node, the target of the select
            var target = new Node(myEnd.ObjectUUID);
            var root = new Node(myStart.ObjectUUID);
            HashSet<ObjectUUID> rootFriends = new HashSet<ObjectUUID>();

            //dummy node to check in which level the BFS is
            var dummyLeft = new Node();
            var dummyRight = new Node();

            #region get friends of startElement and check if they are the target and valid
            //instead of inserting only the startObject, we are using the startObject and the friends of the startObject (which could be restricted)
            var firstUUIDs = myEdge.GetAllReferenceIDs();

            foreach (var element in firstUUIDs)
                if (element != null)
                    //create a new node and set root = parent
                    var currentNodeLeft = new Node(element);

                    #region check if the child is the target
                    //start and target are conntected directly
                    if (currentNodeLeft.Key == myEnd.ObjectUUID)
                        //set depthRight to zero
                        depthRight = 0;

                        //add node (which coud be the target) to startFriends (if start and target are directly connected, the target in the rootFriends list is needed)

                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft);

                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                    #endregion check if the child is the target

                    //check if element has edge
                    var dbo = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentNodeLeft.Key);
                    if (dbo.Failed())

                    if (!dbo.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))

                    //enqueue node to start from left side

                    //add node to visitedNodes
                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                    //add node to startFriends

            #endregion get friends of startElement and check if they are the target and valid

            //elements of myEdge doesn't have edge
            if (visitedNodesLeft.Count == 0)
                return null;

            //check if target already found
            if (shortestPathLength != 0)
                return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();

            //enqueue dummyLeft to analyze the depth of the left side

            //holds the key of the backwardedge
            var edgeKey = new EdgeKey(myTypeAttribute);

            //holds the actual DBObject
            Exceptional<DBObjectStream> currentDBObjectLeft;
            Exceptional<BackwardEdgeStream> currentDBObjectRight;
            #endregion declarations

            #region BidirectionalBFS
            //check if the EdgeType is ASetReferenceEdgeType
            #region EdgeType is ASetReferenceEdgeType
            if (myEdge is ASetOfReferencesEdgeType)
                #region initialize variables
                //enqueue target node to start from right side

                //enqueue dummyRight to analyze the depth of the right side

                //add root and target to visitedNodes
                visitedNodesRight.Add(target.Key, target);
                #endregion initialize variables

                #region check if target has backwardedge
                var be = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBBackwardEdgeStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), target.Key);
                if (be.Failed())
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (!be.Value.ContainsBackwardEdge(edgeKey))
                    return null;
                #endregion check if target has backwardedge

                //if there is more than one object in the queue and the actual depth is less than MaxDepth
                while (((queueLeft.Count > 0) && (queueRight.Count > 0)) && ((depthLeft <= maxDepthLeft) || (depthRight <= maxDepthRight)))
                    #region both queues contain objects and both depths are not reached
                    if (((queueLeft.Count > 0) && (queueRight.Count > 0)) && ((depthLeft <= maxDepthLeft) && (depthRight <= maxDepthRight)))
                        //hold the actual element of the queues
                        Node currentLeft;
                        Node currentRight;

                        #region check if there is a dummyNode at the beginning of a queue
                        //first of both queues are dummies
                        if ((queueLeft.First<Node>() == dummyLeft) && (queueRight.First<Node>() == dummyRight))
                            //if maxDepth of a side is reached and there is a dummy, one level is totaly searched
                            if (depthLeft == maxDepthLeft && depthRight == maxDepthRight)
                                ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);
                                ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);

                            else if (depthLeft == maxDepthLeft)
                                ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);

                            else if (depthRight == maxDepthRight)
                                ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);


                            //dequeue dummies

                            //increase depth's
                            ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);
                            ////_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);

                            //if both queues are empty -> break loop
                            if (queueLeft.Count == 0 && queueRight.Count == 0)
                            //if left queue is empty enqueue right dummy and continue
                            else if (queueLeft.Count == 0)
                            //if right queue is empty enqueue left dummy and continue
                            else if (queueRight.Count == 0)
                            //enqueue both dummies
                        //first of left queue is a dummy
                        else if (queueLeft.First<Node>() == dummyLeft)
                            //if maxDepth of a side is reached and there is a dummy, one level is totaly searched
                            if (depthLeft == maxDepthLeft)
                                //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);


                            //dequeue dummy

                            //increase depth
                            //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);

                            //if left queue is empty continue
                            if (queueLeft.Count == 0)
                            //enqueue dummy
                        //first of right queue is a dummy
                        else if (queueRight.First<Node>() == dummyRight)
                            //if maxDepth of a side is reached and there is a dummy, one level is totaly searched
                            if (depthRight == maxDepthRight)
                                //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);


                            //dequeue dummy

                            //increase depth
                            //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);

                            //if right queue is empty continue
                            if (queueRight.Count == 0)
                            //enqueue dummy
                        #endregion check if there is a dummyNode at the beginning of a queue

                        #region get first nodes of the queues
                        //get the first Object of the queue
                        currentLeft = queueLeft.Dequeue();
                        //get the first Object of the queue
                        currentRight = queueRight.Dequeue();
                        #endregion get first nodes of the queues

                        #region load DBObjects
                        //load DBObject
                        currentDBObjectLeft = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentLeft.Key);
                        if (currentDBObjectLeft.Failed())
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //load DBObject
                        currentDBObjectRight = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBBackwardEdgeStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), new ObjectUUID(currentRight.Key.ToString().TrimStart()));
                        if (currentDBObjectRight.Failed())
                            throw new NotImplementedException();
                        #endregion load DBObjects

                        #region the edge and the backwardedge are existing
                        if (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager))
                            && currentDBObjectRight.Value.ContainsBackwardEdge(edgeKey))
                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsLeft = (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                            Node currentNodeLeft;

                            #region check left friends
                            foreach (var dboLeft in objectUUIDsLeft)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (dboLeft == myEnd.ObjectUUID)
                                    //set currentLeft as parent of target

                                    #region check if already visited
                                    if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                        //set currentLeft as parent

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child
                                        //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                        currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                                        //and put node into the queue
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much parents are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    //if find all shortest paths
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        //set maxDepth to actual depth
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight);
                                    #endregion check how much parents are searched
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                    //set currentLeft as parent

                                    //set currentNodeLeft as child
                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                    currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                                    //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                                    //and put node into the queue
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check left friends

                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsRight = currentDBObjectRight.Value.GetBackwardEdgeUUIDs(edgeKey);
                            Node currentNodeRight;

                            #region check right friends
                            foreach (ObjectUUID dboRight in objectUUIDsRight)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (rootFriends.Contains(dboRight))
                                    #region check if already visited
                                    //mark node as visited
                                    if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                        //set found children

                                        //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                        currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);

                                        //set currentNodeRight as parent of current Right

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);

                                        //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much paths are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    //if find all shortest paths
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        //set maxDepth to actual depth
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight);
                                    #endregion check how much paths are searched
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                    //set found children

                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                    currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);

                                    //set currentNodeRight as parent of current Right

                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);

                                    //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check right friends

                            #region build intersection of visitedNodesLeft and visitedNodesRight

                            //marks if intersection nodes are existing
                            bool foundIntersect = false;

                            foreach (var node in visitedNodesLeft)
                                if (visitedNodesRight[node.Key] != null)
                                    //set nodes children and parents

                                    //set nodes children and parents

                                    foundIntersect = true;
                            #endregion build intersection of visitedNodesLeft and visitedNodesRight

                            #region analyze intersection
                            //if intersection nodes existing
                            if (foundIntersect)
                                //only shortest path
                                if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                    //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                    if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                        shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                    return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                //if find all shortest paths
                                else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                    //set maxDepth to actual depth
                                    maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;
                                    maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                    if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                        shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                    else if (shortestPathLength == 0)
                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                            #endregion analyze intersection
                        #endregion the edge and the backwardedge are existing
                        #region only the edge exists
                        else if (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsLeft = (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                            Node currentNodeLeft;

                            #region check left friends
                            foreach (ObjectUUID dboLeft in objectUUIDsLeft)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (dboLeft == myEnd.ObjectUUID)

                                    #region check if already visited
                                    if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                        //set currentLeft as parent

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child
                                        //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                        currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                                        //and put node into the queue
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much paths are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                    #endregion check if already visited
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited from right side
                                else if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                    //get node
                                    Node temp = visitedNodesRight[dboLeft];
                                    //add parent new
                                    //add as child

                                    visitedNodesRight.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (visitedNodesLeft.Remove(temp.Key))
                                        visitedNodesLeft.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                #endregion already visited from right side
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                    //set found parents from left side as parents of matchNode
                                    //matchNode has now parents and children

                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                    currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                                    //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                                    //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check left friends
                        #endregion only the edge exists
                        #region only the backwardedge exists
                        else if (currentDBObjectRight.Value.ContainsBackwardEdge(edgeKey))
                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsRight = currentDBObjectRight.Value.GetBackwardEdgeUUIDs(edgeKey);
                            Node currentNodeRight;

                            #region check right friends
                            foreach (ObjectUUID dboRight in objectUUIDsRight)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (rootFriends.Contains(dboRight))
                                    #region check if already visited
                                    //mark node as visited
                                    if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                        //set found children

                                        //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                        currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);

                                        //set currentNodeRight as parent of current Right

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);

                                        //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much paths are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                    #endregion check how much paths are searched
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited from left side
                                else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                    //get node
                                    Node temp = visitedNodesLeft[dboRight];

                                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (visitedNodesRight.Remove(temp.Key))
                                        visitedNodesRight.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                #endregion already visited from left side
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                    //set found children

                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                    currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);

                                    //set currentNodeRight as parent of currentRight

                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);

                                    //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check right friends
                        #endregion only the backwardedge exists
                    #endregion  both queues contain objects and both depths are not reached

                    #region only left queue contain objects
                    else if ((queueLeft.Count > 0) && (depthLeft <= maxDepthLeft))
                        #region check if first element of queue is a dummy
                        if (queueLeft.First<Node>().Key == null)

                            //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);

                            if (queueLeft.Count == 0)
                            else if (depthLeft > maxDepthLeft)
                        #endregion check if first element of queue is a dummy

                        //get the first Object of the queue
                        Node currentLeft = queueLeft.Dequeue();

                        //load DBObject
                        currentDBObjectLeft = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentLeft.Key);
                        if (currentDBObjectLeft.Failed())
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                        if (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsLeft = (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASetOfReferencesEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                            Node currentNodeLeft;

                            #region check left friends
                            foreach (ObjectUUID dboLeft in objectUUIDsLeft)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (dboLeft == myEnd.ObjectUUID)

                                    #region check if already visited
                                    if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                        //set currentLeft as parent

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child
                                        //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                        currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                                        //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                                        //and put node into the queue
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much paths are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                    #endregion check how much paths are searched
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited from right side
                                else if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                    //get node
                                    Node temp = visitedNodesRight[dboLeft];
                                    //add parent new
                                    //add as child

                                    visitedNodesRight.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (visitedNodesLeft.Remove(temp.Key))
                                        visitedNodesLeft.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthLeft = depthLeft;

                                        if (shortestPathLength < (maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight))
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                #endregion already visited from right side
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboLeft))
                                    //set found parents from left side as parents of matchNode
                                    //matchNode has now parents and children

                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                                    currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);


                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);
                                    //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check left friends
                    #endregion only left queue contain objects

                    #region only right queue contain objects
                    else if ((queueRight.Count > 0) && (depthRight <= maxDepthRight))
                        //get the first Object of the queue
                        Node currentRight;

                        #region check if first element of the queue is a dummy
                        if (queueRight.First<Node>().Key == null)

                            //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the right side.. current level: " + depthRight);

                            if (queueRight.Count == 0)
                        #endregion check if first element of the queue is a dummy

                        currentRight = queueRight.Dequeue();

                        //load DBObject
                        currentDBObjectRight = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBBackwardEdgeStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentRight.Key);
                        if (currentDBObjectRight.Failed())
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                        if (currentDBObjectRight.Value.ContainsBackwardEdge(edgeKey))
                            //get all referenced ObjectUUIDs using the given Edge
                            var objectUUIDsRight = currentDBObjectRight.Value.GetBackwardEdgeUUIDs(edgeKey);
                            Node currentNodeRight;

                            #region check right friends
                            foreach (ObjectUUID dboRight in objectUUIDsRight)
                                #region if the child is the target
                                if (rootFriends.Contains(dboRight))
                                    #region check if already visited
                                    //mark node as visited
                                    if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                        //set found children

                                        //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                        currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);

                                        //set currentNodeRight as parent of current Right

                                        //never seen before
                                        //mark the node as visited
                                        visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);

                                        //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                    #endregion check if already visited

                                    #region check how much paths are searched
                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");
                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                    #endregion check how much paths are searched
                                #endregion if the child is the target
                                #region already visited from left side
                                else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                    //get node
                                    Node temp = visitedNodesLeft[dboRight];

                                    visitedNodesLeft.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (visitedNodesRight.Remove(temp.Key))
                                        visitedNodesRight.Add(temp.Key, temp);

                                    if (shortestOnly && !findAll)
                                        //_Logger.Info("found shortest path..starting analyzer");

                                        if ((depthLeft + depthRight + 1) > myMaxPathLength)
                                            shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;
                                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + depthRight + 1);

                                        return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                                    else if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                                        maxDepthRight = depthRight;

                                        shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(maxDepthLeft + maxDepthRight);
                                #endregion already visited from left side
                                #region already visited
                                else if (visitedNodesRight.ContainsKey(dboRight))
                                    //set found children

                                #endregion already visited
                                #region set as visited
                                    //create a new node and set currentRight = child
                                    currentNodeRight = new Node(dboRight);


                                    //never seen before
                                    //mark the node as visited
                                    visitedNodesRight.Add(currentNodeRight.Key, currentNodeRight);
                                    //and look what comes on the next level of depth
                                #endregion set as visited
                            #endregion check right friends
                    #endregion only right queue contain objects

                    #region abort loop
                    #endregion abort loop
            #endregion EdgeType is ASetReferenceEdgeType
            //check if the EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
            #region EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
            else if (myEdge is ASingleReferenceEdgeType)
                #region initialize variables
                //if the maxDepth is greater then maxPathLength, then set maxDepth to maxPathLength
                if (myMaxDepth > myMaxPathLength)
                    myMaxDepth = myMaxPathLength;

                //set depth for left side
                maxDepthLeft = myMaxDepth;
                #endregion initialize variables

                #region check if friends of root node have edge
                foreach (var node in visitedNodesLeft)
                    var dbo = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), node.Key);
                    if (dbo.Failed())
                        if (visitedNodesLeft.Count != 0)
                            throw new NotImplementedException();

                    if (!dbo.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                        if (visitedNodesLeft.Count != 0)
                            return null;
                #endregion check if friends of root node have edge

                //if there is more than one object in the queue and the actual depth is less than MaxDepth
                while ((queueLeft.Count > 0) && (depthLeft <= maxDepthLeft))
                    #region check if first element of queue is a dummy
                    if (queueLeft.First<Node>().Key == null)

                        //_Logger.Info("going deeper in the dungeon on the left side.. current level: " + depthLeft);

                        if ((queueLeft.Count == 0) || (depthLeft > maxDepthLeft))
                    #endregion check if first element of queue is a dummy

                    #region load DBObject
                    //get the first Object of the queue
                    var currentLeft = queueLeft.Dequeue();

                    //load DBObject
                    currentDBObjectLeft = myDBContext.DBObjectCache.LoadDBObjectStream(myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager), currentLeft.Key);
                    if (currentDBObjectLeft.Failed())
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    #endregion load DBObject

                    #region check if currentDBObjectLeft has attribute
                    if (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.HasAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID, myTypeAttribute.GetRelatedType(myDBContext.DBTypeManager)))
                        //get referenced ObjectUUID using the given Edge
                        var objectUUIDsLeft = (currentDBObjectLeft.Value.GetAttribute(myTypeAttribute.UUID) as ASingleReferenceEdgeType).GetAllReferenceIDs();
                        Node currentNodeLeft;

                        #region check left friend
                        var dboLeft = objectUUIDsLeft.First();

                        //create a new node and set currentLeft = parent
                        currentNodeLeft = new Node(dboLeft, currentLeft);

                        #region if the child is the target
                        if (currentNodeLeft.Key == myEnd.ObjectUUID)
                            //set currentLeft as parent of target

                            //shortestPathLength is actual depth of left side plus 1 (because the depth starts with zero, but the pathLength with 1)
                            shortestPathLength = Convert.ToByte(depthLeft + 1);

                            return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                        #endregion if the child is the target
                        #region already visited
                        else if (visitedNodesLeft.ContainsKey(currentNodeLeft.Key))
                            //set currentLeft as parent

                            //set currentNodeLeft as child
                        #endregion already visited
                        #region set as visited
                            //set currentNodeLeft as child of currentLeft

                            //never seen before
                            //mark the node as visited
                            visitedNodesLeft.Add(currentNodeLeft.Key, currentNodeLeft);

                            //and put node into the queue
                        #endregion set as visited

                        #endregion check left friend
                    #endregion check if currentDBObjectLeft has attribute
                    #region abort loop
                    #endregion abort loop
            #endregion EdgeType is ASingleReferenceEdgeType
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            #region start TargetAnalyzer
            if (shortestOnly && findAll)
                if (shortestPathLength > myMaxPathLength)
                    shortestPathLength = myMaxPathLength;

                return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, shortestPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
                return new TargetAnalyzer(root, rootFriends, target, myMaxPathLength, shortestOnly, findAll).getPaths();
            #endregion start TargetAnalyzer

            #endregion BidirectionalBFS