        public virtual void translate(Distance dist, IDirection dir)
            double distMeters = dist.Meters;
            double dTheta = -DirectionMath.toRad(dir.bearing.Value);  // radians; theta is positive to left, bearing - positive to right

            this.translate(distMeters * Math.Cos(dTheta), distMeters * Math.Sin(dTheta));
        public Direction dir;   // straight forward is 0, right is positive

        public RelPosition(Direction direction, Distance distance)
            this.dir = (Direction)direction.Clone();
            this.dist = (Distance)distance.Clone();

            if (direction.bearingRelative.HasValue)
                double bearingRad = DirectionMath.toRad(direction.bearingRelative.Value);

                X = distance.Meters * Math.Sin(bearingRad);
                Y = -distance.Meters * Math.Cos(bearingRad);
            else if (direction.bearing.HasValue)
                double bearingRad = DirectionMath.toRad(direction.bearing.Value);

                X = distance.Meters * Math.Sin(bearingRad);
                Y = -distance.Meters * Math.Cos(bearingRad);
        public Distance distanceFrom(IGeoPosition from)
            // here is a version that is lighter computationally and works well over miles of distance.
            // compared to distanceFromExact() the difference is 1mm per meter (0.1%)

            double x = m_X - from.Lng;            //double x = this.subtract(from, false).m_X;
            double y = m_Y - from.Lat;            //double y = this.subtract(from, false).m_Y;

            // a grad square is cos(latitude) thinner, we need latitude in radians:
            double midLatRad = ((from.Lat + m_Y) / 2.0d) * Math.PI / 180.0d;            //double midLatRad = (this.add(from).m_Y / 2.0d) * Math.PI / 180.0d;
            double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(midLatRad);
            double xMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * x * latitudeFactor;
            double yMeters = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * y;
            double meters = Math.Sqrt(xMeters * xMeters + yMeters * yMeters);

            Distance distance = new Distance(meters);

            return distance;
		public string heightToString()
			string height = "";
			if(m_H > 0.3d) // meters
				Distance d = new Distance(m_H);
				height = " " + d.ToStringCompl() + " high";
			else if(m_H < -0.3d) // meters
				Distance d = new Distance(-m_H);
				height = " " + d + " deep";
			return height;
        public Distance distanceFromExact(IGeoPosition from)
            // from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/LatLong.html

            double lon1 = this.Lng * Math.PI / 180.0d;
            double lon2 = from.Lng * Math.PI / 180.0d;
            double lat1 = this.Lat * Math.PI / 180.0d;
            double lat2 = from.Lat * Math.PI / 180.0d;

            double dLat = lat2 - lat1;
            double dLong = lon2 - lon1;

            double a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Sin(dLong / 2) * Math.Sin(dLong / 2);
            double c = 2.0d * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1.0d - a));
            double meters = EARTH_RADIUS * c;

            Distance distance = new Distance(meters);

            return distance;