        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set Initialization parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS        = 60;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;

            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Initialize runtime parameters and frame counter
            int i = 0;

            // Get resolution of camera
            uint mWidth  = (uint)zedCamera.ImageWidth;
            uint mHeight = (uint)zedCamera.ImageHeight;

            // Initialize the Mat that will contain the Point Cloud
            Mat depth_map = new Mat();

            depth_map.Create(mWidth, mHeight, MAT_TYPE.MAT_32F_C1, MEM.CPU); // Mat need to be created before use.

            // To avoid Nan Values, set to FILL to remove holes.
            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            runtimeParameters.sensingMode = SENSING_MODE.FILL;
            while (i < 1000)
                if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    // Get the pose of the left eye of the camera with reference to the world frame
                    zedCamera.RetrieveMeasure(depth_map, MEASURE.XYZRGBA);
                    // Display the X, Y , Z at the center of the image
                    if (i % 10 == 0)
                        float4 xyz_value;
                        depth_map.GetValue((int)mWidth / 2, (int)mHeight / 2, out xyz_value, MEM.CPU);
                        Console.WriteLine("Depth At Image Center : (" + xyz_value.x + "," + xyz_value.y + "," + xyz_value.z + ")");

                    // increment frame count

            // Disable positional tracking and close the camera
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set Initialization parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS        = 60;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;

            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            err = zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            int i = 0;

            sl.Pose pose = new Pose();

            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            while (i < 1000)
                if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    // Get the pose of the left eye of the camera with reference to the world frame
                    zedCamera.GetPosition(ref pose, REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD);

                    // Display the translation and timestamp each 10 frames
                    if (i % 10 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Translation : " + pose.translation + ", Rotation : " + pose.rotation + ", Timestamp : " + pose.timestamp);


            // Disable positional tracking and close the camera
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set Initialization parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD1080;

            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Get resolution of camera
            uint mWidth  = (uint)zedCamera.ImageWidth;
            uint mHeight = (uint)zedCamera.ImageHeight;

            // Initialize the Mat that will contain the left image
            Mat image = new Mat();

            image.Create(mWidth, mHeight, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU); // Mat need to be created before use.

            // defin default Runtime parameters
            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            // Initialize runtime parameters and frame counter
            int i = 0;

            while (i < 1000)
                if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    zedCamera.RetrieveImage(image, VIEW.LEFT);        // Get the left image
                    ulong timestamp = zedCamera.GetCameraTimeStamp(); // Get image timestamp
                    Console.WriteLine("Image resolution: " + image.GetWidth() + "x" + image.GetHeight() + "|| Image timestamp: " + timestamp);
                    // increment frame count

            // Disable positional tracking and close the camera
 private void parseArgs(string[] args, ref sl.InitParameters param)
     if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].IndexOf(".svo") != -1)
         // SVO input mode
         param.inputType = INPUT_TYPE.SVO;
         param.pathSVO   = args[0];
         isPlayback      = true;
         Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using SVO File input: " + args[0]);
     else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].IndexOf(".svo") == -1)
         IPAddress ip;
         string    arg = args[0];
         if (IPAddress.TryParse(arg, out ip))
             // Stream input mode - IP + port
             param.inputType = INPUT_TYPE.STREAM;
             param.ipStream  = ip.ToString();
             Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using Stream input, IP : " + ip);
         else if (args[0].IndexOf("HD2K") != -1)
             param.resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD2K;
             Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using Camera in resolution HD2K");
         else if (args[0].IndexOf("HD1080") != -1)
             param.resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD1080;
             Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using Camera in resolution HD1080");
         else if (args[0].IndexOf("HD720") != -1)
             param.resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD720;
             Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using Camera in resolution HD720");
         else if (args[0].IndexOf("VGA") != -1)
             param.resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.VGA;
             Console.WriteLine("[Sample] Using Camera in resolution VGA");
        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution           = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS            = 60;
            init_params.depthMode            = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits      = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem     = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMaximumDistance = 50f;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable trackin
            Quaternion quat = Quaternion.Identity;
            Vector3    vec  = Vector3.Zero;

            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref quat, ref vec);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            point_cloud = new Mat();
            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            res = new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height);
            point_cloud.Create(res, MAT_TYPE.MAT_32F_C4, MEM.CPU);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer();

            cam_pose = new Pose();

            // Create OpenGL window
        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS        = 60;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.sdkVerbose       = true;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable tracking
            PositionalTrackingParameters trackingParams = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            trackingParams.enableAreaMemory = true;
            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref trackingParams);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            cameraModel = zedCamera.GetCameraModel();

            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            res = new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer();

            cam_pose = new Pose();

            // Create OpenGL window
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the camera
            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Create default configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();
            ERROR_CODE     err         = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Get camera information (serial number)
            int zed_serial = zedCamera.GetZEDSerialNumber();

            Console.WriteLine("Hello! This is my serial number: " + zed_serial);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD1080;
            init_params.cameraFPS  = 30;
            Camera zed = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zed.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            SensorsData sensors_data       = new SensorsData();
            ulong       last_imu_timestamp = 0;

            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            while (zed.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                zed.GetSensorsData(ref sensors_data, TIME_REFERENCE.CURRENT);
                if (sensors_data.imu.timestamp > last_imu_timestamp)
                    // Show Sensors Data
                    Console.WriteLine("IMU Orientation : " + sensors_data.imu.fusedOrientation);
                    Console.WriteLine("Angular Velocity : " + sensors_data.imu.angularVelocity);
                    Console.WriteLine("Magnetometer Magnetic field : " + sensors_data.magnetometer.magneticField);
                    Console.WriteLine("Barometer Atmospheric pressure : " + sensors_data.barometer.pressure);
                    last_imu_timestamp = sensors_data.imu.timestamp;
                    // Wait for the [ENTER] key to be pressed
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD1080;
            init_params.cameraFPS  = 30;
            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Get camera information (serial number)
            int zed_serial = zedCamera.GetZEDSerialNumber();

            Console.WriteLine("Hello! This is my serial number: " + zed_serial);

        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution           = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS            = 60;
            init_params.depthMode            = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits      = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem     = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMaximumDistance = 15f;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            if (zedCamera.CameraModel != sl.MODEL.ZED2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ERROR : Use ZED2 Camera only");

            // Enable tracking (mandatory for object detection)
            Quaternion quat = Quaternion.Identity;
            Vector3    vec  = Vector3.Zero;

            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref quat, ref vec);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();
            // Enable the Objects detection module
            ObjectDetectionParameters obj_det_params = new ObjectDetectionParameters();

            obj_det_params.enableObjectTracking = true; // the object detection will track objects across multiple images, instead of an image-by-image basis
            obj_det_params.enable2DMask         = false;
            obj_det_params.enableBodyFitting    = true; // smooth skeletons moves
            obj_det_params.imageSync            = true; // the object detection is synchronized to the image
            obj_det_params.detectionModel       = sl.DETECTION_MODEL.MULTI_CLASS_BOX_ACCURATE;

            zedCamera.EnableObjectDetection(ref obj_det_params);

            // Create ZED Objects filled in the main loop
            object_frame = new Objects();
            zedMat       = new Mat();
            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            Resolution res = new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height);

            zedMat.Create(res, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer(new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height));

            // Configure object detection runtime parameters
            obj_runtime_parameters = new ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters();
            obj_runtime_parameters.detectionConfidenceThreshold = 35;
            obj_runtime_parameters.objectClassFilter            = new int[(int)OBJECT_CLASS.LAST];
            obj_runtime_parameters.objectClassFilter[(int)sl.OBJECT_CLASS.PERSON] = Convert.ToInt32(true);

            // To set a specific threshold
            obj_runtime_parameters.objectConfidenceThreshold = new int[(int)OBJECT_CLASS.LAST];
            obj_runtime_parameters.objectConfidenceThreshold[(int)sl.OBJECT_CLASS.PERSON] = 35;

            // Create OpenGL window
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set Initialization parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();
            init_params.resolution = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.coordinateUnits = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.sdkVerbose = true;

            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable positional tracking
            PositionalTrackingParameters trackingParams = new PositionalTrackingParameters();
            // If you want to have object tracking you need to enable positional tracking first
            err = zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref trackingParams);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable Object Detection
            object_detection_parameters = new ObjectDetectionParameters();
            // Different model can be chosen, optimizing the runtime or the accuracy
            object_detection_parameters.detectionModel = sl.DETECTION_MODEL.HUMAN_BODY_FAST;
            // track detects object across time and space
            object_detection_parameters.enableObjectTracking = true;
            // run detection for every Camera grab
            object_detection_parameters.imageSync = true;
            err = zedCamera.EnableObjectDetection(ref object_detection_parameters);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Create Runtime parameters
            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            // Create Object Detection frame handle (contains all the objects data)
            sl.Objects objects = new sl.Objects();
            // Create object detection runtime parameters (confidence, ...)
            ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters obj_runtime_parameters = new ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters();
            obj_runtime_parameters.detectionConfidenceThreshold = 40;

            int nbDetection = 0;
            while (nbDetection < 100)
                if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    // Retrieve Objects from Object detection
                    zedCamera.RetrieveObjects(ref objects, ref obj_runtime_parameters);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(objects.isNew))
                        Console.WriteLine(objects.numObject + " Person(s) detected");
                        if (objects.numObject > 0)
                            sl.ObjectData firstObject = objects.objectData[0];

                            Console.WriteLine("First Person attributes :");
                            Console.WriteLine(" Confidence (" + firstObject.confidence);

                            if (object_detection_parameters.enableObjectTracking)
                                Console.WriteLine(" Tracking ID: " + firstObject.id + " tracking state: " + firstObject.objectTrackingState +
                                    " / " + firstObject.actionState);

                            Console.WriteLine(" 3D Position: " + firstObject.position +
                                              " Velocity: " + firstObject.velocity);

                            Console.WriteLine(" Keypoints 2D");
                            // The body part meaning can be obtained by casting the index into a BODY_PARTS
                            // to get the BODY_PARTS index the getIdx function is available
                            for (int i = 0; i < firstObject.keypoints2D.Length; i++)
                                var kp = firstObject.keypoints2D[i];
                                Console.WriteLine("     " + (sl.BODY_PARTS)i + " " + kp.X + ", " + kp.Y);

                            // The BODY_PARTS can be link as bones, using sl::BODY_BONES which gives the BODY_PARTS pair for each
                            Console.WriteLine(" Keypoints 3D ");
                            for (int i = 0; i < firstObject.keypoints.Length; i++)
                                var kp = firstObject.keypoints[i];
                                Console.WriteLine("     " + (sl.BODY_PARTS)i + " " + kp.X + ", " + kp.Y + ", " + kp.Z);

                            Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to continue...");

            // Disable object detection, positional tracking and close the camera
        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD1080;
            init_params.cameraFPS        = 30;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            if (!(zedCamera.CameraModel == sl.MODEL.ZED2 || zedCamera.CameraModel == sl.MODEL.ZED2i))
                Console.WriteLine(" ERROR : Use ZED2/ZED2i Camera only");

            // Enable tracking (mandatory for object detection)
            PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            // Enable the Objects detection module
            ObjectDetectionParameters obj_det_params = new ObjectDetectionParameters();

            obj_det_params.enableObjectTracking = true; // the object detection will track objects across multiple images, instead of an image-by-image basis
            isTrackingON = obj_det_params.enableObjectTracking;
            obj_det_params.enable2DMask      = false;
            obj_det_params.enableBodyFitting = true; // smooth skeletons moves
            obj_det_params.imageSync         = true; // the object detection is synchronized to the image
            obj_det_params.detectionModel    = sl.DETECTION_MODEL.HUMAN_BODY_ACCURATE;

            zedCamera.EnableObjectDetection(ref obj_det_params);

            // Create ZED Objects filled in the main loop
            camPose = new sl.Pose();
            objects = new Objects();
            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            imageLeft  = new Mat();
            displayRes = new Resolution(Math.Min((uint)Width, 1280), Math.Min((uint)Height, 720));
            imgScale   = new sl.float2((int)displayRes.width / (float)Width, (int)displayRes.height / (float)Height);
            imageLeft.Create(displayRes, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU);

            imageLeftOcv = new OpenCvSharp.Mat((int)displayRes.height, (int)displayRes.width, OpenCvSharp.MatType.CV_8UC4, imageLeft.GetPtr());

            pointCloud = new sl.Mat();
            pcRes      = new Resolution(Math.Min((uint)Width, 720), Math.Min((uint)Height, 404));
            pointCloud.Create(pcRes, MAT_TYPE.MAT_32F_C4, MEM.CPU);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer(new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height));

            // Configure object detection runtime parameters
            obj_runtime_parameters = new ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters();
            obj_runtime_parameters.detectionConfidenceThreshold = 40;

            window_name = "ZED| 2D View";
            Cv2.NamedWindow(window_name, WindowMode.Normal);// Create Window

            // Create OpenGL window
        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS        = 60;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.sdkVerbose       = true;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            if (zedCamera.CameraModel != sl.MODEL.ZED2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ERROR : Use ZED2 Camera only");

            findPlaneStatus = ERROR_CODE.FAILURE;
            tracking_state  = POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OFF;

            hasIMU     = zedCamera.GetSensorsConfiguration().gyroscope_parameters.isAvailable;
            userAction = new UserAction();
            // Enable tracking
            PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();
            runtimeParameters.measure3DReferenceFrame = REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD;
            // Create ZED Objects filled in the main loop
            zedMat   = new Mat();
            cam_pose = new Pose();

            //Create mesh.
            planeMeshTriangles = new int[65000];
            planeMeshVertices  = new Vector3[65000];
            plane = new PlaneData();
            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            Resolution res = new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height);

            zedMat.Create(res, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer(new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height));

            // Create OpenGL window
    void Awake()
        instance = this;
        zedReady = false;
        //If you want the ZEDRig not to be destroyed

        //Init the first parameters
        initParameters                    = new sl.InitParameters();
        initParameters.resolution         = resolution;
        initParameters.depthMode          = depthMode;
        initParameters.depthStabilization = depthStabilizer;

        //Check if the AR is needed and if possible to add

        //Init the other options
        isZEDTracked    = enableTracking;
        initialPosition = zedRigRoot.transform.localPosition;
        zedPosition     = initialPosition;
        zedOrientation  = initialRotation;

        //Create a camera and return an error message if the dependencies are not detected
        zedCamera      = sl.ZEDCamera.GetInstance();
        LastInitStatus = sl.ERROR_CODE.ERROR_CODE_LAST;

        zedSVOManager = GetComponent <ZEDSVOManager>();

        if (zedSVOManager != null)
            //Create a camera
            if ((zedSVOManager.read || zedSVOManager.record) && zedSVOManager.videoFile.Length == 0)
                zedSVOManager.record = false;
                zedSVOManager.read   = false;
            if (zedSVOManager.read)
                zedSVOManager.record              = false;
                initParameters.pathSVO            = zedSVOManager.videoFile;
                initParameters.svoRealTimeMode    = zedSVOManager.realtimePlayback;
                initParameters.depthStabilization = depthStabilizer;

        versionZED = "[SDK]: " + sl.ZEDCamera.GetSDKVersion().ToString() + " [Plugin]: " + sl.ZEDCamera.PluginVersion.ToString();

        //Set the ZED Tracking frame as Left eye
        if (isStereoRig)
            //Creates a CameraRig (the 2 last cameras)
            GameObject o = CreateZEDRigDisplayer();
            o.hideFlags        = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
            o.transform.parent = transform;

            //Force some initParameters that are required for MR experience
            initParameters.enableRightSideMeasure = isStereoRig;
            initParameters.depthMinimumDistance   = 0.1f;
            initParameters.depthMode          = sl.DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;
            initParameters.depthStabilization = depthStabilizer;

            //Create the mirror, the texture from the firsts cameras is rendered to avoid a black border

        //Start the co routine to initialize the ZED and avoid to block the user
        LastInitStatus  = sl.ERROR_CODE.ERROR_CODE_LAST;
        openingLaunched = false;

        OnCamBrightnessChange += CameraBrightnessChangeHandler;
        public MainWindow(string[] args)
            // Set configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution           = RESOLUTION.HD720;
            init_params.cameraFPS            = 60;
            init_params.depthMode            = DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA;
            init_params.coordinateUnits      = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem     = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMaximumDistance = 15f;
            init_params.sdkVerbose           = true;

            parseArgs(args, ref init_params);
            // Open the camera
            zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            if (zedCamera.CameraModel != sl.MODEL.ZED2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ERROR : Use ZED2 Camera only");

            tracking_state    = POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OFF;
            mapping_state     = SPATIAL_MAPPING_STATE.NOT_ENABLED;
            mapping_activated = false;

            // Enable tracking
            PositionalTrackingParameters positionalTrackingParameters = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref positionalTrackingParameters);

            runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            spatialMappingParameters = new SpatialMappingParameters();
            spatialMappingParameters.resolutionMeter = SpatialMappingParameters.get(MAPPING_RESOLUTION.MEDIUM);
            spatialMappingParameters.saveTexture     = false;
            if (CREATE_MESH)
                spatialMappingParameters.map_type = SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE.MESH;
                spatialMappingParameters.map_type = SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE.FUSED_POINT_CLOUD;

            // Create ZED Objects filled in the main loop
            zedMat   = new Mat();
            cam_pose = new Pose();

            //Create mesh.
            mesh            = new Mesh();
            fusedPointCloud = new FusedPointCloud();
            int Height = zedCamera.ImageHeight;
            int Width  = zedCamera.ImageWidth;

            Resolution res = new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height);

            zedMat.Create(res, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU);

            // Create OpenGL Viewer
            viewer = new GLViewer(new Resolution((uint)Width, (uint)Height));

            Console.WriteLine("Hit SPACE BAR to start spatial mapping...");

            // Create OpenGL window
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Set Initialization parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();

            init_params.resolution       = RESOLUTION.HD2K;
            init_params.coordinateUnits  = UNIT.METER;
            init_params.coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP;
            init_params.depthMode        = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;

            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Open the camera
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);

            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable positional tracking
            PositionalTrackingParameters trackingParams = new PositionalTrackingParameters();

            err = zedCamera.EnablePositionalTracking(ref trackingParams);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Enable Object Detection
            ObjectDetectionParameters object_detection_parameters = new ObjectDetectionParameters();

            object_detection_parameters.detectionModel       = sl.DETECTION_MODEL.MULTI_CLASS_BOX;
            object_detection_parameters.enableObjectTracking = true;
            err = zedCamera.EnableObjectDetection(ref object_detection_parameters);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Create Runtime parameters
            RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();

            // Create Object Detection frame handle (contains all the objects data)
            sl.Objects object_frame = new sl.Objects();
            // Create object detection runtime parameters (confidence, ...)
            ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters obj_runtime_parameters = new ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters();

            obj_runtime_parameters.detectionConfidenceThreshold = 50;

            int i = 0;

            while (i < 1000)
                if (zedCamera.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    // Retrieve Objects from Object detection
                    err = zedCamera.RetrieveObjects(ref object_frame, ref obj_runtime_parameters);

                    // Display the data each 10 frames
                    if (i % 10 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Nb Objects Detection : " + object_frame.numObject);
                        for (int p = 0; p < object_frame.numObject; p++)
                            Console.WriteLine("Position of object " + p + " : " + object_frame.objectData[p].position + "Tracked? : " + object_frame.objectData[p].objectTrackingState);

            // Disable object detection, positional tracking and close the camera