        protected void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//  ============  These are all from within this class (Default)  ============

            int test = runTest(); resultLabel.Text = string.Format("runTest() = : {0}<br/>", test);

            //returns:  runTest() = : 17

            // returns-OUTPUT FROM THE METHOD:  runTest2(): 16

            runTest3(); resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest3(): {0}<br/>", test3);
            // returns: runTest3(): 15

            test = runTest4(test3); resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest4(): {0} +var test3: {1}<br/>", test, test3);
            // returns:  runTest4(): 20 +var test3: 15

//  ============  These are all from OUTSIDE this class (ClassTest)  ============

            ClassTest classTest = new ClassTest(); //classTest is just a handle to the class

            int newTest = classTest.runClassTest(); resultLabel.Text += string.Format("classTest1: {0}<br/>", newTest);
            // returns:  classTest1: 40

            int catAge = 7; resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(catAge));

            // returns:  Senge age test: 56

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("v.2.Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(8));
            // returns:  v.2.Senge age test: 64

            int creditDefault = 5;

            creditDefault     = ClassTest.xtraCreditOutsideClass(creditDefault);
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Outside class Static: 105

//  ============  These are STATIC - inside and outside class  ============

            creditDefault     = 14;
            creditDefault     = SameClassCredit(creditDefault);
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Same class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Same class Static: 1014

            int voidPrep = classTest.PreVoidMethod();

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static VOID: {0} or? {1}<br/>", voidPrep, classTest.MyProp);
            // returns:  Outside class Static VOID: 800 or? 808
        protected void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//  ========================  These are all from within this class (Default)  ========================

            int test = runTest(); resultLabel.Text = string.Format("runTest() = : {0}<br/>", test);

            // PUBLIC INT runTest(): returns testA =IRRELEVANT ...just formula of what to do with LOCAL var "int test"

            runTest2();     // PRIVATE VOID runTest2(): when called prints out the value FROM WITHIN the method

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest3(): {0}<br/>", test3);
            // PRIVATE VOID runTest3():  "int test3" is local var declared below
            // even though runTest4() is called - this returns ONLY the value from "test3" in runTest3()
            // runTest3 ** called runTest4() and passed test3 value

            test              = runTest4(test3); // int test declared above
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest4(): {0} +var test3: {1}<br/>", test, test3);
            // returns:  the value of runTest4() + runTest3
            // test3 Default var passed ... which is why it's referenced here
            // ALLOWS ACCESS to a PRIVATE VOID var!!

//  ========================  These are all from OUTSIDE this class (ClassTest)  ========================

            ClassTest classTest = new ClassTest();
            //classTest is just a handle to the class = to be accessible - class ClassTest methods MUST be public

            int newTest = classTest.runClassTest();

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("classTest1: {0}<br/>", newTest);
            // PUBLIC INT runClassTest()

            int catAge = 7;

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(catAge));
            // PUBLIC INT xtraCredit(int SengeAge):  SengeAge=IRRELEVANT, example for formula to return INT
            // local var catAge replaces method var SengeAge TO GET THIS TO WORK
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("v.2.Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(8));
            // returns:  v.2.Senge age test: 64
            // same PUBLIC INT xtraCredit(int SengeAge): as above - but actual int entered instead of local var

// ========== This is a PUBLIC VOID/ PUBLIC INT ***COMBO***
            // -- !! uses class property to get value out

            int voidPrep = classTest.PreVoidMethod();

            // PUBLIC INT PreVoidMethod(): assigns & returns a var of 800
            // PUBLIC VOID VoidMethod2(int voidCredit): second method adds 8 to 800 from first method
            // the trick is how to access the new value ...
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static VOID: {0} or? {1}<br/>",
                                              voidPrep, classTest.SomeClassIntProp);
            // returns:  Outside class Static VOID: 800 or? 808
            // PUBLIC VOID VoidMethod(int voidCredit):  int voidCredit=IRRELEVANT - just a formula
            // local var voidPrep stays at 800 ... to get VOID result out
            // use a class property from the same class:

            /*  public void VoidMethod2(int voidCredit)
             *  {   voidCredit += 8;
             *  this.MyProp += voidCredit;      } // using a prop to get a value out */

//  ========================  These are STATIC methods   ========================

            // *INSIDE* class method used =====

            int creditDefault = 14;

            creditDefault = SameClassCredit(creditDefault);
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT SameClassCredit(int creditSameClass) ... adds 1000 to creditDefault
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Same class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Same class Static: 1014
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT SameClassCredit(int creditSameClass):  int creditSameClass = IRRELEVANT, =formula

            // *OUTSIDE* class method used =====

            creditDefault = 5;
            creditDefault = ClassTest.xtraCreditOutsideClass(creditDefault);
            // needed extra step to access - NOTICE CLASS NAME -NOT- handle name (classTest)
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Outside class Static: 105
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT xtraCreditOutsideClass(int credit):  int credit is IRRELEVANT; just formula
        protected void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//  ============  These are all from within this class (Default)  ============

            int test = runTest(); resultLabel.Text = string.Format("runTest() = : {0}<br/>", test);

            //returns:  runTest() = : 17
            // PUBLIC INT runTest(): returns testA =IRRELEVANT ... just a formula of what to do with [ int test ]
            // method with a type (return value, int in this case) - CANNOT access resultLabel

            // printing is output from the method (void):  runTest2(): 16
            // PRIVATE VOID runTest2(): when called prints out the value FROM WITHIN the method

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest3(): {0}<br/>", test3);
            // returns: runTest3(): 15
            // PRIVATE VOID runTest3(): used a DEFAULT CLASS VAR inside the method so it could be printed here
            // var with class-wide designation
            // could have been printed inside the method
            // ** called public int runTest4 and passed its var value = [ runTest4(test3) ]

            // int test declared above
            test              = runTest4(test3);
            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("runTest4(): {0} +var test3: {1}<br/>", test, test3);
            // returns:  runTest4(): 20 +var test3: 15
            // ** PUBLIC INT runTest4(int test3): returns testsomething4 =IRRELEVANT= formula of what to do with [ test3 ]
            // ALLOWS ACCESS to a PRIVATE VOID var!!

//  ============  These are all from OUTSIDE this class (ClassTest)  ============

            //classTest is just a handle to the class
            ClassTest classTest = new ClassTest(); //classTest is just a handle to the class

            // to be accessible - class ClassTest methods MUST be public

            // local var declared:
            int newTest = classTest.runClassTest();

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("classTest1: {0}<br/>", newTest);
            // returns:  classTest1: 40
            // PUBLIC INT runClassTest(): return names in method IRRELEVANT = just a formula

            // local var declared:
            int catAge = 7;

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(catAge));
            // returns:  Senge age test: 56
            // PUBLIC INT xtraCredit(int SengeAge):  SengeAge=IRRELEVANT, example for formula
            // local var catAge replaces method var SengeAge TO GET THIS TO WORK

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("v.2.Senge age test: {0}<br/>", classTest.xtraCredit(8));
            // returns:  v.2.Senge age test: 64
            // SAME PUBLIC INT xtraCredit(int SengeAge): as above - but actual int entered instead of local var

//  ============  These are STATIC methods - inside and outside class  ============

            // *OUTSIDE* class method used:
            // local var declared:
            int creditDefault = 5;

            // needed extra step to access - NOTICE CLASS NAME -NOT- handle name (classTest)
            creditDefault = ClassTest.xtraCreditOutsideClass(creditDefault);

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Outside class Static: 105
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT xtraCreditOutsideClass(int credit):  int credit is IRRELEVANT; just formula

            // *INSIDE* class method used:
            // local var creditDefault declared above
            creditDefault = 14;

            creditDefault = SameClassCredit(creditDefault);
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT SameClassCredit(int creditSameClass) ... adds 1000 to creditDefault

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Same class Static: {0}<br/>", creditDefault);
            // returns:  Same class Static: 1014
            // PUBLIC STATIC INT SameClassCredit(int creditSameClass):  int creditSameClass = IRRELEVANT, =formula

            // *OUTSIDE* class method used:
// ========== // NOT STATIC ... This is a PUBLIC VOID/ PUBLIC INT ***COMBO***
            // -- !! uses class property to get value out

            // local var declared
            int voidPrep = classTest.PreVoidMethod();

            // PUBLIC INT PreVoidMethod(): assigns & returns a var of 800

            // PUBLIC VOID VoidMethod2(int voidCredit): second method adds 8 to 800 from first method
            // the trick is how to access the new value ...

            resultLabel.Text += string.Format("Outside class Static VOID: {0} or? {1}<br/>",
                                              voidPrep, classTest.MyProp);
            // returns:  Outside class Static VOID: 800 or? 808
            // PUBLIC VOID VoidMethod(int voidCredit):  int voidCredit=IRRELEVANT - just a formula
            // local var voidPrep stays at 800 ... to get VOID result out
            // use a class property from the same class:

             * public void VoidMethod2(int voidCredit)
             * {   voidCredit += 8;
             *  this.MyProp += voidCredit;      } // using a prop to get a value out