public string GetData(int id, bool mod) { Server2ModelMethods s2mm = new Server2ModelMethods(); Patient p = new Patient(); if (mod == false) { try { p = s2mm.getPatient(id); } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } } else { try { p = s2mm.getPersonByGLID(id); } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } //return p.pssl.ToString(); } return string.Format("{0}%%%{1}%%%{2}%%%{3}%%%{4}%%%{5}%%%{6}%%%{7}", p.Name, p.Surname, p.Email, p.pssl, p.Student, p.Id, p.Height, p.Weight); }
public string GetDataByEmail(string email) { //return string.Format("You entered: {0}", id); //TODO zwracanie obiektu zawierajacego dane Server2ModelMethods s2mm = new Server2ModelMethods(); Patient p = new Patient(); try { p = s2mm.getPersonByEmail(email); } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } //return string.Format("{0} {1}, {2}, student: {3}", p.Name, p.Surname, p.Email, p.Student); if (p != null) { return string.Format("{0}%%%{1}%%%{2}%%%{3}%%%{4}%%%{5}%%%{6}", p.Name, p.Surname, p.Email, p.pssl, p.Student, p.Height, p.Weight); } else { return ""; } }
public string TerriblyRetrieveDatabase() { Server2ModelMethods sdomm = new Server2ModelMethods(); List<Patient> pp = new List<Patient>(); pp = sdomm.GetListOfPatients(); string sp = pp.ToString(); // Istnieje specjalne miejsce w piekle dla ludzi, którzy robią coś takiego. return sp; }
public string AddNewStudent(string _name, string _surn, bool batman, string _mail, float height, float weight) { //sdolm.addPerson(_name, _surn, batman, _mail); service1_1VC.incrementVersion("Adding new Student..."); Server2ModelMethods sdomm = new Server2ModelMethods(); try { sdomm.addPatient(_name, _surn, batman, _mail, height, weight); } catch (Exception e) { service1_1VC.incrementVersion("ERR: Unknown error while saving new Student data!"); return e.Message; } service1_1VC.incrementVersion("Student successfully added."); return "Done"; }
public string MakeDatabasesSynced() { service1_2VC.incrementVersion("Sync started..."); ServiceReference1.Service1Client clnt = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client("wsHttpEndpoint"); Server2ModelMethods sdomm = new Server2ModelMethods(); List<String> res0 = clnt.OutrageousDatabaseLeak().ToList<String>(); string procenty = "%%%"; if (res0.Count == 0) { service1_2VC.incrementVersion("ERR: Sync aborted. Empty database!"); return "Pusta baza."; } else { foreach (String str in res0) { string[] ciach = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(str, procenty); var qry = new List<Patient>(); qry = sdomm.GetListOfPatients(); foreach (Patient pat in qry) { bool basaur; if (ciach[5] == "true" || ciach[5] == "True") basaur = true; else basaur = false; if (pat.pssl == Convert.ToInt32(ciach[4])) { sdomm.updatePatient(pat.Id, ciach[1], ciach[2], basaur, ciach[3], Convert.ToInt32(pat.Height), Convert.ToInt32(pat.Weight)); } else { sdomm.addPatient(ciach[1], ciach[2], basaur, ciach[3], Convert.ToInt32(pat.Height), Convert.ToInt32(pat.Weight)); } } } } service1_2VC.incrementVersion("All data has been synced."); return "Update Completed."; }
public string GetDataBySurname(string surname) { //return string.Format("You entered: {0}", id); //TODO zwracanie obiektu zawierajacego dane Server2ModelMethods s2mm = new Server2ModelMethods(); Patient p = new Patient(); try { p = s2mm.getPersonBySurname(surname); } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message; } return string.Format("{0}%%%{1}%%%{2}%%%{3}%%%{4}%%%{5}%%%{6}%%%{7}", p.Name, p.Surname, p.Email, p.pssl, p.Student, p.Id, p.Height, p.Weight); }
public string NukeStudent(int _id) { Server2ModelMethods s2mm = new Server2ModelMethods(); service1_1VC.incrementVersion("Deleting Student with ID =" + _id.ToString() + "..."); try { s2mm.deletePatient(_id); } catch (Exception e) { return e.Message.ToString(); } service1_1VC.incrementVersion("Student with ID = " + _id.ToString() + " successfully deleted."); return "Done"; }
public List<String> GetEntriesByName(string surname) { Server2ModelMethods s2mm = new Server2ModelMethods(); var lstst = new List<String>(); return lstst = s2mm.GetMatchingSurnames(surname); }