         * Updates the internal quadtree to make it identical to the given terrain
         * quadtree. Collects the tasks necessary to create the missing texture
         * tiles, corresponding to newly created quads.
        protected virtual void GetTiles(QuadTree parent, ref QuadTree tree, TerrainQuad quad)
            //if tree not created, create a new tree and check if its tile is needed
            if (tree == null)
                tree          = new QuadTree(parent);
                tree.needTile = NeedTile(quad);

            //If this trees tile is needed get a tile and add its task to the schedular if the task is not already done
            if (tree.needTile && tree.tile == null)
                tree.tile = m_producer.GetTile(quad.GetLevel(), quad.GetTX(), quad.GetTY());

                if (!tree.tile.GetTask().IsDone())
                    //if task not done schedule task

            if (!quad.IsLeaf() && m_producer.HasChildren(quad.GetLevel(), quad.GetTX(), quad.GetTY()))
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    GetTiles(tree, ref tree.children[i], quad.GetChild(i));
         * Updates the internal quadtree to make it identical to the given terrain
         * quadtree. This method releases the texture tiles corresponding to
         * deleted quads.
        protected virtual void PutTiles(QuadTree tree, TerrainQuad quad)
            if (tree == null)

            //Check if this tile is needed, if not put tile.
            tree.needTile = NeedTile(quad);

            if (!tree.needTile && tree.tile != null)
                tree.tile = null;

            //If this qiad is a leaf then all children of the tree are not needed
            if (quad.IsLeaf())
                if (!tree.IsLeaf())
            else if (m_producer.HasChildren(quad.GetLevel(), quad.GetTX(), quad.GetTY()))
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    PutTiles(tree.children[i], quad.GetChild(i));