        private void timer1_Tick_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // 更新能源消耗情况  正泰电表能源消耗 value5

            string now_day       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string now_day_start = now_day + " 00:00:00";
            string now_day_end   = now_day + " 23:59:59";

                if (isscaning == true)
                    ArrayList all_elect_devices_id = Mysql.Get_Sql_Select_Return("select shebeiID from shebeitable where shebeizhongleiID=(select shebeizhongleiID from shebeizhongleitable where shebeizhongleiname=\"正泰电表\")");

                    foreach (ArrayList device_id_object in all_elect_devices_id)
                        string device_id = device_id_object[0].ToString();
                        Mysql.Ex_Sql("insert into elect_device_energy_cost values(\"" + device_id + now_day + "\",\"" + device_id + "\",\"" + now_day + "\",(select max(value)-min(value) from history_save where value_id=(select canshutypeid from canshutable where canshutype=\"正向有功总电能\") and device_id=\"" + device_id + "\" and savetime>=\"" + now_day_start + "\" and savetime<=\"" + now_day_end + "\" ))");

                        Mysql.Ex_Sql("update  elect_device_energy_cost set cost=(select max(value)-min(value) from history_save where value_id=(select canshutypeid from canshutable where canshutype=\"正向有功总电能\") and device_id=\"" + device_id + "\" and savetime>=\"" + now_day_start + "\" and savetime<=\"" + now_day_end + "\" ) where device_id=\"" + device_id + "\" and datetime=\"" + now_day + "\"");
            catch { }
        private void timer_project_online_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (comboBox_project.Text == "")

            if (isscaning == false)
            string project_name = comboBox_project.Text;

            Mysql.Ex_Sql("insert into project_online values(( select xiangmuID from xiangmuguanlitable where xiangmuname=\"" + project_name + "\"),\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\")");

            Mysql.Ex_Sql("update project_online set onlinetime=\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\" where ProjectID= ( select xiangmuID from xiangmuguanlitable where xiangmuname=\"" + project_name + "\")");
        void Receive_Data(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string str = "";

            if (client1.RECEIVE_NUM <= 30)

            for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                str = str + client1.receive_byte[i].ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0');

            // 检查数据的地址是否正确

            if (str.Substring(4, 16) == connect_device_address)
                string reslut_value = "";     // 写入某个数值

                // 三相电压采集
                if (connect_value_name == "正泰电表电压")
                    byte[] Ua_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Ua_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[33];
                    Ua_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[32];
                    Ua_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[31];
                    Ua_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    byte[] Ub_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Ub_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[37];
                    Ub_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[36];
                    Ub_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[35];
                    Ub_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[34];

                    byte[] Uc_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Uc_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[41];
                    Uc_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[40];
                    Uc_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[39];
                    Uc_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[38];

                    float Ua = BitConverter.ToSingle(Ua_bytes, 0) / 10;
                    float Ub = BitConverter.ToSingle(Ub_bytes, 0) / 10;
                    float Uc = BitConverter.ToSingle(Uc_bytes, 0) / 10;

                    reslut_value = Ua.ToString() + " " + Ub.ToString() + " " + Uc.ToString();

                    show_text = "电压a:" + Ua.ToString() + " 电压b:" + Ub.ToString() + " 电压c:" + Uc.ToString();


                // 三相电流采集
                if (connect_value_name == "正泰电表电流")
                    byte[] Ia_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Ia_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[33];
                    Ia_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[32];
                    Ia_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[31];
                    Ia_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    byte[] Ib_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Ib_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[37];
                    Ib_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[36];
                    Ib_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[35];
                    Ib_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[34];

                    byte[] Ic_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Ic_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[41];
                    Ic_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[40];
                    Ic_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[39];
                    Ic_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[38];

                    float Ia = BitConverter.ToSingle(Ia_bytes, 0) * 50f * 0.001f;
                    float Ib = BitConverter.ToSingle(Ib_bytes, 0) * 50f * 0.001f;
                    float Ic = BitConverter.ToSingle(Ic_bytes, 0) * 50f * 0.001f;

                    reslut_value = Ia.ToString() + " " + Ib.ToString() + " " + Ic.ToString();

                    show_text = "电流a:" + Ia.ToString() + " 电流b:" + Ib.ToString() + " 电流c:" + Ic.ToString();


                // 合相有功功率
                if (connect_value_name == "合相有功功率")
                    byte[] power_bytes = new byte[4];
                    power_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[33];
                    power_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[32];
                    power_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[31];
                    power_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    float power = BitConverter.ToSingle(power_bytes, 0);

                    reslut_value = power.ToString();

                    show_text = "合相有功功率:" + reslut_value;

                // 合相功率因数
                if (connect_value_name == "合相功率因数")
                    byte[] power_factor_bytes = new byte[4];
                    power_factor_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[33];
                    power_factor_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[32];
                    power_factor_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[31];
                    power_factor_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    float power_factor = BitConverter.ToSingle(power_factor_bytes, 0);
                    reslut_value = power_factor.ToString();

                    show_text = "合相功率因数:" + reslut_value;


                if (connect_value_name == "正向有功总电能")
                    byte[] Total_positive_active_energy_bytes = new byte[4];
                    Total_positive_active_energy_bytes[0] = client1.receive_byte[33];
                    Total_positive_active_energy_bytes[1] = client1.receive_byte[32];
                    Total_positive_active_energy_bytes[2] = client1.receive_byte[31];
                    Total_positive_active_energy_bytes[3] = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    float Total_positive_active_energy = BitConverter.ToSingle(Total_positive_active_energy_bytes, 0) * 50f;
                    reslut_value = Total_positive_active_energy.ToString();

                    show_text = "正向有功总电能:" + reslut_value;

                if (connect_value_name == "电流互感器倍率")
                    float Current_ratio = client1.receive_byte[30] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[31];
                    reslut_value = Current_ratio.ToString();

                    show_text = "电流互感器倍数:" + reslut_value;

                if (connect_value_name == "电压互感器倍率")
                    float voltage_ratio = client1.receive_byte[30] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[31];

                    reslut_value = voltage_ratio.ToString();

                    show_text = "电压互感器倍数:" + reslut_value;

                if (connect_value_name == "正泰三相电力温度")
                    float temp1 = client1.receive_byte[30] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[31];
                    float temp2 = client1.receive_byte[32] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[33];
                    float temp3 = client1.receive_byte[34] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[35];

                    reslut_value = (temp1 / 10).ToString() + " " + (temp2 / 10).ToString() + " " + (temp3 / 10).ToString();

                    show_text = "正泰三相电力温度:" + reslut_value;

                if (connect_value_name == "8位开关量")
                    byte temp = client1.receive_byte[30];

                    // 第一位
                    //int bit1 = temp % 2;
                    //int bit2 = (temp - bit1) % 4;

                    ArrayList bit_list   = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList bit_result = new ArrayList();

                    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                        int bit = (int)(temp % Math.Pow(2, i));
                        temp = (byte)(temp - (int)(temp % Math.Pow(2, i)));


                    for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
                        if ((int)bit_list[i] != 0)

                    //reslut_value = bit1.ToString() + " " + bit2.ToString() + " " + bit3.ToString() + " " + bit4.ToString() + " " + bit5.ToString() + " " + bit6.ToString() + " " + bit7.ToString() + " " + bit8.ToString();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
                        if (i != 7)
                            reslut_value = reslut_value + bit_result[i].ToString() + " ";
                        if (i == 7)
                            reslut_value = reslut_value + bit_result[i].ToString();

                    show_text = "开关量为:" + reslut_value;

                // 4路模拟量采集
                if (connect_value_name == "4路模拟量采集")
                    int a      = 0;
                    int value1 = client1.receive_byte[36] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[37];
                    int value2 = client1.receive_byte[34] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[35];
                    int value3 = client1.receive_byte[32] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[33];
                    int value4 = client1.receive_byte[30] * 256 + client1.receive_byte[31];

                    reslut_value = value1.ToString() + " " + value2.ToString() + " " + value3.ToString() + " " + value4.ToString();
                    show_text    = "模拟量为:" + reslut_value;

                // 写入数据库并更新datagridview

                // 写入数据库
                    Mysql.Ex_Sql("update shebeitable set value" + (connect_value_num + 1).ToString() + "=\"" + reslut_value + "\" where shebeiID=\"" + connect_device_id + "\"");

                    // 在value10里写入消息来到的时间

                    Mysql.Ex_Sql("update shebeitable set value10=\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\" where shebeiID=\"" + connect_device_id + "\"");

                    // 写入历史库
                    Mysql.Ex_Sql("insert into history_save values(\"" + connect_device_id + "\",(select canshutypeid from canshutable where canshutype=\"" + connect_value_name + "\"),\"" + reslut_value + "\",\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\")");
                catch { }

                // 写入datagridview
                    //for(int i=0;i<dataGridView1.RowCount;i++)
                    //    string id = dataGridView1[0, i].Value.ToString();

                    //    if(id==connect_device_id)
                    //    {
                    //        dataGridView1[connect_value_num + 4, i].Value = reslut_value;
                    //        break;
                    //    }
                catch { }


                //if (connect_value_num >= 9)
                //    connect_value_num = 0;
                //    device_num++;
                //    send_is = false;
                //    time_count = 0;
