public FieldCompare(eListCollection ListCollection, eListConversation ListConversation, ref ColorProgressBar.ColorProgressBar progressBar_prog) { eLC = ListCollection; conversationList = ListConversation; cpb2_prog = progressBar_prog; InitializeComponent(); for (int l = 0; l < eLC.Lists.Length; l++) { comboBox_List.Items.Add("[" + l + "]: " + eLC.Lists[l].listName + " (" + eLC.Lists[l].elementValues.Length + ")"); } CheckCompareButton(null, null); database = MainWindow.database; colorTheme(); }
private void click_LoadElement(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox_ElementPath.Text != "") { Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting; try { eLCOther = new eListCollection(textBox_ElementPath.Text, ref cpb2_prog); conversationListOther = new eListConversation((byte[])eLCOther.Lists[eLCOther.ConversationListIndex].elementValues[0][0]); textBox_ElementPath.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } catch { textBox_ElementPath.BackColor = Color.Salmon; MessageBox.Show("LOADING ERROR!\nThis error mostly occurs of configuration and mismatch"); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; } CheckReplaceButton(null, null); }