public void DrawCard(Card card, CCPoint point) { CCPoint p = fromLocation(point); m_LastCard = TexturePool.GetSprite(card.m_Hash); m_LastCard.Position = p; m_LastCard.Rotation = card.GetRotation(); AddChild(m_LastCard); }
private void checkarray(int w) { string Font = "Coalition", SubFont = "MarkerFelt"; int FontSize = 36, SubFontSize = 22; deletelabels(); labels.Clear(); plaatjes.Clear(); switch (PageCounter) { case 1: CCLabel Welcome = new CCLabel("Welkom bij Spacesonne", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); Welcome.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(Welcome); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel1.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel1[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, (600 - (i * 60))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 2: CCLabel components = new CCLabel("Components", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); components.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); //CCSprite Sateliette = TexturePool.GetSprite("10003"); // Sateliette.Position = new CCPoint(); labels.Add(components); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel2.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel2[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.MidX, (600 - (i * 100))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 3: CCLabel Goaltitle = new CCLabel("The goal of the game", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); Goaltitle.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(Goaltitle); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel3.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel3[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint((bounds.MidX), (600 - (i * 33))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 4: CCLabel whatturn = new CCLabel("What can I do on my turn", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); whatturn.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(whatturn); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel4.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel4[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint(600, (550 - (i * 100))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 5: CCLabel FinishedRoad = new CCLabel("How to finish a road?", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); FinishedRoad.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(FinishedRoad); CCSprite Road1 = TexturePool.GetSprite("21111"); Road1.Rotation = -90; Road1.Position = new CCPoint(850, 400); plaatjes.Add(Road1); CCSprite Road2 = TexturePool.GetSprite("20202"); Road2.Rotation = 90; Road2.Position = new CCPoint(950, 400); plaatjes.Add(Road2); CCSprite Road3 = TexturePool.GetSprite("02220"); Road3.Position = new CCPoint(1050, 400); plaatjes.Add(Road3); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel5.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel5[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint((bounds.MidX), (600 - (i * 350))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 6: CCLabel FinishedSpacestation = new CCLabel("How to finish a spacestation?", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); FinishedSpacestation.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(FinishedSpacestation); CCSprite SpaceStation1 = TexturePool.GetSprite("21202"); SpaceStation1.Rotation = 180; SpaceStation1.Position = new CCPoint(850, 350); plaatjes.Add(SpaceStation1); CCSprite SpaceStation2 = TexturePool.GetSprite("10101"); SpaceStation2.Rotation = 90; SpaceStation2.Position = new CCPoint(950, 350); plaatjes.Add(SpaceStation2); CCSprite SpaceStation3 = TexturePool.GetSprite("01000"); SpaceStation3.Position = new CCPoint(1050, 350); plaatjes.Add(SpaceStation3); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel6.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel6[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint((bounds.MidX), (600 - (i * 33))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 7: CCLabel FinishedSatalite = new CCLabel("How to finish a satelite?", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); FinishedSatalite.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); CCSprite Finished = new CCSprite("Finished sateliette"); Finished.Position = new CCPoint(900, 300); plaatjes.Add(Finished); labels.Add(FinishedSatalite); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel7.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel7[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint((bounds.MidX), (600 - (i * 33))); labels.Add(cclabel); } break; case 8: CCLabel FinishedGame = new CCLabel("When is the game finished?", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); FinishedGame.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 700); labels.Add(FinishedGame); for (int i = 0; i < uitlegdeel8.Length; i++) { CCLabel cclabel = new CCLabel(uitlegdeel8[i], SubFont, SubFontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); cclabel.Position = new CCPoint((bounds.MidX), (600 - (i * 33))); labels.Add(cclabel); } CCLabel EndofHalp = new CCLabel("You are ready to play the game now.\nGood luck but most of all have fun!", Font, FontSize, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont); EndofHalp.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Center.X, 300); labels.Add(EndofHalp); break; default: MainActivity.SwitchToMenu(SceneIds.OpeningMenu, 0); break; } paintlabels(); }
public void UpdateInterface(List <Player> playerlist, int amountoftiles, Card tile) // in this method the labels and button are made that need to update everytime a player has his turn { string currentplayer = "error"; string currentpoints = "error"; string currentaliens = "error"; int t; int gotvet = 0; CCColor3B currentcolor = CCColor3B.White; CCColor3B label_color = CCColor3B.White; foreach (CCLabel l in m_labels) { RemoveChild(l); } m_labels.Clear(); foreach (CCSprite s in m_sprites) { RemoveChild(s); } m_sprites.Clear(); for (t = 0; t < playerlist.Count; t++) //for loop for creating the values for the currentplayer { if (playerlist[t].Turn == true) { currentplayer = playerlist[t].Name; currentpoints = playerlist[t].Points.ToString(); currentaliens = playerlist[t].NumberOfAliens.ToString(); currentcolor = playerlist[t].PlayerColor; break; } } MakeLabel(currentplayer, m_font, 36, 260, 140, currentcolor); MakeLabel(currentpoints, m_font, 36, 730, 100, label_color); MakeLabel(currentaliens, m_font, 36, 950, 100, label_color); MakeLabel(amountoftiles.ToString() + "X", m_font, 36, 1810, 245, label_color); for (int z = 0; z < (playerlist.Count - 1); z++) //for loop which makes the players on the right who are next in line { if (t + 1 == playerlist.Count) { t = -1; } MakeLabel(playerlist[t + 1].Name, m_font, 20, 1820, 1050 - gotvet * 100, playerlist[t + 1].PlayerColor); MakeLabel(playerlist[t + 1].Points.ToString(), m_font, 20, 1800, 1000 - gotvet * 100, playerlist[t + 1].PlayerColor); MakeLabel(playerlist[t + 1].NumberOfAliens.ToString(), m_font, 20, 1890, 1000 - gotvet * 100, playerlist[t + 1].PlayerColor); CCSprite smallalien = new CCSprite("alien"); CCSprite smallcoin = new CCSprite("coin"); smallalien.Scale = 0.25f; smallcoin.Scale = 0.25f; smallalien.Position = new CCPoint(1850, 1000 - gotvet * 100); smallcoin.Position = new CCPoint(1750, 1000 - gotvet * 100); AddChild(smallalien); AddChild(smallcoin); m_sprites.Add(smallalien); m_sprites.Add(smallcoin); gotvet++; t++; } RemoveChild(m_CardButton); m_CardButton = TexturePool.GetSprite(tile.m_Hash); m_CardButton.Position = m_CardPos; m_CardButton.Rotation = tile.GetRotation(); AddChild(m_CardButton); }
void OnTouchesMoved(List <CCTouch> touches, CCEvent touchEvent) { if (touches.Count <= 0) { return; } float x = touches[0].LocationOnScreen.X; float y = touches[0].LocationOnScreen.Y; if (m_IsCardDragging) { CCSprite Spr = TexturePool.GetSprite(m_Game.m_CurrentCard.m_Hash); Spr.Position = touches[0].LocationOnScreen; foreach (CCTouch i in touches) { CCPoint p = i.LocationOnScreen; p = m_Overlay.ScreenToWorldspace(p); m_Overlay.m_CardButton.Position = p; } } else { if (m_Touches == 1) // Pan { foreach (CCTouch i in touches) { var s = m_BoardLayer.Camera.CenterInWorldspace; s.X += i.PreviousLocationOnScreen.X - i.LocationOnScreen.X; s.Y += i.LocationOnScreen.Y - i.PreviousLocationOnScreen.Y; m_BoardLayer.Camera.CenterInWorldspace = s; var target = m_BoardLayer.Camera.TargetInWorldspace; target.X = s.X; target.Y = s.Y; m_BoardLayer.Camera.TargetInWorldspace = target; } } else if (m_Touches == 2) // Zoom { if (touches.Count < 2) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < touches.Count; i += 2) { CCPoint fir = touches[i].LocationOnScreen; CCPoint sec = touches[i + 1].LocationOnScreen; CCPoint third = touches[i].PreviousLocationOnScreen; CCPoint four = touches[i + 1].PreviousLocationOnScreen; float one = CCPoint.Distance(fir, sec); float two = CCPoint.Distance(third, four); if (one < two) { m_BoardLayer.UpdateScale(-0.05f); } else { m_BoardLayer.UpdateScale(0.05f); } } } } }