RosetteFile: Custom Datatype containing information about files for upload, and methods to read the files
/// <summary>Tokens /// <para> /// (POST)Tokens Endpoint: Divides the input into tokens. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response contains a list of tokens. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Tokens(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "tokens/"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Process /// <para> /// Process: Internal function to convert a RosetteFile into a dictionary to use for getResponse /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: File being uploaded to use as a request to the Rosette server.</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the response from the server from the getResponse call.</returns> private Dictionary<string, Object> Process(RosetteFile file) { Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(){ { "content", file.getFileDataString()}, { "contentType", file.getDataType()}, { "unit", "doc"}, }; if(file.getOptions() != null){ Dictionary<string, string> opts = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(file.getOptions()); dict = (Dictionary<string, string>)dict.Concat(opts.Where(x=> !dict.Keys.Contains(x.Key))); } return getResponse(SetupClient(), new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dict)); }
/// <summary>Relationships /// <para> /// (POST)Relationships Endpoint: Returns each relationship extracted from the input. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns> /// The response is a list of extracted relationships. A relationship contains /// /// predicate - usually the main verb, property or action that is expressed by the text /// arg1 - usually the subject, agent or main actor of the relationship /// arg2 [optional] - complements the predicate and is usually the object, theme or patient of the relationship /// arg3 [optional] - usually an additional object in ditransitive verbs /// adjuncts [optional] - contain all optional parts of a relationship which are not temporal or locative expressions /// locatives [optional] - usually express the locations the action expressed by the relationship took place /// temporals [optional] - usually express the time in which the action expressed by the relationship took place /// confidence = a measure of quality of relationship extraction, between 0 - 1 /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Relationships(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "relationships/"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Sentiment /// <para> /// (POST)Sentiment Endpoint: Analyzes the positive and negative sentiment expressed by the input. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response contains sentiment analysis results. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Sentiment(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "sentiment/"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Language /// <para> /// (POST)Language Endpoint: Returns list of candidate languages in order of descending confidence. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response is an ordered list of detected languages, including language and detection confidence, sorted by descending confidence. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Language(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "language/"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Morphology /// <para> /// (POST)Morphology Endpoint: Returns morphological analysis of input. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <param name="feature">(string, optional): Description of what morphology feature to request from the Rosette server</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response may include lemmas, part of speech tags, compound word components, and Han readings. /// Support for specific return types depends on language. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Morphology(RosetteFile file, string feature = "complete") { _uri = Morphofeatures.Contains(feature) ? "morphology/" + feature : "morphology/complete"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Categories /// <para> /// (POST)Categories Endpoint: Returns an ordered list of categories identified in the input. The categories are Tier 1 contextual categories defined in the QAG Taxonomy. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response is the contextual categories identified in the input. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Categories(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "categories/"; return Process(file); }
/// <summary>Entity /// <para> /// (POST)Entity Endpoint: Returns each entity extracted from the input. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name="file">RosetteFile: RosetteFile Object containing the file (and possibly options) to upload</param> /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object>: Dictionary containing the results of the request. /// The response is a list of extracted entities. /// Each entity includes chain ID (all instances of the same entity share a chain id), mention (entity text in the input), /// normalized text (the most complete form of this entity that appears in the input), count (how many times this entity appears in the input), /// and the confidence associated with the extraction. /// </returns> public Dictionary<string, object> Entity(RosetteFile file) { _uri = "entities/"; return Process(file); }
public void Relationships_File_Test() { _mockHttp.When(_testUrl + "relationships") .Respond("application/json", "{'response': 'OK'}"); RosetteFile f = new RosetteFile(_tmpFile); var response = _rosetteApi.Relationships(f); # pragma warning disable 618 Assert.AreEqual(response.Content["response"], "OK"); # pragma warning restore 618 }
public void EntitiesLinked_File_Test() { _mockHttp.When(_testUrl + "entities/linked") .Respond("application/json", "{'response': 'OK'}"); RosetteFile f = new RosetteFile(_tmpFile); var response = _rosetteApi.Entity(f, true); # pragma warning disable 618 Assert.AreEqual(response.Content["response"], "OK"); # pragma warning restore 618 }
//[Test] public void doTest() { string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(tmpFile); sw.WriteLine(@"<html><head><title>New Ghostbusters Film</title></head><body><p>Original Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd, who also co-wrote the 1984 Ghostbusters film, couldn’t be more pleased with the new all-female Ghostbusters cast, telling The Hollywood Reporter, “The Aykroyd family is delighted by this inheritance of the Ghostbusters torch by these most magnificent women in comedy.”</p></body></html>"); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); RosetteFile rf = new RosetteFile(tmpFile, "text/plain", @"{""language"":""eng""}"); CAPI rosetteApi = new CAPI("boguskey", "", 1); RosetteResponse result = rosetteApi.Sentiment(rf); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(result.ContentAsJson); if (File.Exists(tmpFile)) { File.Delete(tmpFile); } }
public void RosetteFileClassTest() { string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(tmpFile); sw.WriteLine("Rosette API Unit Test"); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); RosetteFile f = new RosetteFile(tmpFile, "application/octet-stream", null); Assert.IsNotNull(f.Filename, "Filename is null"); Assert.AreEqual(tmpFile, f.Filename, "Filename does not match"); Assert.AreEqual("application/octet-stream", f.ContentType, "ContentType does not match"); Assert.IsNull(f.Options, "Options does not match"); byte[] b = f.getFileData(); Assert.IsTrue(b.Count() > 0, "File is empty"); string content = f.getFileDataString(); Assert.IsTrue(content.Length > 0, "File is empty"); MultipartContent multiPart = f.AsMultipart(); Assert.IsTrue(multiPart.Headers.Count() > 0, "Multipart not populated"); f.Dispose(); if (File.Exists(tmpFile)) { File.Delete(tmpFile); } }
public void SyntaxDependencies_File_Test() { _mockHttp.When(_testUrl + "syntax/dependencies") .Respond("application/json", "{'response': 'OK'}"); RosetteFile f = new RosetteFile(_tmpFile); SyntaxDependenciesResponse response = _rosetteApi.SyntaxDependencies(f); #pragma warning disable 618 Assert.AreEqual(response.Content["response"], "OK"); #pragma warning restore 618 }