public List <County> GetCounties() { List <County> fin = new List <County>(); County tmpCounty; int active, deaths; foreach (DateTime theDate in TimeLine["cases"].Keys) { active = TimeLine["cases"][theDate]; deaths = TimeLine["deaths"].ContainsKey(theDate) ? TimeLine["deaths"][theDate] : -1; // tmpCounty = new County(this.Province, this.County, theDate, active, deaths); // fin.Add(tmpCounty); // // tmpCounty = new County(); // // tmpCounty.Province_State = this.Province; // // tmpCounty.Name = this.County; // // tmpCounty.Active = active; // // tmpCounty.Deaths = deaths; fin.Add(new County(Program.FixTheCase(this.Province), Program.FixTheCase(this.County), theDate, active, deaths)); } /* Pretty sure this'll never happen, but handle deaths with no corresponding active entry */ foreach (DateTime theDate in TimeLine["deaths"].Keys) { /* Filter out recs we've already handled. */ if (fin.Where(x => x.Last_Update.Date == theDate.Date).Count() > 0) { continue; } active = -1; //If this had a matching active entry it would've hit that continue. deaths = TimeLine["deaths"][theDate]; tmpCounty = new County(this.Province, this.County, theDate, active, deaths); // tmpCounty = new County(); // tmpCounty.Province_State = this.Province; // tmpCounty.Name = this.County; // tmpCounty.Active = active; // tmpCounty.Deaths = deaths; fin.Add(tmpCounty); } return(fin); }
public Record(County guy) { double tmpDubs; this.FIPS = guy.FIPS; this.Country = string.IsNullOrEmpty(guy.Country_Region) ? "" : guy.Country_Region; this.Province_State = string.IsNullOrEmpty(guy.Province_State) ? "" : guy.Province_State; this.County = string.IsNullOrEmpty(guy.Name) ? "" : guy.Name; this.Last_Update = guy.Last_Update; this.Confirmed = guy.Confirmed; this.Deaths = guy.Deaths; this.Recovered = guy.Recovered; this.Active = guy.Active; this.Combined_Key = guy.Combined_Key; if (double.TryParse(guy.Lat, out tmpDubs)) { this.Lat = tmpDubs; } else { this.Lat = null; } if (double.TryParse(guy.Long, out tmpDubs)) { this.Long = tmpDubs; } else { this.Long = null; } if (double.TryParse(guy.Incidence_Rate, out tmpDubs)) { this.Incidence_Rate = tmpDubs; } else { this.Incidence_Rate = null; } }