// the api calls have to be asynchronous methods, so they can't be used in a constructor. Instead, I created a public static async
        // method that in turn creates and returns an instance of Page2, so it functions as kind of an async constructor
        public static async Task <Page2> Create(string summonerName, Region region, string apiKey, string txtFileLoc)
            // create an instance of this class (Page2) to be returned
            var page = new Page2();

            // set the api from the input in page 1 if it isn't the default or empty
            if (!apiKey.Equals("api key") && !apiKey.Equals(""))
                page.api          = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(apiKey);
                page.returnApiKey = apiKey;

            // set the file location from page 1 input if it isn't the default or empty
            if (!txtFileLoc.Equals("txt file") && !txtFileLoc.Equals(""))
                page.noteFileLocation = txtFileLoc;

            // get the region for returning to page 1
            // Na = 3, Euw = 2, Kr = 4
            page.returnRegion = (int)region;

            // get summoner using input and riot API
            var summoner = page.getSummoner(summonerName, region);

            // display name of summoner
            page.summonerNameDisplay.Text = summoner.Name;

            //get the info for the current game of the summoner
            await page.getCurrentGame(summoner, region);

            // set the pictures for the summonerGroups

            // watch the file for updates, and if detected, update the app accordingly

            // return the instance of Page2
        //execute the search based on inputted summoner name and selected region
        private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            messageBox.Text = "Loading...";               //make the message box convey that the program is executing the search
            string summonerName = summonerNameInput.Text; //set the summoner name to be searched from what the user inputted

            if (summonerName != "")                       // if the input box isn't empty
                Region region = Region.Na;                //default region is Na (North America)

                //set the server region based on what radio button is selected (Na = North America, Euw = Western Europe, Kr = South Korea)
                if (NAButton.IsChecked == true)
                    region = Region.Na;
                else if (EUWButton.IsChecked == true)
                    region = Region.Euw;
                else if (KRButton.IsChecked == true)
                    region = Region.Kr;

                //try to execute the search using the summoner name and region
                    this.NavigationService.Navigate(await Page2.Create(summonerName, region, apiKeyBox.Text, textFileLocationBox.Text)); //if successful, page 2 will be navigated to
                }//if search fails, update message box to say why based on exception received
                catch (Exception ex)
                    messageBox.Text = ex.Message;
                messageBox.Text = ""; //clear message box if box was empty