public string[] get_data_for_datagridview() { string[] strx = new string[8]; strx[0] = drive_id.ToString(); strx[1] = DEFS.getDataInStringRep(drive_size); strx[2] = DateTime.FromBinary(ctime).ToShortTimeString() + " " + DateTime.FromBinary(ctime).ToShortDateString(); strx[3] = "-"; strx[4] = "-"; strx[5] = drive_state; strx[6] = remote_ip; strx[7] = "-"; return(strx); }
public string[] get_data_for_datagridview() { lock (data) { Random r = new Random(); long ctime = get_long(CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_created); long rtime = get_long(CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_lastrefresh); long adeltime = get_long(CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_lastrefresh); string[] row = new string[10]; row[0] = m_dbn.ToString(); row[1] = get_string(CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_namel, CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_name_str); row[2] = get_string(CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_bnamel, CFSvalueoffsets.fsid_bname_str); row[3] = DateTime.FromBinary(ctime).ToShortTimeString() + " " + DateTime.FromBinary(ctime).ToShortDateString(); row[4] = " - "; // DateTime.FromBinary(adeltime).ToShortTimeString() + " " + DateTime.FromBinary(adeltime).ToShortDateString(); row[5] = " - "; // DateTime.FromBinary(rtime).ToShortTimeString() + " " + DateTime.FromBinary(rtime).ToShortDateString(); row[6] = DEFS.getDataInStringRep(get_logical_data()); row[7] = " - "; row[8] = " - "; return(row); } }
private void worker_thread() { /* * First check the folder for the last job exists/ */ update_ui(1, 0, "Working.."); string oldjobpath = null; for (int id = (m_bt.JobCount - 1); id >= 0; id--) { string jobname = m_bt.fetch_job_name(id); if (jobname == null) { continue; } else { oldjobpath = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + jobname; break; } } string newjobpath = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + newjobname; DEFS.DEBUG("BACKUP", "Found current job path = " + oldjobpath); //MessageBox.Show("Backup folders " + oldjobpath + "->" + newjobpath); if (oldjobpath != null) { if (REDDY.ptrIFSDMux.CloneDirectoryTlock(2, oldjobpath, 2, newjobpath) != true) { MessageBox.Show("failed to create new job dir " + oldjobpath + "->" + newjobpath); thread_stopped = true; update_ui(0, 0, null); return; } } else { if (REDDY.ptrIFSDMux.CreateDirectory(2, newjobpath, null) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("failed to create new job dir"); thread_stopped = true; update_ui(0, 0, null); return; } } update_ui(1, 0, "[DONE]"); update_ui(2, 0, "Working.."); long totaldatasetsize = fetch_total_data_to_scan(); DEFS.DEBUG("BACKUP", "Inititing target directory, " + newjobpath); /* * Now create a new checksum file, and start writing new checksums there. */ string oldchecksumfilepath = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + newjobname + "\\checksumfile"; string newchecksumfilepath = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + newjobname + "\\"; REDDY.ptrIFSDMux.CreateFile(2, newchecksumfilepath, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite, FileMode.CreateNew, FileOptions.None, null); bool isfirstjob = (oldjobpath == null); if (stop_thread == true) { thread_stopped = true; update_ui(0, 0, null); return; } int curroffset = 0; update_ui(2, 0, "[DONE] " + DEFS.getDataInStringRep(totaldatasetsize)); for (int i = 0; i < m_bt.BackupPaths.Count; i++) { backup_pair bp = m_bt.BackupPaths.ElementAt(i); if (bp.IsFile) { string destfile = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + newjobname + "\\" + bp.DestinationPath; bool ret = backup_file(isfirstjob, oldchecksumfilepath, newchecksumfilepath, ref curroffset, bp.SourcePath, destfile); if (ret == false) { DEFS.DEBUG("BACKUP", "Backup of file " + bp.SourcePath + " failed!"); break; } } else { string destfolder = "\\" + m_bt.TaskName + "\\" + newjobname + "\\" + bp.DestinationPath; backup_folder(isfirstjob, oldchecksumfilepath, newchecksumfilepath, ref curroffset, bp.SourcePath, destfolder); } } REDDY.ptrIFSDMux.DeleteFile(2, oldchecksumfilepath, null); REDDY.ptrIFSDMux.RenameInode2a(2, newchecksumfilepath, "checksumfile"); update_ui(5, 0, "[OKAY]"); thread_stopped = true; update_ui(0, 0, null); }
public BackupJobDetailsUI(string name, List <backup_pair> pairs, List <job_item> joblist) { InitializeComponent(); textBox3.Text = name; if (pairs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++) { backup_pair bp = pairs.ElementAt(i); dgv_fldlist.Rows.Add(new string[] { bp.SourcePath, bp.DestinationPath, (bp.IsFile)? "Y": "N" }); } dgv_fldlist.Invalidate(); } if (joblist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < joblist.Count; i++) { job_item ji = joblist.ElementAt(i); dgv_joblist.Rows.Add(new string[] { ji.JobID.ToString(), ji.JobName, ji.StartTime, DEFS.getDataInStringRep(ji.NewCopiedData) }); } dgv_joblist.Invalidate(); } }