public FormSyncItems(CCreateSyncResultsSet results, RbcpyGlobalSettings globalSettings, bool bPreview) { InitializeComponent(); m_results = results; m_globalSettings = globalSettings; m_bPreview = bPreview; if (bPreview) { this.Text = "Preview"; this.lblNameOfAction.Text = "Preview:"; } else { this.Text = "Results"; this.lblNameOfAction.Text = "Results:"; btnRun.Text = "Sync Complete"; btnRun.Enabled = false; btnIncludeBoth.Enabled = false; btnCompareWinmerge.Enabled = false; btnLeftToRight.Enabled = btnRightToLeft.Enabled = false; btnShowLeft.Enabled = btnShowRight.Enabled = false; } listView.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false; listView.SmallImageList = imageList1; txtSummary.ReadOnly = true; txtSummary.Text = results.sSummary; ReAddItems(); ShowSummary(); txtSummary.Select(0, 0); listView.Focus(); }
public static void Serialize(RbcpyGlobalSettings config, string sFilename) { XmlWriterSettings ws = new XmlWriterSettings(); ws.NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RbcpyGlobalSettings)); using (XmlWriter wr = XmlWriter.Create(sFilename, ws)) { serializer.Serialize(wr, config); } }
private void mnuWinMergePath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.DefaultExt = ".exe"; dialog.Filter = "Exe files (*.exe)|*.exe"; dialog.Title = "Please point to WinMerge"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.m_globalSettings.m_winMergeDir = dialog.FileName; RbcpyGlobalSettings.Serialize(this.m_globalSettings, "configs/globalconfig.xml"); } }
public FormSyncMain() { InitializeComponent(); m_mapTextItems = new Dictionary <string, TextBox> { { "m_src", this.txtSrc }, { "m_destination", this.txtDest }, { "m_excludeDirs", this.txtExcludeDirs }, { "m_excludeFiles", this.txtExcludeFiles }, { "m_copyFlags", this.txtCopyFlags }, { "m_directoryCopyFlags", this.txtDirCopyFlags }, { "m_ipg", this.txtIpg }, { "m_nRetries", this.txtnRetries }, { "m_waitBetweenRetries", this.txtnWaitBetweenRetries }, { "m_nThreads", this.txtnThreads }, { "m_custom", this.txtCustom }, }; m_mapCheckItems = new Dictionary <string, CheckBox> { { "m_mirror", this.chkMirror }, { "m_copySubDirsAndEmptySubdirs", this.chkCopySubdirs }, { "m_symlinkNotTarget", this.chkSymlinkNotTarget }, { "m_fatTimes", this.chkFatTimes }, { "m_compensateDst", this.chkCompensateDST }, }; try { var directory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToLowerInvariant(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(directory); if (!Directory.Exists("configs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("configs"); } if (File.Exists("configs/globalconfig.xml")) { m_globalSettings = RbcpyGlobalSettings.Deserialize("configs/globalconfig.xml"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error loading. Please place in a writable directory."); m_globalSettings = new RbcpyGlobalSettings(); } }
private void mnuSetDeletedPath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var prevDir = this.m_globalSettings.m_directoryForDeletedFiles ?? "c:\\"; var sNewName = InputBoxForm.GetStrInput("Please enter a directory where manually deleted files will be moved, or enter no text to disable this feature:", prevDir); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sNewName)) { return; } else if (!Directory.Exists(sNewName)) { MessageBox.Show("Directory does not exist"); return; } else { this.m_globalSettings.m_directoryForDeletedFiles = sNewName; RbcpyGlobalSettings.Serialize(this.m_globalSettings, "configs/globalconfig.xml"); } }