        public static Matrix4By4 YRotation(double rotationAngleThroughYAxis)
            Matrix4By4 rm = new Matrix4By4(new Matrix(new Vector(Math.Cos(Algebra.convertToRad(rotationAngleThroughYAxis)),
                                                                 (-1) * Math.Sin(Algebra.convertToRad(rotationAngleThroughYAxis))),
                                                      new Vector(0, 1, 0),
                                                      new Vector(Math.Sin(Algebra.convertToRad(rotationAngleThroughYAxis)),
                                           new Vector());

        // method for finding the new ray origin and new ray direction according to the DOF
        Ray FindDOFRay(Vector pointInThePixel)
            //getting random value for aperture size that is the radius if the circle which will be in blur
            double randomRadius = Algebra.getRandomNumber(0, apertureSize);

            //similarly getting the random angle of the circle for getting the random point in the aperture size or the circle in focus
            double randomAngle = Algebra.getRandomNumber(0, 2 * Math.PI);

            //new x and y positions of camera are determined by random radius and random angle of circle having radius equal to  aperture size
            double xPositionOfCamera = randomRadius * Math.Cos(Algebra.convertToRad(randomAngle));
            double yPositionOfCamera = randomRadius * Math.Sin(Algebra.convertToRad(randomAngle));

            //here assigning new x and y values for camera
            Vector rayOrigin = new Vector(xPositionOfCamera, yPositionOfCamera, 0);

            //similarly finding new ray direction and converting to world coordinates and getting it's unit vector
            Vector direction       = pointInThePixel - rayOrigin;
            Vector newRayDirection = convertCameraToWorldCoordinates(direction).Normalize();

            return(new Ray(rayOrigin + position, newRayDirection));
        // making does intersect method which returns t values
        public override double DoesIntersect(Vector origin, Vector direction)
            double txmin = (position.x - origin.x) / direction.x;    // this is minimum x value of t
            double txmax = (maxPosition.x - origin.x) / direction.x; // this is maximum x value of t

            // if txmin is greater than txmax than interchanging the txmin and txmax
            if (txmin > txmax)
                Algebra.swap(txmin, txmax);

            // also doing the same process for y values of minimum and maximum positions of a box
            double tymin = (position.y - origin.y) / direction.y;
            double tymax = (maxPosition.y - origin.y) / direction.y;

            // if tymin is greater than tymax than interchanging both values
            if (tymin > tymax)
                Algebra.swap(tymin, tymax);

            // ray doesnot intersect if either txmin is greater than tymax or tymin is greater than txmax
            if ((txmin > tymax) || (tymin > txmax))

            // whereas txmax is greater than tymax than txmax will be tymax
            if (tymax < txmax)
                txmax = tymax;

            // similarly doing same process for z of position vectors of box i.e. minimum and maximum vectors
            double tzmin = (position.z - origin.z) / direction.z;
            double tzmax = (maxPosition.z - origin.z) / direction.z;

            // similarly swaping tzmin and tzmax if tzmin is greater than tzmax
            if (tzmin > tzmax)
                Algebra.swap(tzmin, tzmax);

            // ray doesnot intersect either txmin is greater than tzmax or tzmin is greater than txmax
            if ((txmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > txmax))

            // if tzmin is greater than txmin than assigning the value of txmin as tzmin
            if (tzmin > txmin)
                txmin = tzmin;

            // if tzmax is greater than txmax than assigning the value of tzmax as txmax
            if (tzmax < txmax)
                txmax = tzmax;

            // so returning tmin at last
            return(txmin > txmax ? txmax : txmin);
        public void Render(Scene scene, Bitmap bmp)
            //creating a array for storing different types of combinations for jittered sampling
            double[] possibleCombinations = new double[numberOfJittered];

            //if jittered is given then only it will push variables to the array
            if (numberOfJittered > 1)
                for (int l = 0; l < numberOfJittered; l++)
                    possibleCombinations[l] = (double)(2 * l + 1) / (numberOfJittered * 2);

            // getting the color of the
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    // for getting random values from 0 to 1 for super sampling or random sampling
                    Random randomNumber = new Random();

                    // creating one empty color space for averaging the color for that pixel in multi sampling
                    SColor samplingColor = new SColor();

                    //giving background color as black at first
                    bmp.SetPixel(j, i, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0));

                    //this is the loop for anti-aliasing(AA) that is number of samples
                    if (numberOfJittered > 1)
                        numberOfSamples = (int)Math.Pow(numberOfJittered, 2);

                    double dz = (height / 2) / (Math.Tan(Algebra.convertToRad(fov * 0.5))); // calculating dz
                    if (DOFUsed)
                        pixelSize = focalLength / dz;
                        pixelSize = 1 / dz;

                    Vector pointInThePixel = (new Vector((-width / 2), (height / 2), 0) + new Vector(0.5, -0.5, 0) + new Vector(j, -i, position.z)) * pixelSize; // changing the basis i.e. in terms of i and j of the image
                    Double wOffset         = 1;
                    if (DOFUsed)
                        wOffset = focalLength;
                    for (int k = 0; k < numberOfSamples; k++)
                        Ray ray = new Ray(position, new Vector());
                        //checking number of jittered is given or not through it's default value
                        //that is if number of jittered is not given than calculating as usual number of sampling way
                        //otherwise that is if number of jittered is given than calculating number of jitterd out of it and checking through midpoints of those number of samples of each pixel

                        if (numberOfJittered == 1)
                            double m = randomNumber.NextDouble(); // gives random number between 0 and 1

                            //Vector coordinate = new Vector((-width / 2), (height / 2), 0) + new Vector(0.5, -0.5, 0) + new Vector(j, -i, position.z); // changing the basis i.e. in terms of i and j of the image

                            //if number of samplings is 1 then here the value of m will be 0.5 otherwise it will be m which is the random number from 0 to 1
                            double dx = (j - (width / 2) + (numberOfSamples == 1 ? 0.5 : m)) * pixelSize;    // calculating dx
                            double dy = (((height / 2) - i) + (numberOfSamples == 1 ? 0.5 : m)) * pixelSize; // calculating dy
                            //double dz = 1;// (height / 2) / (Math.Tan(Algebra.convertToRad(fov * 0.5))); // calculating dz
                            pointInThePixel = new Vector(dx, dy, wOffset);
                            ray.direction   = convertCameraToWorldCoordinates(pointInThePixel).Normalize(); // so vector (dx, dy, dz) will be the direction of the ray which is normalized
                            int kX = (k % numberOfJittered); // this is for finding the index of the array for giving possible value of mid points of jittered grid

                            int kY = (k / numberOfJittered); // this is for finding the next index of the array for giving possible value pf mid points of jittered grid

                            //Debug.Assert(kX == 0.25);

                            double dx = j - (width / 2) + (numberOfSamples == 1 ? 0.5 : possibleCombinations[kX]);    // calculating dx where possible combination is given by indexing the array
                            double dy = ((height / 2) - i) + (numberOfSamples == 1 ? 0.5 : possibleCombinations[kY]); // calculating dy
                            //double dz = 1;// (height / 2) / (Math.Tan(Algebra.convertToRad(fov * 0.5))); // calculating dz
                            ray.direction = convertCameraToWorldCoordinates(new Vector(dx, dy, 1)).Normalize();       // so vector (dx, dy, dz) will be the direction of the ray which is normalized

                        if (DOFUsed)
                            ray = FindDOFRay(pointInThePixel);

                        // adding all the color of the samples that is given for multi sampling

                        samplingColor += TraceRay(ray, scene, 0);

                    //taking the average of the color of those all samples
                    SColor colorSampling = samplingColor / numberOfSamples;

                    //now giving that average color of all those samples
                    bmp.SetPixel(j, i, Color.FromArgb(colorSampling.GetAlphaColor(), colorSampling.GetRedColor(), colorSampling.GetGreenColor(), colorSampling.GetBlueColor()));