public RunToRunRegressionToolbar(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { InitializeComponent(); toolStrip1_Resize(null, null); }
public RTScheduleGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { XAxis.Title.Text = Resources.RTScheduleGraphPane_RTScheduleGraphPane_Scheduled_Time; YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = false; YAxis.Scale.Min = 0; }
protected SummaryReplicateGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { XAxis.Title.Text = Resources.SummaryReplicateGraphPane_SummaryReplicateGraphPane_Replicate; XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; IsRepeatRemovalAllowed = true; }
public bool ShowDelete(Point mousePt) { var regressionGraphPane = GraphSummary.GraphPaneFromPoint(mousePt) as RTLinearRegressionGraphPane; return(regressionGraphPane != null && regressionGraphPane.AllowDeletePoint(new PointF(mousePt.X, mousePt.Y))); }
public void OnRatioIndexChanged() { if (GraphSummary.GraphPanes.OfType <AreaReplicateGraphPane>().Any() /* || !Settings.Default.AreaAverageReplicates */) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public void OnActiveLibraryChanged() { if (GraphSummary.GraphPanes.OfType <AreaReplicateGraphPane>().Any()) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public void OnUpdateGraph() { switch (GraphSummary.Type) { case GraphTypeSummary.replicate: case GraphTypeSummary.peptide: GraphSummary.DoUpdateGraph(this, GraphSummary.Type); break; case GraphTypeSummary.histogram: if (!(GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault() is MassErrorHistogramGraphPane)) { GraphSummary.GraphPanes = new[] { new MassErrorHistogramGraphPane(GraphSummary) } } ; break; case GraphTypeSummary.histogram2d: if (!(GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault() is MassErrorHistogram2DGraphPane)) { GraphSummary.GraphPanes = new[] { new MassErrorHistogram2DGraphPane(GraphSummary) } } ; break; } }
public void OnNormalizeOptionChanged() { if (GraphSummary.GraphPanes.OfType <MassErrorReplicateGraphPane>().Any() /* || !Settings.Default.AreaAverageReplicates */) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public RTLinearRegressionGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { XAxis.Title.Text = Resources.RTLinearRegressionGraphPane_RTLinearRegressionGraphPane_Score; Settings.Default.RTScoreCalculatorList.ListChanged += RTScoreCalculatorList_ListChanged; }
public bool HandleKeyDownEvent(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { // case Keys.D3: // if (e.Alt) // GraphSummary.Hide(); // break; case Keys.F7: if (!e.Alt && !(e.Shift && e.Control)) { if (e.Control) { Settings.Default.AreaGraphType = GraphTypeArea.peptide.ToString(); } else { Settings.Default.AreaGraphType = GraphTypeArea.replicate.ToString(); } GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } break; } return(false); }
public AreaCVHistogram2DGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { _areaCVGraphData = null; _lineItems = new LineItem[2]; _cache = new AreaCVGraphData.AreaCVGraphDataCache(); }
public bool HandleKeyDownEvent(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { // case Keys.D2: // if (e.Alt) // { // GraphSummary.Hide(); // return true; // } // break; case Keys.F8: if (!e.Alt && !(e.Shift && e.Control)) { if (e.Shift) { GraphType = GraphTypeRT.regression; } else if (e.Control) { GraphType = GraphTypeRT.peptide; } else { GraphType = GraphTypeRT.replicate; } GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); return(true); } break; } return(false); }
public void OnResultsIndexChanged() { if (GraphSummary.GraphPanes.OfType <AreaReplicateGraphPane>().Any() /* || !Settings.Default.AreaAverageReplicates */ || RTLinearRegressionGraphPane.ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public void OnResultsIndexChanged() { if (GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault() is RTReplicateGraphPane || RTLinearRegressionGraphPane.ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public DetectionsToolbar(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { InitializeComponent(); _timer = new Timer { Interval = 100 }; _timer.Tick += Timer_OnTick; }
private TextObj AddLabel(string text, double x, double y, Color color) { return(new TextObj(text, x, y, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Center, AlignV.Bottom) { FontSpec = GraphSummary.CreateFontSpec(color), IsClippedToChartRect = true }); }
public void OnActiveLibraryChanged() { var fod = GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault() as IUpdateGraphPaneController; if (fod != null && fod.UpdateUIOnLibraryChanged()) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public void OnResultsIndexChanged() { var fod = GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault() as IUpdateGraphPaneController; if (fod != null && fod.UpdateUIOnIndexChanged()) { GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public RTScheduleGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, bool isExportMethodDlg = false) : base(graphSummary) { _exportMethodDlg = isExportMethodDlg; XAxis.Title.Text = Resources.RTScheduleGraphPane_RTScheduleGraphPane_Scheduled_Time; YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = false; YAxis.Scale.Min = 0; }
public void SetSelectedFile(string file) { var group = _replicateGroups?.FirstOrDefault(g => (g.FileInfo != null && g.FileInfo.FilePath.GetFileName() == file) || (g.FileInfo == null && file == null)); if (group != null) { SelectedGroup = group; GraphSummary.UpdateUI(); } }
public override void Draw(Graphics g) { GraphObjList.Clear(); if (_graphData != null) { // Force Axes to recalculate to ensure proper layout of labels AxisChange(g); // Reposition the regression label. RectangleF rectChart = Chart.Rect; PointF ptTop = rectChart.Location; // Setup axes scales to enable the ReverseTransform method XAxis.Scale.SetupScaleData(this, XAxis); YAxis.Scale.SetupScaleData(this, YAxis); float yNext = ptTop.Y; double left = XAxis.Scale.ReverseTransform(ptTop.X + 8); FontSpec fontSpec = GraphSummary.CreateFontSpec(COLOR_LINE_REGRESSION); if (_labelRegression != null) { // Add regression text double top = YAxis.Scale.ReverseTransform(yNext); TextObj text = new TextObj(_labelRegression, left, top, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Left, AlignV.Top) { IsClippedToChartRect = true, ZOrder = ZOrder.E_BehindCurves, FontSpec = fontSpec, }; // text.FontSpec.Size = 12; GraphObjList.Add(text); } if (_labelRegressionCurrent != null) { // Add text for current regression SizeF sizeLabel = fontSpec.MeasureString(g, _labelRegression, CalcScaleFactor()); yNext += sizeLabel.Height + 3; double top = YAxis.Scale.ReverseTransform(yNext); TextObj text = new TextObj(_labelRegressionCurrent, left, top, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Left, AlignV.Top) { IsClippedToChartRect = true, ZOrder = ZOrder.E_BehindCurves, FontSpec = GraphSummary.CreateFontSpec(COLOR_LINE_REGRESSION_CURRENT), }; // text.FontSpec.Size = 12; GraphObjList.Add(text); } } base.Draw(g); }
protected SummaryPeptideGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, PaneKey paneKey) : base(graphSummary) { PaneKey = paneKey; string xAxisTitle = Resources.SummaryPeptideGraphPane_SummaryPeptideGraphPane_Peptide; if (null != paneKey.IsotopeLabelType && !paneKey.IsotopeLabelType.IsLight) { xAxisTitle += " (" + paneKey.IsotopeLabelType + ")"; // Not L10N } XAxis.Title.Text = xAxisTitle; XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; }
protected SummaryPeptideGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, PaneKey paneKey) : base(graphSummary) { PaneKey = paneKey; string xAxisTitle = Resources.SummaryPeptideGraphPane_SummaryPeptideGraphPane_Peptide; if (null != paneKey.IsotopeLabelType && !paneKey.IsotopeLabelType.IsLight) { xAxisTitle += @" (" + paneKey.IsotopeLabelType + @")"; } XAxis.Title.Text = xAxisTitle; XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; }
public AreaCVToolbar(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { InitializeComponent(); toolStripNumericDetections.NumericUpDownControl.ValueChanged += NumericUpDownControl_ValueChanged; toolStripComboGroup.SelectedIndexChanged += toolStripComboGroup_SelectedIndexChanged; _timer = new Timer { Interval = 100 }; _timer.Tick += timer_Tick; }
private void RTScoreCalculatorList_ListChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Avoid updating on every minor change to the list. if (_pendingUpdate) { return; } // Wait for the UI thread to become available again, and then update if (GraphSummary.IsHandleCreated) { GraphSummary.BeginInvoke(new Action(DelayedUpdate)); _pendingUpdate = true; } }
protected SummaryPeptideGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, PaneKey paneKey) : base(graphSummary) { PaneKey = paneKey; string xAxisTitle = Helpers.PeptideToMoleculeTextMapper.Translate(Resources.SummaryPeptideGraphPane_SummaryPeptideGraphPane_Peptide, graphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI.DocumentType); if (null != paneKey.IsotopeLabelType && !paneKey.IsotopeLabelType.IsLight) { xAxisTitle += @" (" + paneKey.IsotopeLabelType + @")"; } XAxis.Title.Text = xAxisTitle; XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; }
protected void ChangeSelectedIndex(int iResult) { if (iResult < 0) { return; } var document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; if (!document.Settings.HasResults || iResult >= document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count) { return; } GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedResultsIndex = iResult; GraphSummary.Focus(); }
protected DetectionsPlotPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { MaxRepCount = graphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count; Settings.RepCount = MaxRepCount / 2; if (GraphSummary.Toolbar is DetectionsToolbar toolbar) { toolbar.UpdateUI(); } XAxis.Scale.Min = YAxis.Scale.Min = 0; XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = false; ToolTip = new ToolTipImplementation(this); DetectionPlotData.GetDataCache().ReportProgress += UpdateProgressHandler; DetectionPlotData.GetDataCache().StatusChange += UpdateStatusHandler; }
public void OnUpdateGraph() { // CONSIDER: Need a better guarantee that this ratio index matches the // one in the sequence tree, but at least this will keep the UI // from crashing with IndexOutOfBoundsException. var settings = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI.Settings; GraphSummary.NormalizeOption = NormalizeOption.Constrain(settings, GraphSummary.NormalizeOption); var pane = GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault(); switch (GraphSummary.Type) { case GraphTypeSummary.replicate: case GraphTypeSummary.peptide: GraphSummary.DoUpdateGraph(this, GraphSummary.Type); break; case GraphTypeSummary.histogram: if (!(pane is AreaCVHistogramGraphPane)) { GraphSummary.GraphPanes = new[] { new AreaCVHistogramGraphPane(GraphSummary) } } ; break; case GraphTypeSummary.histogram2d: if (!(pane is AreaCVHistogram2DGraphPane)) { GraphSummary.GraphPanes = new[] { new AreaCVHistogram2DGraphPane(GraphSummary) } } ; break; } if (!ReferenceEquals(GraphSummary.GraphPanes.FirstOrDefault(), pane)) { var disposable = pane as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } }
protected SummaryGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) { GraphSummary = graphSummary; PaneKey = PaneKey.DEFAULT; Border.IsVisible = false; Title.IsVisible = true; Chart.Border.IsVisible = false; XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true; YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true; Y2Axis.IsVisible = false; X2Axis.IsVisible = false; XAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false; YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false; XAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false; YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false; IsFontsScaled = false; YAxis.Scale.MaxGrace = 0.1; }
private void AddLabels(Graphics g) { if (_areaCVGraphData == null) { Title.Text = Resources.AreaCVHistogramGraphPane_AddLabels_Calculating____; } else if (!_areaCVGraphData.IsValid) { Title.Text = Resources.AreaCVHistogramGraphPane_AddLabels_Not_enough_data; } else { Title.Text = string.Empty; var unit = _percentage ? @"%" : string.Empty; var factor = _percentage ? 100.0 : 1.0; var scaleFactor = CalcScaleFactor(); var fontHeight = GraphSummary.CreateFontSpec(Color.Black).GetHeight(scaleFactor); var height = PaneHeightToYValue(fontHeight); // Anchor labels at top of graph pane var y = Math.Min(PaneHeightToYValue(Rect.Height - TitleGap * Title.FontSpec.GetHeight(scaleFactor) - fontHeight * _stickItems.Count), _areaCVGraphData.MaxFrequency + height); var index = 0; if (Settings.Default.AreaCVShowMedianCV) { _stickItems[index++].Points[1].Y = y; string text = string.Format(Resources.AreaCVHistogramGraphPane_AddLabels_Median___0_, HistogramHelper.FormatDouble(_areaCVGraphData.MedianCV * factor, _decimals) + unit); GraphObjList.Add(AddLabel(text, _areaCVGraphData.MedianCV * factor, y, Color.Blue)); y += height; } if (Settings.Default.AreaCVShowCVCutoff) { _stickItems[index++].Points[1].Y = y; string text = string.Format(Resources.AreaCVHistogramGraphPane_UpdateGraph_Below__0____1_, Settings.Default.AreaCVCVCutoff + unit, HistogramHelper.FormatDouble(_areaCVGraphData.BelowCVCutoff * factor, _decimals) + unit); GraphObjList.Add(AddLabel(text, Settings.Default.AreaCVCVCutoff, y, Color.Red)); } } }
public AreaReplicateGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, PaneKey paneKey) : base(graphSummary) { PaneKey = paneKey; }
protected SummaryBarGraphPaneBase(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary) { _axisLabelScaler = new AxisLabelScaler(this); }
private GraphSummary CreateGraphPeakArea() { _graphPeakArea = new GraphSummary(this, new AreaGraphController()) { TabText = Resources.SkylineWindow_CreateGraphPeakArea_Peak_Areas, ResultsIndex = SelectedResultsIndex }; _graphPeakArea.FormClosed += graphPeakArea_FormClosed; _graphPeakArea.VisibleChanged += graphPeakArea_VisibleChanged; return _graphPeakArea; }
void GraphSummary.IStateProvider.BuildGraphMenu(ZedGraphControl zedGraphControl, ContextMenuStrip menuStrip, Point mousePt, GraphSummary.IController controller) { var graphController = controller as RTGraphController; if (graphController != null) BuildRTGraphMenu(menuStrip, mousePt, graphController); else if (controller is AreaGraphController) BuildAreaGraphMenu(menuStrip); CopyEmfToolStripMenuItem.AddToContextMenu(zedGraphControl, menuStrip); }
private void graphRetentionTime_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { // Update settings and menu check Settings.Default.ShowRetentionTimeGraph = false; _graphRetentionTime = null; }
private void graphPeakArea_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { // Update settings and menu check Settings.Default.ShowPeakAreaGraph = false; _graphPeakArea = null; }
private void DestroyGraphRetentionTime() { if (_graphRetentionTime != null) { _graphRetentionTime.FormClosed -= graphRetentionTime_FormClosed; _graphRetentionTime.VisibleChanged -= graphRetentionTime_VisibleChanged; _graphRetentionTime.HideOnClose = false; _graphRetentionTime.Close(); _graphRetentionTime = null; } }
private void DestroyGraphPeakArea() { if (_graphPeakArea != null) { _graphPeakArea.FormClosed -= graphPeakArea_FormClosed; _graphPeakArea.VisibleChanged -= graphPeakArea_VisibleChanged; _graphPeakArea.HideOnClose = false; _graphPeakArea.Close(); _graphPeakArea = null; } }
private GraphSummary CreateGraphRetentionTime() { _graphRetentionTime = new GraphSummary(this, new RTGraphController()) { TabText = Resources.SkylineWindow_CreateGraphRetentionTime_Retention_Times, ResultsIndex = SelectedResultsIndex }; _graphRetentionTime.FormClosed += graphRetentionTime_FormClosed; _graphRetentionTime.VisibleChanged += graphRetentionTime_VisibleChanged; return _graphRetentionTime; }
public RTPeptideGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary) : base(graphSummary, PaneKey.DEFAULT) { }
public AreaPeptideGraphPane(GraphSummary graphSummary, PaneKey paneKey) : base(graphSummary, paneKey) { }
public void ShowGraphRetentionTime(bool show) { if (show) { if (_graphRetentionTime != null && !Program.SkylineOffscreen) { _graphRetentionTime.Activate(); } else { _graphRetentionTime = _graphRetentionTime ?? CreateGraphRetentionTime(); // Choose a position to float the window var rectFloat = GetFloatingRectangleForNewWindow(); _graphRetentionTime.Show(dockPanel, rectFloat); } } else if (_graphRetentionTime != null) { // Save current setting for showing spectra show = Settings.Default.ShowRetentionTimeGraph; // Close the spectrum graph window _graphRetentionTime.Hide(); // Restore setting and menuitem from saved value Settings.Default.ShowRetentionTimeGraph = show; } }