public static ByteBuffer getScaledScreen(int address, int bufferWidth, int height, int pixelFormat) { lock (screenScaleLock) { return(NativeUtils.getScaledScreen(address, bufferWidth, height, pixelFormat)); } }
public override void run() { while (!exit_Renamed) { if (waitForSync(100)) { if (lineMask != 0) { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Starting async rendering lineMask=0x{0:X8}", lineMask)); } NativeUtils.rendererRender(lineMask); } if (response != null) { // Be careful to clear the response before releasing it! Semaphore responseToBeReleased = response; response = null; responseToBeReleased.release(); } } } }
public static void onGeStartList(PspGeList list) { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.notifyEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_GE_START_LIST); } }
public static void onGeFinishList(PspGeList list) { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.notifyEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_GE_FINISH_LIST); } }
public static void onDisplayStopWaitVblank() { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.stopEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_DISPLAY_WAIT_VBLANK); } }
public static void onDisplayVblank() { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.notifyEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_DISPLAY_VBLANK); } }
public static void onGeStopWaitList() { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.stopEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_GE_WAIT_FOR_LIST); } }
public override void run() { while (!exit_Renamed) { NativeUtils.setLogLevel(); Utilities.sleep(100); } }
public static float[] getMatrix(int mtxType) { int size = getMatrixSize(mtxType); int offset = getMatrixOffset(mtxType); float[] mtx = new float[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { mtx[i] = NativeUtils.getCoreMtxArray(offset + i); } return(mtx); }
private void executeCommandFINISH(PspGeList list) { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FINISH {0}", list)); } list.clearRestart(); list.finishList(); list.pushFinishCallback(, NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(GeCommands.FINISH) & 0x00FFFFFF); list.endList(); list.status = sceGe_user.PSP_GE_LIST_DONE; ExternalGE.finishList(list); }
public static void startList(PspGeList list) { if (list == null) { return; } lock (drawListQueue) { if (currentList == null) { if (State.captureGeNextFrame) { State.captureGeNextFrame = false; CaptureManager.captureInProgress = true; NativeUtils.DumpFrames = true; NativeUtils.DumpTextures = true; logLevel = log.Level; log.Level = Level.TRACE; } // Save the context at the beginning of the list processing to the given address (used by sceGu). if (list.hasSaveContextAddr()) { saveContext(list.SaveContextAddr); } list.status = sceGe_user.PSP_GE_LIST_DRAWING; NativeUtils.setLogLevel(); NativeUtils.CoreSadr = list.StallAddr; NativeUtils.setCoreCtrlActive(); lock (screenScaleLock) { // Update the screen scale only at the start of a new list NativeUtils.ScreenScale = ScreenScale; } currentList = list; currentList.sync(); CoreThread.Instance.sync(); } else { drawListQueue.add(list); } } }
public static int saveContext(int addr) { if (NativeUtils.CoreCtrlActive) { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Saving Core context to 0x{0:X8} - Core busy", addr)); } return(-1); } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Saving Core context to 0x{0:X8}", addr)); } NativeUtils.saveCoreContext(addr); return(0); }
public static int restoreContext(int addr) { if (NativeUtils.CoreCtrlActive) { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Restoring Core context from 0x{0:X8} - Core busy", addr)); } return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_BUSY); } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Restoring Core context from 0x{0:X8}", addr)); } NativeUtils.restoreCoreContext(addr); return(0); }
public static void onRestartList(PspGeList list) { if (Active) { if (list == null || list.Finished) { return; } lock (drawListQueue) { if (list == currentList) { list.status = sceGe_user.PSP_GE_LIST_DRAWING; NativeUtils.setCoreCtrlActive(); CoreThread.Instance.sync(); list.sync(); } } } }
public static void onStallAddrUpdated(PspGeList list) { if (Available && DurationStatistics.collectStatistics) { NativeUtils.stopEvent(NativeUtils.EVENT_GE_UPDATE_STALL_ADDR); } if (Active) { if (list == null) { return; } if (list == currentList) { NativeUtils.CoreSadr = list.StallAddr; CoreThread.Instance.sync(); } } }
public static void init() { if (externalGESettingsListerner == null) { externalGESettingsListerner = new ExternalGESettingsListerner(); Settings.Instance.registerSettingsListener("ExternalGE", "emu.useExternalSoftwareRenderer", externalGESettingsListerner); } if (activateWhenAvailable) { NativeUtils.init(); if (Available) { activate(); } } else { deactivate(); } }
public static void exit() { if (externalGESettingsListerner != null) { Settings.Instance.removeSettingsListener("ExternalGE"); externalGESettingsListerner = null; } if (Active) { NativeUtils.exit(); NativeCallbacks.exit(); CoreThread.exit(); setLogLevelThread.exit(); if (numberRendererThread > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rendererThreads.Length; i++) { rendererThreads[i].exit(); } } } }
public static void finishList(PspGeList list) { Modules.sceGe_userModule.hleGeListSyncDone(list); lock (drawListQueue) { if (list == currentList) { if (CaptureManager.captureInProgress) { log.Level = logLevel; NativeUtils.DumpFrames = false; NativeUtils.DumpTextures = false; NativeUtils.setLogLevel(); CaptureManager.captureInProgress = false; Emulator.PauseEmu(); } // Restore the context to the state at the beginning of the list processing (used by sceGu). if (list.hasSaveContextAddr()) { restoreContext(list.SaveContextAddr); } currentList = null; } else { drawListQueue.remove(list); } } if (currentList == null) { startList(drawListQueue.poll()); } }
public static void render() { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ExternalGE starting rendering")); } for (int i = 0; i < rendererThreads.Length; i++) { rendererThreads[i].sync(rendererThreadsDone); } try { //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Waiting for async rendering completion")); } rendererThreadsDone.acquire(rendererThreads.Length); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Console.WriteLine("render", e); } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Async rendering completion")); } NativeUtils.rendererTerminate(); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ExternalGE terminating rendering")); } }
public override void run() { setLog4jMDC(); bool doCoreInterpret = false; while (!exit_Renamed) { PspGeList list = ExternalGE.CurrentList; if (list == null) { if (!Emulator.pause && log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CoreThread no current list available... waiting")); } waitForSync(100); } else if (doCoreInterpret || list.waitForSync(100)) { InsideRendering = true; doCoreInterpret = false; NativeUtils.CoreMadr = list.Pc; NativeUtils.updateMemoryUnsafeAddr(); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CoreThread processing {0}", list)); } while (NativeUtils.coreInterpret()) { NativeUtils.updateMemoryUnsafeAddr(); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { list.Pc = NativeUtils.CoreMadr; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CoreThread looping {0}", list)); } if (ExternalGE.numberRendererThread > 0 && NativeUtils.RendererIndexCount > 0) { break; } } list.Pc = NativeUtils.CoreMadr; int intrStat = NativeUtils.CoreIntrStat; if ((intrStat & INTR_STAT_END) != 0) { if ((intrStat & INTR_STAT_SIGNAL) != 0) { executeCommandSIGNAL(list); } if ((intrStat & INTR_STAT_FINISH) != 0) { executeCommandFINISH(list); } intrStat &= ~(INTR_STAT_END | INTR_STAT_SIGNAL | INTR_STAT_FINISH); NativeUtils.CoreIntrStat = intrStat; } if (ExternalGE.numberRendererThread > 0 && NativeUtils.RendererIndexCount > 0) { ExternalGE.render(); doCoreInterpret = true; } InsideRendering = false; } } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CoreThread exited")); }
private void executeCommandSIGNAL(PspGeList list) { int args = NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(GeCommands.SIGNAL) & 0x00FFFFFF; int behavior = (args >> 16) & 0xFF; int signal = args & 0xFFFF; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("SIGNAL (behavior={0:D}, signal=0x{1:X})",behavior,signal)); } switch (behavior) { case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_SYNC: { // Skip FINISH / END Memory mem = Memory.Instance; if (command(mem.read32(list.Pc)) == FINISH) { list.readNextInstruction(); if (command(mem.read32(list.Pc)) == END) { list.readNextInstruction(); } } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PSP_GE_SIGNAL_SYNC ignored PC: 0x{0:X8}", list.Pc)); } break; } case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_CALL: { // Call list using absolute address from SIGNAL + END. int hi16 = signal & 0x0FFF; int lo16 = NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(GeCommands.END) & 0xFFFF; int addr = (hi16 << 16) | lo16; int oldPc = list.Pc; list.callAbsolute(addr); int newPc = list.Pc; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PSP_GE_SIGNAL_CALL old PC: 0x{0:X8}, new PC: 0x{1:X8}", oldPc, newPc)); } break; } case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_RETURN: { // Return from PSP_GE_SIGNAL_CALL. int oldPc = list.Pc; list.ret(); int newPc = list.Pc; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PSP_GE_SIGNAL_RETURN old PC: 0x{0:X8}, new PC: 0x{1:X8}", oldPc, newPc)); } break; } case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP1_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP2_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP3_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP4_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP5_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP6_REL: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP7_REL: { // Overwrite TBPn and TBPw with SIGNAL + END (uses relative address only). int hi16 = signal & 0xFFFF; int end = NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(GeCommands.END); int lo16 = end & 0xFFFF; int width = (end >> 16) & 0xFF; int addr = list.getAddressRel((hi16 << 16) | lo16); int tbpValue = (behavior - sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL + GeCommands.TBP0) << 24 | (addr & 0x00FFFFFF); int tbwValue = (behavior - sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL + GeCommands.TBW0) << 24 | ((addr >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (width & 0xFFFF); NativeUtils.interpretCoreCmd(command(tbpValue), tbpValue, NativeUtils.CoreMadr); NativeUtils.interpretCoreCmd(command(tbwValue), tbwValue, NativeUtils.CoreMadr); break; } case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP1_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP2_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP3_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP4_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP5_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP6_REL_OFFSET: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP7_REL_OFFSET: { // Overwrite TBPn and TBPw with SIGNAL + END (uses relative address with offset). int hi16 = signal & 0xFFFF; // Read & skip END int end = NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(GeCommands.END); int lo16 = end & 0xFFFF; int width = (end >> 16) & 0xFF; int addr = list.getAddressRelOffset((hi16 << 16) | lo16); int tbpValue = (behavior - sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL + GeCommands.TBP0) << 24 | (addr & 0x00FFFFFF); int tbwValue = (behavior - sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_TBP0_REL + GeCommands.TBW0) << 24 | ((addr >> 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (width & 0xFFFF); NativeUtils.interpretCoreCmd(command(tbpValue), tbpValue, NativeUtils.CoreMadr); NativeUtils.interpretCoreCmd(command(tbwValue), tbwValue, NativeUtils.CoreMadr); break; } case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_SUSPEND: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_CONTINUE: case sceGe_user.PSP_GE_SIGNAL_HANDLER_PAUSE: { list.clearRestart(); list.pushSignalCallback(, behavior, signal); list.endList(); list.status = sceGe_user.PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED; break; } default: { if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("SIGNAL (behavior={0:D}, signal=0x{1:X}) unknown behavior at 0x{2:X8}", behavior, signal, list.Pc - 4)); } } break; } if (list.Drawing) { list.sync(); NativeUtils.setCoreCtrlActive(); } }
public static void addVideoTexture(int destinationAddress, int sourceAddress, int Length) { NativeUtils.addVideoTexture(destinationAddress, sourceAddress, Length); }
public static void setMatrix(int mtxType, int offset, float value) { NativeUtils.setCoreMtxArray(getMatrixOffset(mtxType) + offset, value); }
public static int getCmd(int cmd) { return(NativeUtils.getCoreCmdArray(cmd)); }
public static void setCmd(int cmd, int value) { NativeUtils.setCoreCmdArray(cmd, value); }
public static void interpretCmd(int cmd, int value) { NativeUtils.interpretCoreCmd(cmd, value, NativeUtils.CoreMadr); }