 public static Latex Instance()
     if (_instance == null)
         _instance = new Latex();
        private void CreateGnuplotScript(IBlauSpaceEvaluation bse, IBlauSpaceEvaluation std, int c)
            this.AppendToPresentation("set terminal postscript eps enhanced");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set output \"" + bse.Name + "" + c + ".eps\"");
            string axisName = _exp.theBlauSpace.getAxis(c).Name;

            Latex.AddImage("" + bse.Name + "" + c + ".eps", "Influence of " + axisName + " (BlauSpace coord " + c + ") on " + bse.Name + "");

            this.AppendToPresentation("set title \"" + _experimentName + " " + bse.Name + " Agent Evaluation\"");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set ylabel \"" + bse.Name + "\"");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set xlabel \"" + axisName + " (BlauSpace coord " + c + ")\"");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set autoscale y");
            string s = "plot \"../" + _exp.BSE_DIR_STRING + "/" + bse.Name + "" + c + ".bse\" using 1:2:3 with yerrorbars t \"" + bse.Name + "\" lc 1";

        private void CreateGnuplotScript(ITrajectoryBundle tb, ITrajectory meanTraj, ITrajectory centerTraj)
            this.AppendToPresentation("set terminal postscript eps enhanced");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set output \"" + tb.Name + ".eps\"");
            Latex.AddImage("" + tb.Name + ".eps", "" + tb.Name + " trajectory in " + _experimentName);

            double min, max;

            ComputeYrange(tb, out min, out max);
            double low  = min == Double.MaxValue ? -1.0 : min - (max - min);
            double high = max == Double.MinValue ? 1.0 : max + (max - min);

            double mint, maxt;

            ComputeXrange(tb, out mint, out maxt);
            double lowt  = mint == Double.MaxValue ? 0.0 : mint;
            double hight = maxt == Double.MinValue ? 1.0 : maxt;

            this.AppendToPresentation("set xrange [ " + lowt + " : " + hight + " ]");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set yrange [ " + low + " : " + high + " ]");

            this.AppendToPresentation("set title \"" + _experimentName + " " + tb.Name + " Trajectory\"");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set ylabel \"" + tb.Name + "\"");
            this.AppendToPresentation("set xlabel \"Time (seconds)\"");
            string s = "plot ";

            int i = 1;

            foreach (ITrajectory traj in tb.Trajectories)
                s += "\"../" + _exp.TRAJ_DIR_STRING + "/" + traj.Name + "-" + i + ".tra\" using 1:2 with lines notitle lt 2 lc rgb \"black\"";
                s += ", ";
            s += "\"../" + _exp.TRAJ_DIR_STRING + "/" + meanTraj.Name + ".tra\" using 1:2:3 with yerrorbars t \"Mean\" lc rgb \"blue\",";
            s += "\"../" + _exp.TRAJ_DIR_STRING + "/" + centerTraj.Name + TrajectoryBundleCollapser_CentralDTW.SUFFIX + ".tra\" using 1:2:3 with yerrorbars t \"Center\" lc rgb \"red\"";