        // Straight        5 sucessive diff suits   N^5 + N^4 + 2*N^3 + highest Type
        // the Aces may be higher or lower
        static int checkStraight()
            int id = 0, j, mcount = 0, HandCards = 5;

            for (j = 0; j <= HAND_CARDS - HandCards + 1; j++)
                id     = Card.idType(deck[j]);
                mcount = HandCards - 1;

                for (int i = j + 1; mcount != 0 && i < HAND_CARDS && mcount <= HAND_CARDS - i + 1; i++)
                    if (id == Card.idType(deck[i]) + 1)
                        id = Card.idType(deck[i]);

                if (mcount == 0)
                    return(N5 + N4 + 2 * N3 + Card.idType(deck[j]));

            // check for low-Ace straight
            if (mcount == 1 && id == (int)CardType.Two &&
                Card.idType(deck[0]) == (int)CardType.A)
                return(N5 + N4 + 2 * N3 + (int)Card.idType(deck[j - 1]));

/*		delegate bool CheckKickerDel(int val, int f1, int f2);
 *              CheckKickerDel checkKicker;
 *              bool CheckKicker0(int val, int f1, int f2) { return true; }
 *              bool CheckKicker1(int val, int f1, int f2) { return (val != f1); }
 *              bool CheckKicker2(int val, int f1, int f2) { return (val != f1 && val != f2); }
 *              //	factors only the 5 highest letters
 *              int getKickersValue(int num, int found1, int found2)
 *              {
 *                      int val = 0;
 *                      for (int i = 0; num != 0 && i < HAND_CARDS; i++)
 *                              if (checkKicker(Card.idType(deck[i]), found1, found2))
 *                                      val += Card.idType(deck[i]) * Utils.pow(N, --num);
 *                      return val;
 *              }
        // extended
        static int getKickersValue0(int num)
            int val = 0;

            for (int i = 0; num != 0 && i < HAND_CARDS; i++)
                val += Card.idType(deck[i]) * Utils.pow(N, --num);
        static int getKickersValue2(int num, int found1, int found2)
            int val = 0;

            for (int i = 0; num != 0 && i < HAND_CARDS; i++)
                int tt = Card.idType(deck[i]);
                if (tt != found1 && tt != found2)
                    val += Card.idType(deck[i]) * Utils.pow(N, --num);
        // Flush           5 increasing same suit   N^5 + N^4 + 3*N^3 + type1*N^4 + type2*N^3
        static int checkFlush()
            int i;
            int HandCards = 5;

            int[] sol = new int[HandCards];

            for (int j = 0; j <= HAND_CARDS - HandCards; j++)
                int count = 1;
                int id    = sol[HandCards - count] = deck[j];

                for (i = j + 1; count < HandCards && i < HAND_CARDS; i++)
                    if (Card.idType(id) > Card.idType(deck[i]) &&
                        Card.idSuit(id) == Card.idSuit(deck[i]))
                        id = sol[HandCards - ++count] = deck[i];

                if (count == HandCards)
                    int val = N5 + N4 + 3 * N3, exp = 4;

                    for (int t = 0; t < HandCards && exp >= 0; t++)
                        val += Card.idType(sol[t]) * Utils.pow(N, exp--);


        // StraightFlush   5 sucessive same suit    2*N^5 + N^4 + 5*N^3 + highest cardtype
        static int checkStrFlush()
            int i, id = 0, mcount = 0, suit = 0, HandCards = 5;
            int ttj = HAND_CARDS - HandCards + 1;

            for (int j = 0; j <= ttj; j++)
                id     = Card.idType(deck[j]);
                suit   = Card.idSuit(deck[j]);
                mcount = HandCards - 1;

                for (i = j + 1; mcount != 0 && i < HAND_CARDS && mcount <= HAND_CARDS - i + 1; i++)
                    if (id == Card.idType(deck[i]) + 1 && suit == Card.idSuit(deck[i]))
                        id = Card.idType(deck[i]);

                if (mcount == 0)
                    return(2 * N5 + N4 + 5 * N3 + Card.idType(deck[j]));

            // check for low-Ace straight flush
            if (mcount == 1 && id == (int)CardType.Two &&
                Card.idType(deck[0]) == (int)CardType.A &&
                Card.idSuit(deck[0]) == suit)
                return(2 * N5 + N4 + 5 * N3 + Card.idType(deck[HAND_CARDS - HandCards]));

        // Highest Card                             type1*N^4 + type2*N^3 + type3*N^2 + type4*N + type5
        // Pair                                     N^5 + Type*N^3 + kicker1*N^2 + kicker2*N + kicker3
        // Two Pairs                                N^5 + N^4 + Type1*N*N + Type2*N + kicker
        // Trio                                     N^5 + N^4 + N^3 + Type*N^2 + kicker1*N + kicker2
        // Full House      trio + pair              2*N^5 + N^4 + 3*N^3 + N * Trio CardType + Pair CardType
        // Four-of-Kind                             2*N^5 + N^4 + 4*N^3 + type

        static int checkKinds()
            int i, idf, idt = -1, idp1 = -1, idp2 = -1;         // four, trio, pair1, pair2

            for (int j = 0; j <= HAND_CARDS - 2; j += i)
                idf = Card.idType(deck[j]);
                for (i = 1; i + j < HAND_CARDS; i++)
                    if (idf != Card.idType(deck[i + j]))

                if (i == 4)                             // four of a kind
                    return(2 * N5 + N4 + 4 * N3 + idf);

                if (i == 3 && idt < 0)                // trio
                    idt = idf;

                else if (i > 1)                 // single pair or pair from trio
                    if (idp1 < 0)
                        idp1 = idf;
                    else if (idp2 < 0)
                        idp2 = idf;

            if (idt >= 0)
                if (idp1 >= 0)                  // fullhouse
                    return(2 * N5 + N4 + 3 * N3 + N * idt + idp1);

                else                                    // trio
                    return(N5 + N4 + N3 + N2 * idt + getKickersValue1(2, idt));

            if (idp1 >= 0)
                if (idp2 < 0)                   // pair
                    return(N5 + N3 * idp1 + getKickersValue1(3, idp1));
                else                                    // two pairs
                    return(N5 + N4 + N2 * idp1 + N * idp2 + getKickersValue2(1, idp1, idp2));

            return(getKickersValue0(5));                        // highest card