public Trainer(string Nick, int ID, Pokedex Pokedex)
     this.Nick = Nick;
     this.Pokemon = new Pokemon(ID, Pokedex);
         * Note:
         * The reason why the skill calculation for
         * trainers and the AI is seperated is that
         * we want to be able to treat them differently.
         * Here's why:
         * The trainer's pokemon will probably NOT be recovered
         * after every fight, and recovering it costs cash.
         * Therefore, pokemons of trainers will often be hurt
         * before battle. Thus, the challengers have to be
         * way weaker or have to be calculated differently, therefore
         * we have decided to seperate their calculations
         * although it is actually way more complex than it
         * has to be. (It would be a lot easier to just write
         * one function for Skill-Castings)
         * To cut it down: For flexibility.
        public int[] DoTurn(Pokedex Pokedex, Pokemon Opponent)
            int[] FResult = new int[]{0,0,0,0};
            int Rand = this.Random.Next(0, 10);
            PokedexAbility Skill;

            switch (Rand)
                // Buff itself
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    Skill = this.Pokemon.getAbility(4);
                    int Buff = Convert.ToInt32(Skill.Value * ((this.Pokemon.Intelligence + this.Pokemon.Dexterity) / 5));
                    this.Pokemon.Strength += Buff;
                    this.Pokemon.Dexterity += Buff;
                    this.Pokemon.BStrength += Buff;
                    this.Pokemon.BDexterity += Buff;
                    FResult[0] = 2;
                    FResult[1] = Buff;
                default: {
                        // Heal itself
                        if ((this.Pokemon.Health < this.Pokemon.GetHealthFromSta()) && Rand < 5)
                            Skill = this.Pokemon.getAbility(2);
                            int FirstHealing = Convert.ToInt32(Skill.Value * (this.Pokemon.Intelligence / 2));
                            int FinalHealing = Convert.ToInt32(FirstHealing + (this.Pokemon.GetHealthFromSta() / 20));
                            this.Pokemon.Health += FinalHealing;
                            // Make sure HP is maximally 100% now
                            if (this.Pokemon.Health > this.Pokemon.GetHealthFromSta()) this.Pokemon.Health = this.Pokemon.GetHealthFromSta();
                            FResult[0] = 1;
                            FResult[1] = FinalHealing;
                        // Attack
                            int Weakness = Opponent.getWeakness();
                            if (Weakness == this.Pokemon.Type.Type) Skill = this.Pokemon.getAbility(3);
                            else Skill = this.Pokemon.getAbility(1);
                            int Efficiency = Skill.Type.isEfficientAgainst(Opponent.Type.Type);
                            double Amplifier = this.Pokedex.getAmplifierFromEfficiency(Efficiency);
                            int FirstDamage = Convert.ToInt32(Skill.Value * Amplifier);
                            int SecondDamage = Convert.ToInt32((FirstDamage * this.Pokemon.Strength) / 2);
                            int FinalDamage = SecondDamage - (Opponent.Defense * 3);
                            // At least 1 Damage will be dealt. (this essentially prevents attacks from healing opponent)
                            if (FinalDamage < 1) FinalDamage = 1;

                            // Fight is won
                            if (FinalDamage >= Opponent.Health)
                                FResult[1] = 1;
                            FResult[2] = FinalDamage;
                            FResult[3] = Efficiency;
                            Opponent.Health = Opponent.Health - FinalDamage;
                } break;

            return FResult;