public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { try { Log("==> Running pre-start operations..."); // hook global errors (final failsafe) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += GlobalErrorHandler; Log("Global error handler is armed and ready!"); // process commandlines await CmdLineProcess.RunCommand(Environment.CommandLine).ConfigureAwait(false); // everything (exits and/or errors) are handled above, please do not process. // detect environment variables // including: $pmcenter_conf, $pmcenter_lang try { var ConfByEnviVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("pmcenter_conf"); var LangByEnviVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("pmcenter_lang"); if (ConfByEnviVar != null) { if (File.Exists(ConfByEnviVar)) { Vars.ConfFile = ConfByEnviVar; } else { Log($"==> The following file was not found: {ConfByEnviVar}", "CORE", LogLevel.INFO); } } if (LangByEnviVar != null) { if (File.Exists(LangByEnviVar)) { Vars.LangFile = LangByEnviVar; } else { Log($"==> The following file was not found: {LangByEnviVar}", "CORE", LogLevel.INFO); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Failed to read environment variables: {ex.ToString()}", "CORE", LogLevel.WARN); } Log($"==> Using configurations file: {Vars.ConfFile}"); Log($"==> Using language file: {Vars.LangFile}"); Log("==> Running start operations..."); Log("==> Initializing module - CONF"); // BY DEFAULT CONF & LANG ARE NULL! PROCEED BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. <- well anyway we have default values await InitConf().ConfigureAwait(false); _ = await ReadConf().ConfigureAwait(false); await InitLang().ConfigureAwait(false); _ = await ReadLang().ConfigureAwait(false); if (Vars.CurrentLang == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Language file is empty."); } if (Vars.RestartRequired) { Log("This may be the first time that you use the pmcenter bot.", "CORE"); Log("Configuration guide could be found at", "CORE"); Log("Received restart requirement from settings system. Exiting...", "CORE", LogLevel.ERROR); Log("You may need to check your settings and try again.", "CORE", LogLevel.INFO); Environment.Exit(1); } Log("==> Initializing module - THREADS"); Log("Starting RateLimiter..."); Vars.RateLimiter = new Thread(() => ThrRateLimiter()); Vars.RateLimiter.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.RateLimiter.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Log("Starting UpdateChecker..."); if (Vars.CurrentConf.EnableAutoUpdateCheck) { Vars.UpdateChecker = new Thread(() => ThrUpdateChecker()); Vars.UpdateChecker.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.UpdateChecker.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { Vars.UpdateCheckerStatus = ThreadStatus.Stopped; Log("Skipped."); } Log("Starting SyncConf..."); Vars.SyncConf = new Thread(() => ThrSyncConf()); Vars.SyncConf.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.SyncConf.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Log("==> Initializing module - BOT"); Log("Initializing bot instance..."); if (Vars.CurrentConf.UseProxy) { Log("Activating SOCKS5 proxy..."); List <ProxyInfo> ProxyInfoList = new List <ProxyInfo>(); foreach (Socks5Proxy Info in Vars.CurrentConf.Socks5Proxies) { ProxyInfo ProxyInfo = new ProxyInfo(Info.ServerName, Info.ServerPort, Info.Username, Info.ProxyPass); ProxyInfoList.Add(ProxyInfo); } HttpToSocks5Proxy Proxy = new HttpToSocks5Proxy(ProxyInfoList.ToArray()) { ResolveHostnamesLocally = Vars.CurrentConf.ResolveHostnamesLocally }; Log("SOCKS5 proxy is enabled."); Vars.Bot = new TelegramBotClient(Vars.CurrentConf.APIKey, Proxy); } else { Vars.Bot = new TelegramBotClient(Vars.CurrentConf.APIKey); } _ = await Vars.Bot.TestApiAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Log("Hooking event processors..."); Vars.Bot.OnUpdate += BotProcess.OnUpdate; Log("Starting receiving..."); Vars.Bot.StartReceiving(new[] { UpdateType.Message }); Log("==> Startup complete!"); Log("==> Running post-start operations..."); try { if (!Vars.CurrentConf.NoStartupMessage) { _ = await Vars.Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Vars.CurrentConf.OwnerUID, Vars.CurrentLang.Message_BotStarted .Replace("$1", Math.Round(Vars.StartSW.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 2) + "s"), ParseMode.Markdown, false, false).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Failed to send startup message to owner.\nDid you set the \"OwnerID\" key correctly? Otherwise pmcenter could not work properly.\nYou can try to use setup wizard to update/get your OwnerID automatically, just run \"dotnet pmcenter.dll --setup\".\n\nError details: {ex.ToString()}", "BOT", LogLevel.ERROR); } if (Vars.CurrentLang.TargetVersion != Vars.AppVer.ToString()) { Log("Language version mismatch detected.", "CORE", LogLevel.WARN); _ = await Vars.Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Vars.CurrentConf.OwnerUID, Vars.CurrentLang.Message_LangVerMismatch .Replace("$1", Vars.CurrentLang.TargetVersion) .Replace("$2", Vars.AppVer.ToString()), ParseMode.Markdown, false, false).ConfigureAwait(false); } Log("==> All finished!"); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(60000); } } catch (Exception ex) { CheckOpenSSLComp(ex); Log($"Unexpected error during startup: {ex.ToString()}", "CORE", LogLevel.ERROR); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { try { Check("Initial checkpoint"); // mark initial checkpoint Log("==> Running pre-start operations..."); // hook global errors (final failsafe) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += GlobalErrorHandler; Log("Global error handler is armed and ready!"); // hook ctrl-c events Console.CancelKeyPress += CtrlCHandler; Check("Event handlers armed"); // process commandlines await CmdLineProcess.RunCommand(Environment.CommandLine).ConfigureAwait(false); Check("Command line arguments processed"); // everything (exits and/or errors) are handled above, please do not process. // detect environment variables // including: // $pmcenter_conf // $pmcenter_lang try { var confByEnvironmentVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("pmcenter_conf"); var langByEnvironmentVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("pmcenter_lang"); if (confByEnvironmentVar != null) { if (File.Exists(confByEnvironmentVar)) { Vars.ConfFile = confByEnvironmentVar; } else { Log($"==> The following file was not found: {confByEnvironmentVar}", "CORE", LogLevel.Info); } } if (langByEnvironmentVar != null) { if (File.Exists(langByEnvironmentVar)) { Vars.LangFile = langByEnvironmentVar; } else { Log($"==> The following file was not found: {langByEnvironmentVar}", "CORE", LogLevel.Info); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Failed to read environment variables: {ex}", "CORE", LogLevel.Warning); } Check("Environment variables processed"); Log($"==> Using configurations file: {Vars.ConfFile}"); Log($"==> Using language file: {Vars.LangFile}"); Log("==> Running start operations..."); Log("==> Initializing module - CONF"); // BY DEFAULT CONF & LANG ARE NULL! PROCEED BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. <- well anyway we have default values await InitConf().ConfigureAwait(false); _ = await ReadConf().ConfigureAwait(false); Check("Configurations loaded"); await InitLang().ConfigureAwait(false); _ = await ReadLang().ConfigureAwait(false); Check("Custom locale loaded"); if (Vars.CurrentLang == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Language file is empty."); } if (Vars.RestartRequired) { Log("This may be the first time that you use the pmcenter bot.", "CORE"); Log("Configuration guide could be found at", "CORE"); Log("Received restart requirement from settings system. Exiting...", "CORE", LogLevel.Error); Log("You may need to check your settings and try again.", "CORE", LogLevel.Info); Environment.Exit(1); } // check if logs are being omitted if (Vars.CurrentConf.IgnoredLogModules.Count > 0) { var tmp = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!! SOME LOG ENTRIES ARE HIDDEN ACCORDING TO CURRENT SETTINGS !!!!!!!!!!"); Console.WriteLine("To revert this, clear the \"IgnoredLogModules\" field in pmcenter.json."); Console.WriteLine("To disable all log output, turn on \"LowPerformanceMode\"."); Console.WriteLine("This warning will appear every time pmcenter starts up with \"IgnoredLogModules\" set."); Console.ForegroundColor = tmp; } Check("Warnings displayed"); Log("==> Initializing module - THREADS"); Log("Starting RateLimiter..."); Vars.RateLimiter = new Thread(() => ThrRateLimiter()); Vars.RateLimiter.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.RateLimiter.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Check("Rate limiter online"); Log("Starting UpdateChecker..."); if (Vars.CurrentConf.EnableAutoUpdateCheck) { Vars.UpdateChecker = new Thread(() => ThrUpdateChecker()); Vars.UpdateChecker.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.UpdateChecker.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } else { Vars.UpdateCheckerStatus = ThreadStatus.Stopped; Log("Skipped."); } Check("Update checker ready"); Log("Starting SyncConf..."); Vars.SyncConf = new Thread(() => ThrSyncConf()); Vars.SyncConf.Start(); Log("Waiting..."); while (!Vars.SyncConf.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Check("Configurations autosaver online"); Log("==> Initializing module - BOT"); Log("Initializing bot instance..."); if (Vars.CurrentConf.UseProxy) { Log("Activating SOCKS5 proxy..."); List <ProxyInfo> proxyInfoList = new List <ProxyInfo>(); foreach (var proxyInfo in Vars.CurrentConf.Socks5Proxies) { var newProxyInfo = new ProxyInfo(proxyInfo.ServerName, proxyInfo.ServerPort, proxyInfo.Username, proxyInfo.ProxyPass); proxyInfoList.Add(newProxyInfo); } var proxy = new HttpToSocks5Proxy(proxyInfoList.ToArray()) { ResolveHostnamesLocally = Vars.CurrentConf.ResolveHostnamesLocally }; Log("SOCKS5 proxy is enabled."); Vars.Bot = new TelegramBotClient(Vars.CurrentConf.APIKey, proxy); } else { Vars.Bot = new TelegramBotClient(Vars.CurrentConf.APIKey); } Check("Bot initialized"); Log("Validating API Key..."); if (Vars.CurrentConf.SkipAPIKeyVerification) { Log("API Key validation skipped", LogLevel.Warning); } else { _ = await Vars.Bot.TestApiAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } Check("API Key test passed"); Log("Hooking message processors..."); Vars.Bot.OnUpdate += BotProcess.OnUpdate; Log("Starting receiving..."); Vars.Bot.StartReceiving(new[] { UpdateType.Message, UpdateType.CallbackQuery }); Check("Update receiving started"); Log("==> Startup complete!"); Log("==> Running post-start operations..."); try { // prompt startup success if (!Vars.CurrentConf.NoStartupMessage) { _ = await Vars.Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Vars.CurrentConf.OwnerUID, Vars.CurrentLang.Message_BotStarted .Replace("$1", $"{Math.Round(Vars.StartSW.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 2)}s"), ParseMode.Markdown, false, false).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Failed to send startup message to owner.\nDid you set the \"OwnerID\" key correctly? Otherwise pmcenter could not work properly.\nYou can try to use setup wizard to update/get your OwnerID automatically, just run \"dotnet pmcenter.dll --setup\".\n\nError details: {ex}", "BOT", LogLevel.Warning); } Check("Startup message sent"); try { // check .net core runtime version var netCoreVersion = GetNetCoreVersion(); if (!CheckNetCoreVersion(netCoreVersion) && !Vars.CurrentConf.DisableNetCore3Check) { _ = await Vars.Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Vars.CurrentConf.OwnerUID, Vars.CurrentLang.Message_NetCore31Required .Replace("$1", netCoreVersion.ToString()), ParseMode.Markdown, false, false).ConfigureAwait(false); Vars.CurrentConf.DisableNetCore3Check = true; _ = await SaveConf(false, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($".NET Core runtime version warning wasn't delivered to the owner: {ex.Message}, did you set the \"OwnerID\" key correctly?", "BOT", LogLevel.Warning); } Check(".NET Core runtime version check complete"); // check language mismatch if (Vars.CurrentLang.TargetVersion != Vars.AppVer.ToString()) { Log("Language version mismatch detected", "CORE", LogLevel.Warning); if (Vars.CurrentConf.CheckLangVersionMismatch) { _ = await Vars.Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Vars.CurrentConf.OwnerUID, Vars.CurrentLang.Message_LangVerMismatch .Replace("$1", Vars.CurrentLang.TargetVersion) .Replace("$2", Vars.AppVer.ToString()), ParseMode.Markdown, false, false).ConfigureAwait(false); } } Check("Language version mismatch checked"); Check("Complete"); if (Vars.CurrentConf.AnalyzeStartupTime) { Log("Advanced startup time analysis is on, printing startup checkpoints..."); PrintCheckPoints(); _checkPoints.Clear(); } Log("==> All finished!"); if (Vars.ServiceMode) { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(int.MaxValue); } } else { while (true) { Console.ReadKey(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CheckOpenSSLComp(ex); Log($"Unexpected error during startup: {ex}", "CORE", LogLevel.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } }