private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize Static Encounters? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization Settings before continuing.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } setGift(); setEncounter(); setTrade(); var specrand = getRandomizer(); var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = true }; var move = new LearnsetRandomizer(Main.Config, Main.Config.Learnsets); var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); int[] banned = Legal.Z_Moves.Concat(new int[] { 165, 464, 621 }).ToArray(); int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % FinalEvo.Length); int randLegend() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % ReplaceLegend.Length); for (int i = 3; i < Gifts.Length; i++) // Skip Starters { var t = Gifts[i]; // Legendary-for-Legendary if (CHK_ReplaceLegend.Checked && ReplaceLegend.Contains(t.Species) || UnevolvedLegend.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = ReplaceLegend[randLegend()]; } // every other entry else { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); } if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { t.ShinyLock = false; } if (CHK_SpecialMove.Checked) { if (CHK_Metronome.Checked) { t.SpecialMove = 0; // remove Surf Pikachu's special move } else { int rv; do { rv = Util.rand.Next(1, CB_SpecialMove.Items.Count); }while (banned.Contains(rv)); t.SpecialMove = rv; } } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(0, 3)); // 1, 2, or H } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && t.Level >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; } t.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, CHK_AllowMega.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); t.Nature = -1; // random } foreach (EncounterStatic7 t in Encounters) { // Legendary-for-Legendary if (CHK_ReplaceLegend.Checked && ReplaceLegend.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = ReplaceLegend[randLegend()]; } // fully evolved Totems else if (CHK_ForceTotem.Checked && Totem.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; } // every other entry else { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); } if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { t.ShinyLock = false; } if (CHK_RandomAura.Checked && t.Aura != 0) // don't apply aura to a pkm without it { t.Aura = Util.rand.Next(1, CB_Aura.Items.Count); // don't allow none } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(1, 4)); // 1, 2, or H } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && t.Level >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; } if (CHK_Metronome.Checked) { t.RelearnMoves = new[] { 118, 0, 0, 0 } } ; else { t.RelearnMoves = move.GetCurrentMoves(t.Species, t.Form, t.Level, 4); } t.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, CHK_AllowMega.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); t.Gender = 0; // random t.Nature = 0; // random } foreach (EncounterTrade7 t in Trades) { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); t.TradeRequestSpecies = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.TradeRequestSpecies); if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(0, 3)); // 1, 2, or H } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && t.Level >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(t.Species)) { t.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; // only do offered species to be fair } t.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, CHK_AllowMega.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); t.Nature = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_TNature.Items.Count); // randomly selected } getListBoxEntries(); getGift(); getEncounter(); getTrade(); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized Static Encounters according to specification!"); }
private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = false }; var specrand = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config) { G1 = CHK_G1.Checked, G2 = CHK_G2.Checked, G3 = CHK_G3.Checked, G4 = CHK_G4.Checked, G5 = CHK_G5.Checked, G6 = CHK_G6.Checked, G7 = false, E = CHK_E.Checked, L = CHK_L.Checked, rBST = CHK_BST.Checked, }; specrand.Initialize(); var helditems = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < LB_Gifts.Items.Count; i++) { LB_Gifts.SelectedIndex = i; int species = CB_Species.SelectedIndex; if (MegaDictionary.Values.Any(z => z.Contains(CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex))) // Mega Stone Gifts (Lucario, Latias/Latios) { if (!CHK_ReplaceMega.Checked) { continue; // skip Lucario, battle needs to Mega Evolve } int[] items = GetRandomMega(out species); CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex = items[Util.rand.Next(0, items.Length)]; } else { species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(species); if (CHK_Item.Checked) { CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex = helditems[Util.rnd32() % helditems.Length]; } } if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (MegaDictionary.Values.Any(z => z.Contains(CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex)) && NUD_Form.Value > 0) { NUD_Form.Value = 0; // don't allow Mega Stone Gifts to be form 1 } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { CHK_ShinyLock.Checked = false; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { NUD_Level.Value = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel((int)NUD_Level.Value, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = (Util.rand.Next(1, 4)); // 1, 2 , or H } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && NUD_Level.Value >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(species)) { int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % FinalEvo.Length); species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; } CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species; NUD_Form.Value = formrand.GetRandomForme(species); CB_Gender.SelectedIndex = 0; // random CB_Nature.SelectedIndex = 0; // random } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Gift Pokémon according to specification!"); }
private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = false }; var specrand = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config) { G1 = CHK_G1.Checked, G2 = CHK_G2.Checked, G3 = CHK_G3.Checked, G4 = CHK_G4.Checked, G5 = CHK_G5.Checked, G6 = CHK_G6.Checked, G7 = false, E = CHK_E.Checked, L = CHK_L.Checked, rBST = CHK_BST.Checked, }; specrand.Initialize(); var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < LB_Encounters.Items.Count; i++) { LB_Encounters.SelectedIndex = i; int species = CB_Species.SelectedIndex; species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(species); CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species; NUD_Form.Value = formrand.GetRandomForme(species); CB_Gender.SelectedIndex = 0; // random if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { NUD_Level.Value = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel((int)NUD_Level.Value, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { CHK_ShinyLock.Checked = false; } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = (Util.rand.Next(1, 4)); // 1, 2 , or H } } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Static Encounters according to specification!"); }
private void B_Starters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize Starters? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings before continuing.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } setGift(); var specrand = getRandomizer(); var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = true }; var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); int[] banned = Legal.Z_Moves.Concat(new int[] { 165, 464, 621 }).ToArray(); // Assign Species for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var t = Gifts[i]; // Pokemon with 2 evolutions if (CHK_BasicStarter.Checked) { int basic() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % BasicStarter.Length); t.Species = BasicStarter[basic()]; } else { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(oldStarters[i]); } if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { t.ShinyLock = false; } if (CHK_SpecialMove.Checked && !CHK_Metronome.Checked) { int rv; do { rv = Util.rand.Next(1, CB_SpecialMove.Items.Count); }while (banned.Contains(rv)); t.SpecialMove = rv; } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(0, 3)); // 1, 2, or H } t.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, CHK_AllowMega.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); t.Nature = -1; // random } getListBoxEntries(); getGift(); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized Starters according to specification!"); }
private static void RandomizeTeam(trdata6 t, MoveRandomizer move, LearnsetRandomizer learn, ushort[] itemvals, int type, bool mevo, bool typerand) { int last = t.Team.Length - 1; for (int p = 0; p < t.Team.Length; p++) { var pk = t.Team[p]; int[] stones = null; if (rPKM) { // randomize pokemon int species; if (typerand) { species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, type); if (p == last && mevo) { int tries = 0; do { stones = GetRandomMega(out species); }while (Main.Config.Personal[species].Types.All(z => z != type) && tries++ < 100); } } else if (p == last && mevo) { stones = GetRandomMega(out species); } else { species = rSpeciesRand.GetRandomSpecies(pk.Species); } pk.Species = (ushort)species; pk.Gender = 0; // Set Gender to Random bool mega = rRandomMegas & !(mevo && p == last); // except if mega evolution is forced for the last slot pk.Form = (ushort)Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, mega, true, Main.SpeciesStat); } if (rLevel) { pk.Level = (ushort)Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, rLevelMultiplier); } if (rAbility) { pk.Ability = (int)(1 + rnd32() % 3); } if (rDiffIV) { pk.IVs = 255; } if (mevo && p == last && stones != null) { pk.Item = (ushort)stones[rnd32() % stones.Length]; } else if (rItem) { pk.Item = itemvals[rnd32() % itemvals.Length]; } if (rForceFullyEvolved && pk.Level >= rForceFullyEvolvedLevel && !rFinalEvo.Contains(pk.Species)) { int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % rFinalEvo.Length); pk.Species = (ushort)rFinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; pk.Form = (ushort)Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, rRandomMegas, true, Main.SpeciesStat); } // random if (rMove) { var pkMoves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4); for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) { pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m]; } } // levelup if (rNoMove) { t.Moves = true; var pkMoves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4); for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) { pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m]; } } if (rMetronome) { t.Moves = true; var pkMoves = new[] { 118, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) { pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m]; } } // high-power attacks if (rForceHighPower && pk.Level >= rForceHighPowerLevel) { var pkMoves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4); for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) { pk.Moves[m] = (ushort)pkMoves[m]; } } } }
private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Misc/Rand tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0; Randomizer rnd = new Randomizer(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked, Shedinja: true) { BST = CHK_BST.Checked, Stats = Main.SpeciesStat }; var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++) { var tr = Trainers[i]; if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0) { continue; } // Trainer Properties if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked) { int rv; do { rv = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count); } while (/*trClass[rv].StartsWith("[~") || */ Legal.SpecialClasses_SM.Contains(rv) && !CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked); // don't allow disallowed classes tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv; } if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value) { var avgBST = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST); int avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level); var pinfo = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First(); int avgSpec = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo); for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++) { tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7 { Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(avgSpec), Level = avgLevel, }); } tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value; } if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value) { tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value)); tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value; } // PKM Properties foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon) { if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked) { int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1; pk.Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(pk.Species, Type); pk.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); pk.Gender = 0; // Random Gender } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { pk.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked) { pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value; } if (CHK_RandomItems.Checked) { pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked) { pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4; } if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked) { pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 } } ; switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex) { case 1: // Random pk.Moves = Randomizer.getRandomMoves( Main.Config.Personal.getFormeEntry(pk.Species, pk.Form).Types, Main.Config.Moves, CHK_Damage.Checked, (int)NUD_Damage.Value, CHK_STAB.Checked, (int)NUD_STAB.Value); break; case 2: // Current LevelUp pk.Moves = getCurrentAttacks(pk); break; case 3: // High Attacks pk.Moves = getHighAttacks(pk); break; } } saveData(tr, i); } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!"); }
internal static uint rnd32() => Util.rnd32();
private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = false }; var specrand = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config) { G1 = CHK_G1.Checked, G2 = CHK_G2.Checked, G3 = CHK_G3.Checked, G4 = CHK_G4.Checked, G5 = CHK_G5.Checked, G6 = CHK_G6.Checked, G7 = false, E = CHK_E.Checked, L = CHK_L.Checked, rBST = CHK_BST.Checked, }; specrand.Initialize(); // add Legendary/Mythical to final evolutions if checked if (CHK_L.Checked) { FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Legendary).ToArray(); } if (CHK_E.Checked) { FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Mythical).ToArray(); } var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < LB_Encounters.Items.Count; i++) { LB_Encounters.SelectedIndex = i; int species = CB_Species.SelectedIndex; // replace Legendaries with another Legendary if (CHK_ReplaceLegend.Checked && ReplaceLegend.Contains(species)) { int randLegend() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % ReplaceLegend.Length); species = ReplaceLegend[randLegend()]; } // every other entry else { species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(species); } if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { CB_HeldItem.SelectedIndex = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { NUD_Level.Value = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel((int)NUD_Level.Value, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { CHK_ShinyLock.Checked = false; } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = (Util.rand.Next(1, 4)); // 1, 2 , or H } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && NUD_Level.Value >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(species)) { int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % FinalEvo.Length); species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; } CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species; NUD_Form.Value = formrand.GetRandomForme(species); CB_Gender.SelectedIndex = 0; // random } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Static Encounters according to specification!"); }
private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Misc/Rand tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0; var rnd = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config) { G1 = CHK_G1.Checked, G2 = CHK_G2.Checked, G3 = CHK_G3.Checked, G4 = CHK_G4.Checked, G5 = CHK_G5.Checked, G6 = CHK_G6.Checked, G7 = CHK_G7.Checked, E = CHK_E.Checked, L = CHK_L.Checked, rBST = CHK_BST.Checked, }; rnd.Initialize(); var banned = new List <int>(new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves)); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void if (CHK_NoFixedDamage.Checked) { banned.AddRange(MoveRandomizer.FixedDamageMoves); } var move = new MoveRandomizer(Main.Config) { BannedMoves = banned, rSTABCount = (int)NUD_STAB.Value, rDMG = CHK_Damage.Checked, rDMGCount = (int)NUD_Damage.Value, rSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked }; var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++) { var tr = Trainers[i]; if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0) { continue; } // Trainer Properties if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked) { int rv; do { rv = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count); } while (/*trClass[rv].StartsWith("[~") || */ Legal.SpecialClasses_SM.Contains(rv) && !CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked); // don't allow disallowed classes tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv; } if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value) { var avgBST = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST); int avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level); var pinfo = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First(); int avgSpec = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo); for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++) { tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7 { Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec), Level = avgLevel, }); } tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value; } if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value) { tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value)); tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value; } // PKM Properties foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon) { if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked) { int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1; pk.Species = rnd.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, Type); pk.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); pk.Gender = 0; // Random Gender } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { pk.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked) { pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value; } if (CHK_RandomItems.Checked) { pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked) { pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4; } if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked) { pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 } } ; switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex) { case 1: // Random pk.Moves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4); break; case 2: // Current LevelUp pk.Moves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4); break; case 3: // High Attacks pk.Moves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4); break; } // sanitize moves if (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex > 1) // learn source { var moves = pk.Moves; if (move.SanitizeMovesetForBannedMoves(moves, pk.Species)) { pk.Moves = moves; } } } saveData(tr, i); } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!"); }
private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize Static Encounters? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization Settings before continuing.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } setGift(); setEncounter(); setTrade(); var specrand = getRandomizer(); var formrand = new FormRandomizer(Main.Config) { AllowMega = false, AllowAlolanForm = true }; var move = new LearnsetRandomizer(Main.Config, Main.Config.Learnsets); var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 3; i < Gifts.Length; i++) // Skip Starters { var t = Gifts[i]; t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); t.Form = formrand.GetRandomForme(t.Species); t.Nature = -1; // random if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { t.ShinyLock = false; } if (CHK_SpecialMove.Checked) { t.SpecialMove = Util.rand.Next(1, CB_SpecialMove.Items.Count); // don't allow none } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(0, 3)); // 1, 2, or H } } foreach (EncounterStatic7 t in Encounters) { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); t.Form = formrand.GetRandomForme(t.Species); t.RelearnMoves = move.GetCurrentMoves(t.Species, t.Form, t.Level, 4); t.Gender = 0; // random t.Nature = 0; // random if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RemoveShinyLock.Checked) { t.ShinyLock = false; } if (CHK_RandomAura.Checked && t.Aura != 0) // don't apply aura to a pkm without it { t.Aura = Util.rand.Next(1, CB_Aura.Items.Count); // don't allow none } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(1, 4)); // 1, 2, or H } } foreach (EncounterTrade7 t in Trades) { t.Species = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.Species); t.Form = formrand.GetRandomForme(t.Species); t.TradeRequestSpecies = specrand.GetRandomSpecies(t.TradeRequestSpecies); t.Nature = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_TNature.Items.Count); // randomly selected if (CHK_AllowMega.Checked) { formrand.AllowMega = true; } if (CHK_Item.Checked) { t.HeldItem = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomAbility.Checked) { t.Ability = (sbyte)(Util.rand.Next(0, 3)); // 1, 2, or H } } getListBoxEntries(); getGift(); getEncounter(); getTrade(); WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized Static Encounters according to specification!"); }
private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0; var rnd = new SpeciesRandomizer(Main.Config) { G1 = CHK_G1.Checked, G2 = CHK_G2.Checked, G3 = CHK_G3.Checked, G4 = CHK_G4.Checked, G5 = CHK_G5.Checked, G6 = CHK_G6.Checked, G7 = CHK_G7.Checked, E = CHK_E.Checked, L = CHK_L.Checked, rBST = CHK_BST.Checked, }; rnd.Initialize(); // add Legendary/Mythical to final evolutions if checked if (CHK_L.Checked) { FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Legendary).ToArray(); } if (CHK_E.Checked) { FinalEvo = FinalEvo.Concat(Mythical).ToArray(); } var banned = new List <int>(new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves)); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void if (CHK_NoFixedDamage.Checked) { banned.AddRange(MoveRandomizer.FixedDamageMoves); } var move = new MoveRandomizer(Main.Config) { BannedMoves = banned, rSTABCount = (int)NUD_STAB.Value, rDMG = CHK_Damage.Checked, rDMGCount = (int)NUD_Damage.Value, rSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked }; var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++) { var tr = Trainers[i]; if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0) { continue; } // Trainer Properties if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked) { // ignore special classes if (CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked && !SpecialClasses.Contains(tr.TrainerClass)) { int randClass() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count); int rv; do { rv = randClass(); }while (SpecialClasses.Contains(rv)); // don't allow disallowed classes tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv; } // all classes else if (!CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked) { int randClass() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count); int rv; do { rv = randClass(); }while (rv == 082); // Lusamine 2 can crash multi battles, skip tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv; } } var avgBST = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST); int avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level); var pinfo = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First(); int avgSpec = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo); int[] royal = { 081, 082, 083, 084, 185 }; if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value) { for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++) { tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7 { Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec), Level = avgLevel, }); } tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value; } if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value) { tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value)); tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value; } if (CHK_6PKM.Checked && ImportantTrainers.Contains(tr.ID)) { for (int g = tr.NumPokemon; g < 6; g++) { tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7 { Species = rnd.GetRandomSpecies(avgSpec), Level = avgLevel, }); } tr.NumPokemon = 6; } // force 1 pkm to keep forced Battle Royal fair if (royal.Contains(tr.ID)) { tr.NumPokemon = 1; } // PKM Properties foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon) { if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked) { int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1; // replaces Megas with another Mega (Dexio and Lysandre in USUM) if (MegaDictionary.Values.Any(z => z.Contains(pk.Item))) { int[] mega = GetRandomMega(out int species); pk.Species = species; pk.Item = mega[Util.rand.Next(0, mega.Length)]; pk.Form = 0; // allow it to Mega Evolve naturally } // every other pkm else { pk.Species = rnd.GetRandomSpeciesType(pk.Species, Type); pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length]; pk.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); } pk.Gender = 0; // random pk.Nature = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Nature.Items.Count); // random } if (CHK_Level.Checked) { pk.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(pk.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value); } if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked) { pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value; } if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked) { pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4; } if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked) { pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 } } ; if (CHK_MaxAI.Checked) { tr.AI |= 7; } if (CHK_ForceFullyEvolved.Checked && pk.Level >= NUD_ForceFullyEvolved.Value && !FinalEvo.Contains(pk.Species)) { int randFinalEvo() => (int)(Util.rnd32() % FinalEvo.Length); pk.Species = FinalEvo[randFinalEvo()]; pk.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat); } switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex) { case 1: // Random pk.Moves = move.GetRandomMoveset(pk.Species, 4); break; case 2: // Current LevelUp pk.Moves = learn.GetCurrentMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, pk.Level, 4); break; case 3: // Metronome pk.Moves = new[] { 118, 0, 0, 0 }; break; } // high-power attacks if (CHK_ForceHighPower.Checked && pk.Level >= NUD_ForceHighPower.Value) { pk.Moves = learn.GetHighPoweredMoves(pk.Species, pk.Form, 4); } // sanitize moves if (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex > 1) // learn source { var moves = pk.Moves; if (move.SanitizeMovesetForBannedMoves(moves, pk.Species)) { pk.Moves = moves; } } } SaveData(tr, i); } WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to .TXT button to view the new Trainer information!"); }