        async void OnButtonProfile(object sender, EventArgs args)
            btnProfile.IsEnabled = false;
            pageProfile          = new PageProfile(accelerometerProvider, soundProvider);
            await Navigation.PushAsync(pageProfile);

            btnProfile.IsEnabled = true;
        public void Dispose() // IDisposable
            imgButtonBack.Source  = null;
            imgButtonBack         = null;
            tgrButtonBack.Tapped -= OnButtonBackTapped;
            tgrButtonBack         = null;

            lblCaption = null;

            imgButtonHelp.Source  = null;
            imgButtonHelp         = null;
            tgrButtonHelp.Tapped -= OnButtonHelpTapped;
            tgrButtonHelp         = null;

            btnCalibration.Clicked -= OnButtonCalibration;
            btnCalibration.Image    = null;
            btnCalibration          = null;

            btnVehicle.Clicked -= OnButtonVehicle;
            btnVehicle.Image    = null;
            btnVehicle          = null;

            entryVehicle.Completed -= OnEntryVehicleComplete;
            entryVehicle.Unfocused -= OnEntryVehicleComplete;
            entryVehicle            = null;

            btnColor.Image = null;
            btnColor       = null;

            if (btnDelete != null)
                btnDelete.Clicked -= OnButtonDelete;
                btnDelete.Image    = null;
                btnDelete          = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < colorButtons.Length; i++)
                colorButtons[i].SizeChanged -= OnColorButtonSizeChanged;
                colorButtons[i].Clicked     -= OnColorButtonClicked;
                colorButtons[i]              = null;

            storage               = null;
            item                  = null;
            itemCalibration       = null;
            accelerometerProvider = null;
            soundProvider         = null;
        public PageProfileEdit(PageProfile page, DataItemVehicle vehicle, bool showDeleteButton, IDeviceAcceleromter accelerometer, IDeviceSound sound)

            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

            storage = page;
            item    = vehicle;
            accelerometerProvider = accelerometer;
            soundProvider         = sound;
            isDirty = false;

            InitLayout(showDeleteButton, (item == null)); // if item is null -> create profile mode, not edit mode

            // init with default color
            color = colorButtons[0].color;

            if (item != null)
                calibration       = item.Calibration;
                entryVehicle.Text = item.Model;

                if (item.Color != null)
                    // overwite with given color
                    color = item.Color;
                calibration       = 0;
                entryVehicle.Text = Localization.pageProfileEditDefault;
        public void Dispose() // IDisposable
            imgBackground.Source = null;
            imgBackground        = null;

            imgGpsStateOk.Source = null;
            imgGpsStateOk        = null;

            imgGpsStateNotOk.Source = null;
            imgGpsStateNotOk        = null;

            imgMountStateOk.Source = null;
            imgMountStateOk        = null;

            imgMountStateNotOk.Source = null;
            imgMountStateNotOk        = null;

            imgVelocityStateOk.Source = null;
            imgVelocityStateOk        = null;

            imgVelocityStateNotOk.Source = null;
            imgVelocityStateNotOk        = null;

            if (Config.Debug.PageRunAdjustEnabled)
                imgDebugRunAdjust.Source  = null;
                imgDebugRunAdjust         = null;
                tgrDebugRunAdjust.Tapped -= OnImageDebugRunAdjust;
                tgrDebugRunAdjust         = null;

            lblGpsState.SizeChanged      -= OnLayoutSizeChanged;
            lblMountState.SizeChanged    -= OnLayoutSizeChanged;
            lblVelocityState.SizeChanged -= OnLayoutSizeChanged;

            lblGpsState      = null;
            lblMountState    = null;
            lblVelocityState = null;

            lytHorizontalTab = null;

            btnTabAcceleration.Image    = null;
            btnTabAcceleration.Clicked -= OnButtonTabAcceleration;
            btnTabAcceleration          = null;

            btnTabBrake.Image    = null;
            btnTabBrake.Clicked -= OnButtonTabBrake;
            btnTabBrake          = null;

            btnTabZeroToZero.Image    = null;
            btnTabZeroToZero.Clicked -= OnButtonTabZeroToZero;
            btnTabZeroToZero          = null;

            btnTabResults.Image    = null;
            btnTabResults.Clicked -= OnButtonTabResults;
            btnTabResults          = null;

            btnHelp.Image    = null;
            btnHelp.Clicked -= OnButtonHelp;
            btnHelp          = null;

            if (Config.Debug.PagePurchaseEnabled)
                btnDebugPurchase.Image    = null;
                btnDebugPurchase.Clicked -= OnButtonDebugPurchase;
                btnDebugPurchase          = null;

            btnConfig          = null;
            btnConfig.Image    = null;
            btnConfig.Clicked -= OnButtonConfig;

            btnSetup.Image    = null;
            btnSetup.Clicked -= OnButtonSetup;
            btnSetup          = null;

            btnRun.Image    = null;
            btnRun.Clicked -= OnButtonRun;
            btnRun          = null;

            btnProfile.Image    = null;
            btnProfile.Clicked -= OnButtonProfile;
            btnProfile          = null;

            gpsProvider           = null;
            accelerometerProvider = null;
            runModeProvider       = null;
            soundProvider         = null;
            accelerometerRecorder = null;
            pageRun            = null;
            pageConfig         = null;
            pageProfile        = null;
            pageResults        = null;
            pageHelp           = null;
            pageDebugRunAdjust = null;
            pageDebugPurchase  = null;
            pageSetup          = null;