public static void InvokeShell() { string[] toPrint = { "* Type exit or quit to Exit *" }; Program.PrintBanner(toPrint); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("[+] For remote fun use Enter-PSSession hostname (requires Powershell remoting and permissions to log in) \n"); Console.Write("[+] You can use Get-Credential in case you already have valid admin credentials\n\n"); Console.Write("[+] The following Post Exploitation modules are loaded:\n\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("[+] PowerSploit: Invoke-Shellcode\n"); Console.Write("[+] PowerSploit: Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection\n"); Console.Write("[+] PowerSploit: Invoke-Mimikatz\n"); Console.Write("[+] PowerSploit: Invoke-TokenManipulation\n"); Console.Write("[+] PowerSploit: PowerUp and PowerView\n"); Console.Write("[+] Rasta Mouse: Sherlock (Find-AllVulns)\n"); Console.Write("[+] HarmJ0y's: Invoke-Psexec and Invoke-Kerberoast\n"); Console.Write("[+] Rohan Vazarkar's: Invoke-BloodHound (C# Ingestor)\n"); Console.Write("[+] Chris Campbell's: Get-GPPPassword\n"); Console.Write("[+] Tim Medin's: GetUserSPNS\n"); Console.Write("[+] Besimorhino's: PowerCat\n"); Console.Write("[+] Nishang: Copy-VSS and Invoke-Encode\n"); Console.Write("[+] Nishang: Invoke-PortScan and Get-PassHashes\n"); Console.Write("[+] Kevin Robertson: Invoke-Tater, Invoke-SMBExec and Invoke-WMIExec\n"); Console.Write("[+] Kevin Robertson: Invoke-Inveigh and Invoke-InveighRelay\n"); Console.Write("[+] FuzzySecurity: Invoke-MS16-032 and Invoke-MS16-135\n\n"); Console.Write("[+] Use Get-Help <ModuleName> for syntax usage and Have Fun :)\n\n"); Console.Write("[+] Type mimikatz to reflective load Mimikatz from memory or easysystem to get a system shell\n\n"); Console.ResetColor(); P0wnedListener.CommandShell(); }
public static void InvokeShell() { P0wnedListener.CommandShell(); }