public static void Extract(string fullPath)
            Logger.Info($"Creating output directories in '{OutputDir}'...");
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDir, OutputDirOriginal));
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(OutputDir, OutputDirEdit));

            Logger.Info("Loading module...");
            var mod = ModuleDefMD.Load(fullPath);
            var res = mod.Resources;

            Debug.Assert(mod.Types.Count == 2, "Too many/little types");
            Debug.Assert(mod.Types[1].Namespace == Namespace, "Invalid namespace for resource type");
            Debug.Assert(res.Count == 1, "Invalid amount of resources");
            Debug.Assert(res[0] is EmbeddedResource, "Resource is not embedded");
            Debug.Assert(res[0].Name == Resources, "Invalid resource name");

            if (res.Count != 1 || !(res[0] is EmbeddedResource r) || r.Name != Resources)
                throw new Exception("Invalid dll");

            Logger.Info("Saving resources...");
            foreach (var element in ResourceReader.Read(mod, r.Data).ResourceElements)

                ResourceBase b = FileFormatHelper.ToFileFormat(element, out string category);

                if (b.GetType() == typeof(UnknownResource))
                    Logger.Warn("Unknown resource detected: " + element.Name);
                    Logger.Debug("\tCreated " + b.GetType().Name);

                string catFolder = Path.Combine(OutputDir, OutputDirOriginal, category);

                using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(catFolder, (b.FileName ?? element.Name) + b.FileExtension)))
        public static void Build(string fullPath, string outputPath)
            var mod = new ModuleDefUser(ModuleName, null, ModuleDefMD.Load(typeof(void).Module).Assembly.ToAssemblyRef())
                Kind = ModuleKind.Dll

            var ass = new AssemblyDefUser(AssemblyName, Version.Parse(""));


            //get resourceset
            var set = new ResourceElementSet();

            foreach (ResourceElement re in FileFormatHelper.GetResourceElements(fullPath))

            //write set to byte[] and add to module resources
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                ResourceWriter.Write(mod, ms, set);
                mod.Resources.Add(new EmbeddedResource(Resources, ms.ToArray(), ManifestResourceAttributes.Private));

            //create store type
            TypeDef store = new TypeDefUser(Namespace, ResourceStore, mod.CorLibTypes.Object.TypeDefOrRef)
                Attributes = TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit

            //add the type to the module

            //add code
            BuildStore(mod, ref store);

            //write module
            mod.Write(Path.Combine(outputPath, "osu!ui-rebuilt.dll"));