/** * adds the typical SOAP tmodel references, but only if they aren't already present * @param bt * @return */ public static bindingTemplate addSOAPtModels(bindingTemplate bt) { bool found = false; List<object> cbags = new List<object>(); if (bt.categoryBag != null) cbags.AddRange(bt.categoryBag.Items); for (int i = 0; i < cbags.Count; i++) { if (cbags[i] is keyedReference) { keyedReference kr = (keyedReference)cbags[i]; if (kr.tModelKey != null && kr.tModelKey.Equals("uddi:uddi.org:categorization:types", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (kr.keyName != null && kr.keyName.Equals("uddi-org:types:wsdl", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { found = true; } } } } if (!found) cbags.Add(new keyedReference("uddi:uddi.org:categorization:types", "uddi-org:types:wsdl", "wsdlDeployment")); if (cbags.Count > 0) { if (bt.categoryBag == null) bt.categoryBag = new categoryBag(); bt.categoryBag.Items = cbags.ToArray(); } List<tModelInstanceInfo> data = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>(); if (bt.tModelInstanceDetails != null) { data.AddRange(bt.tModelInstanceDetails); } accessPoint ap = null; if (bt.Item is accessPoint) { ap = (accessPoint)bt.Item; } tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfo; if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SOAP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SOAP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("http:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_HTTP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_HTTP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("jms:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_JMS)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_JMS); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("rmi:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_RMI)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_RMI); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("udp:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_UDP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_UDP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("amqp:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_AMQP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_AMQP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("mailto:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_EMAIL)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_EMAIL); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("ftp:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_FTP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_FTP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("https:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("ftps:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("jndi:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_JNDI_RMI)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_JNDI_RMI); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } bt.tModelInstanceDetails = data.ToArray(); return bt; }
/** * adds the typical REST tmodel references, but only if they aren't already present * @param bt * @return */ public static bindingTemplate addRESTtModels(bindingTemplate bt) { List<tModelInstanceInfo> data = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>(); if (bt.tModelInstanceDetails != null) { data.AddRange(bt.tModelInstanceDetails); } accessPoint ap = null; if (bt.Item is accessPoint) { ap = (accessPoint)bt.Item; } tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfo; if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_REST)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_REST); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("http:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_HTTP)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.TRANSPORT_HTTP); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } if (ap != null && ap.Value != null && ap.Value.StartsWith("https:")) { if (!Exists(data, UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)) { tModelInstanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfo.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.PROTOCOL_SSLv3); data.Add(tModelInstanceInfo); } } bt.tModelInstanceDetails = data.ToArray(); return bt; }
public void xr_bindingTemplate() { Console.Out.WriteLine("serialization bindingTemplate"); bindingTemplate r = new bindingTemplate(); XmlSerializer xr = new XmlSerializer(typeof(bindingTemplate)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); xr.Serialize(sw, r); System.Console.Out.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); }
public static bindingTemplate MapBindingTemplate(uddi.apiv2.bindingTemplate bindingTemplate) { if (bindingTemplate == null) return null; bindingTemplate r = new bindingTemplate(); r.bindingKey = bindingTemplate.bindingKey; r.description = MapDescription(bindingTemplate.description); r.serviceKey = bindingTemplate.serviceKey; if (bindingTemplate.Item is org.uddi.apiv2.accessPoint) { org.uddi.apiv2.accessPoint old = new uddi.apiv2.accessPoint(); accessPoint a = new accessPoint(); a.Value = old.Value; a.useType = old.URLType.ToString(); r.Item = a; } r.tModelInstanceDetails = MapTmodelInstanceDetail(bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails); return r; }
private bindingTemplate createWSDLBinding(QName serviceQName, string portName, Uri serviceUrl, xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl.tDefinitions wsdlDefinition) { bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate(); // Set BusinessService Key bindingTemplate.serviceKey = (UDDIKeyConvention.getServiceKey(properties, serviceQName.getLocalPart())); if (serviceUrl != null) { // Set AccessPoint accessPoint accessPoint = new accessPoint(); accessPoint.useType = (AccessPointType.endPoint.ToString()); accessPoint.Value = (urlLocalizer.rewrite(serviceUrl)); bindingTemplate.Item = (accessPoint); // Set Binding Key String bindingKey = UDDIKeyConvention.getBindingKey(properties, serviceQName, portName, serviceUrl); bindingTemplate.bindingKey = (bindingKey); } org.xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl.tService service = wsdlDefinition.getService(serviceQName); if (service != null) { List<tModelInstanceInfo> tii = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>(); org.xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl.tPort port = service.getPort(portName); if (port != null) { if (serviceUrl == null) { if (port.Any != null) { HashSet<XmlElement>.Enumerator it = port.Any.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { String location = null; if (it.Current.LocalName.Equals("address", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && it.Current.NamespaceURI.Equals("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { location = it.Current.GetAttribute("location"); } else if (it.Current.LocalName.Equals("address", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && it.Current.NamespaceURI.Equals("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { location = it.Current.GetAttribute("location"); } else if (it.Current.LocalName.Equals("address", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && it.Current.NamespaceURI.Equals("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { location = it.Current.GetAttribute("location"); } if (location != null) { try { Uri locationURI = new Uri(location); accessPoint accessPoint = new accessPoint(); accessPoint.useType = (AccessPointType.endPoint.ToString()); accessPoint.Value = (urlLocalizer.rewrite(locationURI)); bindingTemplate.Item = (accessPoint); // Set Binding Key String bindingKey = UDDIKeyConvention.getBindingKey(properties, serviceQName, portName, locationURI); bindingTemplate.bindingKey = (bindingKey); break; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("", e); } } } } } XmlQualifiedName bx = port.binding; org.xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl.tBinding bindingelement = wsdlDefinition.getBinding(bx); // Set the Binding Description String bindingDescription = ""; // Override with the service description from the WSDL if present if (bindingelement != null && bindingelement.documentation != null && bindingelement.documentation.Any != null) { HashSet<XmlNode>.Enumerator it = bindingelement.documentation.Any.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { bindingDescription += it.Current.Value; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingDescription)) bindingDescription = properties.getProperty(Property.BINDING_DESCRIPTION, Property.DEFAULT_BINDING_DESCRIPTION); ; bindingTemplate.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription(bindingDescription, lang).ToArray(); // reference wsdl:binding tModel tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfoBinding = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfoBinding.tModelKey = (keyDomainURI + bindingelement.name); instanceDetails instanceDetails = new instanceDetails(); instanceDetails.instanceParms = (portName); tModelInstanceInfoBinding.instanceDetails = (instanceDetails); tModelInstanceInfoBinding.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription("The wsdl:binding that this wsdl:port implements. " + bindingDescription + " The instanceParms specifies the port local name.", lang).ToArray(); tii.Add(tModelInstanceInfoBinding); // reference wsdl:portType tModel org.xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl.tPortType portType = wsdlDefinition.getPortType(bindingelement.type); tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfoPortType = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfoPortType.tModelKey = (keyDomainURI + portType.name); String portTypeDescription = ""; if (portType.documentation != null && portType.documentation.Any != null) { HashSet<XmlNode>.Enumerator it = portType.documentation.Any.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { portTypeDescription += it.Current.Value; } } tModelInstanceInfoPortType.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription("The wsdl:portType that this wsdl:port implements." + portTypeDescription,lang).ToArray(); tii.Add(tModelInstanceInfoPortType); bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = tii.ToArray(); } else { log.error("Could not find Port with portName: " + portName); } } else { log.error("Could not find Service with serviceName: " + serviceQName.getLocalPart()); } return bindingTemplate; }
/** * This will setup new a business, service, and binding template that's * versioned per the article linked above */ private void Setup() { businessEntity be = new businessEntity(); keygen = clerk.register(UDDIClerk.createKeyGenator(domain_prefix + "keygenerator", "my domain", lang)).tModel[0]; be.businessKey = (domain_prefix + "zerocoolbiz"); be.name = new name[] { new name("ZeroCool Business", lang) }; businessService bs = new businessService(); bs.name = new name[] { new name("ZeroCool Service", lang) }; bs.businessKey = (domain_prefix + "zerocoolbiz"); bs.serviceKey = (domain_prefix + "zerocoolsvc"); //version 1 bindingTemplate bt1 = new bindingTemplate(); String version = ""; bt1.bindingKey = (domain_prefix + "binding10"); bt1.Item = (new accessPoint("http://localhost", "wsdl")) ; bt1.tModelInstanceDetails = new tModelInstanceInfo[] { UDDIClerk.createServiceInterfaceVersion(version, lang) }; //version 2 bindingTemplate bt2 = new bindingTemplate(); bt2.bindingKey = (domain_prefix + "binding12"); String version2 = ""; bt2.Item = (new accessPoint("http://localhost", "wsdl")) ; bt2.tModelInstanceDetails = new tModelInstanceInfo[] { UDDIClerk.createServiceInterfaceVersion(version2, lang) }; bs.bindingTemplates = new bindingTemplate[] { bt1, bt2 }; be.businessServices = new businessService[] { bs }; clerk.register(be); }
private List<String> ParseBinding(bindingTemplate get) { List<String> items = new List<String>(); if (get == null || get.Item == null) { return items; } if (get.Item is hostingRedirector) { //hosting Redirector is the same as "reference this other binding template". It's actually deprecated so //don't expect to see this too often items.AddRange(GetBindingInfo(((hostingRedirector)get.Item).bindingKey)); } if (get.Item is accessPoint) { String usetype = ((accessPoint)get.Item).useType; if (usetype == null) { //this is unexpected, usetype is a required field items.Add(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value); } else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.bindingTemplate.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { //referencing another binding template items.AddRange(GetBindingInfo(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value)); } else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.hostingDirector.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { //this one is a bit strange. the value should be a binding template items.AddRange(GetBindingInfo(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value)); } else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.wsdlDeployment.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { //fetch wsdl and parse items.AddRange(FetchWSDL(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value)); } else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.endPoint.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { items.Add(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value); } else { //treat it has an extension or whatever items.Add(((accessPoint)get.Item).Value); } } return items; }
/// <summary> /// /// This is a convenience function that will filter a list of binding templates /// and return a list of bindings matching the specified version number. /// /// This implements and expands upon service versioning described in the /// following link and will enable you to tag web services /// registered in UDDI with some kind of version information.<Br><Br> /// Article source: <a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-version/">http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-version/</a> /// <Br><Br> /// </summary> /// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see> /// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see> /// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see> /// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see> /// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see> /// /// This function operates using tModelInstances that are used to describe a /// version associated with either a service interface, a bindingTemplate /// service instance. Note: This is a jUDDI specific addon and may not be /// present in other registries /// /// <param name="version">From the article, no specificity is provided on what to use as a value, but</param> /// we recommend that you use the string representation of major.minor[.build[.revision]].<br> /// Example /// <ul> /// <li></li> /// <li>1.0</li> /// <li>0.1</li> /// </ul> /// <param name="version"></param> /// <param name="bindingTemplate"></param> /// <returns>a list if binding templates where the version equals ignoring case trimmed equals the version value</returns> public static List<bindingTemplate> getBindingByVersion(String version, bindingTemplate[] bindingTemplate) { if (version == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (bindingTemplate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } List<bindingTemplate> ret = new List<bindingTemplate>(); for (int i = 0; i < bindingTemplate.Length; i++) { if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails != null) { for (int k = 0; k < bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails.Length; k++) { if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].tModelKey.Equals(UDDIConstants.VERSION_TMODEL)) { if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails != null) { if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails.instanceParms != null) { if ((bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails.instanceParms.Trim().Equals(version.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { ret.Add(bindingTemplate[i]); } } } } } } } return ret; }
private bindingTemplate parseServiceBinding(string classWithAnnotations, string lang, WebServiceBindingAttribute webServiceAnnotation, Properties properties) { bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = null; Type t = Type.GetType(classWithAnnotations, false, false); UDDIServiceBinding uddiServiceBinding = null; object[] attrib = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UDDIServiceBinding), true); if (attrib != null && attrib.Length > 0) uddiServiceBinding = attrib[0] as UDDIServiceBinding; //= (UDDIServiceBinding) classWithAnnotations.getAnnotation(UDDIServiceBinding.class); //binding if (uddiServiceBinding != null) { bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate(); bindingTemplate.bindingKey = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.bindingKey, properties)); String bindingLang = (lang); if (uddiServiceBinding.lang != null) { bindingLang = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.lang, properties); } description bindingDescription = new description(); bindingDescription.lang = (bindingLang); bindingDescription.Value = (TokenResolver.replaceTokens(uddiServiceBinding.description, properties)); bindingTemplate.description = new description[] { (bindingDescription) }; accessPoint accessPoint = new accessPoint(); accessPoint.useType = (AccessPointType.wsdlDeployment.ToString()); if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPointType)) { accessPoint.useType = (uddiServiceBinding.accessPointType); } if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint)) { String endPoint = uddiServiceBinding.accessPoint; endPoint = TokenResolver.replaceTokens(endPoint, properties); log.debug("AccessPoint EndPoint=" + endPoint); accessPoint.Value = (endPoint); } else if (webServiceAnnotation != null && webServiceAnnotation.Location != null) { accessPoint.Value = (webServiceAnnotation.Location); } bindingTemplate.Item = (accessPoint); //tModelKeys on the binding if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys)) { String[] tModelKeys = uddiServiceBinding.tModelKeys.Split(','); foreach (String tModelKey in tModelKeys) { tModelInstanceInfo instanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); instanceInfo.tModelKey = (tModelKey); if (bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails == null) { bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = (new tModelInstanceInfo[] { instanceInfo }); } List<tModelInstanceInfo> l = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>(); l.AddRange(bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails); l.Add(instanceInfo); bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = l.ToArray(); } } //categoryBag on the binding if (!"".Equals(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag)) { categoryBag categoryBag = parseCategoryBag(uddiServiceBinding.categoryBag); bindingTemplate.categoryBag = (categoryBag); } } else { log.error("Missing UDDIServiceBinding annotation in class " + classWithAnnotations); } return bindingTemplate; }
protected bindingTemplate createWADLBinding(QName serviceQName, String portName, Uri serviceUrl, resources res) { bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate(); // Set BusinessService Key bindingTemplate.serviceKey = (UDDIKeyConvention.getServiceKey(properties, serviceQName.getLocalPart())); List<tModelInstanceInfo> items = new List<tModelInstanceInfo>(); if (serviceUrl != null) { // Set AccessPoint accessPoint accessPoint = new accessPoint(); accessPoint.useType = (AccessPointType.endPoint.ToString()); accessPoint.Value = ((serviceUrl.ToString())); bindingTemplate.Item = (accessPoint); // Set Binding Key String bindingKey = UDDIKeyConvention.getBindingKey(properties, serviceQName, portName, serviceUrl); bindingTemplate.bindingKey = (bindingKey); bindingTemplate.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription(getDescription(res.doc), lang).ToArray(); // reference wsdl:binding tModel tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfoBinding = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfoBinding.tModelKey = (keyDomainURI + "binding"); instanceDetails id = new instanceDetails(); id.instanceParms= portName ; tModelInstanceInfoBinding.instanceDetails = (id); tModelInstanceInfoBinding.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription("The binding that this endpoint implements. " + bindingTemplate.description[0].Value + " The instanceParms specifies the port local name.", lang).ToArray(); items.Add(tModelInstanceInfoBinding); tModelInstanceInfo tModelInstanceInfoPortType = new tModelInstanceInfo(); tModelInstanceInfoPortType.tModelKey = (keyDomainURI + "rest"); tModelInstanceInfoPortType.description = Common2UDDI.mapdescription("The wadl:Resource:base implements.", lang).ToArray(); items.Add(tModelInstanceInfoPortType); } bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails = items.ToArray(); return bindingTemplate; }
private bindingTemplate NewBindingTempalte() { bindingTemplate bt = new bindingTemplate(); bt.bindingKey = "asd"; bt.categoryBag = new categoryBag(); bt.categoryBag.Items = new object[] { new keyedReference("key", "name", "val") }; bt.description = new description[] { new description("hi", "en") }; bt.Item = new accessPoint("http://localhost", "wsdl"); bt.serviceKey = "svc"; bt.tModelInstanceDetails = new tModelInstanceInfo[] { new tModelInstanceInfo() }; return bt; }
public static bindingTemplate start(UDDIClient client, String cfg_node_name, String endpoint, String keydomain, bool autoregister, String serviceKey, SignatureBehavior behavior) { if (instance == null) { instance = new SubscriptionCallbackListener(); } if (ep != null && ep.State == CommunicationState.Opened) { throw new ServiceAlreadyStartedException(); } Uri url = null; try { url = new Uri(endpoint); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Callback endpoint couldn't be parsed, generating a random one: " + ex.Message); url = new Uri("http://" + GetHostname() + ":" + GetRandomPort(4000) + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } endpoint = url.ToString(); //if (endpoint == null || endpoint.equals("")) { // endpoint = "http://" + GetHostname() + ":" + GetRandomPort(url.getPort()) + "/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); int attempts = 5; if (ep == null) { while ((ep == null || ep.State != CommunicationState.Opened) && attempts > 0) { try { if (endpoint.Contains("localhost")) endpoint = endpoint.Replace("localhost", GetHostname()); ep = new ServiceHost(instance, new Uri[] { new Uri(endpoint) }); //ep = Endpoint.publish(endpoint, instance); ep.Open(); callback = endpoint; } catch (Exception be) { log.info("trouble starting callback at " + endpoint + ", trying again with a random port: " + be.Message); log.debug(be); attempts--; //if (be instanceof java.net.BindException) { url = new Uri("http://" + url.Host + ":" + GetRandomPort(url.Port) + "/" + url.PathAndQuery); endpoint = url.ToString(); } } } if (ep == null || ep.State != CommunicationState.Opened) { log.warn("Unable to start callback endpoint, aborting"); throw new SecurityException("unable to start endpoint, view previous errors for reason"); } log.info("Endpoint started at " + callback); bindingTemplate bt = new bindingTemplate(); bt.Item = (new accessPoint(callback, "endPoint")); tModelInstanceInfo instanceInfo = new tModelInstanceInfo(); instanceInfo.tModelKey = ("uddi:uddi.org:transport:http"); bt.tModelInstanceDetails = new tModelInstanceInfo[] { instanceInfo }; bt.serviceKey = (serviceKey); if (keydomain.EndsWith(":")) { bt.bindingKey = (keydomain + GetHostname() + "_Subscription_Callback"); } else { bt.bindingKey = (keydomain + ":" + GetHostname() + "_Subscription_Callback"); } if (autoregister) { bt = registerBinding(client, cfg_node_name, bt, behavior); } return bt; }
/** * Registers a UDDI binding template that represents the subscription * callback endpoint * * @param client * @param cfg_node_name * @param bt - Binding Template * @param behavior * @return * @throws ServiceAlreadyStartedException * @throws SecurityException * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws TransportException * @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage * @throws RemoteException * @throws UnexpectedException * @throws RegistrationAbortedException * @throws UnableToSignException */ public static bindingTemplate registerBinding(UDDIClient client, String cfg_node_name, bindingTemplate bt, SignatureBehavior behavior) { log.info("Attempting to register binding " + bt.bindingKey); UDDIClerk clerk = client.getClerk(cfg_node_name); Transport tp = client.getTransport(cfg_node_name); UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding uddiInquiryService = tp.getUDDIInquiryService(); UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding uddiPublishService = tp.getUDDIPublishService(); String token = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()); switch (behavior) { case SignatureBehavior.AbortIfSigned: if (CheckExistingBindingForSignature(bt.bindingKey, uddiInquiryService, token, behavior)) { throw new RegistrationAbortedException("Aborting, Either the item exists and is signed"); } if (CheckServiceAndParentForSignature(bt.serviceKey, uddiInquiryService, token)) { throw new RegistrationAbortedException("Aborting, Either the service or busness is signed"); } break; case SignatureBehavior.DoNothing: break; case SignatureBehavior.SignAlways: try { DigSigUtil ds = new DigSigUtil(client.getClientConfig().getDigitalSignatureConfiguration()); bt = (bindingTemplate)ds.signUddiEntity(bt); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to sign", ex); throw new UnableToSignException("Unable to sign", ex); } break; case SignatureBehavior.SignOnlyIfParentIsntSigned: if (!CheckServiceAndParentForSignature(bt.serviceKey, uddiInquiryService, token)) { try { DigSigUtil ds = new DigSigUtil(client.getClientConfig().getDigitalSignatureConfiguration()); bt = (bindingTemplate)ds.signUddiEntity(bt); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to sign", ex); throw new UnableToSignException("Unable to sign", ex); } } break; } save_binding sb = new save_binding(); sb.authInfo = (token); sb.bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate[] { bt }; bindingDetail saveBinding = uddiPublishService.save_binding(sb); log.info("Binding registered successfully"); if (saveBinding.bindingTemplate == null || saveBinding.bindingTemplate.Length > 1) { throw new UnexpectedResponseException("The number of binding templates returned was unexpected, count=" + (saveBinding.bindingTemplate == null ? "none" : saveBinding.bindingTemplate.Length.ToString())); } return saveBinding.bindingTemplate[0]; }