        public static double solveString(string anMxParserString)
            org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression expr = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression(anMxParserString);
            double result = expr.calculate();
            if (double.IsNaN(result)) {
            //throw new Exception(expr.getErrorMessage());

            throw new Exception("Couldn't calculate: {\n"+anMxParserString+"\n}, mxparser error: \n---\n"+expr.getErrorMessage()+"---\n" );
            return result;
        public static double[] GetInputData(double frequency, uint length, double samplingRate, Argument timeArg, Argument frequencyArg, org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression expression)
            return(DSP.Generate.ToneSampling2((t, freq) =>

                var w = expression.calculate();

                if (double.IsNaN(w) || double.IsInfinity(w))
                    throw new CalculateException("During calculate value 'NaN' or 'Infinite' occurs");
                return w;
            }, frequency, samplingRate, length));
  * Function derivative
  * @param      pos                 the token position
  * @param      derivativeType      the type of derivative (left, right, etc...)
 private void DERIVATIVE_NTH(int pos, int derivativeType)
     const double DEF_EPS		= 1E-6;
      * Default max number of steps
     const int DEF_MAX_STEPS		= 20;
     List<FunctionParameter> derParams = getFunctionParameters(pos, tokensList);
      * Get internal function strinng
      * 1st - parameter
     FunctionParameter funParam = derParams[0];
      * Get n-th
      * 2nd - parameter
     FunctionParameter nParam = derParams[1];
      * Get argument
      * 3rd - parameter
     FunctionParameter xParam = derParams[2];
     ArgumentParameter x = getParamArgument(xParam.paramStr);
     if (x.presence == Argument.NOT_FOUND) {
         updateMissingTokens(xParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         updateMissingTokens(funParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         updateMissingTokens(nParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
     Expression funExp = new Expression(funParam.paramStr, funParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     Expression nExp = new Expression(nParam.paramStr, nParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     double n = nExp.calculate();
     double x0 = x.argument.getArgumentValue();
     double eps = DEF_EPS;
     int maxSteps = DEF_MAX_STEPS;
     if (derParams.Count == 5) {
         FunctionParameter epsParam = derParams[3];
         FunctionParameter maxStepsParam = derParams[4];
         if (x.presence == Argument.NOT_FOUND) {
             updateMissingTokens(epsParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
             updateMissingTokens(maxStepsParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         Expression epsExpr = new Expression(epsParam.paramStr, epsParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
         Expression maxStepsExp = new Expression(maxStepsParam.paramStr, maxStepsParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
         eps = epsExpr.calculate();
         maxSteps = (int)Math.Round(maxStepsExp.calculate());
     if (derivativeType == Calculus.GENERAL_DERIVATIVE) {
         double left = Calculus.derivativeNth(funExp, n, x.argument, x0, Calculus.LEFT_DERIVATIVE, eps, maxSteps);
         double right = Calculus.derivativeNth(funExp, n, x.argument, x0, Calculus.RIGHT_DERIVATIVE, eps, maxSteps);
         calcSetDecreaseRemove(pos, (left + right) / 2.0);
     } else if (derivativeType == Calculus.LEFT_DERIVATIVE) {
         double left = Calculus.derivativeNth(funExp, n, x.argument, x0, Calculus.LEFT_DERIVATIVE, eps, maxSteps);
         calcSetDecreaseRemove(pos, left);
     } else {
         double right = Calculus.derivativeNth(funExp, n, x.argument, x0, Calculus.RIGHT_DERIVATIVE, eps, maxSteps);
         calcSetDecreaseRemove(pos, right);
        private void genButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Random num1Gen = new Random();
            Random num2Gen = new Random();
            int num1Min;
            int num1Max;
            Random randOperator = new Random();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstNum1.Text)) //Ngecek jika kolom yang akan digunakan kosong atau hanya berupa spasi.
                num1Min = 1;
                num1Min = int.Parse(firstNum1.Text);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstNum2.Text))//Ngecek jika kolom yang akan digunakan kosong atau hanya berupa spasi.
                num1Max = 100;
                num1Max = int.Parse(firstNum2.Text) + 1;

            if (reverseCheck(num1Min, num1Max)) //Ngecek jika angka minimum ama maximum ketuker atau enggak.

                //Problem Generator

                int retryCount = 0; //Ngitung berapa kali ngeGenerate ulang
                bool decimals = true;
                var stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Ngeinitialize sekaligus mulai ngitung waktu sampai fungsi Stopwatch dihentikan.
                while (decimals == true) //Ngecek jika Decimal bernilai True atau engga. Jika benar, jalankan kode ini secara berulang-ulang sampai Decimal bernilai selain True.
                    Random questionTypeGen = new Random();
                    Double result;
                    string questionRandResult = questionGenerator(Convert.ToInt32(iterationValue.Text) - 1, num1Min, num1Max); //Manggil Method questionGenerator sambil masukin iterationValue ama range angka random.
                    string questionString = questionRandResult.Replace("*", " X "); //Ngeganti string yang bisa dibaca komputer ke tulisan yang bisa dibaca manusia.
                    questionString = questionString.Replace("+", " + "); //Ngeganti string yang bisa dibaca komputer ke tulisan yang bisa dibaca manusia.
                    questionString = questionString.Replace("-", " - "); //Ngeganti string yang bisa dibaca komputer ke tulisan yang bisa dibaca manusia.
                    questionString = questionString.Replace("/", " : "); //Ngeganti string yang bisa dibaca komputer ke tulisan yang bisa dibaca manusia.
                    Expression ex = new Expression(questionRandResult);
                    result = ex.calculate(); //Ngekalkulasi questionRandResult dengan MathFunction.MathParser.Calculate.

                    if (Math.Abs(result % 1) < Double.Epsilon) //Ngecek jika result merupakan angka dengan desimal
                        stopWatch.Stop(); //hentikan menghitung waktu kalkulasi
                        var elapsedTime = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //memasukan waktu kalkulasi ke variabel.
                        Debug.WriteLine("the number " + result.ToString() + " is not decimal");
                        decimals = false;
                        logAdd("Succeeded generating a random problem in " + elapsedTime + " millisecond, with each value between " + firstNum1.Text + " to " + firstNum2.Text + ", with an iteration number of " + iterationValue.Text + ", regenerated " + retryCount + " times in attempt to search for the non-decimal result.");
                        questionProblem.Text = questionString;
                        resultNum.Text = result.ToString();
                        if (noDecimalCheckbox.Checked == false)
                            stopWatch.Stop(); //hentikan menghitung waktu kalkulasi
                            var elapsedTime = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //memasukan waktu kalkulasi ke variabel.
                            logAdd("Succeeded generating a random problem in " + elapsedTime + " millisecond, with each value between " + firstNum1.Text + " to " + firstNum2.Text + ", with an iteration number of " + iterationValue.Text + ", regenerated " + retryCount + " times in attempt to search for the non-decimal result.");
                            Debug.WriteLine("the number " + result.ToString() + " is decimal");
                            decimals = false;
                            double resultNew = Math.Round(result, Convert.ToInt32(decimalNumbers.Text), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); //Jika noDecimalCheckbox tidak dicentang, maka hasil penghitungan tidak dicek dan langsung ditampilkan.
                            questionProblem.Text = questionString;
                            resultNum.Text = resultNew.ToString();
                            Debug.WriteLine("the number " + result.ToString() + " is decimal");
                            decimals = true; //mengulang kalkulasi sambil menambahkan retryCount dengan 1
                MessageBox.Show("The minimum value should not exceed the maximum value. Please recheck your input.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); //Jika
  * Calculates function f(x0) (given as expression) assigning Argument x = x0;
  * @param      f                   the expression
  * @param      x                   the argument
  * @param      x0                  the argument value
  * @return     f.calculate()
  * @see        Expression
 public static double getFunctionValue(Expression f, Argument x, double x0)
     return f.calculate();
        private void Window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.Key == Key.NumPad0 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D0))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad1 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D1))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad2 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D2))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad3 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D3))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad4 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D4))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad5 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D5))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad6 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D6))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad7 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D7))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad8 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D8))
            else if (e.Key == Key.NumPad9 || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.D9))
            else if (e.Key == Key.D5)
            else if (e.Key == Key.Oem4)
            else if (e.Key == Key.OemPlus || e.Key == Key.Add)
            else if (e.Key == Key.OemMinus || e.Key == Key.Subtract)
            else if (e.Key == Key.Multiply || e.Key == Key.Oem5)
            else if (e.Key == Key.Divide || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.Oem2))
            else if (e.Key == Key.OemComma || (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.OemPeriod) || e.Key == Key.Decimal)
            else if (e.Key == Key.S)
                org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression expression = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression("sin(90)");
                double result = expression.calculate();
            else if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
            else if (IsKeyboardShift && e.Key == Key.Oem3)

            else if (e.Key == Key.Oem8)
        private void Conversion_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (MathExp.Any())
                var detailSelectedStr = "question";

                if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_length")
                    var inputUnit = Units_length.SelectedValue;
                    if (inputUnit.ToString() != detailSelectedStr)
                        Expression mm = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[mm]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt1($"Millimetre: {mm.calculate()}");
                        Expression cm = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[cm]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt2($"Centimeter: {cm.calculate()}");
                        Expression m = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[m]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt3($"Meter: {m.calculate()}");
                        Expression km = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}]) / [km]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt4($"Kilometer: {km.calculate()}");
                        Expression inch = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[inch]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt5($"Inch: {inch.calculate()}");
                        Expression ft = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[ft]");
                        WinCnversion.FeedTxt6($"Foot: {ft.calculate()}");
                        DisplayResult("Select a unit");
                else if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_mass")
                    var inputUnit = Units_mass.SelectedValue;

                    if (inputUnit.ToString() != detailSelectedStr)
                        Expression mg = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[mg]");
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"Milligram: {mg.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression gr = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[gr]");
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Text       = $"Gram: {gr.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression kg = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[kg]");
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Text       = $"Kilogram: {kg.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression oz = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[oz]");
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Text       = $"Ounce: {oz.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression lb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[lb]");
                        WinCnversion.output_5b.Text       = $"Pound: {lb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_5b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        DisplayResult("Select a unit");
                else if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_info")
                    var inputUnit = Units_info.SelectedValue;

                    if (inputUnit.ToString() != detailSelectedStr)
                        Expression b = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[B]");
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"Byte: {b.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression kb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[kB]");
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Text       = $"Kilobyte: {kb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression mb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[MB]");
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Text       = $"Megabyte: {mb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression gb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[GB]");
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Text       = $"Gigabyte: {gb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression tb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[TB]");
                        WinCnversion.output_5b.Text       = $"Terabyte: {tb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_5b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        DisplayResult("Select a unit");
                else if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_time")
                    var inputUnit = Units_time.SelectedValue;
                    if (inputUnit.ToString() != detailSelectedStr)
                        Expression sec = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[s]");
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"Second: {sec.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression min = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[min]");
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Text       = $"Minute: {min.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Expression mb = new Expression($"(({MathExp})*[{inputUnit}])/[h]");
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Text       = $"Hour: {mb.calculate()}";
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        DisplayResult("Select a unit");
                else if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_percent")
                    Expression regularMath = new Expression(MathExp);
                    var        single      = regularMath.calculate();

                    Expression toBig = new Expression($"{single}*100");
                    WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"{single} is {toBig.calculate()}%";
                    WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    Expression toSm = new Expression($"{single}/100");
                    WinCnversion.output_2b.Text       = $"{single}% is {toSm.calculate()}";
                    WinCnversion.output_2b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                else if (Conversion_ask.SelectedValue.ToString() == "uo_number")
                    bool success = int.TryParse(MathExp, out int my_regular);
                    if (success)
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"Integer: {my_regular}";
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                        var my_bin = ToBinary(my_regular);
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Text       = $"Binary: {my_bin}";
                        WinCnversion.output_2b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        var my_oct = Convert.ToString(my_regular, 8);
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Text       = $"Octal: {my_oct}";
                        WinCnversion.output_3b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        var my_hex = Convert.ToString(my_regular, 16);
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Text       = $"Hexadecimal: {my_hex}";
                        WinCnversion.output_4b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Text       = $"Not a integer or other errors";
                        WinCnversion.output_1b.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                var warningMsg = "An input number required";
  * IF function
  * @param      pos                 the token position
 private void IF_CONDITION(int pos)
      * Get condition string
      * 1st parameter
     List<FunctionParameter> ifParams = getFunctionParameters(pos, tokensList);
     FunctionParameter ifParam = ifParams[0];
     Expression ifExp = new Expression(ifParam.paramStr, ifParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, KEEP_ULP_ROUNDING_SETTINGS);
     if (verboseMode == true)
     ifSetRemove(pos, ifExp.calculate());
  * Gets recursive argument value
  * @param      index               the index
  * @return     value as double
 public double getArgumentValue(double index)
      * Remember starting index
     if (recursiveCounter == -1)
         startingIndex = (int)Math.Round(index);
     int recSize = baseValues.Count;
     int idx = (int)Math.Round(index);
      * Count recursive calls
     if ((recursiveCounter <= startingIndex) && (idx <= startingIndex)) {
          * if recursive counter is still lower than starting index
          * and current index is not increasing
         if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < recSize) && (!Double.IsNaN( baseValues[idx] )) ) {
              * decrease recursive counter and return value
              * if recursive value for the current index was already
              * calculated and remembered in the base values table
             return baseValues[idx];
         else if (idx >= 0) {
              * value is to be calculated by the recursive calls
              * Set n to the current index
              * create new expression
             Expression newExp = new Expression(
                     , base.argumentExpression.argumentsList
                     , base.argumentExpression.functionsList
                     , base.argumentExpression.constantsList
             if (base.getVerboseMode() == true)
                 //System.out.println(super.getVerboseMode() + ", " +super.getArgumentName() + ", " + super.argumentExpression.expressionString + "," + "VERBOSE MODE for recurssion");
              * perform recursive call
             double value = newExp.calculate();
              * remember calculated in the base values array
             addBaseCase(idx, value);
              * decrease recursive counter and return value
             return value;
         } else {
              * decrease recursive counter and
              * return Double.NaN for negative index call
             return Double.NaN;
     } else {
         /* stop never ending loop
          * decrease recursive counter and
          * return Double.NaN
         return Double.NaN;
  * Constructors
  * Default constructor - creates argument based on the argument definition string.
  * @param      argumentDefinitionString        Argument definition string, i.e.:
  *                                             <ul>
  *                                                <li>'x' - only argument name
  *                                                <li>'x=5' - argument name and argument value
  *                                                <li>'x=2*5' - argument name and argument value given as simple expression
  *                                                <li>'x=2*y' - argument name and argument expression (dependent argument 'x' on argument 'y')
  *                                             </ul>
  * @param      elements   Optional parameters (comma separated) such as Arguments, Constants, Functions
 public Argument(String argumentDefinitionString, params PrimitiveElement[] elements)
     : base(Argument.TYPE_ID)
     if (mXparser.regexMatch(argumentDefinitionString, ParserSymbol.nameOnlyTokenRegExp)) {
         argumentName = argumentDefinitionString;
         argumentValue = ARGUMENT_INITIAL_VALUE;
         argumentType = FREE_ARGUMENT;
         argumentExpression = new Expression(elements);
     else if (mXparser.regexMatch(argumentDefinitionString, ParserSymbol.constArgDefStrRegExp)) {
         HeadEqBody headEqBody = new HeadEqBody(argumentDefinitionString);
         argumentName = headEqBody.headTokens[0].tokenStr;
         Expression bodyExpr = new Expression(headEqBody.bodyStr);
         double bodyValue = bodyExpr.calculate();
         if ((bodyExpr.getSyntaxStatus() == Expression.NO_SYNTAX_ERRORS) && (bodyValue != Double.NaN)) {
             argumentExpression = new Expression();
             argumentValue = bodyValue;
             argumentType = FREE_ARGUMENT;
         else {
             argumentExpression = bodyExpr;
             argumentType = DEPENDENT_ARGUMENT;
     else if (mXparser.regexMatch(argumentDefinitionString, ParserSymbol.functionDefStrRegExp)) {
         HeadEqBody headEqBody = new HeadEqBody(argumentDefinitionString);
         argumentName = headEqBody.headTokens[0].tokenStr;
         argumentExpression = new Expression(headEqBody.bodyStr, elements);
         argumentValue = ARGUMENT_INITIAL_VALUE;
         argumentType = DEPENDENT_ARGUMENT;
         n = new Argument(headEqBody.headTokens[2].tokenStr);
     else {
         argumentValue = ARGUMENT_INITIAL_VALUE;
         argumentType = FREE_ARGUMENT;
         argumentExpression = new Expression();
         argumentExpression.setSyntaxStatus(SYNTAX_ERROR_OR_STATUS_UNKNOWN, "[" + argumentDefinitionString + "] " + "Invalid argument definition (patterns: 'x', 'x=5', 'x=5+3/2', 'x=2*y').");
     description = "";
  * Constructor for function definition in natural math language,
  * for instance providing on string "f(x,y) = sin(x) + cos(x)"
  * is enough to define function "f" with parameters "x and y"
  * and function body "sin(x) + cos(x)".
  * @param constantDefinitionString      Constant definition in the form
  *                                      of one String, ie "c = 2" or "c = 2*sin(pi/3)"
  * @param      elements   Optional parameters (comma separated) such as Arguments, Constants, Functions
 public Constant(String constantDefinitionString, params PrimitiveElement[] elements)
     : base(Constant.TYPE_ID)
     description = "";
     relatedExpressionsList = new List<Expression>();
     if (mXparser.regexMatch(constantDefinitionString, ParserSymbol.constArgDefStrRegExp))
         HeadEqBody headEqBody = new HeadEqBody(constantDefinitionString);
         constantName = headEqBody.headTokens[0].tokenStr;
         Expression bodyExpression = new Expression(headEqBody.bodyStr, elements);
         constantValue = bodyExpression.calculate();
         syntaxStatus = bodyExpression.getSyntaxStatus();
         errorMessage = bodyExpression.getErrorMessage();
     else errorMessage = "[" + constantDefinitionString + "] " + "--> pattern not mathes: " + ParserSymbol.constArgDefStrRegExp;
        // Funkcja wywoływana przez wątek do rysowania wykresów - tutaj plotujemy model
        void worker_DoWork2(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            plotBusy = true; // wątek rysowania jest zajęty

            // Tymczasowe równanie - jest nadpisywane w różnych miejscach kodu
            eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression(equationString);

            // Lista tokenów (argumentów) dodawana do listy łańcuchów znaków argumentów
            List <Token> tokensList = eq.getCopyOfInitialTokens();

            foreach (Token t in tokensList)
                if (t.tokenTypeId == Token.NOT_MATCHED)
                    if (!argumentsString.Contains(t.tokenStr))

            // Rozdzielenie argumentów przecinkami
            commaSeparatedArguments = string.Join(", ", argumentsString);

            // Utworzenie funkcji na podstawie argumentów i równania
            f = new Function("f(" + commaSeparatedArguments + ") = " + equationString);

            // Wyłapywanie błędów równania
            if (argumentsString.ToArray().Length < 1)
                argumentsString = new List <string>();
                equationString  = "";
                eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression();
                System.GC.Collect(); // <- Garbage Collector
            if (!eq.checkLexSyntax())
                argumentsString = new List <string>();
                equationString  = "";
                eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression();
                System.GC.Collect(); // <- Garbage Collector
            if (eq.checkSyntax())
                argumentsString = new List <string>();
                equationString  = "";
                eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression();
                System.GC.Collect(); // <- Garbage Collector
            foreach (var arg in argumentsString)
                if (arg.Length < 2 || !arg.Contains("x"))
                    argumentsString = new List <string>();
                    equationString  = "";
                    eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression();
                    System.GC.Collect(); // <- Garbage Collector

            // Jeśli liczba argumentów > 1 to rysujemy warstwice
            if (arguments.ToArray().Length > 1)
                model.Title = "Warstwice: ";                // tytuł modelu to warstwice
                List <double[]> xy = new List <double[]>(); // lista tablic zmiennych double przechowująca minimum i maximum konkretnych argumentów

                // Zapisywanie tych zmiennych jest potrzebne do określenia granic wykresów
                foreach (var arg in arguments)
                    xy.Add(ArrayBuilder.CreateVector(arg.Minimum, arg.Maximum, p));

                // Pomocnicza tablica łańcuchów znaków argumentów funkcji (trochę czarów się tutaj dzieje)
                // Finalnie infunc powinien zawierać łańcuchy znaków postaci:
                //      Przykład dla 2 argumentów: 0.125, 1.216
                //      Przykład dla 3 argumentów: 0.125, 1.216, 0
                //      Przykład dla 4 argumentów: 0.125, 1.216, 0, 0
                // Zera na końcu są wstawiane dlatego, że spłaszczamy wielowymiarowy wykres do postaci warstwic
                var infunc = new string[p, p];
                for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p; ++j)
                        for (int k = 0; k < xy.ToArray().Length; ++k)
                            // Jeśli jest to pierwszy argument to dodajemy go po prostu do łańcucha znaków
                            if (k == 0)
                                infunc[i, j] += xy[k][i].ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                            // Jeżeli jest to drugi argument to dodajemy go do łańcucha znaków z przecinkiem przed wartością
                            if (k == 1)
                                infunc[i, j] += "," + xy[k][j].ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                            // Jeżeli jest to każdy kolejny argument to dodajemy 0 do łańcucha znaków z przecinkiem przed
                            if (k > 1)
                                infunc[i, j] += ", 0";

                // Tablica zawierająca wyrażenia do obliczenia - korzysta z poprzedniej tablicy pomocniczej do określenia tych wyrażeń
                var data = new double[p, p];
                for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p; ++j)
                        int progressPercentage = Convert.ToInt32(((double)i / p) * 100);
                        org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression equa = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression("f(" + infunc[i, j] + ")", f);
                        data[i, j] = equa.calculate();
                        (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progressPercentage);

                buffer = new PositionsBuffer();
                sigma  = data;

                // Tworzenie zmiennej kontur - wykorzystywana do rysowania warstwic
                var cs = new ContourSeries
                    Color             = OxyColors.Red,
                    LabelBackground   = OxyColors.White,
                    ColumnCoordinates = xy[0],
                    RowCoordinates    = xy[1],
                    Data = data
                // Dodanie kontur do modelu
            // Jeśli liczba argumentów = 1 to rysujemy wykres
                p           = p * 30;                            // zmieniamy dokładność na 30-krotnie większą od ustalonej ze względu na mniejszą złożoność obliczeniową
                model.Title = "Wykres: ";                        // tytuł modelu to wykres
                LineSeries      series1 = new LineSeries();      // zmienna lineseries używana do rysowania wykresów
                List <double[]> xy      = new List <double[]>(); // lista tablic tak jak w poprzednim przypadku - tutaj przechowuje tylko jeden argument, ale zachowanie konwencji ułatwiło dalsze zadania
                foreach (var arg in arguments)
                    xy.Add(ArrayBuilder.CreateVector(arg.Minimum, arg.Maximum, p));

                // Tak samo jak powyżej
                var infunc = new string[p];
                for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
                    infunc[i] = xy[0][i].ToString().Replace(',', '.');

                // Tak samo jak powyżej
                var data = new double[p];
                for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
                    int progressPercentage = Convert.ToInt32(((double)i / p) * 100);
                    org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression equa = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression("f(" + infunc[i] + ")", f);
                    data[i] = equa.calculate();
                    (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progressPercentage);

                // Lista wygenerowanych punktów dodawana do zmiennej typu lineseries w celu wygenerowania wykresu
                List <DataPoint> pnts = new List <DataPoint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
                    series1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(xy[0][i], data[i]));
                // Kolor wykresu ustalamy na czerwony - tak żeby wykresy i warstwice były tego samego koloru
                series1.Color = OxyColors.Red;
                p = p / 30; // przywracamy domyślną wartość zmiennej odpowiadającej za dokładność wykresu

            // Czyścimy listę argumentów w postaci łańcuchów znaków
            // Czyścimy wyrażenie
            eq = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression();
            // Zapisujemy utworzony model w wyniku wątku rysowania
            e.Result = model;
 private double Integral(Expression exp, double n)
     exp.setArgumentValue("n", n);
  * Forward difference operator
  * @param      pos                 the token position
 private void FORWARD_DIFFERENCE(int pos)
     List<FunctionParameter> parameters = getFunctionParameters(pos, tokensList);
     FunctionParameter funParam = parameters[0];
     FunctionParameter xParam = parameters[1];
     ArgumentParameter x = getParamArgument(xParam.paramStr);
     Expression funExp = new Expression(funParam.paramStr, funParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     if (verboseMode == true)
     double h = 1;
     if (parameters.Count == 3) {
         FunctionParameter hParam = parameters[2];
         Expression hExp = new Expression(hParam.paramStr, hParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
         if (verboseMode == true)
         h = hExp.calculate();
     calcSetDecreaseRemove(pos, Calculus.forwardDifference(funExp, h, x.argument) );
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            var stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            int questionNum = Convert.ToInt32(questionNumber.Value);
            if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)
                e.Cancel = true;
                while (!backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending && !workIsCompleted)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Checking if backgroundWorker Cancelled");

                    for (int i = 0; i <= questionNumber.Value; i++)
                        Debug.WriteLine("This Line has been executed on For Loop.");
                        decimals = true;

                        while (decimals == true)
                            Random questionTypeGen = new Random();
                            string questionRandResult = questionGenerator(Convert.ToInt32(((quizForm)f).iterationValue.Text) - 1, Convert.ToInt32(((quizForm)f).firstNum1.Value), Convert.ToInt32(((quizForm)f).firstNum2.Value));
                            if (formattingOption1.Checked == true)
                                questionString = questionRandResult;
                                questionString = questionRandResult.Replace("*", " X ");
                                questionString = questionString.Replace("+", " + ");
                                questionString = questionString.Replace("-", " - ");
                                questionString = questionString.Replace("/", " : ");
                            Expression ex = new Expression(questionRandResult);
                            result = ex.calculate();
                            Debug.WriteLine("This Line executed after computing");
                            if (Math.Abs(result % 1) < Double.Epsilon)

                                decimals = false;
                                sb.Append(questionString + " = " + result.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                                if (((quizForm)f).noDecimalCheckbox.Checked == false)
                                    decimals = false;
                                    double resultNew = Math.Round(result, Convert.ToInt32(((quizForm)f).decimalNumbers.Text), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                                    sb.Append(questionString + " = " + resultNew.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                                    decimals = true;

                        if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending)


                        if (i == questionNum)
                            workIsCompleted = true;
  * IFF function
  * @param      pos                 the token position
 private void IFF(int pos)
      * Get condition string
      * 1st parameter
     List<FunctionParameter> iffParams = getFunctionParameters(pos, tokensList);
     FunctionParameter iffParam = iffParams[0];
     int parametersNumber = iffParams.Count;
     int trueParamNumber;
     int paramNumber;
     paramNumber = 1;
     Expression iffExp;
     double iffValue = 0;
     bool iffCon = true;
     do {
         iffExp = new Expression(iffParam.paramStr, iffParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, KEEP_ULP_ROUNDING_SETTINGS);
         if (verboseMode == true)
         iffCon = true;
         iffValue = iffExp.calculate();
         if ( (iffValue == 0) || (Double.IsNaN(iffValue)) ) {
                 paramNumber += 2;
                 iffCon = false;
                 if (paramNumber < parametersNumber)
                     iffParam = iffParams[paramNumber-1];
     } while ( (!iffCon) && (paramNumber < parametersNumber) );
     int from;
     int to;
     int p;
     if (iffCon) {
         trueParamNumber = paramNumber+1;
         from = pos+1;
         to = iffParams[parametersNumber-1].toIndex+1;
         if (trueParamNumber < parametersNumber) {
             to = iffParams[parametersNumber-1].toIndex;
             from = iffParams[trueParamNumber].fromIndex-1;
             for (p = to; p >= from; p--)
         from = iffParams[trueParamNumber-1].fromIndex;
         to = iffParams[trueParamNumber-1].toIndex;
         for (p = from; p <= to; p++)
         to = from-1;
         from = pos;
         for (p = to; p >= from; p--)
             if (p != pos + 1)
     } else {
         to = iffParams[parametersNumber-1].toIndex+1;
         from = pos+1;
         for (p = to; p >= from; p--)
         setToNumber(pos, Double.NaN);
        private void calc(string input)
            if (CurrentValue == "NaN")
                CurrentValue = "";
            Regex isNumber = new Regex(@"^\d$");

            if (isNumber.IsMatch(input))
                CurrentValue += input;
                CurrentValue  = format(CurrentValue);
            else if (input == "🗑")
            else if (input == "C")
                CalcString   = "";
                CurrentValue = "";
            else if (input == "CE")
                CurrentValue = "";
            else if (input == "=")
                if (CalcString.Length > 0)
                    if (CurrentValue.Length == 0 && CalcString.Substring(CalcString.Length - 1) != "!" && CalcString.Substring(CalcString.Length - 1) != ")")
                        CalcString = CalcString.Substring(0, CalcString.Length - 1);
                    CalcString += CurrentValue;
                    if (CalcString.Count(x => x == '(') > CalcString.Count(x => x == ')'))
                        int numberOfOpen  = CalcString.Count(x => x == '(');
                        int numberOfClose = CalcString.Count(x => x == ')');
                        int rest          = numberOfOpen - numberOfClose;
                        for (int i = 0; i < rest; i++)
                            CalcString += ')';
                    CalcString = CalcString.Replace(",", ".");
                    org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression expression = new org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.Expression(new string(CalcString.ToCharArray().Where(c => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).ToArray()));
                    double result = expression.calculate();
                    CurrentValue = format(result.ToString());
                    Historique.Add(new Calcul(CalcString, format(result.ToString())));
                    CalcString = "";
            else if (input == ",")
                if (CurrentValue.IndexOf(',') == -1 && CurrentValue.Length != 0)
                    CurrentValue += input;
            else if (input == "(")
                CalcString += input;
            else if (input == ")")
                CalcString  += CurrentValue + ")";
                CurrentValue = "";
                // Supprime la virgule en fin de lignesi un opérateur est choisie
                if (CurrentValue.Length > 0 && CurrentValue.Substring(CurrentValue.Length - 1) == ",")
                    CurrentValue = CurrentValue.Substring(0, CurrentValue.Length - 1);
                // Ajoute un opérateur s'il y a déjà une valeur enregistré
                if (CurrentValue != "" || (CalcString.Length > 0 && CalcString.Substring(CalcString.Length - 1) == "!") || (CalcString.Length > 0 && CalcString.Substring(CalcString.Length - 1) == ")"))
                    CalcString  += CurrentValue + input;
                    CurrentValue = "";
                else if (CalcString.Length > 0)
                    CalcString = CalcString.Substring(0, CalcString.Length - 1) + input;
                if (input == "-" && CalcString.Length == 0)
                    CalcString = "0-";
  * Function integral
  * @param      pos                 the token position
 private void INTEGRAL(int pos)
      * Default epsilon
     const double DEF_EPS		= 1E-6
      * Default max number of steps
     const int DEF_MAX_STEPS		= 20;
     List<FunctionParameter> intParams = getFunctionParameters(pos, tokensList);
      * Get internal function strinng
      * 1th - parameter
     FunctionParameter funParam = intParams[0];
      * Get argument
      * 2nd - parameter
     FunctionParameter xParam = intParams[1];
      * Get <a,b>
      * 2nd - parameter
     FunctionParameter aParam = intParams[2];
     FunctionParameter bParam = intParams[3];
     ArgumentParameter x = getParamArgument(xParam.paramStr);
     if (x.presence == Argument.NOT_FOUND) {
         updateMissingTokens(xParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         updateMissingTokens(funParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         updateMissingTokens(aParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
         updateMissingTokens(bParam.tokens, xParam.paramStr, x.index, Argument.TYPE_ID );
     Expression funExp = new Expression(funParam.paramStr, funParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     Expression aExp = new Expression(aParam.paramStr, aParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     Expression bExp = new Expression(bParam.paramStr, bParam.tokens, argumentsList, functionsList, constantsList, DISABLE_ULP_ROUNDING);
     double eps = DEF_EPS;
     int maxSteps = DEF_MAX_STEPS;
     calcSetDecreaseRemove(pos, Calculus.integralTrapezoid(funExp, x.argument, aExp.calculate(), bExp.calculate(), eps, maxSteps) );
 public static void Start()
      * Tutorial for the mXparser version 1.0
      * Mariusz Gromada    2010-01-10
      * Simple & complex arithmetic expressions, large math functions collection
      * User defined arguments, functions, constants
      * Calculus operations (i.e. differentiation, integration)
      * Summation and product operations
      * User defined recursive functions
      * Boolean operators
      * and many more...
      * Start from the license
     Expression e = new Expression();
      * Using help
      * Full line searching
      * Simple expression
     Expression e1 = new Expression("2+1");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e1.getExpressionString() + " = " + e1.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e1.getExpressionString() + " = " + e1.calculate());
     /* operators */
     Expression e2 = new Expression("2-(32-4)/(23+(4)/(5))-(2-4)*(4+6-98.2)+4");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e2.getExpressionString() + " = " + e2.calculate());
     /* power function */
     Expression e3 = new Expression("2^3+2^(-3)+2^3^(-4)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e3.getExpressionString() + " = " + e3.calculate());
      * Relations
     Expression e4 = new Expression("2=3");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e4.getExpressionString() + " = " + e4.calculate());
     Expression e5 = new Expression("2<3");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e5.getExpressionString() + " = " + e5.calculate());
     Expression e6 = new Expression("(2=3) | (2<3)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e6.getExpressionString() + " = " + e6.calculate());
     Expression e7 = new Expression("(2=3) & (2<3)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e7.getExpressionString() + " = " + e7.calculate());
     /* 1 arg functions */
     Expression e8 = new Expression("sin(2)-cos(3)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e8.getExpressionString() + " = " + e8.calculate());
     /* 2 args functions */
     Expression e9 = new Expression("min(3,4) + max(-2,-1)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e9.getExpressionString() + " = " + e9.calculate());
     /* binomial coefficient */
     Expression e10 = new Expression("C(10,5)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e10.getExpressionString() + " = " + e10.calculate());
     /* 3 args functions */
     /* conditions */
     Expression e11 = new Expression("if(2<3,1,0)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e11.getExpressionString() + " = " + e11.calculate());
     Expression e12 = new Expression("if(3<2,1,0)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e12.getExpressionString() + " = " + e12.calculate());
     Expression e13 = new Expression("if(3<2, 1, if(1=1, 5, 0) )");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e13.getExpressionString() + " = " + e13.calculate());
      * Free Arguments
     Argument x = new Argument("x", 1);
     Argument y = new Argument("y", 2);
     Argument z = new Argument("z", 3);
     Argument n = new Argument("n", 4);
     Expression e14 = new Expression("sin(x+y)-cos(y/z)", x, y, z);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e14.getExpressionString() + " = " + e14.calculate());
     Expression e15 = new Expression("if(x>y, x-z, if(y<z, sin(x+y), cos(z)) )", x, y, z);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e15.getExpressionString() + " = " + e15.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln(x.getArgumentName() + " = " + x.getArgumentValue());
      * Dependent arguments
     y = new Argument("y","2*x+5", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(y.getArgumentName() + " = " + y.getArgumentValue());
     y = new Argument("y","sin(y)-z", y, z);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(y.getArgumentName() + " = " + y.getArgumentValue());
     /* syntax checking */
     mXparser.consolePrintln(y.getArgumentName() + " = ... \n syntax = " + y.checkSyntax() + "\n message = \n" + y.getErrorMessage());
     mXparser.consolePrintln(y.getArgumentName() + " = ... \n syntax = " + y.checkSyntax() + "\n message = \n" + y.getErrorMessage());
     mXparser.consolePrintln(y.getArgumentName() + " = " + y.getArgumentValue());
      * the same methods could be called
      * for the expression syntax checking
      * Complex expressions
      * Summation operator SIGMA
      * sum(index, from, to, expr)
      * sum(index, from, to, expr, by)
     Expression e16 = new Expression("sum(i,1,10,i)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e16.getExpressionString() + " = " + e16.calculate());
     Expression e17 = new Expression("sum(i,1,10,i,0.5)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e17.getExpressionString() + " = " + e17.calculate());
      * Product operator SIGMA
      * prod(index, from, to, expr)
      * prod(index, from, to, expr, by)
     /* factorial */
     Expression e18 = new Expression("prod(i,1,5,i)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e18.getExpressionString() + " = " + e18.calculate());
     Expression e19 = new Expression("prod(i,1,5,i,0.5)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e19.getExpressionString() + " = " + e19.calculate());
     /* Approximation sin(x) by Taylor series
      * ! - factorial
     Expression e20 = new Expression("sin(x)-sum(n,0,10,(-1)^n*(x^(2*n+1))/(2*n+1)!)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e20.getExpressionString() + " = " + e20.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e20.getExpressionString() + " = " + e20.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e20.getExpressionString() + " = " + e20.calculate());
      * calculating pi by integral of
      * sqrt(1-x^2) from -1 to 1
      * using simple summation operator
     Argument d = new Argument("d",0.1);
     Expression e21 = new Expression("2*sum(x, -1, 1, d*sqrt(1-x^2), d)", d);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("d = " + d.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e21.getExpressionString() + " = " + e21.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln("d = " + d.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e21.getExpressionString() + " = " + e21.calculate());
      * Derivatives
      * der( f(x,...), x) - general
      * der+( f(x,...), x) - right
      * der-( f(x,...), x) - left
     /* cos(x) as derivative from sin(x) */
     Expression e22 = new Expression("cos(x)-der(sin(x), x)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e22.getExpressionString() + " = " + e22.calculate());
     /* left and right derivative from |x| */
     Expression e23 = new Expression("der-(abs(x), x)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e23.getExpressionString() + " = " + e23.calculate());
     Expression e24 = new Expression("der+(abs(x), x)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e24.getExpressionString() + " = " + e24.calculate());
     /* derivative from sin(x) as Taylor series (approximation) */
     Expression e25 = new Expression("cos(x)-der(sum(n,0,10,(-1)^n*(x^(2*n+1))/(2*n+1)!), x)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e25.getExpressionString() + " = " + e25.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e25.getExpressionString() + " = " + e25.calculate());
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e25.getExpressionString() + " = " + e25.calculate());
      * Integral
      * int(f(x,...), x, a, b)
     /* calculating PI value */
     Expression e26 = new Expression("2*int(sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e26.getExpressionString() + " = " + e26.calculate());
      * Parser constants
     Expression e27 = new Expression("pi");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e27.getExpressionString() + " = " + e27.calculate());
     Expression e28 = new Expression("e");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e28.getExpressionString() + " = " + e28.calculate());
     /* and many many more ...  */
      * f(x,y) = sin(x+y)
      * f(a,b,c,d,...) = ....
     Function f = new Function("f", "x^2", "x");
     Expression e29 = new Expression("f(2)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e29.getExpressionString() + " = " + e29.calculate());
      * Please be informed that sequence of
      * arguments names is important. In the below exampe
      * a - 1st argument of f
      * b - 2nd argument of f
      * c - 3rd argument of f
      * In the expressions f will be c alled as f( . , . , . )
     f = new Function("f", "a+b+c", "a", "b", "c");
     Expression e30 = new Expression("f(1, 2, 3)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e30.getExpressionString() + " = " + e30.calculate());
      * Using functions in functions
     f = new Function("f", "x^2", "x");
     Function g = new Function("g", "f(x)^2", "x");
     mXparser.consolePrintln("g(2) = " + g.calculate(2));
     Expression e31 = new Expression("f(x)+g(2*x)", x);
     e31.addFunctions(f, g);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e31.getExpressionString() + " = " + e31.calculate());
     Expression e32 = new Expression("der(g(x),x)", x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e32.getExpressionString() + " = " + e32.calculate());
      * Fundamental theorem of calculus
      * if F(x) = int_a^x f(t) dt
      * then F'(x) = f(x)
     f = new Function("f", "sin(x)", "x");
     Function F = new Function("F", "int(f(t), t, 0, x)", "x");
     Expression e33 = new Expression("f(x) - der(F(x),x)", x);
     e33.addFunctions(f, F);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("x = " + x.getArgumentValue() + ", " + e33.getExpressionString() + " = " + e33.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e33.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * Simple (fast) recursion
      * Only one index n >= 0, n integer
     /* Fibonacci numbers with add base cases method*/
     n = new Argument("n");
     RecursiveArgument fib1 = new RecursiveArgument("fib1", "fib1(n-1)+fib1(n-2)", n);
     fib1.addBaseCase(0, 0);
     fib1.addBaseCase(1, 1);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("fib1: ");
     for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
     mXparser.consolePrint(fib1.getArgumentValue(i) + ", ");
     /* Fibonacci numbers with if statement*/
     RecursiveArgument fib2 = new RecursiveArgument("fib2", "if( n>1, fib2(n-1)+fib2(n-2), if(n=1,1,0) )", n);
     mXparser.consolePrintln("fib2: ");
     for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
     mXparser.consolePrint(fib2.getArgumentValue(i) + ", ");
     Expression e34 = new Expression("sum(i, 0, 10, fib1(i))", fib1);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e34.getExpressionString() + " = " + e34.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e34.getComputingTime() + " s.");
     Expression e35 = new Expression("sum(i, 0, 10, fib2(i))", fib2);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e35.getExpressionString() + " = " + e35.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e35.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * Complex recursion (slow)
      * any definition
     /* Fibonacci numbers using complex recursion */
     Function fib3 = new Function("fib3","if(n>1, fib3(n-1)+fib3(n-2), if(n>0,1,0))", "n");
     mXparser.consolePrintln("fib2: ");
     for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ )
     mXparser.consolePrint(fib3.calculate(i) + ", ");
     Expression e36 = new Expression("sum(i, 0, 10, fib3(i))");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e36.getExpressionString() + " = " + e36.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e36.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * Chebyshev polynomials definition using
      * recursive functions
     Function T = new Function("T","if(n>1, 2*x*T(n-1,x)-T(n-2,x), if(n>0, x, 1) )", "n", "x");
     Argument k = new Argument("k", 5);
     Expression e37 = new Expression("T(k,x) - ( (x + sqrt(x^2-1))^k + (x - sqrt(x^2-1))^k)/2", k, x);
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e37.getExpressionString() + " = " + e37.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e37.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * Binomial coefficient using complex recursion
     Function Cnk = new Function("Cnk","if( k>0, if( k<n, Cnk(n-1,k-1)+Cnk(n-1,k), 1), 1)","n", "k");
     Expression e38 = new Expression("C(10,5) - Cnk(10,5)");
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e38.getExpressionString() + " = " + e38.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e38.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * Differences between simple and complex recursion
      * Simple:
      * Advantages
      *    1) fast
      *    2) remembers what was previously calculated
      *    3) calculations are done in a controlled way
      *         - recursion counter (each recursion step increases
      *           recursion counter, for calculating n-th recursion
      *           value maximum n recursion steps are needed
      *         - no negative indexes
      *    4) add base value method
      * Disadvantages
      *    1) limited to one index argument (positive integer index argument)
      * Complex recursion
      * Advantages
      *    1) flexible - no limitations
      * Disadvantages
      *    1) slow
      *    2) no add base values method
      * User defined constants
     Constant a = new Constant("a", 5);
     Constant b = new Constant("b", 10);
     Constant c = new Constant("c", 15);
     Expression e39 = new Expression("a+b+c");
     e39.addConstants(a, b, c);
      * For example in verbose mode
      * computing
     mXparser.consolePrintln(e39.getExpressionString() + " = " + e39.calculate() +
         ", computing time : " + e39.getComputingTime() + " s.");
      * There are much more other features in the mXparser API.
      * Please refer to the API specifications.
      * Please be aware that this is the version 1.0 of the parser
      * - I am pretty sure you will find some bugs - if so please send me
      * more info: [email protected]