// Add the passed MaterialInfo the to list if it is not already in the list public void AddUniqueMatInfo(MaterialInfo matInfo) { lock (Materials) { MaterialInfo existingMatInfo = null; if (!Materials.TryGetValue(matInfo.GetBHash(), out existingMatInfo)) { // If not already in the list, add this MeshInfo Materials.Add(matInfo.GetBHash(), matInfo.handle, matInfo); } } }
// Add my hashes to an in-progress hashing public void GetBHash(BHasher hasher) { hasher.Add(mesh.GetBHash()); hasher.Add(material.GetBHash()); }
private RenderableMesh ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh(OMVR.Face face, IAssetFetcher assetFetcher, OMV.Primitive.TextureEntryFace defaultTexture, OMV.Vector3 primScale) { RenderableMesh rmesh = new RenderableMesh(); rmesh.num = face.ID; // Copy one face's mesh imformation from the FacetedMesh into a MeshInfo MeshInfo meshInfo = new MeshInfo { vertexs = new List <OMVR.Vertex>(face.Vertices), indices = face.Indices.ConvertAll(ii => (int)ii), faceCenter = face.Center, scale = primScale }; BConverterOS.LogBProgress("{0} ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh: faceId={1}, numVert={2}, numInd={3}", _logHeader, face.ID, meshInfo.vertexs.Count, meshInfo.indices.Count); if (!ConvOAR.Globals.parms.P <bool>("DisplayTimeScaling")) { if (ScaleMeshes(meshInfo, primScale)) { BConverterOS.LogBProgress("{0} ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh: scaled mesh to {1}", _logHeader, primScale); } meshInfo.scale = OMV.Vector3.One; } // Find or create the MaterialInfo for this face. MaterialInfo matInfo = new MaterialInfo(face, defaultTexture); if (matInfo.textureID != null && matInfo.textureID != OMV.UUID.Zero && matInfo.textureID != OMV.Primitive.TextureEntry.WHITE_TEXTURE) { // Textures/images use the UUID from OpenSim and the hash is just the hash of the UUID EntityHandleUUID textureHandle = new EntityHandleUUID((OMV.UUID)matInfo.textureID); BHash textureHash = new BHashULong(textureHandle.GetUUID().GetHashCode()); ImageInfo lookupImageInfo = assetFetcher.GetImageInfo(textureHash, () => { // The image is not in the cache yet so create an ImageInfo entry for it // Note that image gets the same UUID as the OpenSim texture ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(textureHandle); assetFetcher.FetchTextureAsImage(textureHandle) .Then(img => { imageInfo.SetImage(img); }) .Catch(e => { // Failure getting the image ConvOAR.Globals.log.ErrorFormat("{0} Failure fetching texture. id={1}. {2}", _logHeader, matInfo.textureID, e); // Create a simple, single color image to fill in for the missing image var fillInImage = new Bitmap(32, 32, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Color theColor = Color.FromArgb(128, 202, 213, 170); // 0x80CAB5AA for (int xx = 0; xx < 32; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < 32; yy++) { fillInImage.SetPixel(xx, yy, theColor); } } imageInfo.SetImage(fillInImage); }); imageInfo.imageIdentifier = (OMV.UUID)matInfo.textureID; BConverterOS.LogBProgress("{0} ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh: create ImageInfo. hash={1}, id={2}", _logHeader, textureHash, imageInfo.handle); return(imageInfo); }); matInfo.image = lookupImageInfo; // Update the UV information for the texture mapping BConverterOS.LogBProgress("{0} ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh: Converting tex coords using {1} texture", _logHeader, face.TextureFace == null ? "default" : "face"); _mesher.TransformTexCoords(meshInfo.vertexs, meshInfo.faceCenter, face.TextureFace == null ? defaultTexture : face.TextureFace, primScale); } // See that the material is in the cache MaterialInfo lookupMatInfo = assetFetcher.GetMaterialInfo(matInfo.GetBHash(), () => { return(matInfo); }); rmesh.material = lookupMatInfo; // See that the mesh is in the cache MeshInfo lookupMeshInfo = assetFetcher.GetMeshInfo(meshInfo.GetBHash(true), () => { return(meshInfo); }); rmesh.mesh = lookupMeshInfo; if (lookupMeshInfo.indices.Count == 0) // DEBUG DEBUG { ConvOAR.Globals.log.ErrorFormat("{0} indices count of zero. rmesh={1}", _logHeader, rmesh.ToString()); } // DEBUG DEBUG BConverterOS.LogBProgress("{0} ConvertFaceToRenderableMesh: rmesh.mesh={1}, rmesh.material={2}", _logHeader, rmesh.mesh, rmesh.material); return(rmesh); }