 public void AddNewOrUpdateMeasurement(Measurement measurement)
     DataContext.Table <Measurement>().AddNewOrUpdateRecord(measurement);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes <see cref="UnBalancedCalculation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            new ConnectionStringParser <CalculatedMesaurementAttribute>().ParseConnectionString(ConnectionString, this);


            m_threePhaseComponent = new List <ThreePhaseSet>();
            m_statisticsMapping   = new Dictionary <Guid, StatisticsCollection>();
            m_saveStats           = SaveAggregates;

            CategorizedSettingsElementCollection reportSettings = ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["reportSettings"];

            reportSettings.Add("IUnbalanceThreshold", "4.0", "Current Unbalance Alert threshold.");
            reportSettings.Add("VUnbalanceThreshold", "4.0", "Voltage Unbalance Alert threshold.");
            double i_threshold = reportSettings["IUnbalanceThreshold"].ValueAs(1.0D);
            double v_threshold = reportSettings["VUnbalanceThreshold"].ValueAs(1.0D);

            List <Guid> processed = new List <Guid>();

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                TableOperations <MeasurementRecord> measurementTable      = new TableOperations <MeasurementRecord>(connection);
                TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> activeMeasurmentTable = new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection);

                TableOperations <Device>           deviceTable = new TableOperations <Device>(connection);
                TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord> signalTable = new TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord>(connection);

                Device device      = deviceTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", ResultDeviceName);
                int    historianID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM Historian WHERE Acronym = {0}", new object[] { HistorianInstance }));

                // Take Care of the Device
                if (InputMeasurementKeys.Length < 1)

                m_nodeID = deviceTable.QueryRecordWhere("Id={0}", measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", InputMeasurementKeys[0].SignalID).DeviceID).NodeID;

                if (device == null)
                    device = CreateDefaultDevice(deviceTable);
                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Default Device for Output Measurments not found. Created Device {device.Acronym}");

                if (MappingFilePath != "")
                    // Read Mapping File
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FilePath.GetAbsolutePath(MappingFilePath)))
                        string line;
                        int    index = -1;

                        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            List <string> pointTags = line.Split(',').Select(item => item.Trim()).ToList();

                            List <MeasurementKey> availableInputs = new List <MeasurementKey>(3);

                            if (pointTags.Count != 3)
                                OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Skipping Line {index} in mapping file.");

                            OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"PointTag of Measurment 1 is: {pointTags[0]}");
                            OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"PointTag of Measurment 1 is: {pointTags[0]}");
                            OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"PointTag of Measurment 1 is: {pointTags[0]}");

                            // check if measurments are in inputmeasurments
                            availableInputs.Add(InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item => item.SignalID == GetSignalID(pointTags[0], activeMeasurmentTable)));
                            availableInputs.Add(InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item => item.SignalID == GetSignalID(pointTags[1], activeMeasurmentTable)));
                            availableInputs.Add(InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item => item.SignalID == GetSignalID(pointTags[2], activeMeasurmentTable)));

                            if (availableInputs[0] == null || availableInputs[1] == null || availableInputs[2] == null)
                                OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Skipping Line {index} in mapping file. PointTag not found");

                            SignalType type = GetSignalType(availableInputs[0], new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));

                            MeasurementKey neg = availableInputs.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                SearchNegative(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type);
                            MeasurementKey pos = availableInputs.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                SearchPositive(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type);
                            MeasurementKey zero = availableInputs.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                 SearchZero(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                 GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type

                            if (neg != null && zero != null && pos != null)
                                MeasurementKey unBalance;
                                string         outputReference = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", pos.SignalID).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM? "I" : "V") + "UBAL";

                                if (measurementTable.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) > 0)
                                    // Measurement Exists
                                    unBalance = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);
                                    // Add Measurment to Database and make a statement
                                    MeasurementRecord inMeasurement = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", pos.SignalID);

                                    MeasurementRecord outMeasurement = new MeasurementRecord
                                        HistorianID     = historianID,
                                        DeviceID        = device.ID,
                                        PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL",
                                        AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL",
                                        SignalTypeID    = signalTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", "CALC").ID,
                                        SignalReference = outputReference,
                                        Description     = GetDescription(pos, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) + " UnBalanced",
                                        Enabled         = true,
                                        CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                                        UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                                        SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                        Adder           = 0.0D,
                                        Multiplier      = 1.0D

                                    unBalance = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

                                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Output measurment {outputReference} not found. Creating measurement");

                                double threshold = InputMeasurementKeyTypes[InputMeasurementKeys.IndexOf(item => item == availableInputs[0])] == SignalType.IPHM ? i_threshold : v_threshold;

                                m_threePhaseComponent.Add(new ThreePhaseSet(pos, zero, neg, unBalance, threshold));

                                if (m_saveStats)
                                    m_statisticsMapping.Add(pos.SignalID, CreateStatistics(measurementTable, pos, device, historianID, type));
                                OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Skipping Line {index} in mapping file. Did not find pos. neg. and zero seq.");
                    foreach (MeasurementKey key in InputMeasurementKeys)
                        if (processed.Contains(key.SignalID))

                        // ensure only magnitudes are being used
                        if (!(GetSignalType(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == SignalType.IPHM ||
                              GetSignalType(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == SignalType.VPHM))

                        bool isNeg  = SearchNegative(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));
                        bool isPos  = SearchPositive(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));
                        bool isZero = SearchZero(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));

                        if (!(isNeg || isPos || isZero))

                        string description = GetDescription(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));

                        // Check to make sure can actually deal with this
                        if (description == string.Empty)
                            OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, "Failed to apply automatic Line bundling to " + key.SignalID);

                        //Make sure only correct Type (V vs I) makes it here....
                        SignalType type = GetSignalType(key, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection));

                        MeasurementKey neg = InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                 GetDescription(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == description &&
                                                                                 SearchNegative(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                 GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type);
                        MeasurementKey pos = InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                 GetDescription(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == description &&
                                                                                 SearchPositive(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                 GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type);
                        MeasurementKey zero = InputMeasurementKeys.FirstOrDefault(item =>
                                                                                  GetDescription(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == description &&
                                                                                  SearchZero(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) &&
                                                                                  GetSignalType(item, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) == type

                        if (neg != null && zero != null && pos != null)
                            MeasurementKey unBalance;
                            string         outputReference = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", pos.SignalID).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL";

                            if (measurementTable.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) > 0)
                                // Measurement Exists
                                unBalance = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);
                                // Add Measurment to Database and make a statement
                                MeasurementRecord inMeasurement = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", pos.SignalID);

                                MeasurementRecord outMeasurement = new MeasurementRecord
                                    HistorianID     = historianID,
                                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL",
                                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL",
                                    SignalTypeID    = signalTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", "CALC").ID,
                                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                                    Description     = GetDescription(pos, new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection)) + " UnBalanced",
                                    Enabled         = true,
                                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

                                unBalance = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

                                OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Output measurment {outputReference} not found. Creating measurement");

                            double threshold = InputMeasurementKeyTypes[InputMeasurementKeys.IndexOf(item => item == key)] == SignalType.IPHM ? i_threshold : v_threshold;

                            m_threePhaseComponent.Add(new ThreePhaseSet(pos, zero, neg, unBalance, threshold));


                            if (m_saveStats)
                                m_statisticsMapping.Add(pos.SignalID, CreateStatistics(measurementTable, pos, device, historianID, type));

                            if (pos != null)

                            if (neg != null)

                            if (zero != null)

                if (m_threePhaseComponent.Count == 0)
                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "No case with all 3 sequences was found");
        private StatisticsCollection CreateStatistics(TableOperations <MeasurementRecord> table, MeasurementKey key, Device device, int HistorianID, SignalType type)
            MeasurementRecord inMeasurement = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString());
            int signaltype;

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord> signalTypeTable = new TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord>(connection);
                signaltype = signalTypeTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", "CALC").ID;

            string outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SUM";

            // Sum
            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SUM",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SUM",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " Summ of UBAL",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            // sqrdSum
            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SQR";

            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SQR",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SQR",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " Summ of Sqared UBAL",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            // Min
            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MIN";

            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MIN",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MIN",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " Minimum UBAL",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            // Max
            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MAX";

            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MAX",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MAX",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " Maximum UBAL",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            // Number of Points
            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:NUM";

            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:NUM",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:NUM",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " Number of Points",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            // Number of Points above Alert
            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:ALT";

            if (table.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) < 1)
                table.AddNewRecord(new MeasurementRecord
                    HistorianID     = HistorianID,
                    DeviceID        = device.ID,
                    PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:ALT",
                    AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:ALT",
                    SignalTypeID    = signaltype,
                    SignalReference = outputReference,
                    Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " number of Alerts",
                    Enabled         = true,
                    CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                    SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Adder           = 0.0D,
                    Multiplier      = 1.0D

            StatisticsCollection result = new StatisticsCollection();

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SUM";
            result.Sum      = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:SQR";
            result.SqrD     = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MIN";
            result.Min      = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:MAX";
            result.Max      = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:NUM";
            result.Total    = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

            outputReference = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString()).SignalReference + "-" + (type == SignalType.IPHM ? "I" : "V") + "UBAL:ALT";
            result.Alert    = MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes <see cref="SNRComputation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            new ConnectionStringParser <CalculatedMesaurementAttribute>().ParseConnectionString(ConnectionString, this);


            // Figure Output Measurement Keys
            m_dataWindow        = new Dictionary <Guid, List <double> >();
            m_refWindow         = new List <double>();
            m_outputMapping     = new Dictionary <Guid, MeasurementKey>();
            m_statisticsMapping = new Dictionary <Guid, StatisticsCollection>();
            m_saveStats         = SaveAggregates;

            if (ReportingInterval % (double)WindowLength != 0.0D)
                ReportingInterval = WindowLength * (ReportingInterval / WindowLength);
                OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Adjusting Reporting Interval to every {ReportingInterval} frames.");

            CategorizedSettingsElementCollection reportSettings = ConfigurationFile.Current.Settings["reportSettings"];

            reportSettings.Add("DefaultSNRThreshold", "4.0", "Default SNR Alert threshold.");
            m_threshold = reportSettings["DefaultSNRThreshold"].ValueAs(m_threshold);

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                TableOperations <MeasurementRecord> measurementTable = new TableOperations <MeasurementRecord>(connection);
                TableOperations <Device>            deviceTable      = new TableOperations <Device>(connection);
                TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord>  signalTable      = new TableOperations <SignalTypeRecord>(connection);

                Device device      = deviceTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", ResultDeviceName);
                int    historianID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM Historian WHERE Acronym = {0}", new object[] { HistorianInstance }));

                if (!InputMeasurementKeys.Any())

                m_nodeID = deviceTable.QueryRecordWhere("Id={0}", measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", InputMeasurementKeys[0].SignalID).DeviceID).NodeID;

                if (device == null)
                    device = CreateDefaultDevice(deviceTable);
                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Default Device for Output Measurments not found. Created Device {device.Acronym}");

                foreach (MeasurementKey key in InputMeasurementKeys)
                    m_dataWindow.Add(key.SignalID, new List <double>());

                    string outputReference = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID).SignalReference + "-SNR";

                    if (measurementTable.QueryRecordCountWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference) > 0)
                        // Measurement Exists
                        m_outputMapping.Add(key.SignalID, MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID));
                        // Add Measurment to Database and make a statement
                        MeasurementRecord inMeasurement = measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID);

                        MeasurementRecord outMeasurement = new MeasurementRecord
                            HistorianID     = historianID,
                            DeviceID        = device.ID,
                            PointTag        = inMeasurement.PointTag + "-SNR",
                            AlternateTag    = inMeasurement.AlternateTag + "-SNR",
                            SignalTypeID    = signalTable.QueryRecordWhere("Acronym = {0}", "CALC").ID,
                            SignalReference = outputReference,
                            Description     = inMeasurement.Description + " SNR",
                            Enabled         = true,
                            CreatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            UpdatedOn       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            CreatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                            UpdatedBy       = UserInfo.CurrentUserID,
                            SignalID        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Adder           = 0.0D,
                            Multiplier      = 1.0D


                        m_outputMapping.Add(key.SignalID, MeasurementKey.LookUpBySignalID(
                                                measurementTable.QueryRecordWhere("SignalReference = {0}", outputReference).SignalID));

                        OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Output measurment {outputReference} not found. Creating measurement");

                    if (m_saveStats)
                        m_statisticsMapping.Add(key.SignalID, CreateStatistics(measurementTable, key, device, historianID));

                if (Reference == null)
                    OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, "No Reference Angle Specified");

                    int refIndex = InputMeasurementKeyTypes.IndexOf(item => item == SignalType.IPHA || item == SignalType.VPHA);

                    if (refIndex > -1)
                        Reference = InputMeasurementKeys[refIndex];

                if (Reference != null)
                    if (!InputMeasurementKeys.Contains(Reference))
                        InputMeasurementKeys.AddRange(new[] { Reference });