public void ChangeComputer(BindingSource BSTemp) { int MonitorID = GetidCurrentMonitor(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.MonitorRow mr = DS.Monitor.FindByID(MonitorID); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(DS, mr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChahgeComputer); foreach (DS_NiheComputers.CompRow r in DS.Comp) { Console.Write(r.Room); Console.Write(" "); Console.WriteLine(r.MonitorGUID); } D.ValuesList = DS.Comp.Select(string.Format("room = '{0}' and monitorGuid = ''", monitor.Room)); if (mr.CompRow != null) { D.StartValue = mr.CompRow.ID; } else { D.StartValue = 0; } if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { ChangeComputer(monitor.GUID, D.EndValue, D.Date, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; monitor = null; }
public Form05ChangeValue(DialogListValueEdit D) { InitializeComponent(); this.DialogList = D; this.comboBox1.Visible = true; this.textBox1.Visible = false; this.comboBox1.DataSource = DialogList.ValuesList; this.comboBox1.ValueMember = "id"; //this.comboBox1.SelectedValue = DialogList.StartValue; this.label2.Visible = false; this.label1.Visible = false; initForm(D); }
public void ChangeDepartment(BindingSource BSTemp) { int MonitorID = GetidCurrentMonitor(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.MonitorRow mr = DS.Monitor.FindByID(MonitorID); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(DS, mr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChangeDepartment); D.ValuesList = DS.Department.Select(); D.StartValue = monitor.DepartmentID; if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { ChangeDepartment(monitor, D.EndValue, D.Date, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; monitor = null; }
public void ChangeDepartment(BindingSource BSTemp) { int ComputerID = GetidCurrentComputer(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.CompRow cr = DS.Comp.FindByID(ComputerID); Computer comp = new Computer(DS, cr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChangeDepartment); D.ValuesList = DS.Department.Select("name <> 'списан'", "Sort"); D.StartValue = comp.DepartmentID; if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { ChangeDepartment(comp.GUID, D.EndValue, D.Date, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; comp = null; }
private void initForm(DialogListValueEdit D) { this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "FullName"; switch (D.OperationName) { case Operation.ChahgeComputer: this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "FullName2"; this.Text = "Выбор компьютера"; break; case Operation.ChangeDepartment: this.Text = "Выбор структурного подразделения"; break; case Operation.ChangeHDD: this.Text = "Выбор жесткого диска"; break; case Operation.ChangeMonitor: this.Text = "Выбор монитора"; break; case Operation.ChangeMonitorModel: this.Text = "Выбор модели монитора"; break; case Operation.ChangeOS: this.Text = "Выбор операционной системы"; break; case Operation.ChangeProcessor: this.Text = "Выбор процессора"; break; default: this.comboBox1.DisplayMember = "FullName"; break; } }
public void ChangeDepartment(BindingSource BSTemp) { int SDeviceID = GetidCurrentSDevice(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.SimpleDeviceRow sdr = DS.SimpleDevice.FindByID(SDeviceID); //Computer comp = new Computer(DS, cr); SimpleDevice sDevice = new SimpleDevice(DS, sdr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChangeDepartment); D.ValuesList = DS.Department.Select("name <> 'списан'", "Sort"); D.StartValue = sDevice.DepartmentID; if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { ChangeDepartment(sDevice, D.EndValue, D.Date, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; sDevice = null; }
public void ChangeOS(BindingSource BSTemp) { int ComputerID = GetidCurrentComputer(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.CompRow cr = DS.Comp.FindByID(ComputerID); Computer comp = new Computer(DS, cr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChangeOS); D.ValuesList = DS.OS.Select(); D.StartValue = comp.OSID; if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { comp.OSID = D.EndValue; WriteEvent("Изменение операционной системы компьютера", D.Date, comp, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; comp = null; }
public void ChangeMonitor(BindingSource BSTemp) { int ComputerID = GetidCurrentComputer(BSTemp); DS_NiheComputers.CompRow cr = DS.Comp.FindByID(ComputerID); Computer comp = new Computer(DS, cr); DialogListValueEdit D = new DialogListValueEdit(Operation.ChangeMonitor); //D.ValuesList = DS.Monitor.Select(string.Format("room = '{0}'", comp.Room)); D.ValuesList = DS.Monitor.Select(string.Format("room = '{0}' and computerguid like '' ", comp.Room)); D.StartValue = comp.MonitorID; if (ChangeListValueEvent != null) { ChangeListValueEvent(this, D); if (D.Changed) { ChangeMonitor(comp.GUID, D.EndValue, D.Date, D.ExtendedInfo); } } D = null; comp = null; }
void ChangeListValue(object sender, DialogListValueEdit D) { Form05ChangeValue F = new Form05ChangeValue(D); F.ShowDialog(); }