         * Create dynamic audio from a set of Animation Curves and other options.
         * @method createAudio
         * @param {AnimationCurve} volumeCurve:AnimationCurve describing the shape of the audios volume (from 0-1). The length of the audio is dicated by the end value here.
         * @param {AnimationCurve} frequencyCurve:AnimationCurve describing the width of the oscillations between the sound waves in seconds. Large numbers mean a lower note, while higher numbers mean a tighter frequency and therefor a higher note. Values are usually between 0.01 and 0.000001 (or smaller)
         * @param {LeanAudioOptions} options:LeanAudioOptions You can pass any other values in here like vibrato or the frequency you would like the sound to be encoded at. See <a href="LeanAudioOptions.html">LeanAudioOptions</a> for more details.
         * @return {AudioClip} AudioClip of the procedurally generated audio
         * @example
         * AnimationCurve volumeCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 1f, 0f, -1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f, -1f, 0f));<br>
         * AnimationCurve frequencyCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 0.003f, 0f, 0f), new Keyframe(1f, 0.003f, 0f, 0f));<br>
         * AudioClip audioClip = LeanAudio.createAudio(volumeCurve, frequencyCurve, LeanAudio.options().setVibrato( new Vector3[]{ new Vector3(0.32f,0f,0f)} ));<br>
        public static AudioClip createAudio(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency,
                                            LeanAudioOptions options = null)
            if (options == null)
                options = new LeanAudioOptions();

            int generatedWavePtsLength = createAudioWave(volume, frequency, options);

            // Debug.Log("generatedWavePtsLength:"+generatedWavePtsLength);
            return(createAudioFromWave(generatedWavePtsLength, options));
        public static LeanAudioStream createAudioStream(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency,
                                                        LeanAudioOptions options = null)
            if (options == null)
                options = new LeanAudioOptions();

            options.useSetData = false;

            int generatedWavePtsLength = createAudioWave(volume, frequency, options);

            createAudioFromWave(generatedWavePtsLength, options);

        private static AudioClip createAudioFromWave(int waveLength, LeanAudioOptions options)
            float time = longList[waveLength - 2];

            float[] audioArr = new float[(int)(options.frequencyRate * time)];

            int   waveIter        = 0;
            float subWaveDiff     = longList[waveIter];
            float subWaveTimeLast = 0f;
            float subWaveTime     = longList[waveIter];
            float waveHeight      = longList[waveIter + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < audioArr.Length; i++)
                float passedTime = (float)i / (float)options.frequencyRate;
                if (passedTime > longList[waveIter])
                    subWaveTimeLast = longList[waveIter];
                    waveIter       += 2;
                    subWaveDiff     = longList[waveIter] - longList[waveIter - 2];
                    waveHeight      = longList[waveIter + 1];
                    // Debug.Log("passed wave i:"+i);

                subWaveTime = passedTime - subWaveTimeLast;
                float ratioElapsed = subWaveTime / subWaveDiff;

                float value = Mathf.Sin(ratioElapsed * Mathf.PI);

                if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Square)
                    if (value > 0f)
                        value = 1f;
                    if (value < 0f)
                        value = -1f;
                else if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Sawtooth)
                    float sign = value > 0f ? 1f : -1f;
                    if (ratioElapsed < 0.5f)
                        value = (ratioElapsed * 2f) * sign;
                        // 0.5f - 1f
                        value = (1f - ratioElapsed) * 2f * sign;
                else if (options.waveStyle == LeanAudioOptions.LeanAudioWaveStyle.Noise)
                    float peakMulti = (1f - options.waveNoiseInfluence) +
                                      Mathf.PerlinNoise(0f, passedTime * options.waveNoiseScale) *

                     * Debug.Log("passedTime:"+passedTime+" peakMulti:"+peakMulti+" infl:"+options.waveNoiseInfluence);
                     * }*/

                    value *= peakMulti;

                //	Debug.Log("passedTime:"+passedTime+" value:"+value+" ratioElapsed:"+ratioElapsed+" subWaveTime:"+subWaveTime+" subWaveDiff:"+subWaveDiff);

                value *= waveHeight;

                if (options.modulation != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < options.modulation.Length; k++)
                        float peakMulti =
                            Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(1.5708f + passedTime * (1f / options.modulation[k][0]) * Mathf.PI));
                        float diff = (1f - options.modulation[k][1]);
                        peakMulti = options.modulation[k][1] + diff * peakMulti;
                        // if(k<10){
                        // Debug.Log("k:"+k+" peakMulti:"+peakMulti+" value:"+value+" after:"+(value*peakMulti));
                        // }
                        value *= peakMulti;

                audioArr[i] = value;
                // Debug.Log("pt:"+pt+" i:"+i+" val:"+audioArr[i]+" len:"+audioArr.Length);

            int lengthSamples = audioArr.Length;

#if UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
            bool      is3dSound = false;
            AudioClip audioClip =
                AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, options.frequencyRate, is3dSound, false);
            AudioClip audioClip = null;
            if (options.useSetData)
                audioClip = AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, options.frequencyRate, false, null,
                audioClip.SetData(audioArr, 0);
                options.stream = new LeanAudioStream(audioArr);
                // Debug.Log("len:"+audioArr.Length+" lengthSamples:"+lengthSamples+" freqRate:"+options.frequencyRate);
                audioClip = AudioClip.Create("Generated Audio", lengthSamples, 1, options.frequencyRate, false,
                                             options.stream.OnAudioRead, options.stream.OnAudioSetPosition);
                options.stream.audioClip = audioClip;

        private static int createAudioWave(AnimationCurve volume, AnimationCurve frequency, LeanAudioOptions options)
            float time       = volume[volume.length - 1].time;
            int   listLength = 0;
            // List<float> list = new List<float>();

            // generatedWaveDistances = new List<float>();
            // float[] vibratoValues = new float[ vibrato.Length ];
            float passed = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX; i++)
                float f = frequency.Evaluate(passed);
                if (f < MIN_FREQEUNCY_PERIOD)
                    f = MIN_FREQEUNCY_PERIOD;
                float height = volume.Evaluate(passed + 0.5f * f);
                if (options.vibrato != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < options.vibrato.Length; j++)
                        float peakMulti =
                            Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(1.5708f + passed * (1f / options.vibrato[j][0]) * Mathf.PI));
                        float diff = (1f - options.vibrato[j][1]);
                        peakMulti = options.vibrato[j][1] + diff * peakMulti;
                        height   *= peakMulti;

                // Debug.Log("i:"+i+" f:"+f+" passed:"+passed+" height:"+height+" time:"+time);
                if (passed + 0.5f * f >= time)
                if (listLength >= PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX - 1)
                        "LeanAudio has reached it's processing cap. To avoid this error increase the number of iterations ex: LeanAudio.PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX = " +
                        (PROCESSING_ITERATIONS_MAX * 2));
                    int distPoint = listLength / 2;

                    //generatedWaveDistances.Add( f );
                    passed += f;

                    generatedWaveDistances[distPoint] = passed;
                    //Debug.Log("distPoint:"+distPoint+" passed:"+passed);

                    //list.Add( passed );
                    //list.Add( i%2==0 ? -height : height );

                    longList[listLength]     = passed;
                    longList[listLength + 1] = i % 2 == 0 ? -height : height;

                listLength += 2;

            listLength += -2;
            generatedWaveDistancesCount = listLength / 2;

            /*float[] wave = new float[ listLength ];
             * for(int i = 0; i < wave.Length; i++){
             * wave[i] = longList[i];
             * }*/