public ActionResult Edit(Catologie item,Guid r) { //chi cap nhat cac truong trong danh sach //UpdateModel(employee, new string[] { "ID", "Gender", "City", "DateOfBirth" }); ViewBag.ItemGuid = r; item.KindCatologyGuid = r; //neu cac rang buoc ok if (ModelState.IsValid) { int max = itemBAL.GetMaxPositionByKindGuid(item.KindCatologyGuid); item.Position = ++max; //bo sung du lieu cho doi tuong item item.ListStringToSort = ConstantVariable.ToBinary(item.Position); item.IsActive = true; item.UserID= WebSecurity.CurrentUserId; //Save data item.CatologyGuid = itemBAL.Save(item); ViewBag.ItemGuid = item.CatologyGuid; if (item.CatologyGuid != Guid.Empty) { return Content("<div class='alert alert-info'>Thao tác thành công!</div>", "text/html"); } else Content("<div class='alert alert-danger'>Thao tác thất bại!</div>", "text/html"); } return View(); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the cont_Catologies table. Returns rows affected count. /// </summary> /// <returns>int</returns> public static int Create(Catologie item) { SqlParameterHelper sph = new SqlParameterHelper(ConnectionStringStatic.GetWriteConnectionString(), "cont_Catologies_ngocnv10052014_Insert", 10); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@CatologyGuid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ParameterDirection.Input, item.CatologyGuid); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@CatologyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256, ParameterDirection.Input, item.CatologyName); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@Description", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500, ParameterDirection.Input, item.Description); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@KindCatologyGuid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ParameterDirection.Input, item.KindCatologyGuid); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@KindCatologyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256, ParameterDirection.Input, item.KindCatologyName); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@IsActive", SqlDbType.Bit, ParameterDirection.Input, item.IsActive); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@Position", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Input, item.Position); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@ListStringToSort", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256, ParameterDirection.Input, item.ListStringToSort); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar,256, ParameterDirection.Input, item.Massv); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@IsNotDelete", SqlDbType.Bit, ParameterDirection.Input, item.IsNotDelete); int rowsAffected = sph.ExecuteNonQuery(); return rowsAffected; }
void ImageButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PopulateControls(Step.Step3); if (!IsError) { ICatologieBAL itemBAL = new CatologieBAL(); using (DataSet ds = TempXMLHelper.ReadTemporayDataFromXml(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VALUE_PATH_XML_INFOTEACHING"] + "/" + SiteUtils.GetCurrentUserId().ToString() + ".xml"))) { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable dataTable = ds.Tables[0]; int count = 0; //Save data DateTime _dateUpdate = DateTime.Now; int maxPosition = itemBAL.GetMaxPositionByKindGuid(ConstantVariable.Catologys_Root_Value); foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { try { //nếu có đã có tài khoản thì bỏ qua Catologie sv = new Catologie(); sv.CatologyName = row["hovaten"].ToString(); sv.Khoa = row["khoa"].ToString(); sv.Lop = row["lop"].ToString(); sv.Massv = row["Massv"].ToString(); sv.Role = "SinhVien"; sv.PassWord = "******"; //WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(sv.Massv, "123"); //Roles.AddUserToRole(sv.Massv, "SinhVien"); //int userID= WebSecurity.GetUserId(sv.Massv); // Membership.GeneratePassword( sv.KindCatologyGuid = ConstantVariable.Catologys_Root_Value; sv.IsActive = true; //sv.UserID = userID; sv.Position = ++maxPosition; sv.ListStringToSort = ConstantVariable.ToBinary(sv.Position); Guid catGuid=Guid.Empty; Guid catRootGuid = Guid.Empty; catRootGuid = itemBAL.CreateImport(sv);//lưu gốc if (catRootGuid != Guid.Empty) { sv = new Catologie(); sv.IsNotDelete = true; sv.Massv = row["Massv"].ToString(); sv.CatologyName = "Danh mục chưa phân loại"; sv.ListStringToSort = ConstantVariable.ToBinary(sv.Position); sv.KindCatologyGuid = catRootGuid; sv.IsActive = true; catGuid = itemBAL.Save(sv);//lưu thư mục mặc định } if (catGuid != Guid.Empty) { count++; row["ErrorContent"] = "save successful!"; row["IsDongLoi"] = false; } else { row["ErrorContent"] = "không tạo được thư mục mặc định!"; row["IsDongLoi"] = true; continue; } } catch (Exception ex) { row["ErrorContent"] = ex; row["IsDongLoi"] = true; } } ErrorMessage(false, "Lưu thành công " + count.ToString() + " record!"); GridViewSaveOK.DataSource = dataTable; GridViewSaveOK.DataBind(); } } } }
//Kiểm tra trùng lắp dữ liệu private bool CheckItemCatologie(Catologie itemSP) { ICatologieBAL ItemBAL = new CatologieBAL(); return ItemBAL.CheckExistUser(itemSP); // return false; }
private void OnSave_Event(Catologie parameterValue) { if (Save_Event != null) Save_Event(this, new OneParameterEventAgrs<Catologie>(parameterValue)); }
void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Catologie item = new Catologie(); //Truyen du lieu vao try { item.CatologyGuid = new Guid(LiteralCatologyGuid.Text); } catch (Exception) { item.CatologyGuid = Guid.Empty; } item.CatologyName = TextBoxCatologyName.Text.Trim(); item.Description = TextBoxDescription.Text; item.KindCatologyGuid = new Guid(DropDownListCatologies.SelectedValue); item.KindCatologyName = DropDownListCatologies.SelectedItem.ToString(); item.IsActive = CheckBoxIsActive.Checked; try { item.Position = Convert.ToInt16(TextBoxPosition.Text); } catch (Exception) { ErrorMessage = "Thứ tự hiển thị không được nhập chữ."; } //control hien thi trang chu //item.SaveSetting = false; //item.SaveSetting = true; //item.SettingGroup = "SHOW";//ten cua nhom setting //item.SettingValue = "";//guid cua item can luu setting //Check loi //Kiem tra loi trung danh muc if (item.KindCatologyGuid == item.CatologyGuid) { ErrorMessage = "Vui lòng lựa chọn nhóm danh mục khác!"; UpdatePanelPopupAddCatologie_on.Update(); return; } //Kiem tra null ten danh muc if (item.CatologyName == string.Empty) { ErrorMessage = "Vui lòng nhận tên danh mục!"; UpdatePanelPopupAddCatologie_on.Update(); return; } OnSave_Event(item); UpdatePanelPopupAddCatologie_on.Update(); }
void AsyncFileUpload1_UploadedComplete(object sender, AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e) { // Uncomment to save to AsyncFileUpload\Uploads folder. // ASP.NET must have the necessary permissions to write to the file system. Catologie item = new Catologie(); item.CatologyGuid = new Guid(LiteralCatologyGuid.Text); item.UrlHinhanh = AsyncFileUpload1.FileName; item.DataImage = AsyncFileUpload1.FileBytes; //co the xay ra loi cho nay OnSaveFile_Event(item); }
//Kiểm tra trùng lắp dữ liệu private bool CheckItemCatologie(Catologie itemSP) { //kiểm tra tồn tại trong bảng user chưa ICatologieBAL ItemBAL = new CatologieBAL(); return ItemBAL.CheckExistUser(itemSP); //return false; }
private Guid Create(Catologie item) { item.CatologyGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); int rowsAffected = CatologieDAL.Create(item); return rowsAffected > 0 ? item.CatologyGuid : Guid.Empty; }
private Guid Update(Catologie item) { string query = string.Empty; //1 build query update of main item //2 build list query update of sub item //3 run sql query //--load data List<Catologie> listCatologies = new List<Catologie>(); listCatologies = LoadListFromReader(CatologieDAL.GetAllCatologies(item.CatologyGuid, -1)); if (listCatologies.Count < 1) return item.CatologyGuid; //--buid query query += @"SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN TRANSACTION "; //lay then [0] lam truoc. //chay auto cac then con lai. query += @"UPDATE [dbo].[cont_Catologies] SET [CatologyName] = N'" + item.CatologyName + @"', [Description] = N'" + item.Description + @"', [KindCatologyGuid] = '" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"', [KindCatologyName] = N'" + item.KindCatologyName + @"', IsActive='" + item.IsActive + @"', ListStringToSort=(select ListStringToSort from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"') + '" + item.ListStringToSort + @"', ListPlacementGuid=(select ListPlacementGuid from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"') + ';' + convert(nvarchar(256),'" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"'), ListPlacementName=(select ListPlacementName from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"') + '\' + (select CatologyName from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"'), Levels=(select Levels from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"') + 1, ListPlacementID=convert(nvarchar(18),(select ListPlacementID from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"')) + '\' + convert(nvarchar(18),(select CatologyID from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + item.KindCatologyGuid + @"')), Position=" + item.Position + @", UserID="+item.UserID+@", IsNotDelete='"+item.IsNotDelete+@"' WHERE [CatologyGuid] = '" + listCatologies[0].CatologyGuid + @"'"; //cap nhat du lieu item dau tien trong list //listCatologies[0].ListStringToSort //update cac subItem for (int i = 1; i < listCatologies.Count; i++) { query += @" UPDATE [dbo].[cont_Catologies] SET ListStringToSort=(select ListStringToSort from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"') + '" + ConstantVariable.ToBinary(listCatologies[i].Position) + @"', ListPlacementGuid=(select ListPlacementGuid from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"') + ';' + convert(nvarchar(256),'" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"'), ListPlacementName=(select ListPlacementName from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"') + '\' + (select CatologyName from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"'), ListPlacementID=convert(nvarchar(18),(select ListPlacementID from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"')) + '\' + convert(nvarchar(18),(select CatologyID from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"')), Levels=(select Levels from cont_Catologies where CatologyGuid='" + listCatologies[i].KindCatologyGuid + @"') + 1 WHERE [CatologyGuid] = '" + listCatologies[i].CatologyGuid + @"'"; } query += @" COMMIT TRANSACTION"; return CatologieDAL.Update(query) ? item.CatologyGuid : Guid.Empty; }
public Guid CreateImport(Catologie item) { item.CatologyGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); int rowsAffected = CatologieDAL.CreateImport(item); return rowsAffected > 0 ? item.CatologyGuid : Guid.Empty; }
private Catologie PopulateFromReader(IDataReader reader) { Catologie item = new Catologie(); if (reader.Read()) { item.CatologyGuid = new Guid(reader["CatologyGuid"].ToString()); item.CatologyID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["CatologyID"]); item.CatologyName = reader["CatologyName"].ToString(); item.Description = reader["Description"].ToString(); item.KindCatologyGuid = new Guid(reader["KindCatologyGuid"].ToString()); item.KindCatologyName = reader["KindCatologyName"].ToString(); item.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"].ToString()); item.UrlHinhanh = reader["UrlHinhanh"].ToString(); item.ListPlacementName = reader["ListPlacementName"].ToString(); item.Levels = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Levels"]); item.Position = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Position"]); try { item.IsNotDelete = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsNotDelete"].ToString()); } catch { } try { item.UserID=Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserID"]); } catch { } } return item; }
public bool CheckExistUser(Catologie itemSP) { return CatologieDAL.CheckExistUser(itemSP); }
private List<Catologie> LoadListFromReader(IDataReader reader) { List<Catologie> items = new List<Catologie>(); try { while (reader.Read()) { Catologie item = new Catologie(); item.CatologyGuid = new Guid(reader["CatologyGuid"].ToString()); item.CatologyID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["CatologyID"]); item.CatologyName = reader["CatologyName"].ToString(); item.Description = reader["Description"].ToString(); item.KindCatologyGuid = new Guid(reader["KindCatologyGuid"].ToString()); item.KindCatologyName = reader["KindCatologyName"].ToString(); item.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsActive"].ToString()); item.UrlHinhanh = reader["UrlHinhanh"].ToString(); item.ListPlacementName = reader["ListPlacementName"].ToString(); item.Levels = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Levels"]); item.Position = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Position"]); try { item.IsNotDelete = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["IsNotDelete"].ToString()); } catch { } try { item.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UserID"]); } catch { } items.Add(item); } } finally { reader.Close(); } return items; }
//xem trước các lỗi bắt bước 1 private void ProcessPreviewExcelFile(string excelPath, string extension) { bool IsError = false; ExcelHelper excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { excelHelper.OpenExcelFile(excelPath, extension); } catch { ErrorMessage(true, "Lỗi không tìm thấy file import"); return; } try { dataset = excelHelper.GetWorksheets(excelHelper.WorkSheetNames[0]); } catch { lblMessError.Text = Resource.ErrorD002; DeleteFileTemp(excelPath); return; } if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 2000) { ErrorMessage(true, "Để đảm bảo đường truyền. Vui lòng chỉ import tối đa 2000 record trong một lần!"); return; } if (dataset.Tables.Count > 0) { //kiem tra mau import int count = 0; int countError = 0; if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && !ValidateColumnName(dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0])) { lblMessError.Text = Resource.ErrorD001; return; } dataset.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("STT", typeof(int))); dataset.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ErrorContent", typeof(string))); dataset.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IsDongLoi", typeof(bool))); //Check data import string stringError; bool boolError; List<Catologie> listCatologie = new List<Catologie>(); string itemInRow; string positionRecordError = string.Empty; try { foreach (DataRow row in dataset.Tables[0].Rows) { itemInRow = string.Empty; stringError = string.Empty; boolError = false; row["STT"] = ++count; Catologie itemSP = new Catologie(); itemInRow = row["Massv"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); if (itemInRow.Equals("")) { stringError += ", Mã sinh viên " + Resource.ErrorD003; IsError = true; } else itemSP.Massv = itemInRow; itemInRow = row["hovaten"].ToString().Trim(); if (itemInRow == "") { stringError += ", Tên sinh viên " + Resource.ErrorD003; IsError = true; } else itemSP.CatologyName = itemInRow; itemInRow = row["lop"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); if (itemInRow == "") { stringError += ", Lớp " + Resource.ErrorD003; IsError = true; } else itemSP.Lop = itemInRow; itemInRow = row["khoa"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); if (itemInRow == "") { stringError += ", Khoa " + Resource.ErrorD003; IsError = true; } else itemSP.Khoa = itemInRow; //Check exist data try { //Check row exist in data import if (listCatologie.Contains(itemSP)) { stringError += ", record " + Resource.ErrorD006; IsError = true; } else listCatologie.Add(itemSP); //Check row exist in database if (CheckItemCatologie(itemSP)) { stringError += ", Trùng lắp thông tin CSDL"; IsError = true; } } catch (Exception) { stringError = Resource.ErrorD007; IsError = true; } //Check error; true: error - false: unError boolError = stringError == string.Empty ? false : true; if (boolError) { countError++; positionRecordError = positionRecordError + ", " + count; } row["IsDongLoi"] = IsError;// boolError; row["ErrorContent"] = stringError; } } catch { } DeleteFileTemp(excelPath); //Save xml to preview and next step 2, then, save data into database lblMessageError.Text = "Lỗi " + countError.ToString() + " record! <b>Vị trí</b>: " + positionRecordError; if (TempXMLHelper.SaveTemporayDataAsXml(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VALUE_PATH_XML_INFOTEACHING"] + "/" + SiteUtils.GetCurrentUserId() + ".xml"), dataset)) { if (!IsError) PopulateControls(Step.Step2); else PopulateControls(Step.Error); } else PopulateControls(Step.Step1); } }
internal static bool CheckExistUser(Catologie itemSP) { SqlParameterHelper sph = new SqlParameterHelper(ConnectionStringStatic.GetReadConnectionString(), "cont_UserProfile_CheckExistUser", 1); sph.DefineSqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar,256, ParameterDirection.Input, itemSP.Massv); return Convert.ToInt32(sph.ExecuteScalar())>0; }
// <summary> /// Saves this instance of Catologie. Returns a new Guid on success. /// </summary> public Guid Save(Catologie item) { if (item.CatologyGuid == Guid.Empty) return Create(item); return Update(item); }