public Boolean ConnectToLogonServer(string username,string password) { if (!inited) throw new Exception("Run BoogieCore.Init() first."); if (logonSession != null) throw new Exception("Already connected?"); IPAddress RLAddr; string Address = configFile.ReadString("Connection", "Host", ""); int Port = configFile.ReadInteger("Connection", "Port", 3724); Regex DnsMatch = new Regex("[a-zA-Z]"); if (DnsMatch.IsMatch(Address)) RLAddr = Dns.GetHostEntry(Address).AddressList[0]; else RLAddr = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(Address); IPEndPoint RLDest = new IPEndPoint(RLAddr, Port); Log.WriteLine(netLogic.Shared.LogType.Debug, "Attempting connection to Realm List Server at {0}.", Address); try { logonSession = new LogonSession(username, password); if (!logonSession.Connect(RLDest)) { logonSession = null; return false; } //StartCoroutine("Generate"); if (!logonSession.Authenticate()) { logonSession = null; return false; } else { // logonSession. } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLine(netLogic.Shared.LogType.Debug, "Failed to maintain connection with realm list server. Details below:\n{0}", ex.Message); logonSession = null; return false; } return true; }
public void Disconnect() { if (!inited) throw new Exception("Run BoogieCore.Init() first."); if (logonSession != null) { // Stop the WS thread and wait till it ends. logonSession.HardDisconnect(); // causes deadlocks atm. logonSession = null; } if (worldSession != null) { // Stop the WS thread and wait till it ends. worldSession.StopThread(false); // causes deadlocks atm. worldSession = null; } }
public PacketHandler(LogonSession client) { Handles = new List<PacketHandle>(); tClient = client; }