        /// <summary>
        /// Of all the item lists that are referenced in this batchable object, which ones should we
        /// batch on, and which ones should we just pass in wholesale to every invocation of the
        /// target/task?
        /// Rule #1.  If the user has referenced any *qualified* item metadata such as %(EmbeddedResource.Culture),
        /// then that item list "EmbeddedResource" will definitely get batched.
        /// Rule #2.  For all the unqualified item metadata such as %(Culture), we make sure that
        /// every single item in every single item list being passed into the task contains a value
        /// for that metadata.  If not, it's an error.  If so, we batch all of those item lists.
        /// All other item lists will not be batched, and instead will be passed in wholesale to all buckets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Hashtable containing the item names that should be batched.</returns>
        private static Hashtable GetItemListsToBeBatched
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Dictionary <string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences, // Key is [string] potentially qualified metadata name
            // Value is [struct MetadataReference]
            Hashtable consumedItemReferenceNames,                              // Key is [string] item name.
            // Value is always String.Empty (unused).
            Lookup lookup
            // The keys in this hashtable are the names of the items that we will batch on.
            // The values are always String.Empty (not used).
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are qualified
            // with an item name.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName != null)
                    // Rule #1.  Qualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are qualified with an item name
                    // (e.g., %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) ), we add that item name to the list of
                    // consumed item names, even if the item name wasn't otherwise referenced via
                    // @(...) syntax, and even if every item in the list doesn't necessary contain
                    // a value for this metadata.  This is the special power that you get by qualifying
                    // the metadata reference with an item name.
                    itemListsToBeBatched[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

                    // Also add this qualified item to the consumed item references list, because
                    // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) effectively means that @(EmbeddedResource) is
                    // being consumed, even though we may not see literally "@(EmbeddedResource)"
                    // in the tag anywhere.  Adding it to this list allows us (down below in this
                    // method) to check that every item in this list has a value for each
                    // unqualified metadata reference.
                    consumedItemReferenceNames = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferenceNames);
                    consumedItemReferenceNames[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are unqualified.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName == null)
                    // Rule #2.  Unqualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are unqualified, every single consumed item
                    // must contain a value for that metadata.  If any item doesn't, it's an error
                    // to use unqualified metadata.
                    if (consumedItemReferenceNames != null)
                        foreach (string consumedItemName in consumedItemReferenceNames.Keys)
                            // Loop through all the items in the item list.
                            BuildItemGroup items = lookup.GetItems(consumedItemName);

                            if (items != null)
                                // Loop through all the items in the BuildItemGroup.
                                foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                                        parentNode, "ItemDoesNotContainValueForUnqualifiedMetadata",
                                        item.Include, consumedItemName, consumedMetadataReference.metadataName);

                            // This item list passes the test of having every single item containing
                            // a value for this metadata.  Therefore, add this item list to the batching list.
                            // Also, to save doing lookup.GetItems again, put the items in the table as the value.
                            itemListsToBeBatched[consumedItemName] = items;

        /// <summary>
        /// Partitions the items consumed by the batchable object into buckets, where each bucket contains a set of items that
        /// have the same value set on all item metadata consumed by the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// PERF NOTE: Given n items and m batching metadata that produce l buckets, it is usually the case that n > l > m,
        /// because a batchable object typically uses one or two item metadata to control batching, and only has a handful of
        /// buckets. The number of buckets is typically only large if a batchable object is using single-item batching
        /// (where l == n). Any algorithm devised for bucketing therefore, should try to minimize n and l in its complexity
        /// equation. The algorithm below has a complexity of O(n*lg(l)*m/2) in its comparisons, and is effectively O(n) when
        /// l is small, and O(n*lg(n)) in the worst case as l -> n. However, note that the comparison complexity is not the
        /// same as the operational complexity for this algorithm. The operational complexity of this algorithm is actually
        /// O(n*m + n*lg(l)*m/2 + n*l/2 + n + l), which is effectively O(n^2) in the worst case. The additional complexity comes
        /// from the array and metadata operations that are performed. However, those operations are extremely cheap compared
        /// to the comparison operations, which dominate the time spent in this method.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects (can be empty), each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        private static ArrayList BucketConsumedItems
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Lookup lookup,
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched,
            Dictionary <string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(itemListsToBeBatched.Count > 0, "Need item types consumed by the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(consumedMetadataReferences.Count > 0, "Need item metadata consumed by the batchable object.");

            ArrayList buckets = new ArrayList();

            // Get and iterate through the list of item names that we're supposed to batch on.
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in itemListsToBeBatched)
                string itemName = (string)entry.Key;

                // Use the previously-fetched items, if possible
                BuildItemGroup items;
                if (entry.Value is BuildItemGroup)
                    items = (BuildItemGroup)entry.Value;
                    items = lookup.GetItems(itemName);

                if (items != null)
                    foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                        // Get this item's values for all the metadata consumed by the batchable object.
                        Dictionary <string, string> itemMetadataValues = GetItemMetadataValues(parentNode, item, consumedMetadataReferences);

                        // put the metadata into a dummy bucket we can use for searching
                        ItemBucket dummyBucket = ItemBucket.GetDummyBucketForComparisons(itemMetadataValues);

                        // look through all previously created buckets to find a bucket whose items have the same values as
                        // this item for all metadata consumed by the batchable object
                        int matchingBucketIndex = buckets.BinarySearch(dummyBucket);

                        ItemBucket matchingBucket = (matchingBucketIndex >= 0)
                            ? (ItemBucket)buckets[matchingBucketIndex]
                            : null;

                        // If we didn't find a bucket that matches this item, create a new one, adding
                        // this item to the bucket.
                        if (null == matchingBucket)
                            matchingBucket = new ItemBucket(itemListsToBeBatched.Keys, itemMetadataValues, lookup, buckets.Count);

                            // make sure to put the new bucket into the appropriate location
                            // in the sorted list as indicated by the binary search
                            // NOTE: observe the ~ operator (bitwise complement) in front of
                            // the index -- see MSDN for more information on the return value
                            // from the ArrayList.BinarySearch() method
                            buckets.Insert(~matchingBucketIndex, matchingBucket);

                        // We already have a bucket for this type of item, so add this item to
                        // the bucket.

            // Put the buckets back in the order in which they were discovered, so that the first
            // item declared in the project file ends up in the first batch passed into the target/task.
            ArrayList orderedBuckets = ArrayList.Repeat(null, buckets.Count);

            foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                orderedBuckets[bucket.BucketSequenceNumber] = bucket;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how many times the batchable object needs to be executed (each execution is termed a "batch"), and prepares
        /// buckets of items to pass to the object in each batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode"></param>
        /// <param name="batchableObjectParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="lookup"></param>
        /// <param name="implicitBatchableItemType">Any item type that can be considered an implicit input to this batchable object.
        /// This is useful for items inside targets, where the item name is plainly an item type that's an "input" to the object.</param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects, each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        internal static ArrayList PrepareBatchingBuckets
            XmlNode parentNode,
            List <string> batchableObjectParameters,
            Lookup lookup,
            string implicitBatchableItemType
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parentNode != null, "Need the XML node that represents the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(batchableObjectParameters != null, "Need the parameters of the batchable object to determine if it can be batched.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need to specify the lookup.");

            ItemsAndMetadataPair pair = ExpressionShredder.GetReferencedItemNamesAndMetadata(batchableObjectParameters);

            // All the @(itemname) item list references in the tag, including transforms, etc.
            // The keys in the hashtable are the item names, and the values are all String.Empty (not used).
            Hashtable consumedItemReferences = pair.Items;

            // All the %(itemname.metadataname) references in the tag (not counting those embedded
            // inside item transforms), and note that the itemname portion is optional.
            // The keys in the returned hash table are the qualified metadata names (e.g. "EmbeddedResource.Culture"
            // or just "Culture").  The values are MetadataReference structs, which simply split out the item
            // name (possibly null) and the actual metadata name.
            Dictionary <string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences = pair.Metadata;

            ArrayList buckets = null;

            if (consumedMetadataReferences != null && consumedMetadataReferences.Count > 0)
                // Add any item types that we were explicitly told to assume.
                if (implicitBatchableItemType != null)
                    consumedItemReferences = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferences);
                    consumedItemReferences[implicitBatchableItemType] = String.Empty;

                // This method goes through all the item list references and figures out which ones
                // will be participating in batching, and which ones won't.  We get back a hashtable
                // where the key is the item name that will be participating in batching.  The values
                // are all String.Empty (not used).  This method may return additional item names
                // that weren't represented in "consumedItemReferences"... this would happen if there
                // were qualified metadata references in the consumedMetadataReferences table, such as
                // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture).
                Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = GetItemListsToBeBatched(parentNode, consumedMetadataReferences, consumedItemReferences, lookup);

                // At this point, if there were any metadata references in the tag, but no item
                // references to batch on, we've got a problem because we can't figure out which
                // item lists the user wants us to batch.
                if (itemListsToBeBatched.Count == 0)
                    foreach (string unqualifiedMetadataName in consumedMetadataReferences.Keys)
                        // Of course, since this throws an exception, there's no way we're ever going
                        // to really loop here... it's just that the foreach is the only way I can
                        // figure out how to get data out of the hashtable without knowing any of the
                        // keys!
                                                                        parentNode, "CannotReferenceItemMetadataWithoutItemName", unqualifiedMetadataName);
                    // If the batchable object consumes item metadata as well as items to be batched,
                    // we need to partition the items consumed by the object.
                    buckets = BucketConsumedItems(parentNode, lookup, itemListsToBeBatched, consumedMetadataReferences);

            // if the batchable object does not consume any item metadata or items, or if the item lists it consumes are all
            // empty, then the object does not need to be batched
            if ((buckets == null) || (buckets.Count == 0))
                // create a default bucket that references the project items and properties -- this way we always have a bucket
                buckets = new ArrayList(1);
                buckets.Add(new ItemBucket(null, null, lookup, buckets.Count));
